Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Athena Initiative: Explorers Wanted

Tide Bringer (Protector of Mon Cala)
Tyluko could sense the unease as he approached the group, many wary eyes were upon him. He was of a race that almost went extinct over a thousand years ago, they would no doubt be curious. He could sense their anxieties but also their excitement, their desire to begin this work and to explore the unknown. Tyluko admired their dedication and courage. He wondered how exactly he would fit in with all this as the group he was with was quite different from his fellow Jedi on Voss. Though he didn't think being a Jedi would cause any issue. He was eager to learn what he could whether it was from a Jedi or a cartographer which is what the man before him introduced himself as. Map-makers.... Tyluko thought about some of the Mon Calamari and Quarren that he had gotten to know back on Dac long ago and a few of them were cartographers. Charting star systems so that they may be revealed to the rest of the Galaxy.

The man extended his hand out in a greeting, Tyluko grabbed his hand and was just about to introduce himself when he heard some of the others talking in the background. They were talking about the Jedi and not in the most polite of tones. Tyluko started to get a little nervous but he knew he had to tell them, its not like he could hide it "Well that's just great" he thought to himself. Tyluko looked back up at the man and responded "I am a Dolphinarian from the planet Mon Calamari, you can call me Tyluko.............. and I am Jedi Padawan with the Silver Jedi" He said rather nervously. The room carried a heavy silence as if everyone had heard him. Tyluuko could sense an increase in the groups uneasiness. "I...I am sorry if this is an issue."He said quietly.

[member="Arutha"] [member="Gabriel Audemars"] [member="N'Jay Crowe"] [member="Belek"] [member="Darryl Montreux"]
Arutha, cartographer.

Lars, lane explorer.

Insect boy.

Dolphin Jedi boy.

Some guy.

Nar Shaddaa guy.

Darryl tried to memorize different quirks that each of the new arrivals demonstrated while still observing the AI uniform with disgust. He preferred to remain silent as one side asked questions while the other answered. The infochant had no part in the conversation, nor could he offer any insight.

For now he refrained from speaking but kept his ears wide open for any little piece of useful information.

People could reveal way too much from simple small talk, Darryl had found out.

[member="Tyluko Dubykee"] [member="Gabriel Audemars"] @N'Jay Crowe [member="Lauris Floyd"] [member="Arutha"] [member="Belek"]​
The room was soon flooded with individuals from all walks of life, many moving in unison alongside the others toward the hangar - to gaze upon the fine vessels they would be calling home. Most seemed to be looking to [member='Arutha'] for guidance, and though Lars knew that he didn't know any more than the rest of them he could see why. The man definitely had an air of wisdom about him, he seemed likable enough. Who knew, maybe he'd come to be some great leader in the eyes of his crew.

When everyone began checking their datapads for information on their crews, Lars noted that he was indeed set for another ship. Pilot. Huh, seemed his decision to join Pelayo all those years ago had truly paid off. Look at me now, mom and dad... Look at me now. They'd thought he'd never amount to much. Sure he was no engineer, but he got to travel the Galaxy... And get paid for it. How many others could say that?

He scrolled through the list of names, each with a face beside them. One of his crew members was in the room with them already, [member='Darryl Montreux'], another - [member='Lena Gray'] - hadn't appeared though her status had been approved. Perhaps she was tending to something? Pilot, Scanner, Muscles. And a whole host of others. The list neared upward of 10 folks. Well, his baby Mira could handle that no problem... But could he?

"Yeah, no doubt they'll sweeten to the idea of letting me use Mira if I offer to pay her expenses. Don't have need for the pay anyway, save what I put into her." At the mention of a mission to Voss, he perked a brow and checked his own datapad. "Hey, what do you know? The crew I've been put with are scheduled for the same mission. Should be interesting, though I hope they're not going to send us in there blind. Surely the Initiative has some veterans?" They had to.

Lars turned his head toward the man who had been assigned Scanner duty and offered a small smile. Hopefully he doesn't intend to contact HR every time something goes wrong... Or this could end up extremely tedious.

"Montreux? I'm Lars. Seems we're in the same crew."

[member='Tyluko Dubykee'] [member='Gabriel Audemars'] [member='N'Jay Crowe'] [member='Belek']
Belek listened and learned about the presence of Jedi in the galaxy. Their frightening abilities, and then learned that one of them was in their very midst. Curious. He had never met any such sorcerors on Stic. Belek made a note to keep an eye on this Dolphinarian Silver Jedi, the wondered what made him 'Silver'. Were there Gold Jedi? Or just regular and Silver. Force user politics would hopefully not be a subject he had to study in the reaches of Unknown Space. Then again perhaps he wouldn't even be assigned with the aquatic gender. Looking at a datapd Belek scanned for his name.

