1. Please use this thread only for comedy, interfaction troop location, and general overall discussion. Please do NOT use this thread for complaints, reports, pvp discussion, or small minor conversations that can be had on Discord or PMs. Our footprint in this thread should be small, and our attention to this thread can now be next to none. Remember, we love fighting, and with that comes a degree of control over our own outbursts, emotions, etc. during heightened dramatic times of roleplaying such as Invasions. I want you to take your writing as seriously as you want to, despite the usual "lets all just have fun weeee" routine. However, we're experienced with this. The Civil War was a great example and testament of our ability to act mature during pvp.
2. We are listed as Galactic Alliance allies, but we answer only to Mandalore, both IC and OOC. Ignore all IC & OOC orders that don't come from Mandalorian Faction Staff or your homeworld. If the planet is speaking to you, though, please report that to me as soon as possible. If you find yourself in a bit of a pickle because an official of another faction has approached you, please inform me immediately. Other Faction Staff should not (and have been informed not to) jump over the proper chain of commands within Factions. We are showing the same courtesy to all other Factions.
3. Remember, two extremely high positions in the Mandalorian Empire's heirarchy are being decided during these two Invasions. Ramaanar (Death) and Katlayadr (Famine) are positions on the Cuir Rekr (war council) and are currently open for grabs. Epic duels, writing, and christmas puns are great ways to shine and attain these positions. Both the new positions will receive unique signatures.
4. Clan Prestige Points will be issued after these invasions.