Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ascendancy Over What Remains (OS Dominion of Crina)

Objective: Land
Location: Above the Royal Palace
Allies: [member="Darth Kentarch"]
Enemies: [member="Javos Infored"] [member="Rick Galurom"] [member="Weiss"]

It seems you may need some assistance.

A voice offered a light taunt to Kentarch himself. This was followed, however, by the sound of a starships engine. It was quiet at first, seeming to be a straggler from the battle above, but it quickly and suddenly grew louder and louder, as if something was coming to the palace itself. The cloak of another Phasma Interceptor would be suddenly visible descending rapidly from the sky in a nose dive, as if aiming to Kamikazi into the building itself.

But that was not the case. The ship, still in stealth despite it's visibility to those with keen eyes, would suddenly veer off course, disappearing into the sky once more as if nothing had just happened. Yet it was the sudden silence from a stormtrooper team located underneath where the ship was diving that would become the most noticeable, and worrying, fact.

Darth Ferus stood among the body parts of dead troopers, five in total if their bodies were resembled, and a golden lightsaber gripped in his left hand. The Red Assassin had entered the Palace from the sky, and now he was ready to begin. With Kentarch no longer hidden the red man began his trek over to his fellow Assassin. Killing had it's way to get the red mans heart beating, and already his skin started to go from it's deep red to black. Such was the nature of Ferus and his dark mark, he himself slowly turning darker as the darkside filled his form.

War was coming anew.
Objective: Dominate any resistance
Location: Cosmina Academy for Practicioners
Allies: [member="Tmoxin Temi"]

The Sentinel Class shuttle thrashed violently as it descended through fields of debris from nearby explosions. As he rocked with the ship, Sage shot Commander Temi a glare. The Blood Monarchs' leader was clearly trying to spin a story about some major kark-up that was happening. Anxiety was not only painted on her face but also brimming in her aura. The Sith Knight did not appreciate being lied to, even if it was a lie by omission.

"Commander Temi," he said with a hint of disdain in his voice. "Were there some tacticians under your command who were asleep at their posts?" He raised an indignant brow. "I'm no pilot of course, but it seems to me that we should have been dirtside by now."

He gave Commander Temi one last scowl and turned away dismissively as the drop ship began its touchdown. Sage was still rattled by the presence of the Jedi Knight Rexus Drath and his cryptic request to meet on the planet's surface. He had no doubt that Rexus was going to try to save his poor little soul from the big, bad dark side of the Force. Fat chance. Sage was as entangled with the dark side as two star-crossed lovers who had died in each other's arms. He was both its master and its servant, and he would crawl on his hands and knees to the Netherworld and back for the One Sith. The One Sith had made the former slave into a harbinger of great powers, a Knight on his way to becoming a Lord. The Jedi had arrested him and enslaved him with ultimatums. Which side would you choose?

Finally, after an extremely bumpy ride, the drop ship managed to land safely a few miles from the Cosmina Academy for Practicioners where the Sith Knight and the Blood Monarchs would begin their siege. As Sage departed the shuttle, he caressed the wooden surface of his Hated Hand in anticipation of the sheer terror that his illusions were sure to cause in the Academy's hallowed halls.


The Attention Seeker
Objective: Follow her masters lead
Location: With Ferus
Allies: [member="Darth Ferus"] [member="Darth Kentarch"]
1/20 posts

Kitty was not looking forward to this. She was to accompany her master on an attack against a planet she had actually recently visited. On top of that she wasn't going to be expected to kill complete strangers who were just defending themselves.

Thankfully Kitty had recovered from the hyper space trip and changed into a new pair of clothing before their decent. Ferus gave Kitty another reason to hate flying as he tossed her around in the cockpit with his chaotic flying.

Kitty followed her master and watched to her displeasure as he quickly took down five soldiers. The young feline grabbed her own lightsaber with her right hand held in a reverse grip and ignited it. The young sith learner followed her red skinned master as he made his way to a fellow sith assasin. He was not red for long though as he took on a more sinister appearance that helped remind Kitty just how serious this was.

