Wolf. The new tags or the old, what do you prefer?
Zayani Brin Sabercat Character Bio Dec 16, 2013 #183 Definitely Star Wars. No question. Favorite book series?
Vulpesen The Arch Wilder Character Bio Dec 16, 2013 #184 Once again, Star Wars. Glad we seem to be on the same page. Would you rather meet a demon or an angel?
Once again, Star Wars. Glad we seem to be on the same page. Would you rather meet a demon or an angel?
Zayani Brin Sabercat Character Bio Dec 16, 2013 #185 ................. I'd rather meet a Shadowhunter. Would you rather kill Edward Cullen or Bella Swan?
Vulpesen The Arch Wilder Character Bio Dec 16, 2013 #186 Edward. He might be sparkly but he's still a vamp. More pride. Thrill of the hunt or the kill?
Jsc Disney's Princess Dec 16, 2013 #191 A: Short. Karle Kloss won me over. Q: Clothes shopping. Who do you bring?
Zayani Brin Sabercat Character Bio Dec 16, 2013 #192 My aunt. She'd my fashion guru. At a monster truck rally, What do you do?
Jsc Disney's Princess Dec 16, 2013 #193 A: Earplugs, Fume guard, Yelling, and lots of Soda. Q: A man slips and falls before you in the Marketplace. What do you do?
A: Earplugs, Fume guard, Yelling, and lots of Soda. Q: A man slips and falls before you in the Marketplace. What do you do?
Zayani Brin Sabercat Character Bio Dec 16, 2013 #194 Ask if he's okay, pick up what he dropped, and offer to carry it to the check out with him. Two men love you. You are friends with both, and are deadly afraid of hurting them when you have to choose. What do you do?
Ask if he's okay, pick up what he dropped, and offer to carry it to the check out with him. Two men love you. You are friends with both, and are deadly afraid of hurting them when you have to choose. What do you do?
Zykhan Eternal Darkness Dec 16, 2013 #195 Date a third person, the other two are far too attached already What is your least favorite thing to do in the process of your day?
Date a third person, the other two are far too attached already What is your least favorite thing to do in the process of your day?
Vulpesen The Arch Wilder Character Bio Dec 16, 2013 #196 Focus. It makes me go sane. Who's your favorite canon jedi?
Zykhan Eternal Darkness Dec 17, 2013 #197 Tough questionnnnn. Gotta say Yoda for the power and wisdom, but I've always had a soft spot for Obi-Wan. Favorite canon Sith?
Tough questionnnnn. Gotta say Yoda for the power and wisdom, but I've always had a soft spot for Obi-Wan. Favorite canon Sith?
Daxton Bane Character Dec 17, 2013 #198 JAR JAR. Closely followed by Sidious. The man rocks. Least favorite muppet?
Zayani Brin Sabercat Character Bio Dec 17, 2013 #199 Oh, come on! That's an impossible question! least favorite hair style?
Amz OOC Account Character Bio Dec 18, 2013 #200 Pixie cut on a girl, completely bald for guys. - Some can pull it off, some just can't! How do you spend a lazy afternoon?
Pixie cut on a girl, completely bald for guys. - Some can pull it off, some just can't! How do you spend a lazy afternoon?