Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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As Fate Would Have It

@[member="Feena Mason"]

Having spent all day picking vaporator mushrooms from the moisture vaporators, it was time for Hemlock to spend the evening concocting the perfect soup for his ailing friend’s health. He had been researching the last few weeks the effects of vaporator mushrooms when it came to health. The locals had said they had the power to heal colds and some other ailments. It was worth a try considering Vexex lived on Tattooine amongst the vaporators, and mixing the mushrooms with other herbs and remedies, maybe Hemlock could bring him from the edge of death.

Vaxex had been a farmer on Dantooine back when Hemlock was working for a farming community there. He had followed his gut to the planet only to find the small farming land corrupt with some sort of evil. Months of purifying and replanting the crop eventually tilled the darkness from the soil, allowing for growth once again. The Draethos botanist prescribed their plants a strict regimen of foods and watering, ensuring their survival and the survival of the village and then some. Hemlock had made sure to maintain contact with Vexex from time to time through the years. He was as grateful for them as they were for he, their payment for saving their community was more than enough to last him a lifetime considering what little the Draethos needed for survival.

Having just resurfaced amongst the galaxy at large from a multiple decade long sabbatical through the stars, hopping from planet to planet on public transport, Briar got in touch with some of his old friends after joining up with the Lords of the Fringe. It turned out that Vexex had been ill for many months now and there seemed to be no cure in sight, not without the Force’s intervention. Hemlock had spent each and every moment treating Vexex, getting him enough water, maintain his farm, cooking foods he could eat, and using what little knowledge of Force Healing the Draethos had gathered over the years.

His methods had been enough to keep the man alive but without some sort of help from someone soon it wouldn’t be long before his old friend succumbed to death. "Rest, my friend, your dinner will be made shortly." His thick accent had tamed over the years, however it was still easy to tell Basic wasn't his first language. He felt a changing wind sweep over the dunes cast across the desert, a healing wind at that, his empathic nature was triggered, something or someone was approaching. "I think we may have a dinner guest..."
The Eternal Queen
Wrapped head to toe in a long, trailing cloak, the healer fought off the harsh desert winds. It was not easy for a woman in her condition to brave the harsh landscape. She was nearly 8 months pregnant, and it showed, even through her baggy desert attire.
The sun setting behind her at last, gave her some sort of relief from the heat, but she knew all too well what a cold desert night could do. Shelter would need to be found soon. If her husband knew she was out on her own like this, he would worry. That was why Feena had told him a little white lie. She had said she was staying at the Sanctuary for the time being. She promised she would be home soon.
She promised.

I never break a promise.

The wind was getting chilly now, stronger. It nearly tore the eggshell colored scarf from her head. She had to hold on tight to that and also to her medkit- especially for what was inside. She'd received dozens of healing crystals from the Grand Marshal- a late birthday present he told her. She'd been going from town to tiny town and she was ridiculously tired. Healing the injured, curing the sick. Feena was widely known as the Galaxies best healer. Whether that was true or not really didn't seem to matter to anybody. They were always just happy you were there with medicine and a friendly smile.

True, she didn't have to be here, but her job did not end with Sanctuary. A healers work was never done.

She struggled up another sand dune, the tiny daughter in her belly kicking lightly as she went.
Be calm, Celeste. Mummy... has found a place to rest, I think.

She stood for a moment on top of the dune, smiling a very sleepy smile at the hut below, before carefully making her way towards the light showing through the windows.

She had a good feeling about this.

@[member="Hemlock Briar"]
Drawing his taupe robes over his tyrian hued body, Hemlock offered his friend a peaceful nod and what semblance to a smile his overbite could muster before heading out of the door. It was far too late for it to be one of the children seeking food; they’d never make it home in time. Whoever was at their doorstep was someone who didn’t know where they were, or someone who knew all too well where they were.

His lowlight vision wasn’t needed to see the dot in the sand dunes above. There was something special about this dot however; its energies resonated well with Briar’s, there was no impending sense of anger or hostility on the horizon. He figured he could use his natural telepathy to contact the wayward traveler as to not alert Vexex. The whipping winds carried his message to whoever was approaching. //It is getting far too cold to be walking. We have a place to stay for the night if you bring no ill will in with you.// There was a small dagger on his side, he hadn’t had to draw it for violence in nearly one hundred years, he hoped tonight wouldn’t change that.

