Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion As You Know, Our Blockade is Perfectly Legal | First Order Invasion of Galactic Alliance Held Hex L,


Location: Bridge of the Excubitor, Hex I-49
Allies: GA, [member="Cathul Thuku"] [member="Jairdain"] [member="Yuroic Xeraic"]
Enemies: [member="Connor Harrison"] [member="Emilia Ravel"]


The young Togruta had sunk to her knees in the middle of the bridge, her eyes closed as she rested on the floor of the bridge, just in front of the doorway. Her hands rested in her lap, the cool silvery metal cylinder clasped between her hands, the solid feel of the metal between her fingers a comforting feeling, leaving her centred and secured as she pushed her mind out, tendrils of the force weaving through the bridge and beyond like a spider spreading her web.

She could feel the calm focus of the Jedi around her, their presence acting like stones dropping onto the surface of a calm pond, their presence sending waves out through the force that echoed around the bridge and through the minds of the troopers around them. She could sense the Marines and Berserkers around her settling, their doubts swallowed up by the confidence they seemed to take from the presence of the Jedi, the comfort in knowing they were there, and on out to where Ronin was leading his team towards the engine room. She could even sense the disruptions in the force caused by the droids trooping down the corridors.

Then there was that, Asaraa's breath caught in her throat as those tendrils of the force touched something dark, a slick stain on the force that seemed to spread as if corrupting the very air around it. the Togruta shivered as her mind shied away from him, from that dark touch as her fingers tightened on the hilt of her lightsaber as if she were drawing strength, calm from the metal hilt clasped in her hands. Slowly the Togruta's shoulder's relaxed, her breathing became more even as she stretched out her mind again, creating a web of the force to track his progress. Her eyes didn't open as she retreated into herself, opening herself to the force, to the visions of the future it brought with it. Red sabers and conflict..."Someone's coming."

FIV Executioner
Allies: Alliance! [member="Aryn Teth"]
Enemies: Order! [member="Sieger Ren"] [member="Xiomar Ren"]

He could feel the dark side. It was teeming. Coren was grinning, yes, maybe if Teth had seen the expression on the other’s face, it would be unsettling. But that feeling, that energy, that sense of dark purpose… It was intoxicating. And it needed to be removed. Starchaser was one such evolution of the Jedi Sentinels, the ones who spent their energies hunting down the dark side, the blood knights of the Jedi religion. Coren may not be a card carrying Jedi at the best of times, but he knew what he was. And here, on this First Order ship, he could feel it.

Now he needed to see it. Following suit, he tossed the aspects of the TIE flight suit that were going to be disrupting his own armor and movement down a trash chute. The Light Side Zealot had a bone to pick with the Dark Side. He had to kick the First Order away from this place. Not only was it a blockade, which angered his Warden of the Sky thoughts, but even more, it was that the Knights of Ren were here. Sith, no, but something just as perverse.

“Waiting for some platoon to pop up on us.”

He had his armor, the one he always wore, the Starhawk armor under the flight suit, and on his hip? A blaster pistol and lightsaber on his belt, no heavier weapons. He was a pilot today, but now, he was hunting. He was ready to take down the dark side, and if that meant destroying this ship, as long as he kept the Ren here, that was fine.

The helmet of his armor was down, it didn’t help when he was in a lightsaber mood, but the blade was in his hand as he followed Teth into the hangar, the look of intensity filling his blue eyes, the small grin on his face. The bridge.

They were here. He looked to Teth, and tightened the grip on his hilt.

Jaius Sovv

Location: Hex L-49
Objective: Things Fall Apart
Allies: Galactic Alliance
Enemies: First Order
Proximity: [member="Natasi Fortan"] | [member="Samka Derith"]

Observation Lounge

"You are far too kind," Jaius chuckled at Natasi's hedging remarks, a faint shimmer in his obsidian orbs marked the equivalent of a Sullustan's twinkling eye. At his age, for Mother Sovv to be among the living with be a feat indeed, "She is long passed, the memory now a distant enough one to not invoke quite so much pain anymore."

The diminutive alien leaned back in his comfortable, ornately furnished chair, continuing to nurse at his cocktail as he examined the game board between them. Several rounds had now passed in their mental bout, the chaos of its first strokes now solidifying into a more coherent duel of wills. President Sovv was making a respectable showing, but the Grand Moff had not been exaggerating when she had warned him of her experienced prowess.

And yet, it was not altogether unsatisfying anyway. Chess would always be dominated by those minds who yearned for victory, and yet there was something to be said about playing a beautiful game. Win or lose, come what may. In the meantime, there was enjoyable company, stimulating conversation, and expensive drink. There was hardly more one could ask for in an evening, it would be almost picturesque...if it were not for the viewport in the room.

"Mother Sovv was...well she was warm and caring, like all Sullustan mothers I suppose," trying not to think about what was going on outside the confines of the Concordia, Jaius struggled to stay in the moment as he grasped for a satisfactory answer, "Fiercely protective of her brood and concerned for our future. My family has a proud military tradition, I am something of a...notable exception. So I suppose in that way she had more to worry about than most."

The telltale hues of stray turbolaser fire was visible now, as although President Sovv didn't know it the Reusrgent had moved up to the front lines of the Imperial formation. Every so often, out of the corner of his eye, he could catch a glimpse of a passing starfighter in the distance. They were not always TIEs. He was on the verge of breaking their cardinal rule, but if he didn't know Natasi better he would think tonight's...'entertainment' was some new form of cruel and unusual punishment.

He wanted to ask her what was going on, what they were doing here. Where they were. Who they were shooting at. But what answer could she provide? To divulge enough that his curiosity would be sated, she would have to risk her position, and Jaius was in no mood for deft political evasions. In either case, it would sour the present mood between them irreversibly, and all for what would amount to very little practical gain. In the end, even if President Sovv had unrestricted access to Imperial tactical briefings, he would not be able to do anything about it.

He was still, after all, their prisoner. Trapped in the Grand Moff's gilded cage.

