Ooft, hard one. I'll go with dogs however. Favourite star wars merchandise you own?
Lara Zambrano The Lost Princess. Jan 11, 2015 #501 Ooft, hard one. I'll go with dogs however. Favourite star wars merchandise you own?
Coci Heavenshield Dawnguard Grand Master Character Bio Jan 12, 2015 #502 A little R2 action figure. What time of the day/night do you best write?
Raven Hayashi Raven, the not so wise fox Character Bio Jan 12, 2015 #503 Night, when it's 12 am normally but I can't stay awake Are you ever good at doing things when you are put on the spot?
Night, when it's 12 am normally but I can't stay awake Are you ever good at doing things when you are put on the spot?
Crucius Sin A Sin That Shifts Jan 12, 2015 #504 Absolutely... Sarcasm. And sometimes writing. Ice cream or cookies
Raven Hayashi Raven, the not so wise fox Character Bio Jan 12, 2015 #505 What sort of games do you like to play?
Skylar Ichor Guest S Jan 12, 2015 #506 Lord of the Rings, Pirates of the Caribbean, and Star Wars. Lego version, on the Wii. And roleplaying, and super smash bros, and Minecraft. Manneyus or Vette?
Lord of the Rings, Pirates of the Caribbean, and Star Wars. Lego version, on the Wii. And roleplaying, and super smash bros, and Minecraft. Manneyus or Vette?
Crucius Sin A Sin That Shifts Jan 12, 2015 #507 Vette, lol... Always Vette. Darkside Jaesa, or Lightside Jaesa?
Nefertari Sovint Jedi Mom Jan 14, 2015 #510 Protagonist: Monkey D. Luffy Antagonist: Dio Brando Favorite junk food?
Slot 19 Character S Jan 14, 2015 #512 KOTOR and KOTOR 2. Really hope they remake them at some point. Favorite.... Bedtime Story?
Nefertari Sovint Jedi Mom Jan 14, 2015 #514 hmmm...The Bourne Identity was pretty good Do you have a penpal?
Davin Jusik TIE Bomber LT- DREX Character Bio Jan 14, 2015 #515 No..... Favorite fictional character?
Davin Jusik TIE Bomber LT- DREX Character Bio Jan 14, 2015 #517 In school? Welding. (Only classes I have xD) Favorite show?
Jason Reau Character Character Bio Jan 15, 2015 #518 I've been on something of a Supernatural marathon recently so I guess that's the one. Favorite Singer or Group
I've been on something of a Supernatural marathon recently so I guess that's the one. Favorite Singer or Group
Nefertari Sovint Jedi Mom Jan 15, 2015 #519 I LOVE Vocaloid, it's amazing On a scale of 1-10, how much do you enjoy writing your main?
Noamd Meme Knight. Character Bio Jan 15, 2015 #520 Which would you rather write: A force sensitive Jawa or a Force Sensitive Ewok?