Rexus Drath

Well-Known Member
Location: park
Allies: none
Post: 3
[member="Sage Bane"]

Rexus focused in on his power once again letting the force flow through him and around him, even in the midst of all this destruction he could feel the hope within everyone's heart dwindling it may be. He could feel how frightened everyone was and it almost brought a tear to his eye. Was it worth it? Was it worth attacking these people and shooting down civilians transports and ending lives for the sheer fact they wanted to be free of the sith. The sith wanted to tell these people as long as they surrendered they would flourish, they would go on and live productive lives like a good cog in the machine. But people weren't cogs, people weren't machines, people had souls, dreams, hopes, and aspirations. That's what made Rexus feel anger in his heart, that in one hand they wave the flag of peace and subjugation and in the other they kill innocent people.

So Rexus had to face Sage one way or the other, he knew there was no saving that boy. He had failed him, he had been tainted so deeply that there was no bringing him back. But he had to face him, this was a mistake he needed to see with his own eyes. So drawing in his will Rexus stretched his senses through the force and found Sage once again. Rex was a very experienced mentalist so sending this message was quite easy. He only said four words to the boy, it was all he needed to ask.

Why are you here?
Objective: Wait for traffic to pick up

Location: Space, personal shuttle.

Allies: OS


Everything came to a stop. And since the chrome-plated Captain had tapped himself into the comms, he understood the reasoning behind the delay. During this time, Rovasus took out something from under his cloak - a medal he had received long ago for commendable service. This was a reminder that not only did he have an Empire to protect, but a reputation to build with these One Sith folks. Sith or not, surely they would respect a man's tenacity especially since he wasn't endowed with the Force.

Placing the medal back under his cloak, the soldier didn't have much else to do but sit and reminisce as he stared out of the shuttle's viewport. Times of war and conquering the lesser was practically all Rovasus lived for. His life prior to all this was that of a humble worker; making an honest living and being content with it for the most part. He was never a peaceful man, however. Violence steamed through the cracks of Rovasus' personality and turned his attitude into a ruthless one. This is partially the reason why he accepted to take the initiative of enlisting for military service. His high aptitude for being able to lead and command was secondary to his success.

Personality didn't matter much to the Captain, though. Setting aside personal afflictions and emotional differences was vital if anything were to be accomplished effectively and efficiently. This is why he was placed within special operations - to demonstrate the true might of the Empire at its fullest capacity, rather, the fullest capacity one man could carry on his shoulders.

All Rovasus could do now is wait for things to start moving along once again so he could land and make ready for the tides of change - a change that was so desperately needed by this galaxy and the ones that rebelled ever-so feverishly with heretical schemes and ideals that didn't quite fit the bill. To the Captain, change was about taking these children by the nape of their neck and shoving their face in their own mess. They could either clean it up and apologize or accept punishment.

The choice was theirs.

[member="Hans Vaiden"] [member="Tmoxin Temi"] [member="Sage Bane"] [member="Darth Vornskr"] [member="Reverance"] [member="Vrag"] [member="Aram Kalast"] [member="Boan Rein"] [member="Cyrene Miles"] [member="Kyle Amedis"] [member="Alva Calvarona"] [member="Solan Charr"]
[member="Darth Ferus"] @Kitty @Rexus Drath [member="Adalric Vastor"] [member="Eobarda Tarkin"] [member="Jericho Mayhew"] [member="Tmoxin Temi"] [member="Boan Rein"] [member="Rick Galurom"] @Weiss @Aurna Vern [member="Sage Bane"] [member="Rovasus Vonstrogg"] [member="Cyrene Miles"] [member="Solan Charr"] [member="Micah Talith"] [member="Darth Vornskr"] [member="Darth Kentarch"] [member="Hans Vaiden"] [member="Alec Rekali"] [member="Kaili Talith"] [member="Aela Talith"] [member="Micah Talith"]

Fleet Composition:

The defenders in space awaited the inevitable attack as the Sith dropships skirted what would become the battle zone between the Crinan Fleet defending the planet and the Sith invasion forces under their various commanders. The regimented fighter screen calmly awaited the storm, pilots clutching their throttles waiting for the orders to engage, waiting for the sight of sith fighters for them to begin with the fury only those with intense emotion and a desire to protect could muster. The Imperial elements of Crina's defense as well had intense feelings driving them to fight harder, a hatred for the impudent impostors who called themselves Imperials even as they enslaved themselves to Sith Masters. They would fight to show who clearly bore the insignia and acted as Imperials and not dogs of another master.