"I lost two sons in the last One Sith war," he said instead after a short while, his voice quiet, "The first on Lujo, and then my eldest during the liberation of Coruscant. They died gallantly in service to the Light. I miss them both terribly."

The old statesman raised his glass in salute and downed it in one gulp. The confession had surprised even him, for a part of his conscience could not help but feel that to volunteer such personal information to someone who was essentially his captor was a violation of their memory in some way. But Natasi had confided in him about her brother and cousin, had shared such painful memories with her enemy. Who would he be in the eyes of his sons if he didn't treat his enemies with the same respect they showed him?

Outside the observation lounge there was the staccato patter of boots on deck plating as ship personnel hurried along the corridor from one station to another. The rhythm of their footfalls matched the pounding in the Sullustan's chest. Another intermittent reminder that the two of them were suspended in a bubble, a bulwark against reality that their privileged statuses afforded them. Outside these walls, men were dying. Sons and daughters of Dosuun and Sullust both.

Jaius looked at the board, and this time instead of pieces he saw their faces. He looked at the pile of white pawns discarded from the board and tossed to the side, and he saw his little boys.

"Your move," he said, trying not to let this world shattering pain show in his age worn features. Two men in uniforms pulling up in a landspeeder the day after the battle at Lujo. Coruscant was now free, but he would never see his firstborn again until he too was one with the Force.

How high a cost, how fleeting blood paid for peace.

Ghorumgash Khazund-Veranum

Runewarrior of the Clan Veranum (Chaotic Good)

Location: Hex L-49, Main Hangar of the Istukusk
Objective: A Golden Spear, A Cold Despair
Allies: Galactic Alliance, [member="Zark"], [member="Taeli Raaf"]
Enemies: First Order, [member="Rolf Amsel"], [member="Krayn Ren"], [member="Kyrel Ren"], [member="Varas Kyrel"],
Equipment: Durasteel/Duranium Runic Khazund Heavy Mechanized Armor, Imbued Runic Duranium Vibro-longaxe, Collection of Duranium Throwing Axes, Anti-Force User Grenade, Heavy Magnetic Revolver, Blaster Pistol, combat lightsaber (blue blade), Heavy Bolter

Through the meaty explosive sound of his heavy bolter firing repeatedly like a cannon and subsequent explosion of its projectiles around Kyrel the dwarf saw that he struck true and the Dark Sider's helmet-mask was damaged in the bolt gun blasts, tearing his outer layers of robes and cloak as well. That did not stop the dwarf from continuing to squeeze the trigger, keeping his bolter steady and aimed at the dark sider until he was sure that the enemy was dead, so most likely until the Ren was nothing but a bloody pulp mess splashed over the walls of the Istukusk.

What did finally stop Ghor from continuing his barrage was a couple of subsequent explosions triggered by the Rens attempting to misdirect or crush the explosive bolts mid-flight. The Dwarf felt that familiar pressing sensation welling up within him as the Force warned him about incoming danger and he released the trigger, starting to spin and shift to one side as time slowed in his perception and mid-flight one of the bolts sparked up from sudden change in pressure and expanded out in an explosion. His mind and senses raced, augmented by the Force just how they were for other sensitives in the hangar, but his body, clad in the armor, couldn't catch up completely. He may have still moved faster than one would expect but pain still suddenly spiked in his shoulder and right arm as the blast and wave of shrapnel hit his side, penetrating his heavy armor and battering against his thick plates, cutting into the less armored joints between them.

The warning tremble from the Force did not stop there however as through the ringing and sounds of combat the Dwarf's ears registered shrieking, a war cry nearing him as Varas cried out towards him to distract the Dwarf as she charged. Ghor went with the momentum of the blast, already turning as he avoided getting his torso hit from the multiple explosions triggered by the Rens, his footing shifting as he stabilized himself and still turning until he made a full spin the Dwarf took his gun in both of his hands again, hefting it in a quick and strong slam.

Ghor wielded his Heavy Bolter like a hammer, timing it in with Varas' charge and drawing in on the Force while shifting his position slightly to try and sneak underneath her lightsaber strike, if she managed to swing at him, and deliver a strike of pure blunt concussive power, trying to hammer at the Ren and aiming for her ribs to bat her away. Just as the Force made the Dwarf faster than he looked, so did the nature of his species made him stronger than one would assume for creature of his somewhat diminutive height. Stout the Khazund may have been but they were beings of almost pure bulging muscles, throbbing and brimming with physical potency. Varas would still have time and opening to try and strike against the Dwarf even if his hit connected true, but should the Dwarf be successful his strike may have been strong enough from the speed he built up while spinning to send Varas flying off of her feet, thrown by the collision across the hangar towards her father.

If the Dwarf did succeed and threw Varas towards Kyrel from the hit after she had a chance to get a hit on him he would actually release his Heavy Bolter as well, sending it flying towards the other Ren along with Varas as he manifested a Force Push from his open palms, propelling the telekinetic wave out with a heafty


To add that additional little push to his weapon and Varas.

Meanwhile as more of the SpaceOps Marines and Engineers joined battle some of the entrances were now sealed off by the GA members and the noise and rage of battle seemed to only grow more intense around them, especially as more FO members were joining the fight.
Location: Excubitor
Allies: GA, maybe?
Enemies: [member="Emilia Ravel"]
Objective: Do the hokey pokey

"Oh for the love of- An invisible person telling me they're going 'to the other side of the hangar' is like giving directions to a blind man by pointing. Are you going to the non-explody end, or the explody end? I'm going to the explody end, because fire is pretty and fun to touch. I'm not saying you can't tag along, but if you've got some secret squirrel stuff to attend to, you might want to consider an alternate route."

Despite himself, Eralam was having at least a little fun. The poor woman (at least, that's what he thought he was dealing with based on the voice, but it was a brave new galaxy so who was he to judge?) thought she was being sneaky and all, but honestly, it was adorable. The spark that represented her life force might as well have been a big, neon sign now that he knew he should be looking. He hadn't the foggiest clue what was going on in her head, but it was there, presumably attached to shoulders, knees, and toes.

