soft epilogue

In the jungle
Fronds and other foliage were but streaks of green, and other cool coloured tones, only once or twice registering as polyhedral options. She was a whirlwind at this point, reacting and avoiding obstacles on instinct and programming. Augmented movements felt like natural extensions of her intentions, and the jungle was welcoming to her experimentation, making the empyrean all the more accessible to the Padawan.
A palm struck against the druxy, moss-laden trunk as she vaulted over the final obstacle in the jungle and slid through the dirt in the small forest clearing. Waiting, was the ever dutiful Frank.
“Time!” She exclaimed, sounding both out of breath and triumphant. Her golden blade deactivated as she righted herself from the skidding entrance. She was met with a definitive click from the astromech, stopping the clock, and a distant hoot of some indigenous fauna.
That was a whole thirty-five seconds faster than her last time around the circuit. In her wake, there were a series of deconstructed training droids, formerly stretched chasms closed with fallen trees, and small stacks of rocks that had triggered another series of events overcome. She'd have to pack those up again in S.S. Bruno to avoid littering. But still, worth it!
Revelling in then success to a quicker time, she took pause to appreciate the sound of running water and the coolness of the breeze that rustled through the surrounding forrest.