@[member="Feena Mason"]
The Eternal Queen
An open door and a voice in her head. This night would be interesting indeed.
//It is getting far too cold to be walking. We have a place to stay for the night if you bring no ill will in with you.//
Feena smiled even wider as she pulled her scarf down off her head, letting her long black braid fall over one shoulder.

I am nearly 8 months pregnant. My feet are swollen nearly double their original size and I ran out of water hours ago. I somehow don't think you have to worry.
...The offer is kind. A rest is exactly what I will need.

She shot an answer back at once, telepathically, of course, because her voice was so hoarse from talking all day to her patients that she really did not think she could shout if she wanted to. At the bottom of the dune now and making her way to the warm light of the hut, she was finally in range for her silver occular implants to scan the life form that had greeted her. She spent so long treating so many dfferent species, meeting another alien was positively exciting for her, especially because this one did not appear to need healing.

...But there was someone inside who did. She could feel it. Death hung over the hut like smog.

@[member="Hemlock Briar"]
He was pleasantly surprised that she could reply in the same fashion, it hinted at a Force User but still Hemlock could never be sure. She got closer and closer and eventually he could tell she was in fact pregnant, it explained how he was easily able to feel her in the Force, she had double the lifeforce in one body. It was exciting for him to see a pregnant woman. Since he had been exiled he had been forbade from have any children or to ever marry, a punishment he took very seriously. He would have to get his fathering out via helping others in need, a reason he was on the mission he was.

When she neared him he spoke to her in his basic tongue, “Welcome.” He opened the door and quickly walked into the hut. Inside it was a normal looking ‘estate’ for Tattooine. It had a kitchen space, decorated by old paintings his children had long since grown from, a small living area where Vaxex’s cot was located, and another room was a bit lower than the rest, it was the ‘basement’ and where Hemlock had been staying, it was equipped with a small bathroom and bookshelf.

The Draethos pulled a seat out for the pregnant woman, motioning over to Vaxex in a hope to introduce them. “My name is Hemlock Briar and this is my friend Vaxex.” He gave a small sigh before continuing, “It seems he’s fallen ill. What little I’ve dabbled in with the Force and my plants combined have kept him alive, do not worry about the baby he is not contagious, and we were just making a very healthy soup for dinner.” The eager host went to throw the rest of the diced vaporator mushrooms into the boiling soup.

“Perfect for an expecting mother.” He truly hoped she would stay, he would worry far too much if she chose to leave, he felt personally responsible for her now.

@[member="Feena Mason"]
The Eternal Queen
The accent was thick. Not a surprise. Most of the citizens here spoke in very broken basic. In total, Feena spoke 7 different languages, but unfortunately, this was not one of them.
She entered the hut with a smile, but that smile soon faded when she noticed the rather ill man.

“My name is Hemlock Briar and this is my friend Vaxex. It seems he’s fallen ill. What little I’ve dabbled in with the Force and my plants combined have kept him alive, do not worry about the baby he is not contagious, and we were just making a very healthy soup for dinner.”
Feena stared at the sick man, taking in his condition with one swift scan. She did not take the chair offered or comment about the offer of a meal, although her stomach was certainly more interested in that idea.

"How long has he been like this?" she asked immediately, setting her medkit on the chair offered and clicking it open, "How have you been treating him? Have you properly diagnosed him yet?"

It had not even occurred to her that she had not yet introduced herself.

@[member="Hemlock Briar"]
Hemlock was a little taken aback by her eagerness to approach the dying man. He hadn’t heard any of her stories, only that she was pregnant and thirsty. He was worried for a second that perhaps this was all just a big ruse to get to Vaxex for his credits after he passed. The Draethos prided himself on getting to know people, his empathy taking the rest from there, but this woman, she was harder to read, harder to understand.

“We have not diagnosed him yet, he’s been like this for months, some nights he has mini seizures, others he's cold as a Hoth winter. I’ve only been able to help keep him alive.” The curious healer then turned on his heel after mixing the soup a couple times. “I must admit I have no medical degree, but I am very confident a pregnant woman should not be dabbling with the ill No matter if he is contagious or not.” His keen eye then traced over the box beside her, he felt something inside, some sort of power he hadn’t felt before.