The Cosmina Academy sparkled in the sun as it normally had for many days before. A home of knowledge and learning, teaching generations of Crina's Practitioners how to develop their abilities before they ventured out into their world to take part in it as many before them. Now its halls were silent, its students gone, its headmaster forcefully subdued and forced away as well to continue teachings of the students among the refugees, only a few teachers remained. Some of those teachers looked out mournfully over a balcony, staring out at the transports passing through the quiet sky, shuttles carrying soldiers that would try to take the location. The Practitioner sighed, wondering if a fight was pointless. They had evacuated the students and staff who couldn't stay, and had sent copies of their knowledge and teachings with them. Were the soldiers from the nearby city and them to really fight the invading Sith in such a place? The shield generator would keep heavy vehicles at bay and prevent warships from bombarding them, but the Sith likely weren't planning to destroy this place were they? If they were then the dozen or so teachers remaining would fight with more terrifying strength than any standard garrison. Moving to step back inside, the former history teacher and instructor in healing wondered if the language professor known for causing the odd stroke of bad weather could be called on for some bad turbulence for the incoming transports, and maybe a bad lightning storm if they combined their efforts.

Back at the palace though, a new battle would be renewed as a man left his post deep within the Palace's throne room, leaving defense matters to the High Command in their council chambers as he could not stand the sight he saw on the security feeds any longer. As the fight dragged on a towering man resplendent in unique armor crafted for himself would hear the sounds of the battle dragging on as the second and third Sith joined in on the attack. Coming out the opening of the destroyed door and barricade and staring out at the Sith who dared to intrude upon his home and whose forces brought terror to his people for the sake of conquest. Capes billowed behind him and the half dozen members of the Royal Guard who flanked him, the King of Crina, who would no longer sit and let the soldiers at the gates perish for the Sith so stubbornly seeking for him.

As they stepped outside the gate several the guards activated their Energy Blades, Crina's attempt in history to create their own weapon similar to the lightsaber in a mass-produced method. Hidden within the entrance way were a trio of the Court's Practitioners, members of crina's force users selected by the King himself, and selected based off his preferences. Oliver Dorian Calvarona was a forward man who moved with his own strength, and so the Court Practitioners covered his weaknesses, their abilities working to prevent Sith disruption of his mind and those of his guards as well as to prevent them from using a method of mass force attack to oblierate the soldiers looking to fight in physical combat. The King was a man of the battlefield, and he was considered one of the best wielders of a blade on this world, wearing phrik armor outfitted with shields to add more defensive ability so he could lead the charge longer, armor that was also worn by his guards. Now on the front line, Oliver Calvarona stared upon those who decided to bring the fight here, one whose face was hidden and who had been the first to bring offense to his abode, one whose skin reflected his heart and was as deep as shadow, and one who he could even tell without sensing with the force was perhaps not the same as those she associated with.

"Rally yourselves, grab your arms or if you need more rush within and grab some from the stockpiles reinforcements are bringing, it shouldn't be more than a few minutes before the garrison gets here after noticing this little stunt." Dropping into low stance, the King of a world besieged by the Sith spared a look to the Stormtroopers of the Remnant who had joined in the defense of his home and his people as he ignited his energy blade in preparation for a battle not so lonely as the Sith might have hoped he would lead, before he once more turned a hidden glare upon the invaders and offered them words of his own, his accompanying guards fanning out around him as he did so. "There are easier ways to ring the door you know. . . . .but I suppose there are fewer ways to invite yourselves to death. Make peace now if you wish to flee, if it was me you came to see I am here now. . . .so let's come at me shall we."

