Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Athletes of Chaos

Lurcano Car'dann

"Kark you, I won't do what you tell me."
Sorry if this thread has been done before, but do any of you guys do sports/athletics of any kind? Feel free to post below and we can see where this takes us. I currently do three sports, which are.

- Football (O/D-Line)
- Wrestling (182 Weight Class)
- Track and Field (Discus/Shot Put)

I'm currently in Highschool, so they're all my schools sports teams. Do any of you do clubs, or other organized type sporting things?
I had to drop all my sports due to injury, but here were my stats:

- Football (Noseguard, Primary Defensive Line)
- Basketball (Primary Defense)
- Amateur Wrestling (160 Weight Class)

And a bit of a bonus...

- Tae Kwon Do (Blue Belt)

Malik Rodarch

[member="Lurcano Car'dann"]

It's a girl's sport (my avatar is deceiving, I'm a girl), not very exciting.

Think basketball without dribbling.

But I was good at it, and I've got a few medals for it. :)
[member="Lurcano Car'dann"] I did, yeah. I was on the team for grades 9 and 10, suffered the injury early in grade 11 and the team was cut before the first tournament that year, which I suppose was probably a godsend for my health as after a month away, I refused to stay benched any longer and was hell bent on working hurt.

Lurcano Car'dann

"Kark you, I won't do what you tell me."
[member="Drapeam Nyx"] SWA, so I know what Kendo is. Definitely seems like something I'd want to do. Sadly I doubt it's very accessible in LA.

Joshua DragonsFlame Damn that's a shame.

[member="Malik Rodarch"] Deceiving indeed. I probably could never do Netball. To much running, not enough hitting.
Green belt in karate with weapon training in the bow staff and sai. (Love the sai) also white in jujitsu. I've had enough classes where I should be higher but I was rarely off that night so I took the class probably twice a month. I know Kung fu stances as well since the dojo taught karate and kung fu together. :)

^all after high school. During high school, I was a nerd, and for all 4 years, I was in Chess Club, Art Club, and Junior Classical League(fancy title for all things Latin and Greek) :)

Jaxton Ravos

Mindwalker of the Outer Rim
Joshua DragonsFlame said:
I had to drop all my sports due to injury, but here were my stats:

- Football (Noseguard, Primary Defensive Line)
- Basketball (Primary Defense)
- Amateur Wrestling (160 Weight Class)

And a bit of a bonus...

- Tae Kwon Do (Blue Belt)
160 lb Noseguard?
[member="Jaxton Ravos"] Noseguard in a province/state-based league, not a school league (I was one of the bigger kids at the time, at about 5'11). Same for basketball. The only official school team I did was the wrestling one.
[member="Lurcano Car'dann"]

Gladius training for years.

Used to run and do various exercises with a fitness nut Marine three times a week for three-four hours a day. Slacked off significantly since I've started welding/college and had an injury. Finally starting to run again.
I never really did sports officially, though I did play softball for a season about eight years ago. I used to run for fun and stuff, but I never tried out for track. My passions lied elsewhere.
I played in wrestling. (120 lbs class when I weighed about 115[small school]) Yes I was one of the light kids that you could almost throw with both hands. I had to cut my time there short after an injury to my shoulder in my junior year.
I did track and field (100 meter, 200 meter, 4x1 relay, and 4x4 relay)
I did Cross country (third place winner in my school before my injury) During the Cross country season I sprained my ankle literally within 24 hours of the last race of the season.
I was in the Auto mechanic club. (Freshman year I was just a member, Sophmore year I was elected to be the secretary, Junior year I was Vice president, but bumped up to President because current president left, and this year I am president again)

I tried Karate, and was there for about three months before I was kicked out. (one of the rules was we were not allowed to fight outside of the dojo unless necessary.) Needless to say, I beat the snot out of three guys that decided to follow me home from school.

And I was the one kid in dodgeball who dodged almost everything, and if I couldn't, I catch the ball. (There were actually a few instances where I would catch one, drop it so I could catch another, drop that one to catch a third.)

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