Not that he was going to let her know that he knew, because if she knew that he knew, then who knows what she'd do? He purposefully glanced from side to side, as though sweeping the area for signs of an invisible person.

"And bite your tongue with that Jedi business. I know we're on a battlefield, but there's no need to be rude. Look, if you'll just pass along my message, I'll be out of your hair and we can all get back to killing things and breaking people. Or was that the other way around?"
Location: FIV Executioner, Engineering
Allies: GA | [member="Shia Kryze"] | [member="Adora Namadi"] | [member="Baiko no Kaho"] | [member="Listralli Namadi"] | [member="Silas Mantis"] | [member="Dorn Skirata"] | [member="Davon Karr"] | [member="Dagon Namadi"] | [member="Karsan Calnov"]
Enemies: First Order | [member="Sieger Ren"] | [member="Brennan Cabrol"] | [member="Elensa Jari"] | [member="Xiomar Ren"] | [member="Ara Zambrano"]

His gaze swayed, Karsan spoke, his lips thinned.

The helmet around his head felt almost crushing, his ears were flat, his nose was squished, and the weight of of the air seemed to press in upon him. A scowl pulled across his face, his fingers slowly unfurling from the haft of his hammer as the Mandalorians continued to surge through the halls of the star destroyer.

His fingers came up and latched around the helmet, ripping away the metal and throwing it to the floor. A low snarl escaped his throat, his lungs filling with the recycled air of the destroyer. For a moment his eye closed, he focused, catching the scents of his Men as well as those of the nearby dead. He growled as his hammer swung forward, smashing the head of a stormtrooper and pinning the man to the nearby wall. A blaster bolt streaked by his head, catching one of the men behind him on the shoulder.

"There." He pointed towards the far door, his fingers curling tight around his hammer.

"Cut through the door." He motioned to one of his men. "We destroy everything beyond."

No mercy, no retreat.


Well-Known Member
Location: Hex I-49 aboard the Excubitor (heading to the Engineering deck)

Allies: GA, SJO, Mandalorians

@Sefain Gatholil

Enemies: FO and Allies

Main Objective: Defend and protect Jairdain

Side Quest: Seize control of the ship engineering deck

  1. Company of Beserkers
  2. Company L1 Marnius Droids

It was then while sending out the message that from his flank one the trooper with him turn to get his attention and break his conversation with the jedi.

"Sir, seem your hunch was right data relay you had one the boy's tap into seem to be hooked up to the engineering deck which from our rough estimation is just an over those two halls just ahead."

At which time take this into account Ronin took a brief glance at those with him as he tried his best work out a decent plan of action. Seeing as if nothing else Ronin was not quite versed in the ways of combat the way other in the Order were. Having grown up and lived most his life in or around the backwater or outskirts region of the galaxy. His was more of a run and gun guerrilla type fighter rather than anything else to turn to one the more senior trooper with him the two began try hash out a plan of action. Of which staying put was not an option nor the goal but getting to the engineering deck with the least amount time and the casualty was. In order that they could least mount a decent enough defense once there to meet whatever resistance or counter attack the enemy might throw their way. As for nothing else, having work on a ship before though nothing in same type or scope as the one he was in now. Ronin knew he probably gonna be in for a tough fight in which case he knew it had been done...

"Alright then plan settled....we head out hit that engineering deck fast and hard. Hopefully, if things work out the way I see it we should be able to get in there and set up before the enemy get wind of it. So gather up all the men and gear.....and let's move out."

It was then with great care and speed they soon head off put their plan n motion and get to the engineering deck door. Where in using a run and gun tactic and incorporating some the lead troop commander suggestion.

Sefain Gatholil

Knight of the Silver Jedi Order
Location: Excubitor
Faction: SJO
Allies: GA, SJO, and allies (In proximity: [member="Ronin Wendigo"] )
Enemies: FO and allies (In proximity: [member="Khonsu Amon"] )
Objective: Protect Jairdain and seize control of the Engineering Deck

The battle had more or less calmed down, and Sefain was able to clearly spot out her remaining allies. She turned off her saber and approached who she presumed to be the leader of the attack force.

"So gather up all the men and gear... and let's move out" she heard him say. Looks like resting wouldn't be on the menu for Sefain.

"Hello there. Jedi Knight Sefain Gatholil reporting in. I presume you're the one I've been telepathically communicating with. Whats the battle plan?" She said, not bothering for a longer introduction. Looking around, Sefain could see that they had a decent amount of remaining soldiers. Most of the troops that were assembling were uninjured; the majority of the wounded were being taken care of by one of the medics dropped off by the shuttle. She silently promised that after the fighting was over that she would come back and put her force healing to good use. In the meantime, she planned on joining in on whatever the next fight would be. She had a suspicious feeling that she would be needed.


Well-Known Member
Location: Hex I-49 aboard the Excubitor (heading to the Engineering deck)

Allies: GA, SJO, Mandalorians

Enemies: FO and Allies

Main Objective: Defend and protect Jairdain

Side Quest: Seize control of the ship engineering deck

  1. Company of Beserkers (100 total with 50 each)
  2. Company L1 Marnius Droids (50 total with 25 each )

[member="Sefain Gatholil"] | [member="Khonsu Amon"]​
It was then just as he'd settled gather the troops he'd started with on this recon mission assembled. With those few injured now safely turn over to the newly arrived medvac and what seems to be a squad of fresh troops arrived in their stead. Of which as best he could fathom was and oddly mix of mech as well organic troops whom before could address speak with. That from the sideline another approached him just as he'd turn round.

"Hello there. Jedi Knight Sefain Gatholil reporting in. I presume you're the one I've been telepathically communicating with. Whats the battle plan?"

At which time with a smirk on his face he then came face her and spoke in a somewhat casual tone that if nothing else. Ronin was not really one keen on formalities and for the most part rather keep things informally strait the point.

"Well guess nice meet you Sefain ... name Ronin and yes reckon that would be me. And well far plan don't really have anyone set in place per se seeing from what I've seen so far mix things up seem work for now. In getting to our main objective which is taking the engineering deck and secures it as long we can. Which is as far the scouts tell me is just beyond those blast door up ahead and....."

