Objective: Explore Ruins
He had been just about to answer the Zelosian Knight's seemingly rhetorical question when [member="Marakai Al'Orren"] herself showed up. He'd felt her coming, his dear cousin, and had elected to just let her without so much as a whiff of a warning to [member="Talon Vosra"], because teasing someone who was jumpy in the supposedly creepy dark was a prospect somewhat difficult to resist when he wasn't required to be one-hundred-percent serious. He laughed.
"No, no. Liadain didn't have a hand in this at all," he clarified with another laugh, stifled. "Hey, beautiful. Nice of you to join us. Let's keep moving. You cover our six, Mara."
Eyes forward, he continued moving forward as directed, down the stairs, stretching out his senses that seemed to have further reach each time he employed them.
"Yes. There is... something. Not sure what. But it's definitely something," he said, reaching the bottom of the staircase and stopping to look around. "Do you want to find out what it is?"