Objective: Land
Location: Above the Royal Palace
Allies: [member="Darth Kentarch"] [member="Kitty"]
Enemies: [member="Javos Infored"] [member="Rick Galurom"] [member="Weiss"] [member="Alva Calvarona"]

Having just gotten here himself, the Zabrak Lord had just made it to his ally and fellow leader of the Assassins Kentarch when the King had come out. Blue eyes turned to focus on the larger man, and rather suddenly Ferus began to laugh. Here was his intended target suddenly walking out towards him. He just couldn't handle how ironic it was. His golden lightsaber lifted up to point to the king and his guard, a grin still plastered on his face after his laughing fit was over.

"Child, keep the gunman off of the Pale and myself. We shall deal with these men quickly, and press on." Already the force began to fill into the body of the now almost pitch black assassin. The King was brave to come out and meet the Sith with lesser weapons such as what they had. Foolish as well, but it was enough to impress Ferus. A simple mental message went to the Pale Assassin, simple and quick.

It will be difficult I believe. Shall we take down the guards first or the king?
Location - palace courtyard
Objective kill a freakin sith, protect the king of Crina
Allies Imperial Remnants
Post 7/20

Weiss head spun as the repeater had been thrown away by the sith lords force push. Checking, it didnt seem to have hit 404 though and he returned his attention to the battlefiled.

"Protect the King!" he belowed as he realised who had actually entered the battle. "Drive that Dagger deep into their rotten hearts Heavy!" Weiss roared as answer to Ricks previous question, then he picked up his blaster and ordered a firing range, slowly advancing on [member="Darth Ferus"] and firing at the same time these elite storm troopers soon would encircle him.

"These sith freaks jump like rabbits!" Weiss reminded the troopers as the circle tightened. "Dont let them get away! 403! That kid looks like a freak as well, eyes open!" protected by mind shields from their Crinan force senstitive allies the mental training and superiour discipline of the storm troopers took charge.

As he advanced yet another wave of reinforcement arrived to the courtyard. Battallion command realised the situation and sent the last of the platoons they had on stand by. This time, the area would be overun by an apparent flood of stormtroopers as the 323rd, the 335th, 338th and the remnats of the 336 and 337th as well as snipers soon to be prepared to put holes in the freaks head from above.

All focused on one thing to kill one freaking sith and protect the King of Crina.

[member="Darth Ferus"]
[member="Alva Calvarona"]
[member="Javos Infored"]
[member="Rick Galurom"]
[member="Darth Kentarch"]


The Attention Seeker
Objective: Keep the blaster wielders off the sith.
Location: With Ferus
Allies: Darth Ferus Darth Kentarch
2/20 posts

Kitty was fine with that order. As long as she was protecting someone it was much easier for Kitty kill. However the situation quickly got bad as Kitty could hear many soldier approaching before they had actually arrived. Now she was getting scared. It seemed smarter to stick with the other sith so she wasn't picked out after leaving the group. No she couldn't think that way. They were assassins. Their job was to cut off the heads and if the approaching soldiers focused on Kitty then the sith would have all the room they needed to quickly chop the head off. Besides Kitty was especially good at deflecting blaster fire. Kitty ran out to meet the encircling force. Her her ears, eyes, and nose were all on high alert. Nothing was going to happen with our her incredibly developed senses knowing about it.

As she went out to meet some of the enemy soldiers Kitty noticed what seemed to be snipers setting up for a vantage point on some roof tops a distance away. Whats more is they were separated from the rest of the group. Those were Kitty's new target. She approached each one with stealth determined not to let anyone find out their snipers were being taken out one by one.

[member="Weiss"] [member="Darth Ferus"] [member="Alva Calvarona"] [member="Darth Kentarch"] [member="Rick Galurom"]
Objective: Check yourself before you wreck yourself.
Location: Sicarus-class
Allies: [member="Aela Talith"], probably [member="Micah Talith"] too.
[Post 2/20]

That was her family name used in a condescending manner. All she wanted to do was help and then she’d gotten all offended instead. Huffing she took up her position by the sensors and gave the boy a glare much similar to the one she had given him on the beach oh so long ago. But no, she had to “keep a mind on her emotions” and “not give in to anger.” Even if she really, really wanted to at times. A glare was the best solution for all of them.

And to think that for a second she was willing to take the blame for his shenanigans.