It was at that time that just as the wounded and medvac had moved out and the first wave of troops made their move in making some headway engage to break thru the blast door that one the troopers approached.

"Sir we got movement....."

At which time seem by then turn to Sefain.

"Well guess we gotta cut this short.... gonna hold them off as long we can while you get some the troops make sure break thru that blast door and secure it."

Location: Hull of Barrini Interdition Station
Objective: Destroying the Stations Communications array
Allies: SJO, GA, [member="Liuna Ondizi"] [member="Jerit Kolomor"] [member="Valkren Calderon"] [member="Jyoti Nooran"] [member="Kira Novak"] [member="Allyson Locke"]
Opposition: Enemy FO Troopers(NPC's, engaging no PC's at this moment) [member="Sieger Ren"] [member="Cyrus Tregessar"]

3 Flash Bangs, 3 Smoke Grenades, 3 Thermal Dets, 4 2 Pound Explosive blocks

Pair of Shatterguns, Lightsaber, KG-B1 vibro-flechette loaded magazines (Two)

KPA-01 Katarn Armor, Thermal Imaging Visor

"Yeah i feel that." Dusaro said back to her over the comms as his mag-boots rhythmically hit and left the ground at a quick pace. "Don't get all excited about it, we have a Jedi Master in there and everyone else knows what they are doing. Something like that doesn't mean we hurry, it means we stay cautious with an eye out for our backs. We got a job to do and it isn't one we can mess up by being hasty, got it?" The last thing they wanted was to blunder into some dark side force shenanigans and get caught off guard by it. That could spell disaster, especially depending on what ever that sith down there deep in the station was doing. Dusaro did pass the information along to the rest of the company about potential darkside mental attacks and that they should prepare themselves best they can for them.

As they wound through the last set of defensive turret sets that were between them and the comm's array, Dusaro saw First Order troopers frantically climbing out of hatches around the communications array tower. This didn't come as much of a surprise, any officer with a brain could see the line of disabled and non functional turret locations leading straight to the comm tower and go 'oh kark'. Between them and the array was mostly empty hull with nothing much in the way of cover. Right now there around thirty gathered troopers that Dusaro could see. He also knew there were a few ports where people could come inside and outside the station behind them. Taking all this into consideration he layed out a plan in his mind, quickly starting to talk over the comms. "Kilo Squad, cover our fall back point here. All others except the Xi-Charrian Squads will begin bounding overwatch, keep the pressure on and do not stop pushing forward. On my mark Charrian squads will use their jet packs and assault the enemy directly and we all hit them together, got it? Move it soldiers!" It did not take long for the troops to get into place and while Dusaro would have liked to have said something to Kira, they did not have the time. Within moments after giving out the plan, he gave the order to start the attack. Only a handful more troopers had managed to make it out, not numbering much above twenty five.

They came out gun's blazing, Dusaro's squad first advancing forward into the open area and starting to fire from crouched and prone positions while the squads behind them started to move forward and set into their own firing positions. After the squad in front of them had finished setting, Dusaro's squad would advance forward while they were covered by the ones who had just gotten into position. A old and simple but effective tactic. With all the squads working in pairs this way against a growing even if suppressed enemy force, they were making good time in their advancing. At some point down the line Dusaro had switched from his battle rifle to lightsaber and shattergun pistol, the need for him blocking bolts becoming greater then the need for him to be shooting. The assault seemed like it was going to be slowed to a stop once they neared the defensive position, their forces having taken several causalities in the aggressive assault. And in the final assault on this location it was likely they would have taken more, but Dusaro had a trick up his sleeve. Calling the two Xi-Charrian squads to attack, they rose from where they had been concealed further back and began assaulting the hard pressed troopers from above, dropping a few grenades down on them and aiming to scatter their ranks.

"Advance to the array and hit 'em hard!" Dusaro called out over comms as the Marines crashed into the disarrayed enemy Troopers, swarming them and overpowering them with sudden shock and awe as the two demolition teams prepared to take a stab at the communications array. The battle was a whirlwind of movement, a blocked shot here and returning a shot there but amidst all the bustle Dusaro kept focused on the goal and as soon as the majority of the enemy were suppressed for being dealt with, he had the two demolition squads start moving out with the singularity mines onto the communications array, targeting structural weak points in order to disable it. "Kira, you guard the second squad while i guard the first." He called over the comms, heaving out with the Xi-Charrian troops who were heading out to do start 'planting' the charges. The singularity mines when they hit the metal of the communications array would break open to forming a circular, two meter wide singularity, crushing anything inside it's sphere mercilessly.

Location: FIV Executioner, Engineering

Allies: GA | [member="Aryn Spar"] | [member="Adora Namadi"] | [member="Baiko no Kaho"] | [member="Listralli Namadi"] | [member="Silas Mantis"] | [member="Dorn Skirata"] | [member="Davon Karr"] | [member="Dagon Namadi"] | [member="Karsan Calnov"]
Enemies: First Order | [member="Sieger Ren"] | [member="Brennan Cabrol"] | [member="Elensa Jari"] | [member="Xiomar Ren"] | [member="Ara Zambrano"] [member="Whisperer"]
Engaging: Engineering defenders, [member="Whisperer"]

"Cut through the door." He motioned to one of his men. "We destroy everything beyond."
No mercy, no retreat.​
The brilliant light of the plasma-cutter reached the centre of the door, slicing through the immense bolts that held the sealed blastdoor to engineering shut. The the immense hammer wielded by the ten foot tall Togorian slammed into the weak point, cracking open the blastdoor like... well, an immensely strong hammer against durasteel.



Shia went through the gap as soon as Aryn swung the hammer back out of the way, into the breach - and the well aimed volley of blaster bolts from the storm troopers inside. Her personal shield flared into brilliant life, died instantly, flared it's backup, which then died moments later under the second volley of fire. A tiny bubble of safety which allowed a few Mando'ade into the room behind her and into the cover she didn't have.

