Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public Atrisia II: Electric Boogaloo.

Tana lightly cocked his head to the side at Junkos words, "wait, are you telling me the invading Sith forces are trying to ruin an already ruined city and believe that it will help they take over the planet"? "I mean yeah I would prefer it if an attacking force didn't target a main urban center but for Sith who rely on shock and awe along with committing war crimes to win battles it seems kind of wasteful". Though perhaps this Mythos person just really didn't like the place and was doing it for fun, he wasn't a mind reader after all.

He could only sigh and shake his head while following the princess around, eyeing the surrounding land as she continued to communicate with the other military personal who were heading the defense of the planet. At the very least today wouldn't be boring, no doubt an interesting tale to tell the rest of the family when they came back home.

Junko Ike Junko Ike
A Light Shining in Darkness

Location: Magnus Class Battlecruiser
Allies: Shira Varanin Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo Rik Perris Rik Perris Cambria Zadira Cambria Zadira
Enemies: Kay-Larr Kay-Larr Mythos Mythos

Get off the ship.”, Wyatt offered to the Jedi listening, ensuring those in tune with his telepathy understood the message.​
Wyatt, however, didn’t trust Kay; that he could appear just so happenly as she planned to betray her Master. He let her leave - but he found a place on the floor. Knees beneath him, palms up, Wyatt closed his eyes and let himself fall into a trance; feeling the souls of the ship cry out, hearing the footsteps in engineering, and even the voicer of Kay as she commanded the others to destroy the ship.​
The Force had guided him here - and it commanded he stay, at least for the moment. When the ship was gone - when he had no option left but to leave, he would; but not now, not yet. Too many sins had taken place here, and he would see it return to the ash it was craft from -​
Or he’d die trying.​
I’ll join you soon.”, he offered the Jedi Strike Team, holding that lightsaber in his palm.​


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay had no Master. She had been on her own for decades. Mythos Mythos was...and old friend, an adversary that had betrayed her to the Sith, and now? Now he was something else. Kay was the only connection to the Light that he had and she hoped to help it to grow. The way to do that wasn't exactly easy. Sometimes she had to take a few steps back to move forward.

The Magnus shook as it entered the atmosphere, the enchentment machines that fueled it was cut off from their fuel source. Now it merely fell, using Atrisia's own gravity to increase the speed of it's descent. Within minutes it came crashing down onto the Capital city, hitting the shield generators that protected it. Instead of a vast explosion, the Magnus crumpled, the intense heat from the atmosphere's friction on it's hull causing the metal to melt. Yet the shockwave was enough to throw everything of light enough weight by at least thirty feet. Some of the debris scattered, huge hunks of metal pummeling buildings. The destruction caused was immense.

The escape pods landed clear of the battlefields. Once on the ground they opened. The Commenori soldiers emerged with Kay, weapons drawn as they sought out threats. The former Commenori Queen and now tea merchant, accessed Mythos on her comms. "The Magnus is down. Requesting pick up."

Wyatt Morga Wyatt Morga Shira Varanin Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo Rik Perris Rik Perris Cambria Zadira Cambria Zadira
Junko looked at Tanaski Yumi Tanaski Yumi and shrugged as they continued towards the wall. The battle overhead ship wise looked almost even, that the attackers were failing to recognize the massive planetary structure lined with turbolasers and defensive weapons that would have been firing on them since they were hostile to the planet... proved that invincibility shields were the next step towards improving the high technology output on the planet. Maybe some of the credits for a bounty would get the less law abiding citizens on the Anshin to rally a mercenary attack force... that technology would fetch a hefty price. She thought about it as the reports continued to come in about the changing numbers from the destroyed city and how a ship had been plowed through one of the ships into the palace.

"Interesting, they crashed a ship into the palace... thankfully the shield stopped critical damage and the emperor and empress have already been moved... so casualities were nihl.... just some shaken people who were surprised how easily the ship bypassed layers of defenses." She had felt something else from that ship as well... there had been a change after someone in the lightside of the force had been lost but then there was almost a beacon of release... she would have to find out about what Shira Varanin had done and try to honor them as well as the likes of Kyyrk Kyyrk who if there was a battle going on the massive anshin megastructure with its shields and turbolasers that had the backside of the attacking fleet.

