Sister of Twilight

NAME: Asaaj En Kelsani
FACTION: Eternal Empire
Captain rank in the Eternal Navy
Elder of the Sisters of Twilight
Queen Regent on Ubelixa (exile
Riddur and Honorary Alor'ad in House Solus (by marriage to

SPECIES: Half Dathomiri Half Sanguinius Vampirika
AGE: 644 years
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 5'10"
WEIGHT: 76kg
EYES: Naturally yellow, but turn red when her blood hunger is stronger
HAIR: Silver but often dyed red
SKIN: Pale

Incredible Speed - As is typical of her species she moves like quicksilver and has the reflexes to match, this often catches people off guard who do not expect it from her.
Many lives lived – Asaaj is hundreds of years old and through boredom, wanderlust and curiosity has trod many paths, Captain is just the latest, she has expertise and skills outside of her field.
Great Wealth – She keeps it hidden for fear of losing it, but her exile from the blood throne of Ubilexa was not the end of her wealth.
Reduced photosensitivity – The Sanguinius Vampirika species is notable for its sensitivity to ultraviolet light. It took Asaaj nearly a century but through arcane rituals and Dathomiri magics she was able to mostly correct this issue in herself. The sun still hurts her eyes and her skin sometimes itches. But she no longer has to fear the sun.
Blood Hunger – Asaaj needs to feast weekly. She has moved in recent decades to mostly feeding on her revenant warrior thralls unless she is desperate. It is a path she must tread very carefully in civilised society.
Traditionalist– Tends to be stuck in her ways and whilst willing to adapt, prefers rites and traditions of old and is very respectful of military pomp and ceremony.
Savage– Asaaj is a terrifying combatant and absolutely ruthless, beyond the point where it is necessary to stop on many occasions, several lives she has had to leave behind because of violent transgressions.
Feline Phobia– Whether it is because she believes stories she has been told about them, or that they just don't likes her, always hissing and growling at her, she cannot stand to be around them.


Asaaj has very pale skin of the Dathomiri, made paler still by her Vampiric heritage. Her tattoos are prominent on her face marking her as a witch. She has yellow eyes and naturally silvery hair but when aroused her eyes turn red and she routinely colours her hair firey red.
Asaaj En Kelsani was born on Dathomir, the first daughter of a powerful Dathomiri witch and her vampiric lover. She was blessed with the gifts of both. Marrying her mothers magic with her fathers blood, making her a very potents warrior for her tribe. Her mother sadly passed nearly 600 years ago of old age, denying herself the vampiric gift even to the end, wishing to remain pure.
Heartbroken, her father took Asaaj back to his homeworld of Ubelixa where he continued raising her alone until she was ready for the next stage in her life. Marriage to one of the noble vampiric houses of the world. She performed the duties of a wife beautifully and loved her husband dearly, become Queen Regent of Ubelix but then a war broke out between vampiric houses, her father and husband were both tragically casualties and she mourned them and attempted to reign alone. But as her kingdom collapsed, people began to beleive she was cursed for her hybrid blood, so she went into exile.
For nearly 500 years she has travelled the galaxy, working as a scientist, several different types of warrior, creating artworks and generally sampling life, always hiding her true nature from those around her and using the power of the dathomir to artistically age herself, before moving on to the next life.
For a a little over a decade she found herself in the Eternal Empire, she joined their navy and has worked her way up to Captain, she liked this role, it was interesting and the people of the Empire empire are distinctly varied. She continueded to lead this life until again, she mimics the ravages of age and moves on. Until then, she was a fierce and loyal captain, known for her utterly brutal boarding actions.
Unfortunately the tidings of the Empire took a turn and Asaaj felt that she needed to part her ways. During a battle in which her ship took catastrophic damage, she was able to escape with the vessel into the eastern galaxy away from the Empire. The ship was recorded as lost with all hands. It now has a new transponder and most of the original crew have been replaced due to the heavy losses genuinely incurred.
ENS Bloodknight

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