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Approved Tech ASBF-X86i "Njósnari" Probe Droid

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E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S

  • Intent: To create a spy and exploration droid to the Open and Closed Market.
  • Image Source: Small droid | Kainan Wolfe
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A

  • Name: Agents' and Spies' Best Friend
  • Manufacturer: Rocksolid Arms
  • Affiliation: HPI Consortium | Selected Customers
  • Market Status: Open-Market
  • Model: ASBF-X86i "Njósnari" Probe Droid
  • Modularity: Average
    • Mostly cosmetic, different insect and beetle species.
  • Production:
  • Mass-Produced
  • Material: Druetium | Theadian | Skuggalegt I | droid components


  • Full HPI biochip compatibility, which means that the droid can be commanded and controlled by the biochip (via thoughts), and the biochip can receive incoming data.
  • Thanks to the Gabonna memory crystal, they are able to process and transmit the collected data very quickly.
  • Thanks to the heuristic processor, the droid is able to learn and adapt, making it even more efficient.
  • Due to its size and shape, it is difficult to notice; or will simply be considered a normal living fly, an insect. That is why it can be used perfectly in almost any urban environment or indoors.
  • Due to the Skuggalegt polymer, it is very difficult to detect with various sensors and radars, the otherwise droid-sized droid.
  • It has an extensive variety of sensors and protections to make the droid do its job even more perfectly.
  • In addition to environmental data, video and audio recordings, it is also perfect for hacking or slicing.
  • In case they are captured, they are able to destroy themselves.

  • Best Friend: The best friend of agents and spies, they are great for espionage, reconnaissance, and even have hacking / slicing features. Its tiny size makes it even more perfect to stay unnoticed.
  • High Protection: It has excellent EMP / Ion protection and a myriad of protection features that prevent data from being accidentally extracted from a droid.
  • Stealth Function: Thanks to the Skuggalegt, the droid has matte colour is able to absorb light and does not reflect back, making it harder to detect in dark environments, and the polymer ability to reflect the effects of scanners and radars can make it almost invisible to them and makes it harder to detect these small droids.

  • Defences: It’s a tiny droid, so anyone can easily destroy them even with a piece of newsprint if they hit them. And these have essentially no protection against exotic weapons.
  • EMP/Ion: Even though it has a high level of protection against such attacks, there is always a level of EMP / Ion attack that destroys and destroys the droid.
  • Distance: For the droid is small, it is not specifically designed to be sent over long distances. Because of this, they are typically recommended for use near the user or in the city where the user is.
  • Imperfect: It can easily deceive average sensors and is invisible to them, but high quality (for example military grade or too modern) sensors and scanners can detect droids, ships, armour, weapons, etc. coated / alloyed with this polymer. But even so, it is difficult to perceive and notice them but far not impossible.

If the CEO of the HPI Consortium is an agent / spy / assassin, it’s probably not too surprising that the company creates after a while a droid which could be used for espionage. The ASBF-X86 "Njósnari" Probe Droid eventually became this product, which, as usual with HPI products, can be used widely. Due to its function, the droid is made in a very small size, only from materials manufactured at HPI, which guarantees excellent quality.

The droid is great for both outdoor and indoor use. It can also be controlled with words or thoughts through the HPI biochip. It can record data (audio and video), analyze, transmit and it even hack / slicing functions. Due to the discretion of the droid, of course, the droid is provided with a myriad of defence mechanisms, even with self-destruction function.

The droid is also easily compatible with various systems, but not surprisingly, it's best used with HPI's own technology. The droid is also coated with stealth polymer, which increases EMP / Ion resistance and helps the stealth (spy) work. That's why the droid is made in two different versions, the imperfect, which anyone can buy, and the droid, made with perfect stealth technology, which selected customers can buy

Not least, the perfect and imperfect (ASBF-X86) droids are also available to individual buyers through the HPI Consortium's marketplace.

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