Lord Commander
Mythos chuckled when she mentioned mandalorian clones. "Atrisians are no different, Some families in Atrisia have been of the warrior class dating back thousands of years." He pondered other options and nodded."As i said miss garter, i have all the time in the world" He smiled, knowing the truth of that statement went far beyond the truth he knew for a fact. Mythos did not age.
He realized the massive work needed with their armaments and structure and he could not help to feel empowered. He had a mission now, to give the One Sith an army that could sweep over the galaxy like a cloud of red fire and death. "Would something else than humans be out of the question? I have heard of Massassi in Coruscant. I can get a sample in a weeks end, their training might have to endure more time and specific training by myself but i would be more than honored to." He knew the proposition was enticing, he also knew that the rumors of the race slowly appearing was true. Spaarti could take the chance and have them be responsible for the first cloning of the species in a very long time and should the delivery be successful a bonus would be ensured by the dark lord himself....
"If that can be achieved, i can guarantee very impressed sith lords." He smiled. It was also more profitable to him, massassi could do much more, with much less.
[member="Patricia Susan Garter"]
He realized the massive work needed with their armaments and structure and he could not help to feel empowered. He had a mission now, to give the One Sith an army that could sweep over the galaxy like a cloud of red fire and death. "Would something else than humans be out of the question? I have heard of Massassi in Coruscant. I can get a sample in a weeks end, their training might have to endure more time and specific training by myself but i would be more than honored to." He knew the proposition was enticing, he also knew that the rumors of the race slowly appearing was true. Spaarti could take the chance and have them be responsible for the first cloning of the species in a very long time and should the delivery be successful a bonus would be ensured by the dark lord himself....
"If that can be achieved, i can guarantee very impressed sith lords." He smiled. It was also more profitable to him, massassi could do much more, with much less.
[member="Patricia Susan Garter"]