Her appropriated blaster spat death back at the storm troopers, keeping some head heads down and killing others.

There's a reason they call a breaching group the florlorn hope - a brilliant flare of light announced heavier fire from hidden figures, a shot powerful enough to drive wounds even through beskar slammed into her side and sent her spinning to the ground, seeing red from a mix of warnings and pain.

Then the roar of jetpacks and gunfire behind her announced the rest of the Mando'ade pouring through the breach, and she felt the cool sensation of bacta in her suit. Rolling to her feet, she dove into the cover of the nearest console, then leapt forward and drove her right-arm beskad into the storm trooper before her as she advanced into the room with her fellows, clearing the first rank of resistance back from their barricade.

Blaster fire filled the engineering space as the breaching Mandalorians exchanged fire with the defending ranks of storm troopers, smoke from damaged conduits filling the air and turning the once pristene space into a hell of fire and violence.
[SIZE=11pt]Location: Sith Meditation Sphere of the [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]FIV Concordia [/SIZE]​
[SIZE=11pt]Allies: The First Order[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=11pt]Enemies: The Galactic Alliance [ [member="Jairdain"] ][/SIZE]​

[SIZE=11pt]It is too late to not be involved, girl. You and your order started this. We will end it.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]The invader’s words travelled through her head. Samka giggled in response, a girlish noise which was devoid of true mirth.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“No it isn’t!” She replied with a message of her own fired back into the invader’s head, her voice chirpy yet an underlining threatening undertone would be unmistakable. “You run and we won’t chase, we’ve merely staked a claim to this part of space and we’ll defend it. Now run along and-”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]She felt something, a disruptive twinge as her connection to the outside began to fade. The feeling of thousands of sentient lives connected to her faded as though the string connecting her to each mind were being cut.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“No,” she snarled aloud, realising what this opponent was doing. She reestablished her focus onto her connection with her allies, drawing them backing into her commandeering fold, refusing to give any quarter. The Sith Sphere had kept the bonds strong, although it seemed to remain silent in the conflict with this Jedi, or whatever she was, the Sphere continued to keep a meditation link with the rest of the First Order. She cradled the link as a mother would her young.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“Wretched liar,” the message which hissed back at Jairdain missing the apparent glee from before. “Only to talk, you said, I was willing to oblige, such is my good nature but here you seek to take advantage of that to disrupt me.” For now, she still didn’t push back, she didn’t seek out any information on her attacker and she didn’t go onto the offensive. Everything was focused on protecting what she had, Samka didn’t see the worth in potentially overexerting herself.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“A pity and a disappointment, as always. It’s always the self righteous ones who act with dishonour, farewell for now.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]With that, she attempted to cut off the connection with the enemy and ignore any second attempt to communicate.[/SIZE]


OOC Writer Account
Hex L-49 \\ FIV Executioner, Engineering Deck, Reactor & Hyperdrive Room \\ Resurgent-class Star Destroyer
Faction: First Order \\ Enemy: Galactic Alliance \\ Status: Searching for Boarders
Allies: [member="Sieger Ren"] |[member="Robogeber"] | [member="Cyrus Tregessar"] | [member="Asharad Graush"] | [member="The Major"] | [member="Khonsu Amon"] | [member="Natasi Fortan"] | [member="Morro"] | [member="Samka Derith"]
Enemies: [member="Zark"] | [member="Cathul Thuku"] | [member="Aryn Spar"] | [member="Davon Karr"] | [member="Rick Kaloo"] | [member="Aryn Teth"] | [member="Taeli Raaf"] | [member="Coren Starchaser"] | [member="Karsan Calnov"]
In Vicinity: [member="Brennan Cabrol"] | [member="Elensa Jari"] | [member="Sieger Ren"] | [member="Xiomar Ren"] |[member="Aryn Teth"] | [member="Aryn Spar"] | [member="Karsan Calnov"] [member="Adora Namadi"] | [member="Baiko no Kaho"] | [member="Listralli Namadi"] | [member="Silas Mantis"] | [member="Shia Kryze"] |[member="Dorn Skirata"] | [member="Davon Karr"] | [member="Dagon Namadi"] | [member="Karsan Calnov"] | [member="Bryce Bantam"] | [member="Halron Corr"]

FIV Executioner, Engineering Deck, Reactor Room.

The blast door begins to rattle and screech beneath the touch of her enemies; Whisperer drops into a fighting stance which to the trained eye is distinctly Thyrsian in origin one of the three styles she favored though no less lethal or efficient when compared to the Echani or Falleen arts, she had intently decided on this style for its unfamiliarity amongst most of the Galaxy's denizens. "Make ready, do not falter for his eyes are upon you" The command from Scarlet clad Praetorian comes with an uncharacteristically great volume crimson gauntlet lurches forth to the gangway that hangs above the entrance yet obscured to the vision of the Mandalorians by durasteel wall which yet held. Whisperer's fingers extend to the Gangway and steadily it loosens from foundation with bolts shearing albeit their whine is overwhelmed by the obnoxious crackle of plasma cutter which abruptly halts and is greeted with a loud dull 'thud' the superheated durasteel door breaks beneath its' touch but unfortunately for the would-be conquerors after the first brigands make their entrance Whisperer pulls the gangway free from above the door; gravity sends it plummeting down before the door obstructing it and potentially trapping victims beneath its massively heavy frame. That might prove to stem a massive tide of intruders proving a small obstacle to overcome; necessitating for entrants to duck or climb over the Gangway's Durasteel guard rails. Stormtroopers fire their G-11F Blaster Rifles; sending bolts of sizzling azure tibanna plasma towards the Mandalorian Troops; Whisperer hopes it a momentary distraction from her own armoured frame, the sound of shrieking jetpacks fills the reactor room and she makes leap up to the second-floor using the force as an anchor; The Praetorian would seem to glide through the air to their position as if floating in a way before she lands and immediately pivots in boots to look back upon the bottom floor's carnage, leaving guard lowered for just a moment over left shoulder and back for the potential of being blasted. Unavoidable but shortly Whisperer would close the gap upon her quarry to close in where she was most dangerous as most Praetorians.

