Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Zathra Fett

Graffiti and Art are the same thing, right?
[member="Edse'ka"] [member="Kha'ro"]​
The time passed relatively quickly. Zathra stood up and walked over to her quarters and opened the door and closed it behind her. She laid down on her bed and then her left leg started hurting a ton again. Great, thanks a lot left leg....just what I need, for you to both be broken and crushed. Her astromech let off a series of beeps and clicks and Zathra just shooed off the droid. Man, this droid could be quite annoying at times.....but eventually you would get used to the little droid that could be pretty annoying, most of the time anyways that is.

Ka Ka Shano

Meesa do stuff for credits!
My ship be runnin' out of fuel! Meesa gonna die! Ka Ka noticed there was another ship near his, maybe he could get some fuel there! He carefully steered towards the ship but tripped over and accidentally destroyed the autopilot controller. He went to the comm systems and attempted to communicate with the ship, "H- Hello? Meesa need help! Meesa be runnin outta fuel! Help meesa please! Also please don't be being sithsa!"

[member="Zathra Fett"]

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