Whose idea do you think it was.
The datapad slipped through her fingers, clattering on the floor. Tarish was not simply dead. He had killed himself. He had sacrificed himself for the order's cause. There was something so finite by that-- her rage hitting a door that could never be opened. There was no one to blame. Nothing to avenge. No confusion to agonize over.
It was all very black and white. Somehow, the truth was still so utterly devastating.
"No one knows if the Grandmaster is even alive-- it's been months. She's been replaced." And yet Tarish had burned himself from the inside out. Did the fallen child know something?
The datapad slipped through her fingers, clattering on the floor. Tarish was not simply dead. He had killed himself. He had sacrificed himself for the order's cause. There was something so finite by that-- her rage hitting a door that could never be opened. There was no one to blame. Nothing to avenge. No confusion to agonize over.
It was all very black and white. Somehow, the truth was still so utterly devastating.
"No one knows if the Grandmaster is even alive-- it's been months. She's been replaced." And yet Tarish had burned himself from the inside out. Did the fallen child know something?