Name: Belek
Role: Unassigned
Ship: Unassigned

Hmm. That was helpful. Listening around he heard one of the new crewers want to keep his own ship for the journey. Perhaps some sort of concessions would be made. Depending on the funding of the program they might not be able to afford turning down a ship. Belek considered the pros and cons of going on a 'main' ship or this Mr. Floyd's, then refreshed the datapad.

Name: Belek
Role: S-1
Ship: Unassigned

A quick perusing of the job codes revealed that S-1 was the lowest level security job in the Initiative. Typical duties included maintaining weapons, and providing security for low level ground teams. Looked like he'd be overseeing marketplace transactions rather than exploring new worlds. That was okay, it looked like security also had the largest turnover rate. Oppurtunity to move into more exciting roles would come. Belek just had to be patient. And survive. No big deal.

He refreshed again, hoping to find a ship assignment. It would be nice to meet some of his fellow crewers before lift off.

[member="Arutha"] [member="Lauris Floyd"] [member="Darryl Montreux"] [member="Gabriel Audemars"] @N'Jay Crowe [member="Tyluko Dubykee"]
Everything was gathering around and irritation began to slowly creep up on Arutha. He was never one for the center of attention. The words became a buzz as everyone began to chat among themselves. When a question was directed at Arutha he turned his attention to the man. "I've been here for five minutes, I just signed up. I'm in no position to comment on who is allowed what. Take it up with a supervisor," he answered flatly, then scratched at his knuckles. He was feeling less comfortable as time dragged on. Then, the strange Dolphin-man introduced himself as a Jedi and Arutha frowned at him for a moment, then his lips parted in a smile, "And I'm a Sith."

Arutha laughed and slapped the Jedi on the shoulder and gave him a wink, "Good joke." He looked at the crowd before him and offered a suggestion, "We've got some time before we have any proper duties, if the Initiative needs us they can buzz us. Why don't we all head to a cantina and familiarize ourselves with each other?" Arutha retreated the way he had come, down the ramp and towards the exit. The docks of any planet usually held many cantinas in the immediate area for thirsty spacers, he didn't think Terminus would be any different.
He Didn't know how he missed it at first, probibly because of the quireness of the humaniod dolphin being. but he saw it now, It wasn't lying when it said it was a Jedi, [member="Arutha"] blew it of as a joke ​'fool' ​but the way it seemed nervish about the way that others where talking about Force Users, and the not so well hidden hilt of a light saber sticking out of his robe told J all he needed to know. J never had much experience with Jedi or Sith so he was unbiased, but he thought he'd help the poor thing before it got harassed, or worse.

so J walked op to [member="Tyluko Dubykee"] and introduces himself. ​"hey, Tyluko, over here." ​after he was close enough to not be overheard by the others he continued ​" The names Crowe, N'Jay Crowe but you can call me J for short. Arutha might have thought it was a joke, but I'm not as ignorant about stuff like that, so yeah I believe your a Jedi. as you might have heard most of the others are a bit unfriendly towards Force Users. me not so much."

he glances at his holopad and sees:
​name: Crowe, N'Jay
​role: unassigned
​ship: 'wild flower'

​this made J happy, he'd be on his own ship, although at this point it's his home. he continued talking, ​"oh you might want to hide the saber a bit better, i can see part of it. but yeah these guys will not fully trust you until you save their asses at lest once. if you don't have transport, or want to risk it on our little expeditions, fell free to join me on my ship, I could use some company besides my Astromech droid. so yeah keep the Jedi thing to yourself for now" ​of course in was advice he could take on not, it would be up to Tyluko. J learned early on that you can learn a lot about people just by observing, no words necessary. when Arutha asked if they wanted to hit the local cantina and get better acquainted with each other, J chuckled.​'why do I always end op at a cantina?' ​whether it was job hunting, relaxing, hiding, or drowning his past; the cantina seamed the place he always went. it didn't matter what planet or even if he spoke the native language. credits where the only thing he needed to show. he debated whether or not he was going to go, but in the end he decided against going '​just say no, we aren't doing that anymore' ​he spoke aloud to the others ​" you guys go on, I have to get my ship ready for the mission". ​it was a dumb excuse, but not a full lie either. he did have to get supplies for his ship, but he also needed to stay away from cantina's. he needed to stop trying to fight the memories, he needed to be alone.

he started walking back to his ship "​call me if you need me".

[member="Arutha"] | [member="Belek"] | [member="Lauris Floyd"] | [member="Darryl Montreux"] | [member="Tyluko Dubykee"]

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