“If I may be so bold to ask…who are you?” He could now tell she was far more than just a thirsty pregnant woman.

@[member="Feena Mason"]
The Eternal Queen
Feena acted as if she had not heard him, especially when he said a pregnant woman should not be around the ill. Ha! If only he knew.

Months. Seizures. Cold. Sounded like the symptoms of the illness she'd treated in next town over. She still hadn't thought of a name for it yet... It was something new. Well, viruses frequently mutated and turned into something else faster than you could pin down a cure. Now. How had she fixed it? She was trying to remember... Hard to remember when she was this thirsty.

"Lucky for you," she responded after a moment, pulling out a stethoscope, "I have a medical degree. The name is Feenarah Mason, and you both should thank the Force that I came through."

Nobody ever said Feena wasn't a little full of herself. And why shouldn't she be? It was hard to be famous and not get a little bit of an ego. If you asked her, she thought she was doing very well. At least she didn't charge for her services and carry pictures of herself to sign for her 'fans'.

@[member="Hemlock Briar"]
That name, somehow it had merit to the Draethos. He hadn’t remembered that he heard in on the outer rim on his sabbatical, one of his patients had relapsed after a terrible drug addiction and Feena had helped her through her struggles and her withdrawal. Later Hemlock had created a natural high for her through plants to get her off of the harder drugs, and help cleanse her system of them. She had spoken of this Feena and her miraculous works. But in the heat of the moment with Vaxex he had forgotten that anecdote and instead trusted she was a medic of some sort.

“Well if the Force willed this occasion then I shall be its eager follower.” He turned once again now that he felt he could trust her, grabbing a glass of water from the counter. The moisture vaporators had been drawing in a lot of water recently, it had been much more humid than the previous weeks, lucky for Feena. He returned to her side with a glass of water, hoping to quell her thirst.

He looked into the box and saw the beautiful crystals that lay inside, it was then that he realized she was far more than a medic, she was a healer much like himself. “May I help? I’ve made a few herbal remedies that have kept any infections he was fighting at bay, they may be able to help?”

@[member="Feena Mason"]
The Eternal Queen
With one swift movement she grabbed up the glass offered to her and downed the water. She sighed in contentment and handed the glass back with a grateful smile.
"Wonderful. Thank you. I needed that."

“May I help? I’ve made a few herbal remedies that have kept any infections he was fighting at bay, they may be able to help?”

Feena smiled. It would be good to have an assistant. Too often she did this alone. And he managed to keep him along this far.

"Anything you think will help will be much appreciated. Now... could you hand me one of the crystals in my medical kit? It's going to be a long night."

She didn't explain what that meant exactly, just held her hand out, waiting.

@[member="Hemlock Briar"]
Sheer excitement overcame the healer. He hadn’t had company in weeks beside the young children begging or the market sharks who bought his rare herbs for half of what they were worth, but it didn’t matter, the money was enough to keep him alive and enough to keep Vexex alive too. He scurried over to the kitchen and took off his robes to reveal his normal attire of off colored clothing practically held up by safety pins. It had been a long month for Hemlock.

He took his concoction he had been giving his friend and sat next to Feena once more. He put the bowl down beside him and grasped one of the healing crystals in his hand, the power within them tickling his fingertips. “I’ve yet to encounter one of these in my travels. You are quite the Force send I must say.” He handed the beautiful crstal over to his new guest.

“Vexex, please do as she says, I trust she has your best interest in heart.” It had to be quite confusing for the farmer who had been slipping in and out of sleep the last few hours. Hopefully the two of them could offer him some solace while he fought.

@[member="Feena Mason"]
The Eternal Queen
Feena took the crystal in hand, closed her eyes and let out a slow breath. The healing properties inside these crystals were honestly more for her own sake than for her patients. Kept her awake, sane, and alive. Kept up the illusion that she was healthy, that the child wasn't leeching everything she had already. Not even her husband noticed. It was the perfect mask.

"Alright," she sighed after a moment, "Time to get to work."

