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Nomadic Peoples Coalition

Driven by a deeper understanding of the spacer way of life. From traditions and superstitions to straight up religions, we explore what it means to live amongst the terrors of the stars.

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Yes! You are allowed to build your own Angel!

In fact, you are encouraged to do so!

Here, we have a catalog of technologies that are either exclusive or favoured by the Nomadic People’s Coalition which you can use to build your own ship. To be clear, you are not restricted to this list and you are free to use any other technologies that you wish to include in your ship, as long as you have access to them. This is just a catalogue of what is available to you by joining the Nomadic Peoples Coalition, and to help you build something that is unique to you.

One caveat, however, all ships of the Navis Sacra Religion must have the Angel Navis Operating System installed. Other than that, your Angel is an expression of whatever story you wish to tell in the Nomadic People’s Coalition, and you have total freedom to build it as you see fit. We look forward to see what you can do!

I, Grand Shepherd Burtch Grand Shepherd Burtch , am more than happy to help you build your Angel in any way I can, of course. You can DM me with any of your questions on the website here, or you can find me on Discord with my username Burtch#7939. There’s no such thing as a stupid question.

Please link the permits that are listed here within your starship submissions that pertain to the technologies that you have chosen.

Every ship must have this one:
Angel Navis Operating System (Mass Produced)
  • Massively important operating system artificial intelligence that gives "angels" (ships and spacesuits) life in the eyes of the Navis Sacra Religion.
  • Bonds with the Holy Communion Neural Implant.
  • Permit is not required for using in submissions for the Nomadic People's Coalition.

L91 Quadruple Long Range Turbolazer Barbette (Mass Produced)
  • A large, long-range Turbolazer that we use in warship construction
  • Permit for faction member use
L101 Double Long Range ION Canon Turrets (Mass Produced)
  • A powerful Ion canon that we use on our capital ships and dominates in long range combat.
  • Permit is not required for using in submissions for the Nomadic People's Coalition.
L121 Heavy Composite-Beam Laser Battery (Mass produced)
  • A heavy naval weapon that is extremely effective at shorter ranges
  • Permit is not required for using in submissions for the Nomadic People's Coalition.
L51 Trilaser Canon (Mass Produced)
  • A large, powerful, highly accurate laser canon that can be installed on fighters, or used as point defence on larger ships.
  • Likon Permit for use in Nomadic Peoples Coalition submissions.
Mangy Cat Defence Turret (Mass Produced)
  • A rapid fire point defence gun that uses armour piercing rounds
  • Permit for faction member use
Cluster Seismic Missiles (Limited Production)
  • A powerful cluster missile that acts as a figurative "bug-spray" for enemy strikecraft squadrons.
  • Permit is not required for using in submissions for the Nomadic People's Coalition.
DI.101 Corruption Turbolaser (Limited production)
  • A special naval weapon that uses your enemy’s molecular shields and Xythan force fields against them.
  • Open market. No permit necessary.
Etheric Inhibitor Field Generator (Limited Production)
  • A special type of interdiction technology that can restrict the movements of other ships in a large area.
  • Permit is not required for using in submissions for the Nomadic People's Coalition.

Fire Control
T.E.C.M.I.S. (Targeting & ECM Integration Software) (Mass Produced)
  • A software program that bolsters any fire control to overcome A target's ECM and avoidance patterns
  • Open market. No permit necessary.
LIKON L.01x precision targeting laser (Mass Produced)
  • A targeting laser that increases the accuracy of the weapons on our ships
  • Likon Permit for use in Nomadic Peoples Coalition submissions.
LIKON L.TCA2.1 Targeting Computer (auto/assist) (Mass Produced)
  • A targeting computer that can be either fully automated or merely assist an organic gunner.
  • Likon Permit for use in Nomadic Peoples Coalition submissions.
LIKON L.FC1v fire control unit (Mass Produced)
  • A fire control unit that further increases the accuracy of our ships' guns
  • Likon Permit for use in Nomadic Peoples Coalition submissions.
LIKON L1CC backup drive (Mass Produced)
  • A backup drive for redundancy against information loss in LIKON fire control technology.
  • Likon Permit for use in Nomadic Peoples Coalition submissions.

