The Draelvasier's impact upon Ala's Force Shield was unrelenting. As it persisted, the floor below her began to buckle and strain. The first sign of imminent danger in this regard came when the floor gave just a little, and Ala slipped out of her lotus position, eyes opened and hands hit the floor to regain balance. Her shield dropped in that moment, but the beasts next blow was already coming. Her hands lifted, eminating a brief blue tinge of shield, but then at the last moment she rolled to the side and grabbed strap on the beasts right wrist.
As the floor gave way, Ala fell for a moment, but only as far as Argaloth's fists travelled downward, and then she was jerked upwards away from the gaping wound in the ships interior. Dangling from the creatures arm, Ala felt herself beig thrashed about by the beast as she struggled to get any footing on the creatures bulked up arm.
With one of Argaloth's attempts to dislodge Cas, she found her knees colliding with the arm of the monster and then she had just a moment to grab her saber, point it and ignite it.
The beasts on flailing momentum saw her blade enter its forearm, run up his arm slicing through the band that held her old sabers to the creatures wrist and cutting through between its index and middle fingers, its thumb going along with the small segment of its hand that had been lopped off.
Being thrown from the creature, Ala found herself impacting a jagged piece of wall, very nearly impaling herself upon it. The wind momentarily knocked out of her, she understood that this was their moment of escape. Their last possible moment, at that.
"What are you waiting for, Cas?" She said, eyes not showing the humorous intent of her words.
With that, she turned, and ran back towards the direction of the hangar.
As the floor gave way, Ala fell for a moment, but only as far as Argaloth's fists travelled downward, and then she was jerked upwards away from the gaping wound in the ships interior. Dangling from the creatures arm, Ala felt herself beig thrashed about by the beast as she struggled to get any footing on the creatures bulked up arm.
With one of Argaloth's attempts to dislodge Cas, she found her knees colliding with the arm of the monster and then she had just a moment to grab her saber, point it and ignite it.
The beasts on flailing momentum saw her blade enter its forearm, run up his arm slicing through the band that held her old sabers to the creatures wrist and cutting through between its index and middle fingers, its thumb going along with the small segment of its hand that had been lopped off.
Being thrown from the creature, Ala found herself impacting a jagged piece of wall, very nearly impaling herself upon it. The wind momentarily knocked out of her, she understood that this was their moment of escape. Their last possible moment, at that.
"What are you waiting for, Cas?" She said, eyes not showing the humorous intent of her words.
With that, she turned, and ran back towards the direction of the hangar.