It was going to be a very long night. She could feel it already. She placed a gentle hand in the sick mans forehead, squeezing the crystal with the other. It was a technique she learned from her husband, actually. He was not a talented healer. No, he was not even an okay one. But he knew things about the mind and how to fix what was broken, and although that was not the problem here, she often used this when her patient was on the brink of death. It held them in place, kept them with her for just a little longer.

All the while, she would have to go cell by cell, uncovering the virus, forcing the body to fight back. She could not remove the virus herself, but she could force the body to fight it off.

@[member="Hemlock Briar"]
Hemlock felt the power the woman had, he felt her essence fluxuate , he was in tune with the Force more than he had almost ever been in his two hundred years of living. The Draethos’s eyes were wide with amazement at her displays of power, his medicines seemed to pale in comparison but he knew he had kept him alive this long, there was no harm in helping.

The purple hued Force user grasped his concoction, it was as green as Degobah Moss and smelled about as good, though the health benefits outweighed the taste and Vexex had little taste left anyways. The Force had called Hemlock back to the galaxy for a reason and that reason was to help as many people as possible, that included Vexex and this Feenarah it seemed.

A soft breath blew the steam off of the soup before giving it to Vexex, in his sick stupor he swallowed the soup and that was the extent of his existence. He had been swinging back and forth on the health pendulum for the last week, this time and place it seemed his fate swung on the side of ill. “If I may ask, what business does an eight month pregnant woman, even as powerful and smart as you are, have this far into the desert?” He was curious if it was truly a calling of the Force or if it were sheer luck of the stars that brought the trio together.

His gut rumbled for the former…

@[member="Feena Mason"]
The Eternal Queen
Feena did not like talking when she was working. She also did not like ignoring people and being rude too.

"I was... going from village to village.... recruiting," she struggled to put the sentence together in her distracted state, "And healing. I... often go to... far away worlds to spread... the message; You have not been abandoned. We are here."

It really did not make much sense to anyone else but her. She kind of figured that out seconds later. Her hands glowed faintly as she worked with the patient. She was already waiting for him to ask her to clarify.

@[member="Hemlock Briar"]
The healer stood back in amazement at the work she did. Her breath was faint and slow, her tone was somber, she was obviously meditating hard on whatever she was doing. Dialogue wasn’t the best option at the moment it seemed. Perhaps he would pry her with his telepathy, but then at the same time she might have to focus harder to use the Force for two things at once.

Instead the Draethos stood across from Feena, he knew that she was a powerhouse of Lightside ambitions and goals, and whatever power she was pumping into Vexex was worthy of the gods. He chose to refrain from feeding his patient the soup anymore; he had nearly downed half of it in his half-conscious stupor. “You are quite powerful.” He said in response to her glowing hands, something he hadn’t seen in nearly a century. “I hope to learn to hone my skills as you have one day.”

In a calm motion, Hemlock laid his hand on Vexex’s head beside Feena’s. His limited Force power rushed around with hers. He could feel the Force flowing from his fingertips now. The conduit they were focusing on, Vexex, started to shake slightly, something he hadn’t seen him do yet. “Is this good or bad?”

@[member="Feena Mason"]
The Eternal Queen
Feenas hands shook slightly under the strain. She had been doing this all day. Keeping it up this long was hard, but she'd done much more than this before. She once puled her, well, boss from the brink of death, healing burns on over 89% of bis body. THAT was hard. She ended up passing out after from exhaustion. A possibility for her, actually, after this. She was tired enough to fall right to sleep if she stopped.

“You are quite powerful. I hope to learn to hone my skills as you have one day.”

"Well, you're off to a... good start. You're doing better... than my last student did. Keep this up... and I just might-"

She went silent as the patient began to quiver under her fingers. A siezure?

@[member="Hemlock Briar"]
Quick breaths were all the Draethos could draw. He knew from the lack of reply that it wasn’t good Vexex was doing this. Perhaps it was a seizure? But it wasn’t as violent as any of the seizures Hemlock ad seen. Perhaps it was all of the Force energy entering his body? But that would be a good thing, this didn't seem to be a good thing. It was as much a mystery to Hemlock as it was to Vexex, the sick man's pale eyes grew in anticipation, his palms clammy as he grasped Hemlock’s wrist.