“Whatever.” She crossed her arms and stared at the screen. “Not worth it.”

Figures it’d be Micah who got the family into trouble, it must come with being a boy. When was the last time Kai ever got them into trouble? Okay, maybe far too many times for a little kid to count, but it was never something like this.

A red blip appeared on the screen and Kai twitched in surprised. It came closer, and closer, and closer.

“Aela! Aela, look!” No, not big on the family names. “Red dot at... There.”

A tiny finger prodded at the screen to nearly cover up the entirety of the dot. “So, uh, what do we do? Get mother, or father?”
Objective: Save Siblings
Location: Sicarus-class
Allies: [member="Micah Talith"] [member="Kaili Talith"]
Post: 5

Aela glowered at Micah.

That was the only way to describe the expression that grew on her face, the disdain and the anger. Oh she had gotten the exact same lessons as Kaili on controlling her emotions, but she knew herself well enough to leash those emotions with a tight rope. That was why she was able to express herself when she needed to.

Like a viper her hand shot out.

Lithe, quick fingers buried themselves in Micah's hair, catching a fistful of his blond locks and grasping his head. With a single strong wrench of her arm Aela grasped her little brother and pulled him out of the cockpit.

It happened so quickly that the younger siblings would really only have time to blink before Aela let go of Micah and steered F3-LX, the pilot droid, back into the cockpit. “Stay out, Draith!”

She practically hissed the words, threatening her little brother with a waggling finger as Felix(The droid) was positioned back into the pilot seat, just in time to have Kaili begin shouting at her. Blonde locks flung to the side as she looked at the sensor board, she watched the red dot, her chest tightening as it came closer and closer...and then passed over them.

Aela let out a sigh of relief, shaking her head.

“No. It's fine.” Her hand reached out and gently caressed her sisters hair in a calming motion. “It's a stealth ship, they won't find us.”

At least not unless they looked really hard, but she left that part out. “Okay, Nohei, I need you to focus.”

Her youngest sister, out of all the Talith children, knew the most about ships and technology. Aela knew that, and she would never deny it. While all of them seemed to be afflicted by that same odd curse that Father had told them about, Kaili seemed to have a strange knack for this sort of thing.

“Tell me what to do so Felix can get us out of here.” She shot a glance over to Micah, a perfect imitation of one Kira used to scold the children.

Connor Harrison

Location: Coming off a drop-ship
Allies: [member="Tmoxin Temi"] | [member="Rovasus Vonstrogg"]
Objective: Respond to the call for back-up on Crina

The drop-ship rocked and felt like it was hitting small pockets of resistance over Crina. Kyle had received the call with the others hanging back to now move forward – Vonstrogg had issued the call, and Commander Temi was the only one he knew who was involved with the landings.

A good dozen of the troopers stood ready and another shockwave rocked them on their feet and white gloved hands held onto the support as the pilot brought the ship down. Never seeing the planet Crina before, Kyle didn’t know what to expect or what was really going on planet side.

With a final call for less than a minute until the landing gear would be down and the loading ramp would come down, Kyle had a trooper in front of him, and he could see just over his shoulder to the doors ahead that would drop when the landing was made.

A gently sway and firm crunch underneath them signalled the ship was down. It was now or never – Kyle reached for his E-11 as the lights went green and the landing door dropped for them to move out and move fast to make contact with the commanding officers and other troopers.

Location - palace
Objective defend the king
Allies - Imperial Remnant
Post 8/20

Weiss looked up to the skies. the athmosphere was starting to get pierced by landing transports, and at the same time the "freaks" would soon be clashing with the King. Weiss cursed under his breath, The Storm Troopers kept advancing relentlessly but to what end?

Weiss would not allow retreat until it was ordered from proper instance. That was the problem though... He flipped his com searching for command instructions ... - Silence -... Weiss fired his weapon at the sith in front of him again and made a second curse.

The entire battallion was in a poor shape and most officers had fallen already before this seemingly unstoppable sith. They had not even slowed him down, nor caused an itch it seemed. When the enemy drop ship landed their soldiers would be facing a diminished and fatigued unit Wiess realised.

