Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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[ASK] Further Investment

Aurum was coming along nicely, although there was still a lot of work to be done, naturally. Coruscant wasn't built in a day, after all, nor should it have been. Kyros had been making routine trips to the planet to oversee the construction of the Academy, the first structure which would be created. The rest would follow in time. The individuals who had been uprooted from Coruscant by Tyrin had been placed into temporary accommodation, still oblivious to the new life they were going to live as dormant Force Sensitives within Kära's regime.

Lady Kyros, future Queen of Aurum, was doing something unbefitting of her position this particular day; rather than overseeing the white granite constructions which were happening she had invited her former student, Lilith, to join her on a voyage up to the arid and airless moon of Kol. Mining operations had slowly begun and following the news of a potential Ardanium reserve she had decided to check for herself. As the owner of a company, as well as the future ruler of both the planet and the moon, it was in her best interest to check for potential exports.

Presently Kyros was awaiting the arrival of Lilith. She had not sent forth the announcement that she would be venturing up to Kol yet, as she preferred to see how her men behaved naturally in their workplace as opposed to changing their demeanour in the presence of their employer. "Prepare the shuttle," she murmured in the direction of one of her men, who bowed and hurried along to do as his Queen had ordered. Supplies had to be carried to the shuttle, including breathing apparatus so that the pair could survive up there.

Lilith Mae Lancaster

When the word of her former Master had reached the ghostly Darth Malificete, she got into thinking about her past once again. There were so many things she couldn't remember of her past life, and had she not discovered there are so many blanks in her memories, she wouldn't have actually known of some missing pieces of her life. But she did remember the brutal Sith Master Vi'dreya. And she remembered reciting the Jedi Code to her. It had been an accident, but even that fact couldn't have made her punishment any weaker. But that day was a different one. She realised what a mistake she had made; she had come to understand her act had been regretful and really of a bad taste.

It made her wonder what she herself would have done in such a case. Probably if she could have used mental powers like her former Master she would have done something like that. But she couldn't, so she realised she would have probably used... something else. Strangely the woman couldn't remember any powers she had once learned. OK, maybe Telekinesis and other basics, but... not too much more powerful.

She had been invited to the planet of Aurum, one she had never heard of before, but with her love for research she had found out where it is and what it is, so she had planned her travels to the location. It could have been a really interesting meeting, actually. After all, she had not seen the Lady in a really long time; both of them had probably changed a lot during that time. Malificete's change was maybe a bit greater, she thought to herself, but she couldn't be sure about that before she had met the Lady again.

Landing on the planet and going to meet the woman, she was feeling really nervous. One wouldn't have said that about her, though, seeing how on the outside she seemed to feel really OK. Her figure, however, was frightening - her white long dress waving around her and the long grayish white hair of the vessel of her soul doing the same, ghostly presence was felt.

But then a bit longer she was already standing there, in the place she and the Master were supposed to meet. Some people were nearby her but she couldn't see the person she was really looking for. She could tell one would never forget the short Lady's white hair and icy blue eyes. The honourable former Sith Lady in the now-gone Sith Empire wouldn't be late, would she?

Guess Malificete had to wait...

[member="Lady Kyros"]
Kära sensed her former student's presence in the Force long before one of her men appeared to inform her of a ship landing upon the planet's surface. With a subtle nod of her head the man was dismissed and Kyros began to wander through the naturally formed path, compacted down by so many trampling feet over the past few years. Somewhere here her student lingered, and as she was not one to waste time Kära fully intended to find her sooner rather than later.

She permitted the Force to guide her, wandering after the presence which had been missing for a considerable length of time. It felt colder this time, as though touched by the darkest depths of death and thrown right back out again. The thought made the woman frown. Her hand lifted up to the mask adorning her face, and slowly yet surely the woman peeled it away, removing it from the armour attachment. Upon doing so she also pushed back the hood of both her robes and the armour beneath, exposing her face and hair in one graceful motion.

My Lady, her commlink buzzed, resonating within her ear, The vessel is ready.

Perfect timing, it seemed, as she could sense that Lilith was close.

"Miss Lancaster," the woman murmured as she neared Lilith's presence, "Welcome to Aurum."

[member="Darth Malificete"]

Lilith Mae Lancaster

[member="Kära Vi'dreya"]

"Miss Lancaster, welcome to Aurum."

The ghostly Sith was surprised to hear a familiar voice again. It felt good to know one of the two are still the same. She had actually thought her former Master wouldn't even recognise her anymore, but somehow she did that. Turning her head towards the voice, Malificete did not see the woman herself, though she felt the presence of her in the direction.

"Master..." she spoke, her voice being just as scary as her body and the feel of both nervousness and excitement could have been heard through the windy voice of hers, "It is good to be here." Her ruby eyes gazed into the direction of the probable direction of the powerful Sith Lady.

Taking a few short steps towards her, Lilith's hair and dress of white colour rose a bit into the air like there were some kind of wind. "Though I no longer go by the name of my former days."

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