“Help…” The patient whimpered, his eyes flooding with tears as a natural reaction. It couldn’t be a time to lose focus anymore, he had a mission to do, he would -not- let his friend die. Briar stopped with the quick paced breaths and instead took slow and secure breaths, drawing in the negative energy and exhaling positivity. He looked down at his friend, pity and remorse gone, instead healing and love took over his gaze.

“I will not let you die, Vexex.” They had many more stories to share together.
@[member="Feena Mason"]
The Eternal Queen
This was... interesting. This one. He was stronger than he knew. Stronger than even Feena could tell from just looking at him. In time, with training, he might one say surpass her even...
She opened her eyes at last, glancing between the two. This was a power Feena did not have over her patient. Friendship. That bond- not even Feena could replicate that with her own power. Slowly, the glow around her hands faded. She let go, little by little, letting the less experienced healer take over. Not all at once. She was not dropping out entirely, if it was needed, if she was mistaken in his ability, Feena would jump back in and fix him. But for now, well...
She was curious.

@[member="Hemlock Briar"]
A white light enveloped Hemlock’s sight. He was possessed by the Force, a ghost of his former self; he was a vestige of the Living Force and its will. His gaze was so powerful he didn’t even notice Feena letting go of her hold over Vexex, allowing Hemlock’s powers shine through. The shaking had gotten slightly worse over the last few moments, but the Draethos’s friend kept holding onto life, he knew he was going to make it if he trusted the two healers.

This man in front of him wasn’t just one man to Hemlock, Vexex represented every single life he hadn’t be able to save, every single Draethos that shunned him for taking a peaceful route, every single time Hemlock couldn’t be there for something had manifested itself right before his eyes. This time he would be there, this time he would change the outcome. It was time for the Force User to come out of his hiding, to embrace the path he had chosen instead of hiding in shame and scattering his sorrows across the stars.

The Force was very much alive in the little hut in the middle of the desert. If there were any other Force Users in the desert they would have felt the magnitude of the situation, rare for a dustball like Tattooine. They wouldn’t have enough time to find them before it was over however. Either Vexex would stabilize again or the Draethos would fail and the honest moisture farmer who never did any wrong would die.

His gaze was still tunneled into the eyes of his former friend, in that moment he shared every memory they ever had in their few years working together on Dantooine, then the stories they shared over the years traveling the stars, their e-mails were filled with the dreams and hopes of a much younger Vexex. In a way the Draethos had been a mentor and confidant for the growing Human, seeing as Hemlock didn’t age while the farmer grew old over the decades.

“I promise I won’t let you die!” If Draethos cried there would have been a tear shed for his friend. The convulsions reached a fever-pitch, a bit of foam leaking form his mouth. “Live!” In that moment a bright flash of light warmed the Draethos’ hand, his entire body felt warm to the touch. He was confused for a moment and his ears were ringing. There was a body under his hand still, but it was still, why was it still? What had he done? His heart started beating way too fast and his vision blurred.

Soon the Draethos collapsed to the floor. What had he done? Did he kill his friend?

@[member="Feena Mason"]
The Eternal Queen
Feena felt it. This was power rivaling her own. She had found him. She had found the one she needed. A student to carry on her traditions, her work. Sanctuary, even. This was the one she had been searching for. If her nightmares turned out to be true, if she died giving life to this child as was predicted, then at least she would have someone to carry on what she left behind.
She would not have much time to teach him, hardly a few weeks left in her pregnancy, but she had made her holocron. That would be teacher enough.
Or perhaps he could save her even? Perhaps she didn't have to die. Oh, she could be so selfish, but she didn't want to say goodbye to Felicity and Keter just yet. Not before getting to know little Celeste too. Perhaps... Even just having him on hand at the birth, perhaps that would be enough.

Silver eyes never left the two. Healer and patient, but more than that. Friends. He was determined. He would not fail if he had the will.
And then it was over. The patient was still.

"Wait," Feena soothed, placing a hand once more on the patients forehead, "He is still here."

She closed her eyes, hand once more glowing a faint ghostly blue. She was searching in her patients mind again, pulling, pulling... And then she finally managed to do it. She pulled the patient back to the surface, back to consciousness.
But she had not been the one to save his life. She helped, but the end was the hardest bit.

Her eyes snapped open once again and she smiled, waiting.

@[member="Hemlock Briar"]

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