He decided to go on an edge and risk crossing the hierarchy - he switched to battallion command. Hopefully someone was alive somewhere.

"This is TK-402! We have lost approximately 70% of the battallion and not made a scratch on these sithers. A tactical note from the ground would be to sound retreat. If the King fall back so can we. Over!" he hated the words. He hated these freaks. He fired at the sith again and again, but this was a waste of time. He watched as Heavy prepared to launch an attack with his vibro dagger and the rest of the troopers doing their best to avoid getting toppled by the three sith running around the courtyard as they saw fit it seemed.

[member="Darth Ferus"]
[member="Darth Kentarch"]
[member="Alva Calvarona"]
[member="Kyle Amedis"]
[member="Rick Galurom"]
[member="Javos Infored"]
Objective: Survive
Location: Royal Palace
Allies: [member="Darth Kentarch"] [member="Kitty"]
Enemies: [member="Javos Infored"] [member="Rick Galurom"] [member="Weiss"] [member="Alva Calvarona"]
More troops.


Ferus, distracted by the sudden appearance of his mark, had failed to notice the sudden surge of enemy troops. A handful, perhaps twenty, wouldn't of been an issue for the Lord so versed in swordplay to handle. But these numbers were swelling well over that number. And now, he was finding himself slowly getting circled by [member="Weiss"] and his elite troops. What seemed to be a long time ago the Zabrak had fought with the Dread Guard, clones vong shaped and trained to fight and kill practically anything they could, and these troops, while not immune to the force, were still as deadly.

Already the Sith had to turn to the defense, his golden saber spinning to knock away deadly shots from the troopers as he himself weaved through the shots. But even then laser blasts could be seen scorching across his red skin, leaving light burns all over him. His fierce eyes narrowed as they themselves became golden. He was vastly outnumbered, and these storm troopers were more than enough to end all three of them if they weren't dealt with quickly.

And sadly, there was little to be done to end the troopers lives. There was something he could do however, if to buy a little time. A purple flame flickered on the red skin as he continued his deadly dance with the blaster fire. Already it was getting harder to block, and it seemed they were learning his movements, firing where he couldn't get to. A single blast slammed into his right calf, and while mechanical he dropped to a knee.

A burst of the purple flame suddenly washed over the red man, completely obscuring him from view. The pillar of flame shot into the sky, perhaps ten feet, surrounding the Sith Lord and slowly expanding outwards. Over the roar of the sudden flame one could hear the roar of the Red Assassin, pure and hollow. But that died off quickly as the shots continued to pound into where the troopers thought the Zabrak was.

The fire slowly began to shrink down, loosing height as the shots went on. Once purple flames as a mark from Ferus's control of them turned into their usual red and orange, signifying that it was no longer being manipulated. It was as if the Sith Lord was dead.

Until the flame itself shot outwards once more. Rapidly it flew, going to wash over all around the Sith Lord without any warning that it was going to happen. Those close would find themselves thrown back, for it wasn't the flame being used, but a force wave. Within the center of the billowing flame now spread far stood the Zabrak once more, his golden saber glowing with the Force itself. Golden eyes would focus on the one Storm Trooper that seemed to be giving orders as his fire spread chaos and uncertainty, and he would slash his saber right for @Wiess 's chest.

With the distance, ten feet or so, between them, the act would only seem like a threat, but a visible wave of the Force flew out, sharp as any vibro sword, aiming to tear him asunder. With his training and the time it would take for the wave to reach the clone however, there would be enough time to evade the blast and possibly any injury from it.

Yet all of this was just a distraction. With [member="Kyle Amedis"] 's landing came not just more storm troopers, but more of the Assassins themselves. Sith Knights, numbering in only fifteen, would suddenly form up around Darth Ferus, Darth Kentarch, and Kitty, five with each of the other Sith. Red, orange, and even golden sabers lighting up the air to signify their presence. All wore dark robes, typical of any Sith, and the numerous species was clear from their silhouettes.

A single order came from the aspect of War.

"Kill them all."