Allies: [member="Morro"] | [member="Cyrus Tregessar"] | [member="Dako Asturo"]
Enemies: [member="Cathul Thuku"] | [member="Lily Kuhn"] (?) | [member="Zark"]
Objective: Crush Therapy Command, once and for all!
Theme: The First Order Arrives | Star Wars Battlefront 2


Fleet Admiral Carlyle Rausgeber watched with some intrigue as the ANS Axiom pulled before the Itsukusk. The optical array within the droid, swore it detected escape pods. "Scanning." Rausgeber snapped, voice rigid, with a mixture of curiosity and command. "Tell me," he continued, the Sensor officers head piqued out from the command trench, and locked with the rear of Rausgeber's repulsorlift. "Are those escape pods?" He inquired.

There was a pause, and the Sensor Officer's head dove down to his terminal, surfacing moments later, with a confirmation, "Yes it is sir." The young officer replied with some trepidation. The Fleet Admiral suppressed the smirk, and instead, starred coldly at the display of bravery. It was chivalrous, something he would've done were he not trapped in this fragile state. Were he not a droid. The Fleet Admiral considered the act, and translated it into his own experiences. A feeling of empathy came over. Some recognition of that sacrifice. Perhaps it was time for some reflection, some-

"Continue firing." Rausgeber commanded. No. There would be no parlay here. "We'll see to it that they pay for the obstacle they've created." He coolly commanded, "Commander Asturo." Rausgeber began, asserting his authority over communications, "As it sits, an Alliance Star Defender now acts as the final obstacle to the Itsukusk." The Admiral informed his junior, "Dispatch this threat, and ensure that the officers who cowardly jumped ship, are shown they should have gone down with it."

"Admiral!" The Sensor Officer barked, "Sir, Therapy Command has begun to turn on us sir." The Officer warned. Carlyle's projection was quite taken back by this news. He would need to counter it, and fast. The super computer lodged within his lower torso began to formulate the appropriate response to such aggression. Given the state of the Alliance fleet, Therapy Command was the only fleet of any kind which now challenged the First Order's supremacy. And given their history, and the lack of reinforcements, it was now time to crush Thuku, like the worm she was.

"Turn our vessels to fire on theirs.
" Rausgeber commanded, "Let us see how long Thuku holds out for, against the full might of the Sixth Fleet." He added, venom infecting the very inflection of his command, "Dispatch our bombers, and see if we can crush these children, once and for all." He barked. Within seconds of the command, twelve squadrons of TIE Reign Bombers, having sat, in reserve and unmolested by enemy fighter and corvette fire, now streamed towards the ANS Velga, moving close to the carrier, and depositing proton torpedoes and bombs onto the hull, before swerving back.

"Commander Asturo," Rausgeber began, "Dispatch any reserve bombers you have, and move them to engage Therapy Command." The droid ordered, "Continue your assault as is, and crush the Alliance's remaining fleet." He added, "Once this objective is completed, destroy the Itsukusk." He added, "You have done well Commander," Rausgeber complimented, "But we're not done yet."

First Order Sixth Fleet, Battlegroup Imperator, Imperator Command.

Name: FIV Reprisal
Vessel Class: Supremacy-Class Star Destroyer
Shields: 1300| 1600
Hull: 1600 | 1600
Attacking: ANS Lujo

Name: FIV Conqueror
Vessel Class: Vanquisher-Class Star Destroyer
Shields: 200| 1600
Hull: 1600 | 1600
Attacking: ANS Lujo

Name: FIV Bombard
Vessel Class: Mandator-Class Artillery Cruiser
Shields: 730| 1000
Hull: 850| 1000
Attacking: ANS Axiom

Name: FIV Devstator
Vessel Class: Mandator-Class Artillery Cruiser
Shields: 40| 1000
Hull:630| 1000
Attacking: ANS Vega

Name: FIV Chase
Vessel Class: Fortan-ii Class Corvette
Shields: 200 | 200
Hull: 200 | 200
Attacking: ANS Lujo

Name: FIV Lion
Vessel Class: Fortan-ii Class Corvette
Shields: 200 | 200
Hull: 200 | 200
Attacking: ANS Lujo

Name: FIV Cavalier
Vessel Class: Fortan-ii Class Corvette
Shields: 200 | 200
Hull: 200 | 200
Attacking: ANS Lujo

Name: FIV Raider
Vessel Class: Fortan-ii Class Corvette
Shields: 200 | 200
Hull: 200 | 200
Attacking: ANS Lujo

Name: FIV Skipper
Vessel Class: Locust-Class Torpedo Frigate
Shields: 130| 386
Hull: 386 | 386
Attacking: ANS Itsukusk

Name: FIV Fortuna
Vessel Class: Locust-Class Torpedo Frigate
Shields: 386 | 386
Hull: 386 | 386
Attacking: ANS Axiom

Name: FIV Enforcer
Vessel Class: Locust-Class Torpedo Frigate
Shields: 175| 386
Hull: 386 | 386
Attacking: ANS Vega

Name: FIV Firestorm
Vessel Class: Dagger-Class Escort Frigate
Shields: 132| 244
Hull: 202| 244
Attacking: Fighter Screening

Name: FIV Inflictor
Vessel Class: Dagger-Class Escort Frigate
Shields: 170| 244
Hull:190 | 244
Attacking: Fighter Screening

Name: FIV Restoration
Vessel Class: Dagger-Class Escort Frigate
Shields:40 | 244
Hull:210 | 244
Attacking: Fighter Screening

Name: FIV Interception
Vessel Class: Mukhitar-Class Corvette
Shields: 0| 171
Hull:62 | 171
Attacking: Fighter Screening

Name: FIV Fury
Vessel Class: Mukhitar-Class Corvette
Shields:80| 171
Hull:171 | 171
Attacking: Fighter Screening

Name: FIV Lancer
Vessel Class: Mukhitar-Class Corvette
Shields:171 | 171
Hull:171 | 171
Attacking: Fighter Screening

Name: FIV Gavel
Vessel Class: Mukhitar-Class Corvette
Shields:171 | 171
Hull:171 | 171
Attacking: Fighter Screening

Name: FIV Roar
Vessel Class:Halberd-Class Frigate
Shields: 60| 380
Hull:380 | 380
Attacking: S-1

Name: FIV Torment
Vessel Class: Halberd-Class Frigate
Shields: 380 | 380
Hull:380 | 380
Attacking: ANS Vega

Name: FIV Crusade
Vessel Class: Halberd-Class Frigate
Shields: 190| 380
Hull:380 | 380
Attacking: ANS Itsurusk

Name: FIV Vengence
Vessel Class: Boneshatter-Class Cruiser
Shields: 380 | 380
Hull:380 | 380
Attacking: ANS Lujo.