Haniyama Breach Repair Module (Minor Production)
  • A module that deploys nanobots to close hull breaches in an emergency. Provided by NAKAIOMA
  • NAKAIOMA Permit for use in Nomadic Peoples Coalition submissions.
Mangy Cat Defence Turret (Mass Produced)
  • A rapid fire point defence gun that uses armour piercing rounds
  • Permit for faction member use
Mitsuama Security Turret (Mass Produced)
  • A powerful turret that offers an added deterrent for enemy boarders on our larger Angels. Provided by NAKAIOMA
  • NAKAIOMA Permit for use in Nomadic Peoples Coalition submissions.
L2 Tamor-class ECM Drones (Mass Produced)
  • A tricky probe that our Angels can use to fool enemy sensors in a variety of different ways. Provided by Lucerne Labs
  • Lucerne Permit for use in Nomadic Peoples Coalition submissions.
L2 Marrab-class ECM Drones (Mass Produced)
  • A probe that our Angels can use for electronic warfare, both defensively and offensively. Provided by Lucerne Labs
  • Lucerne Permit for use in Nomadic Peoples Coalition submissions.

Nimble-5 Ion Engines (Mass Produced)
  • A powerful Ion engine that gives our Angels a temporary speed boost when needed. Provided by Lucerne Labs.
  • Lucern Permit for use in Nomadic Peoples Coalition submissions.
Nimble-7 Ion Engines (Mass Produced)
  • An engine that we use in some of our Starfighters.
  • Lucern Permit for use in Nomadic Peoples Coalition submissions.
Etheric “Paddlewheel” Engine (Limited production)
  • A highly unorthodox method of thrust that prioritizes raw power over speed.
  • Permit is not required for using in submissions for the Nomadic People's Coalition.

Searchlight Sensor Suite (Semi-unique)
  • A powerful sensor suite that penetrates stealth technology.
  • Open market. No permit necessary.
Etheric Sonar Array (Semi-unique)
  • An anti-stealth sensor that uses pulses in the luminiferous aether to create something akin to sonar for detection purposes
  • Permit is not required for using in submissions for the Nomadic People's Coalition.
Long Range MultiScanner (Mass Produced)
  • An advanced sensor suite that is provided by NAKAIOMA
  • NAKAIOMA Permit for use in Nomadic Peoples Coalition submissions.
L1 Rimor-class Recon Probes (Mass Produced)
  • A recon probe that can be deployed from our Angels. Provided by Lucerne Labs
  • Lucerne Permit for use in Nomadic Peoples Coalition submissions.
KT/ALR-88 Sensor Warning Receiver (Mass Produced)
  • An avionics early warning system for our Angels, informs the pilot/crew when the Angel is being scanned. Provided by NAKAIOMA
  • Open market. No permit necessary.

Droids/Combat Units
Holy Knights Infantry Division (Large/Common)
  • Our most common type of soldier, dedicated to protecting our Angels.
  • These may be linked in any capital ship/space station submission that is affiliated with the Nomadic Peoples Coalition. Permit is not required.
Garmr Battle Dog MK1 (Minor production)
  • A dog-droid companion that specializes in rushing the enemy in close range combat
  • Permit is not required for using in submissions for the Nomadic People's Coalition.
ECP Series Protocol Droid (Mass Production)
  • A highly useful protocol/communications droid that can go anywhere, translate any language, and transmit info through jamming interference.
  • No permit required as this item is OPEN MARKET.
L1 Rimor-class Recon Probes (Mass Produced)
  • A recon probe that can be deployed from our Angels. Provided by Lucerne Labs
  • Lucerne Permit for use in Nomadic Peoples Coalition submissions.
L2 Tamor-class ECM Drones (Mass Produced)
  • A tricky probe that our Angels can use to fool enemy sensors in a variety of different ways. Provided by Lucerne Labs
  • Lucerne Permit for use in Nomadic Peoples Coalition submissions.
L2 Marrab-class ECM Drones (Mass Produced)
  • A probe that our Angels can use for electronic warfare, both defensively and offensively. Provided by Lucerne Labs
  • Lucerne Permit for use in Nomadic Peoples Coalition submissions.

AFIRS-397 Flight Communication Module (Mass Produced)
  • An advanced communications technology provided by NAKAIOMA
  • Open market. No permit necessary.
AN/AQ-184 Precision Landing System (Mass Produced)
  • A piece of technology that we use for automated/assisted landing on our Angels. Provided by NAKAIOMA
  • Open market. No permit necessary.
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