Darth Timoris

To err is human, to forgive divine. And I'm no god

Objective: Land
Location: Above the Royal Palace
Allies: [member="Darth Kentarch"] | [member="Darth Ferus"]
Enemies: [member="Javos Infored"] | [member="Rick Galurom"] | [member="Weiss"]
Theme: Shake the ground

Melori was not expecting to press her ship into service quite so soon. Other than fly it back from Ambria, she hadn’t used it. But the Sicarius-class Infiltrator was a fine machine and the stygium cloaking device allowed her to get close and dirty without risking being blown out of the skies.

But she’d got the call earlier from one of her saber teachers that she might be needed, so she decided to take a look. And boy was she needed.

Could they hear a starship’s engine above the noise of the battle? Did it even matter? The Interceptor would be suddenly visible descending rapidly from the sky in a nose dive before changing course and disappearing into the sky.

It’s passenger was no longer on board. Instead she was standing knee deep in dead bodies. The smell of death and fear filled her nostrils and she breathed deeply. Her baby blues morphed yellow and the irises ringed scarlet.

Dressed in black robes, she stood and activated her double-bladed saber. Time to show Darth Ferus his training hadn’t been in vain.
Objective: Academy of Practitioners
Location: The Academy
Allies: None at the moment

Jaron had arrived, the ground had been treacherous to navigate, and across the plain toward the main entrance, a team seemed to be clearing mines for a ship to land. He watched from the shadows, his favorite place to be. It seemed the Sith were coming after this academy as well. It made sense after all. The practitioners could beef up their numbers, provide more Sith to be trained, and for those who didn't seem to be too adept, the military could always use more padding.

Moments like this made Jaron realize just how important the Rule of Two truly was. How quickly the One Sith had became an Army of Sith. None of them truly attaining ultimate power because they had to pander to each other. Jaron was beginning to understand why his master was not among them. However, he would consider joining them. It would only help the ruse he kept up for the sake of keeping his master's identity a secret. He also had other motivation for joining. Those were his own reasons though.

Slipping in through a side entrance, Jaron breeched the Academy. There was now an ally on the inside, though none of the Sith coming knew him. The former Jedi would be of great help, but do it all from shadow. His movements would be revealed only if required. This was truly a test for himself. How best to aid a group of soldiers and force users without revealing himself? This was going to be a fun time indeed.

[member="Tmoxin Temi"] (because I don't really know who to tag atm to keep up on where you guys are at)

Jorga the Hutt

When life gives you Mandos, make Mando'ade
Location: En route to Royal Palace
Objective: Sithly things
Post: 6/20

A Sith must have the deepest commitment, the most serious mind.

The adapted mantra chilled him, caused him to examine himself. Not his commitment, per se, but what he was becoming, or allowing himself to become. He'd chosen the course; now the course had its own momentum.

The Force pulsed around him oddly, echoing with the pain and fear of the world. He could sense it, if he focused, but those moments of connectedness made him easier to detect. His Force signature was already odd; he knew that much.

His speeder bike slashed through the city, making its way toward the palace.


The Attention Seeker
Objective: Keep the blaster wielders off the sith.
Location: With Ferus
Allies: Darth Ferus Darth Kentarch
3/20 posts

Kitty finished taking out the last sniper and made her way back to the main group to begin cutting down the main forces firing upon her master. It may not appear as if he was getting hit but Kitty could smell the burns. Kitty's heart ached at the idea that her master was being injured and could die. Kitty came from behind and cut down a small group of troopers before they even realized she was there. There was no hesitation in her actions.

Her master unleashed a torrent of flame on those around him which included Kitty. Kitty shot her hand out and brought up a force barrier to protect herself from the flames. It took a lot out of Kitty though. She didn't have much training in that force skill and it was only enough to protect her from the fire. At this rate the troopers would notice her presence and shoot her down. Luckily 5 sith came to cover her sides protecting each other form the blasters shots to come and assist in cut the troopers down. Things were really starting to look up for the sith assassins and Kitty continued to cut down a section of the encirclement.
Objective: Actually save siblings!
Location: Sicarus-class
Allies: [member="Micah Talith"], [member="Aela Talith"]
[Post 3/20]

The ship passed them and suddenly a hand was running through the girl’s hair. It was in times like these that the Grumpus proved a kind master as long as you weren’t snooping around and reading the stuff that she had hid around her room. But that was hardly Kaili’s fault. As much as she was a pain to her siblings it was always because she wanted to be just like them. What better way was there to learn how to be like someone than to read their diary anyway?

