Darth Banshee
Exiled Queen of Serenno
Darth Banshee finally made her way down, to burial chamber she was after. It was of unknown sith tomb she was after, all she new is he was trained by Rin shuuir at some point. He was the creator of artifact that she was after, and according to [member="Darth Mierin"] he was buried with one them. It had a lot of uses for her and family the one sith. She could use it to heal any damage done by the giggle sticks. As well as heal her, and others in the battles to come against the Jedi.
In the room, their was eight sarcophagus, all beaten down by moss over the years. All she had to do know was open them, and work out which one had it in inside. That meant opening them, this was some times considered heresy. Though she no calms about this, to her these dead where heretics. So depriving them of this amulet, was of no great consequences.
In the room, their was eight sarcophagus, all beaten down by moss over the years. All she had to do know was open them, and work out which one had it in inside. That meant opening them, this was some times considered heresy. Though she no calms about this, to her these dead where heretics. So depriving them of this amulet, was of no great consequences.