Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction At the Temple of Magnus (TSE)

Location: Training Courtyard, Temple of Magnus
Tags: Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex Aliris Tremiru Aliris Tremiru Iasha Rha Iasha Rha Darth Strosius Darth Strosius Darth Ophidia
Engaging: Venn Kolis Venn Kolis

The young Acolyte kept swinging the poleaxe and tearing apart the slaves before him. He was doing it proudly, confident in his superiority over the scum before him. Bone, flesh, and blood flung around
Kesran kept his posture as he wailed through slave after slave. Until he came across one that he seemed to notice. He wasn't psychically impressive and didn't seem very skilled. However, Kesran could sense the trace of the force within the slave, more than most of the lowly scum present. Kesran began to singularly approach this particular being.

The orgy of violence was in full bloom. Then the ground suddenly shook. He peered over at the blond woman and the Twi'lek and their standoff across the other side of the training ground. He chuckled briefly before turning back to the carnage at hand. The shaking subsided right after.

Moments later, the slave yanked another by the arm and threw them tumbling into the path of Kesran's swing. The blade cut through them like wildfire through wood. The Sith apprentice continued forward as he flicked his wrist, sending a Nautolan slave who was charging at him, flying 30 feet back as his face was crushed against a wall. He continued again, onwards.

His current target could clearly sense the horrid death that awaited him, and did everything he could to prevent it. It seemed like he had some confidence that he would somehow survive, but Kesran couldn't see how he did.

Then the human slave whipped around from backing away backwards and immediately got entangled with a Rodian. Seconds later, as Kesran finally neared close range, he swung the poleaxe behind his head and then brought it down in a diagonal cleave. However, the human had pushed the Rodian in front of him and into the line of the oncoming attack. The blade sliced through the Rodian's upper chest like a knife through luxury Zeltros cheese. The blade didn't stop as it went through the Rodian from the diagonally downwards cleave, it continued towards the human who was directly in the path of the incoming weapon. However, with remarkable quickness, the slave stepped inside of the swing and to the side of Kesran as the poleaxe slowed and neared the ground. Then Kesran within a split second, with the hard steel shaft of the poleaxe still pointing at the chest of the slave, thrusted it backwards with his arms and hips as it smashed into the slave's front and side with brute force, propelling him backwards, flying several feet before rising again. Kesran was beginning to almost respect the survival instinct of such a slave. As the slave got up slowly, Kesran walked quickly over, with the poleaxe in one hand at his low right side. As he reached his target's position, the young man got up and leaned over in pain before him, seeming to mutter something to himself as he glared upwards at the Acolyte, but Kesran couldn't make it out.

Kesran now raised the poleaxe with two hands in the same high and then downwards diagonally sweeping strike. However before throwing it downwards, he stopped. He understood that this slave had too much potential and possible skill to just waste it. He was at Kesran's level, and he might never be, but Kesran sensed he could be more than just a Sith slave, much more in fact.

Then, instead, Kesran realized his folly. He has not here to end the chaos. He was here to incite it.

He then stopped, lowered the poleaxe back to his side, and approached the slave even closer, a mere foot away. Standing right in front of him, Kesran paused for 30 seconds and stared into the soul of the slave before him. He tried to sense the young man's future and potential, but Kesran couldn't get much, his own skills with those abilities needed work and massive refinement.

After the eerie pause, Kesran, with no change in body language and facial expressions, lifted the Poleaxe with one hand towards the slave. Not in an attack, but as if gesturing for him to take it. Kesran knew this slave knew his place, at least with him, so he wasn't worried about him betraying him. After all, Kesran spared his life anyway. He gestured more noticeably for the man to take the poleaxe and he thrust it sideways by the long shaft into the slave's grasp.

Kesran backed away after gifting the weapon to his new ally of sorts. He smiled and spoke one sentence, as if to instruct or guide.

"Unleash Hell"
Aliris Tremiru Aliris Tremiru


As their blades connected, Iasha could tell that Isari was the less experienced fencer. While Iasha was no prodigy, she had some more training and experience than her opponent, and that made all the difference. However, Isari clearly had other powers in store than skill with the blade.

The bloodshine blades clashed together with furious hisses and practically screeched upon contact, as if channelling the frustrations of the two Sith. Iasha tried to quickly wind around Isari's blade to bat it away to create an opening, but her advance was abrupted by Isari's release of rage. It caused Iasha to take a step back and be caught partly in the blast.

Another acolyte caught her fall and tried to hold her down. The selkath trapped her sword arm and raised the other hand, preparing to rip into her with venom-tipped claws, but the twi'lek quickly jabbed upwards with her left hand. There was a sound like the snapping of glass as his head jerked back from the blow, then tilted forward as a gush of dark blood poured out from the wound in his neck where the shikkar had snapped. Seizing the moment, the twi'lek squirmed out from under his grip and gave one last lash with the sabre for good measure.

She looked at Isari again and gave her sabre a whirl before raising it over her head.

"She's alive- Until I find her."