It was Kaili’s time to shine and with Micah, or rather Draith, out of the way she was free to work with her elder sister. Beaming with joy she stepped up by the controls. Aela needed Kaili and the young Talith was not going to deny herself the chance to be the hero.

A quick look over the panels and consoles had the girl looking for any kind of familiarity in the system. While certainly not a land speeder the layout still seemed fairly similar to the ones she had seen before in, uh, other ships. Because Kaili had never ever tried to play with the big ship ever, no siree bob she had not.

Okay, well, she had but the risk of getting caught was way too high when compared to Old Dusty in the backyard.

In the end the controls felt like nothing too out of the ordinary. A look of slight wary went out at the raging battle outside. If her brother caused the death of anyone in their family, mainly Kaili herself, she would murder him to death. Emotions be damned.

“That switch.” She pointed at a tiny flick-switch sitting lonely in a sea of glowing buttons. “If it’s anything like that speeder we have at home it should be the ignition to the big engine thing.”

Not the main engine, rather the boost-thing that took them to hyperspace. She was far too young to remember the name of it, but she remembered it was what worked the best for her when the booster in their tiny landspeeder didn’t work. To go by that familiarity didn’t seem like too bad of an approach.

“Now, push that lever.” The throttle. The text just above it would imply as such. “Don’t go too fast or the engine might pop.” A second look of worry went out the window to look at the battle again. “They can’t see us, right?”
Location - palace
Objective - Reinforce the Throne Room Conflict
Allies - Imperial Remnant
Post 1/20


It wasn’t supposed to have gone like this. They had been given ample warning and most of the planets more important resources were to have been removed off-world by now, including the majority of the fighting forces still currently on the ground.
A lesser soldier would have panicked, thrown in the towel to his commander and made movements towards evacuation, but Rhun was a Stormtrooper and it wasn’t his turn to leave the planet just yet.

~Reach […Static…] Twelve, reinforce palace.[…Static…] Proceed as […Static…]~
Those commands were enough for the seven men that had been moving traffic through one of the main access points to the evacuation zone, their job was done here, now they were needed elsewhere.
“Roger that command.” Rhun spoke into his helmet, the rest of the squad around him hearing as he did. None of them bore more rank than he, all privates within the elite yet his acknowledgement was commanding enough for the group.

The seven made their way across the main square towards the Royal Palace, smoke and flame having began to show as the sky continued its light show from the soundless battle above.
“Drop ships to the south.” One of the unit said indicating to the grey craft lowering behind several buildings to their left. “Three, maybe four.”
“Ignore them.” Another said as the palace came into view, the sound of heavy blaster fire echoing from within.
“No, you two go and scout them out, report back on movements than reinforce from the rear of the palace.” Rhun said flicking his hand to two of his fellow troopers, they turned without question and moved off in the direction of the landing shuttles.

Rhun’s group continued up the main entrance to the palace, the group breaking through into the throne room just as the Sith within launched his attack towards [member="Weiss"].
“Cover fire.” The E-11s released their bolts towards the Sith as the troopers spanned out across the floor, the trick with Sith was to not bunch up, greater area to cover meant more chances to get shot.
The trooper’s fire wasn’t particularly effective, aiming becoming less of a priority as much as covering their comrades. Rhun himself covering the distance between the entrance and the other Stormtroopers quickly.
“You seen the reinforcements?” One asked as he got close.
“We’re it.” His reply as he slid to a knee and released several more shots off towards the Sith in the centre of the room. “Let me guess, Frakking thing won’t die?”

That was the problem with Sith, they just refused to lie down and give up…oh and they multiplied like rabbits.
A whole group of sith entered the throne room, obviously Rhun’s two squad mates had never gotten away from the drop zone.
This was getting out of control.

[member="Melori Raaf"]
[member="Darth Ferus"]
[member="Alva Calvarona"]

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