Name: FIV Trepid
Vessel Class: Charger-Class Corvette
Shields:120| 160
Hull:160 | 160
Attacking: ANS Axiom

Name: FIV Brigand
Vessel Class: Charger-Class Corvette
Shields:120| 160
Hull:160 | 160
Attacking:ANS Axiom

Name: FIV Guardian
Vessel Class:Charger-Class Corvette
Shields: 120| 160
Hull:160 | 160
Attacking: ANS Lujo

Name: FIV Aggressor
Vessel Class: Charger-Class Corvette
Shields:120| 160
Hull:160 | 160
Attacking: ANS Lujo

Name: FIV Pursuit
Vessel Class: Charger-Class Corvette
Shields:160 | 160
Hull:120| 160
Attacking: ANS Lujo

Name: FIV Bespin’s Pride
Vessel Class: Charger-Class Corvette
Shields:120 | 160
Hull:160 | 160
Attacking: ANS Lujo
Location: Exubitor
Objective: Distract Samka
Enemies: FO, their allies and [member="Samka Derith"]
Allies: GA, their allies and [member="Yuroic Xeraic"]

Before Samka severed the communication between them the conversation continued.

I have no control on staying or going. What I can control is only myself.

The other woman then realized what Jairdain was doing, attempting to stop the meditation from going on and lashed out in thought at her. Nothing but a verbal tantrum indicating Samka was still a child. She had done the same thing at her age. At that time though, Jairdain had the Force stripped from her and she merely a blind human.

Next time she felt the Force and she was herself was just before she turned dark. In her journey, she was never as a dark at this girl. Her catapulting from light to dark and back had shattered her mind, left her a broken shell of who she had been. Time had healed the wounds and she was who she was meant to be. A warrior for the light that walked a grey and shadowy path. Of this Jairdain had no doubt now.

You call me a liar and say you're only here to claim this area. Yet there is fighting going on. If everything was peaches and cream you wouldn't be here at all. These grounds belong to the Alliance. ​So take your ships, your troops and leave.

The connection severed before Jairdain could respond with more words and she accepted the decision of Samka. No further attempt would be made by either of them to speak. It was past words now.

Pulling her mental reach away from the First Order's meditator, she kept her attention on what she did. If there Samka again tried to meditate and aid her allies, Jairdain would be there waiting to try and intercept the connections.

With her own need to also provide the meditation for the Alliance, she could spend as much time and attention that was needed to attempt stopping anything Samka might do for her friends.

Rick Kaloo

After a few days of thinking stuff out and dealing with Error 500-something, here I go!

Location: FIV Executioner, ventral hangar
Allies: GA ([member="Cathul Thuku"], [member="Zark"], [member="Coren Starchaser"], I don't even know anymore)
Enemies: FO ([member="Sieger Ren"], [member="Cyrus Tregessar"], [member="Whisperer"], [member="Robogeber"], etc.)
In Proximity: TBD
Objective: Stay alive

The escape pod tilted slightly to the left, pushing some its passengers in that direction, before settling down on the hangar floor. Looking out of the side viewports, Rick didn't see much commotion, just a few parked TIEs and various other vehicles scattered around. However, stormtroopers would soon be upon them.

"Should we run?" he nervously asked his command staff? "It seems better than waiting in here to get our heads blasted off."

"We'd get our heads blasted off either way."

"If we left the pod, at least our heads would be functioning for a little bit longer."

"I bet that's exactly what the First Order is looking for, and they have troopers all around us."

"What do we have to lose?"

"That's enough!" Rick yelled. "We won't get anything done if we sit here bickering. I have an idea. Let's exit the pod, check out our surroundings, and if we can find a shuttle or escape pod, then we go. If not, then we'd die if we stayed in the pod too."

There were some groans and irritated noises before everyone finally accepted their tasks.

"Grab your handguns if you have any, cover each other if things get bad." Rick called out.

Eight of the twelve Mon Calamari in the pod, including Rick, had an assortment of HBS-01 and BTI WB blaster pistols, Rick unholstering his HBS-01 and putting it in his right hand. The other four Mon Calamari would either loot a gun or focus entirely on running. Rick flipped over a square tile near the exit hatch of the escape pod and clicked a red button underneath, opening up the escape pod to the battlecruiser's vast hangar.

It smelled unusual, like polished metal and sweat. But he threw those thoughts in the back of his mind as him and his crew bolted across the open hangar area to a nearby group of supply crates.


Sefain Gatholil

Knight of the Silver Jedi Order
Location: Excubitor, heading to Engineering Deck
Objective: Defend Jairdain and defend the port from attacks.
Allies: SJO, GA, and Allies
Enemies: FO and Allies


"Get to the engineering deck!"

Sefain didn't need to be told twice. She and some of Ronin's troops began heading down to the deck, where she would hopefully find friendly faces. Tensions high, Sefain headed down the corridor, but aside from several barricades (which proved annoying to break through), they didn't run into anyone.

"Remain on high alert." She instructed the soldiers behind her as they finished breaking through another barricade. "We don't want anyone catching us off guard."

Eventually, she arrived at the door that would open up to the deck. Sefain knew better than to simply burst in; she'd get attacked instantly. So instead, she walked over to a nearby console and held the intercom button.

