Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ask the Writer

Down with big government! (I don't know any of them personally nor have I interacted with any :p)

Favorite kind of dessert?
Evasion Studios
It is growing on me.

What motivates you to write the characters you have? Do you feed off the responses of others, or is it your own imagination that allows to you write for them?
That depends entirely upon the character. The motivation for some of my characters comes as a result of the factions they were created to lead or participate within, others depend upon the activity of those they were created to interact with, and lastly, some are dependent upon whatever ideas filter into my mind and how much free time I have.

Opinion on IC, "romantic" relationships?
Fun if used as plot hooks, and ways to cause tension in scenes, though i tend to think mine always end up trying to kill off my characters :D, that's fun too.

Opinion on becoming familiar enough with someone's style, to comfortably assume certain small things about another Character IC? When you've been in that flow with an author for a long time.

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