Onlookers: Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex Darth Maliphant Darth Ophidia
In the Pit: Darth Strosius Darth Strosius Aliris Tremiru Aliris Tremiru Iasha Rha Iasha Rha Azera
The Immediate Problem: Kesran Opadal Kesran Opadal

A spark flared to life deep within Venn's eyes. Slugthrower rifles cracked from the parapet overhead, striking body after body. As those shots rang out, Venn realized something. He was already dead. The moment those shooters turned their gaze to him, his story would end, his eyes would stop seeing. It could be now, this moment, or this next one. He had no say, no control. This killer, gazing with a kind of... respect? Sympathy? He was offering Venn a chance at an encore.

The haunting chorus of the Stygian Zealots rang in Venn's ears, as Kesran Opadal Kesran Opadal smiled.

"Unleash Hell."

Alright, then.

A pair of guards in black armor flanked Venn, one speaking in garbled tones. "You've been selected. You'll need to come wi-" He never finished that thought, as the butt of the heavy pole weapon slammed into his helmet. Shattered pieces of plasteel flew through the air as he dropped like a stone, and his partner reeled, raising his rifle.

"Too slow!" Venn's shout was joyous as the axe blade scythed around his body, slamming into the trooper's armor just under the helmet. The man folded in on himself as he hit the floor, and Venn smiled. There, he'd taken two. Not such a bad finale. But he could do better. Three acolytes in dark robes had spotted him. Raising dark swords, they ran at him shouting. Their words mattered not; what mattered was the blade of the poleaxe stabbing out again and again. The first acolyte managed to parry the first two thrusts before Venn feinted a gut shot and he fell for it. With a sick grin, Venn savagely pushed the weapon through his face and out the back of his head. "Just too slow."

Where this new strength and speed was coming from, the young man wasn't sure. He was starving, afraid, desperate, and confident in an impending doom. Yet all of this seemed to make him.... stronger.

A harsh crackling sound filled Venn's ears, and he was thrown onto his back in the purest of agonies. The other two acolytes were grimacing in disgust and rage, and their raised hands buzzed with blue electricity. They seemed only capable of brief short-range bursts, but by alternating between them, they kept Venn screaming on the ground without respite.

An entire world of suffering was coursing through Venn's body, one he hadn't known existed. Every molecule of his form was being split, every fiber of his being was untwisting into void. It was too much, it was everything, it was unmaking him. He couldn't take anymore, it had to stop or everything was going to-


The yellow fire that had been smoldering deep in his eyes exploded from Venn in an orange shockwave. His tormentors stumbled back as he stood, their robes burning all across the front. The blaze had entirely engulfed his hands, was threatening its way up his forearms. The pain would have been excruciating, if he hadn't just been subjected to Force Lightning. Flames leapt from his eyes as Venn stooped to retrieve his dropped poleaxe, only to hurl it at the burning acolyte attempting to run from him. Satisfied that the impaled fool had stopped moving, Venn strode to grip the second man by the sides of his head. The dark hood flaked away to reveal a young face twisted by fear and pain.

Looking into those wild, frightened eyes, Venn smirked. The flames rose higher.

The skull in Venn's hands had nearly been purged of flesh when the first stun shot hit him square in the chest. Stumbling, he yelled angrily and tried to make the fire burst out of him again. Instead it sputtered. I'm tired... another stunner struck him, so tired. A third laid him out on his back. In his hands and in his eyes, the flames went out. All he knew was darkness.

The darkclad troopers of the Twice-Emperor lowered their rifles, and carried the emaciated slave away to an uncertain fate.

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Prophet of Bogan
Location: Training Yard
Equipment: Lightsaber
Tags: Venn Kolis Venn Kolis / Aliris Tremiru Aliris Tremiru / Iasha Rha Iasha Rha / Kesran Opadal Kesran Opadal
Engaging: Azera

His gaze narrowed as she managed to avoid his thrust, quickly pulling back his arm so that it wasn't left open to attack for too long. It wasn't unexpected that she had dodged it, it was more the way that she did so that concerned him. Evidently she was quick on her feet. A little too quick for his liking, given the circumstances. As she spoke, only one thought entered his mind. that boss music I hear? His eyes widened as she leapt forward, reflexively stepping back and bringing his blade to meet and block the attack. However, he had brought it up just a little bit too high.

The Acolyte bit his lip to stifle a hiss as he felt the vibroblade cut across his torso, but thankfully given his step it wasn't as deep as it could have been.

I do hope that my master didn't see that one...she probably did. Alisteri was quick to turn left on his heel to face his opponent, not even bothering to glance down or cover the wound. It would heal like they all did, after he had something to drink of course, so it was of no consequence. It could be handled later. He couldn't help but scoff at the remark as he readied himself for his next strike. "I much prefer a more mixed chorus for hymnals myself." The current tone was far too deep for his liking, but it would do well enough. "But I suppose it's good to have music to distract you when you're about to get shown up."

He gripped the hilt of his weapon with both hands and went in for a low swing, aiming to either decapitate her or try and cut the vibroblabe in half.