"This is Sefain Gatholil of the Silver Jedi Order requesting entry into the Engineering Deck."

Atsushi Ono

He had lost the starfighters and there was nothing standing between him and his prey. The massive Assimilator-class interdictor was one of many ships keeping both the Alliance fleet and his own from escaping. The Alliance was taking damage and though blows between the light and dark sided factions were being traded all over the sector, the Alliance seemed to be taking the heavier beating in this battle. He cursed under his breath and directed the war droid up.

He weaved through the turrets of the ship, blasting them away with his droid's shockwave generator rods. This close to the ship, the deflector shields did little to protect against his up close assault. The bridge was in view. If he could just destroy it the rest of the ship would surely follow. His engines roared in the aural sensors connected to his helmet as he raced over the surface of the ship making a beeline for the bridge. He wondered for a moment if it would be more effect to blast it, unload his missiles or just ram through the transparisteel. Each scenario played out in his minds eye quickly but time was running out. He was here.

His machine lurched as it rocketed towards the utter defeat of the Assimilator. Time seemed to move in slow motion for him as he came upon the bridge. He could see the fear and surprise on their faces as clear as day as their blast doors began to close. All ten of his shockwave generator rods glowed with certain death and rushed out of the nose of his droid, concentrating in a great flash of yellow light that could be seen from quite a distance.

It would slam against transparisteel, shattering it and crash into the blast doors. He cursed and pondered for a moment prying open the blast doors that had stopped his victory but stray laser bolts alerted him to the danger of the advanced TIE fighters. His droid rumbled in agitation as a bolt glanced off his armor.

[member="Morro"] [member="Zark"]
Location: Engineering, Executioner
Allies: Mandos, GA[member="Silas Mantis"] [member="Aryn Spar"] [member="Karsan Calnov"] [member="Shia Kryze"] [member="Jaiyn Vex"]
Enemies: [member="Whisperer"] [member="Ara Zambrano"] FO

Faith was a curious commodity in war. While Baiko began with no great love for the tin-headed Mandalorians, the more they shot other people to keep her alive, the more an appreciation cut on.

If she’d fallen back to her Echani ways, Baiko knew she’d be dead three times over already. Maybe the Mandos had something more to them then hiding inside armour like beetles.

“Over here!” Baiko raised her voice over the din of combat, deflecting blaster fire away from [member="Karsan Calnov"] with her phrik katana. She launched forward in confidence that the warriors behind her had her front, back and undercarriage combined.

Seeing a red clad guard, Baiko dove away from [member="Whisperer"] and reached a console wide enough to hide behind from the stormtrooper fire. She tore the panel and wired into the console, getting access to the base level of systems through the access codes of an engineer she decapitated, then held in her arms.


Baiko felt no pity for this man. No swell of emotion like Taylor, like Caleb. He was a scammer and a cheat, finding ways to make credits on the side with crooked Sabaac and the death sticks in his locker. Baiko rustled through his memories disgusted and grimacing under her helmet, until she leeched into the system and began to lock down the security systems directly around the engineering module.

It gave the Mando’ade enough distance to regroup, but any of the bridge crew would be able to reroute Baiko’s protocols and break through in minutes.

That gave a bunch of Mandos minutes to destroy the engines and leave the Executioner dead in the vacuum. This is, aside from the resistance which remained in engineering.

“I need another set of hands!” Baiko called, as she scrambled under a fallen Stormtrooper and used him as a shield as she crawled, tugging him, toward the main bank of reactors. Blaster bolts were thudding against the stormtrooper’s corpse, lighting up the consoles and space behind and around her.

Baiko kept moving. Stillness was the enemy of survival in a place like this.

“I know this reactor system. The Imperial Shipworks engineered similar reactors for super star destroyers. It may be modified, but I know this.” The engineer said to her fellows. She ditched the corpse and sprinted the last twenty feet, feeling a flimsy security over the fact that no officer would be stupid enough to fire on their own reactor cores. Cutting down an engineer and a crewman on the catwalk, Baiko slid in under a maintenance console and yanked off the hatch.

The reactors began to fluctuate, energy signals radiating through the ship as Baiko put the reactors to a hard burn. Minutes... she had minutes. Maybe less.

“Where to throw the wrench?” Baiko murmured, pointing to a series of handles and consoles. “Shut those down! Destroy the couplings here, here and here! It’ll start a chain reaction along the propulsion system. Any luck; it’ll blow the engines.”

Luck, as it were, was the half dozen grenades Baiko pulled and threw in strategic places around the reactors and consoles.

Connor Harrison



Location: The 'Excubitor'.
Primary Objective(s): Assassinate Admiral [member="Cathul Thuku"]
Allies: The First Order | [member="Samka Derith"] | [member="Emilia Ravel"] | [member="Xenro"] | [member="Khonsu Amon"]
Enemies: [member="Asaraa Vaashe"] | The Galactic Alliance
Connor stood in the centre of the turbolift and watched as the LED read-out indicated he was getting closer to the bridge level and the heart of the Alliance ship.

"Khonsu, Emilia – I’m heading to the bridge level. I expect resistance – now would be your time to make a move if you can. I’ll draw as much as possible," he spoke into this wrist com.

The lift came to a slow stop and the doors opened into the same metallic grey corridor, plated with piping, branching off into small corridors and peppered with blast doors. Up ahead, what looked to be a larger sealed door to the bridge. Surely it couldn’t be this easy? There was a part of Connor that was ready to walk to the door, send a wave of dark energy and Force lightning through and cook all the souls on the bridge. That would prove his intention.

But there was something else.

The Silver Jedi, standing side by side at last with the doomed Alliance.

Connor stepped out and fixed his lightsaber hilt to his brown belt and walked slowly forward, in no rush. He stopped and looked at the far doors ahead. A Jedi, taking on so much in such early years, much like he had, was bleeding her Force aura for him to see.

"The Alliance is doomed. And what have they done? Sent a Padawan to fight their battles. A Silver Jedi Padawan."

He spoke out loud, but quietly and to the mind of the one reaching out.

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