Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Atoa Meet Again (SJC + Knightwatch)

Naria Harth

Whose idea do you think it was.

The datapad slipped through her fingers, clattering on the floor. Tarish was not simply dead. He had killed himself. He had sacrificed himself for the order's cause. There was something so finite by that-- her rage hitting a door that could never be opened. There was no one to blame. Nothing to avenge. No confusion to agonize over.

It was all very black and white. Somehow, the truth was still so utterly devastating.

"No one knows if the Grandmaster is even alive-- it's been months. She's been replaced." And yet Tarish had burned himself from the inside out. Did the fallen child know something?

Ayden Carter

Ayden was so far into deep thought, the clang of the datapad startled him a bit.

As new information started to pile up, more and more it would start to make sense. Little by little, the puzzle would be completed. The truth laid itself out like a sheet of paper, but the question was did they want to see it that way? If Tarish purposefully met a most devastating end, what was the reason?

He still stayed quiet in thought. The others would be able to plot the dots together, especially the Galland sister. She looked so stern and fierce, with eyes that could pierce into the soul. But if anything, she was grieving the most. Poor lady.

The headache from before started to get worse.



The collective began to put the pieces of the puzzle together. Words and reasons flying through the room as the man went back to signing the transfer paperwork. The pained look on Farrina's face growing in a mix of wonder and grief. Her brother had given his life to save another. Though he had taken it by his own hand regardless.

She wondered what their mother would think about those details.

Her attention had flitted softly between those speaking before finally coming to rest on her brother's body. Blinking, she drew a deep breath before looking to the group in front of her.

"Tarish would have taken even the slightest chance. Even if that chance only amounted to a splinter." She spoke softly once more, a tired smile appearing before shifting to a bland and business like stare. "I will join you for the time being, to gather more details on his death." She added, standing at attention for a brief moment and nodding to Naria before settling back to an informal stance.

"I am able, have extensive training, and can hold my own. I have to inform those under my command of the shift in duties, but I will be able travel with you all within a day." She informed them, taking a measuring look of each one at her words.

Naria Harth Cato Harth Cato Harth Risen Risen Ayden Carter
(OOC: Go ahead and post wrap up posts if you want)​
“That crazy son of a-” Cato snorted with a singly, wry laugh, cutting himself off in the presence of the Galland entourage. He was surprised to hear Farrina would be joining them, regarding her with a raised brow. She was difficult to read. “Well I’m sure we could always use an extra pair of hands.”

The thought that anyone would go to such desperate measures to see something like this through. On such a small glimmer of hope, no less. It was baffling. But it was also very Tarish. And as with most of Tarish’s dumb plans, Cato was all too eager to go along with it.

“...We can’t let this information leave this room. Not yet.” He spoke with caution, knowing full well that what he was saying may sound suspicious at best, “If it gets out that this was all staged, that she didn’t actually do it? It’s gonna spread fast. And it’s only a matter of time before it reaches the wrong people. And when it does? That padawan is as good as dead. Or worse.”

Cato gave everyone in the room a measured stare, trying to accentuate his message with a final point, “Tarish DIED for it. Let’s not be the ones to mess it up.”

Remembering Wildflowers

Farrina Naria Harth Cato Harth Cato Harth Ayden Carter

“Hmph.” Risen looked away. These people were so sure. There was no doubt that Tarish knew what was going to happen as soon as he touched down on Onderon, but still…

Take Farrina for example. In one breath she assumed she’d be a welcome addition to the team, in the next she’s making arrangements for it to be so. He leveled his gaze to match hers. He wanted her aware, tangibly aware, that words wouldn’t make her his comrade. His soldier’s stare said plainly that Tarish hadn’t shuffled some papers and become his brother — they bled together, and they drew blood together.

That was it, Risen thought. Tarish died, they said, and Tarish burned. Like it happened out of clear blue nothing. But however it happened, however roundabout the method, someone killed him. Risen’s chest burned. Darkness fell over his brow. Suddenly, he longed to meet the padawan again in battle.

And this time, it would be no schoolyard lesson.

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