Location: Training Courtyard - Temple of Magnus
Equipment: Vibroblade
Tag: Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex Aliris Tremiru Aliris Tremiru Iasha Rha Iasha Rha Venn Kolis Venn Kolis
Direct Engagement: Darth Strosius Darth Strosius

The crack of slugthrower fire permeated the air as those who were too weak, cowardly, or frail were cut down in droves by the armored soldiers on the walls overseeing the courtyard, the aura of death growing yet more pungent with each life that was snuffed out in the violent melee. Sensing that she had drawn blood, Azera settled into a low, feline stance, optimized to give her legs maximum leverage and power. All the while, she caught Venn Kolis Venn Kolis in her far periphery, flames lancing forth from his eyes and incinerating the trio of Acolytes in front of him, their pained, shrill screams making the Seseli wince due to their volume and the extreme sensitivity of her hearing, further adding to the din of noise within the courtyard. Nevertheless, Azera took some interest in the boy, as his powers, at least on a superficial level, seemed to closely resemble her own, though she was more Homelander where he was Lamplighter.

“The eyes really are the window to the soul~” She mused wistfully as the slave was stunned by the soldiers, before being carried off to an unknown location. “A shame that I can’t see yours!” The Seseli giggled, just as the masked Acolyte closed in for a low swing, taking advantage of her distraction to land a blow of his own. For all of her speed, agility, and athleticism, Azera could only yelp as she brought her blade up to intercept the strike, the weapon breaking in two as she let it go and threw herself out of the lightsaber’s path in a quick, powerful sidestep, sacrificing the vibroblade to protect her life. Unfortunately, searing shards and chunks of the weapon had gotten onto her arms, making her wince as the heat singed her pink flesh.

“I hope that we can see eye to eye!” Azera cried out. As she spoke, an acute whine emanated from her eyes as they began to glow with more intensity, which were the only warnings before twin beams of searing hot plasma lanced forth from her gaze a split-second later, aimed to strike the masked Acolyte directly in his chest from roughly four meters away.
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Prophet of Bogan
Location: Training Yard
Equipment: Lightsaber
Tags: Venn Kolis Venn Kolis / Aliris Tremiru Aliris Tremiru / Iasha Rha Iasha Rha / Kesran Opadal Kesran Opadal
Engaging: Azera

With good timing and a bit of luck, his attack connected. It didn't hit her directly of course, that would be too easy, but it did impact something almost as vital as a limb. Her weapon.

There was something oddly satisfying about the yelp that Azera let out as her weapon took the brunt of his swing and broke in two. Ah, that's more like it! It could barely be heard amidst the chaotic and ever-present sounds of combat and pain around them, but it was very refreshing to his ears to hear something that wasn't one of her little remarks. It certainly did a job of distracting him from the sound of slugs impacting the unfortunate and cowardly, if nothing else.

Maybe that'll shut her up for a bit....probably not but I can hope.

He didn't try to pursue her as she leapt away though, taking a step back instead and readjusting his grip on his lightsaber again. Rushing into another strike was how he had lost a hand once, after all. Thinking tactically had saved him in every fight thus far, and he didn't intend to let one moment of his own hubris end this little duel.

"I prefer to have my windows covered, keeps out the unwanted gazes." She was unarmed, but that was only so much of a disadvantage if she had training or natural weaponry. Well, I know she has one weapon, natural is subjective though.

As he finally took a step forward to go in for a, hopefully, final attack though, he noticed her eyes glow. His eyes widened as said 'weapon' was put to use, reflexively dropping down to try and avoid the dual beams heading right for him. He just barely managed to get down in time, feeling the beams go right above his left shoulder before he hit the ground.

Alisteri grunted as he quickly moved to get back onto his feet, not eager to be caught on his stomach so close to his opponent. "I just don't think we're on the same wave length, you and I."


Location: Training Courtyard - Temple of Magnus
Equipment: Vibroblade
Direct Engagement: Darth Strosius Darth Strosius

The masked Apprentice was slippery, that much was certain. However, with the vibroblade slashed in two, the Force was her only weapon left. In order to survive this test, she would need to make clever and extensive use of it. Only then, might she survive against this powerful Apprentice.

All the while, Azera was keenly aware that her Master was watching.

The beams lancing forth from her eyes missed their target by mere inches, the Apprentice throwing himself to the ground just as the searing hot rays tore through the space he had occupied only a split-second before. The tiny Seseli let out an annoyed grunt as he moved, ceasing her attack so that she could better anticipate his next play.

Just as he pushed himself up from the ground, Azera released a breath and backflipped a few times, creating a few more meters of separation before landing with athletic poise as the Apprentice got back onto his feet.

“Maybe not the same wavelength...but they do complement each other!” Azera giggled as she landed. She may have been illiterate, but that didn't mean she wasn't also somewhat scientifically curious.

“We just need to figure out which of us is dominant…”

All the while, Azera let the dark side build up within, the playful, yet predatory glint in her eyes silently daring the masked Apprentice to approach.

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