Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Asteroid You Like A Hurricane (Silara)

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
[member="Silara Varis"]

"As you wish."

Ashin cut the channel too, and contacted the droids piloting the two shuttles that lurked behind the nearby asteroids. They were nimble little things, relatively tough and faster than a TIE Defender. They didn't have weapons, but they didn't need weapons.


The two shuttles accelerated with blistering speed, spinning out from behind the rocks. They set a rapid collision course for the armored bridge of the mostly-disabled cruiser.

Meanwhile, Ashin gave some final orders to her experienced bridge crew while putting on a space suit. Most of those orders came down to 'stay behind the cruiser where it can't shoot you' and 'keep pumping ion shots into it every now and again.' An undergrad brought her a flat slim box from her quarters; she tucked it into the webbing of her utility belt, beside her pistol.

Right around the time she jumped out the forward airlock and triggered her maneuvering pack, the shuttles would be coming in hot to break the cruiser's bridge.

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