Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ask the Character

Maelibus simply more formidable foe to fight and I like a challenge. Plus Space Orca's their God had to be high as a kite when he thought of creating them.

Would rather kiss a Rancor that will eat you or a Jawa that will probably give you a desease of some kind?

Lukan Rath

Jawa, you can get meds for that sort of thing and it can't be much worse than some cantinas around nar shaddaa.

What's the worst thing you've done? (bonus question: did you profit from it and how much?).

Daro Roz’yrn

“150 years of getting shot at for a living”
In retrospect, I’ve only ever done one thing for a paycheque my whole life.

Basing on how much you baste, how based are you when you’re basically basing your based-ness on bases in a basic basin?
Corellia is very lively for a core world so it gets a thumbs up from me. Especially for the ale hahaha! Onderon with its wildlife provides plenty of challenges for a warrior like myself. Mandalore, despite its state of affairs, will always be cherished by me.

To whoever it may concern, what is your favorite show or film on the Holonet?
"The Family sends their regards."



To whom it may concern,

In order to stop your nemesis, you have to sacrifice the life of an innocent person.

Can you do it?

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