Junko continued and sent a request to Jubei and the screamers who had worked and led the way towards the walll but they hadn't engaged. Laertia Io Laertia Io was there and Scherezade deWinter Scherezade deWinter with her people. They were getting reinforcements as Junko spoke. "Make sure our people pull back and continue long range strikes. Jar'kai has nothing much in terms of life and we can always rebuild the wall. I am having yovshin and other defenders reinforce the power stations in each city with its shield generator... the rest of the world continues to remain safe as the anshin reports no more teleportation. The reports of the crash to the planet as more communications went across the planet and leaving the white pearl.

Next to her on the deck of the air ship Eternity roared letting its flamethrowers fire into the air. The massive shard wasn't as big as one might like but he was impressive and bristled with weapons including a shockwave generator from the few mandalroains she had been friends with. Able to nicely tear apart armored vehicles so forces on the ground wouldn't like her dino shard who was a marshel of the forces of light. "Calm and steady my friend we will be there soon enough, the spaceport is close enough for transport and we will be able to meet up with the ground forces that are there." She had a plan and there was always a chance of other things happening but thepeople of the world had made it clear and she was surprised to see allies... actually made her willing to rethink some of the isolationist doctrine they had proposed to recover.
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Proportional Response
Location: Atrisia System
Tags: Kyyrk Kyyrk | Sor-Jan Xantha | Mythos Mythos | Adam Versili | Muad Dib Muad Dib | Mitth'rae'leios Mitth'rae'leios | Ben Craig Ben Craig


It wasn't often that the vessel was deployed in such a manner - the last time it had left the confines of the Confederacy was to face the Mandalorians at Eshan. The E'care Shukur - The Infernal Breaker - named to spite the enemies it engaged at Eshan, was finally permitted to awaken from its slumber within the Confederacy and once more lumber out into the Galaxy at large. A brilliant flash off of Voph's left flank signaled the arrival of the Super Star Destroyer, and for a moment it remained solitary; the vessel pointed directly at the enemy formation as the woman upon the bridge stepped forward to broadcast a message.

"This is High Marshal von Sorenn of the Confederacy of Independent Systems; for attacking a Confederacy Fleet without provocation or hesitation, your lives are now forfeit."

The Super Star Destroyer slowly began to move, the vessel lining up with the enemy fleet to bring to bear its primary weapon; the High Marshal though was not one to arrive in a pitched battle with just a solitary vessel. As the primary weapon was being brought to bear, the Atrisia system soon became home to a rather sizeable asteroid cluster. Dropping from hyperspace around the E'care Shukur were hundreds of Enclave series Asteroid Hangers; fill with thousands of starfighters.

A soft smirk crossed the woman's lips as she kept her attention forward, watching carefully as the hanger's ensured that the vessels' primary weapon would still have a clear line of sight. After all, with the power that it drained, having a multitude of starfighters, bombers, and gunships would greatly bolster the vessel's defenses. For a moment the bridge fell silent, the crew awaiting the commands of the High Marshal before she gave a simple nod, her voice dancing upon the near still air of the vessel.

"Initiate primary targeting, you may fire the Proton Beam Cannon when ready. Deploy the squadrons."

It wasn't long until the asteroid field became a literal hive of activity as thousands of starfighters, bombers, and gunships began to launch from the hundreds of asteroid hangers. For the moment the squadrons would not engage, rather focused more on seeing to the defense of the Super Star Destroyer as the Imp class Gunships moved towards the fringes of the field, screening for any starfighters or bombers while the majority of the starfighters and bombers would remain further within, protecting their asteroid hangers as well as screening for enemy formations.

  • E'care Shukur - Charging Proton Beam Cannon to fire on Mitth'rae'leios Mitth'rae'leios Fleet
  • Enclave series Asteroid Hangers - Deploying Starfighters
  • Imp class Gunships - Screening fringes of Asteroid Cluster
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A Light Shining in Darkness

Location: Magnus Class Battlecruiser
Allies: Shira Varanin Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo Rik Perris Rik Perris Cambria Zadira Cambria Zadira
Enemies: Kay-Larr Kay-Larr Mythos Mythos

Just as Wyatt feared, Kay had no redemption in mind. Instead of crashing the ship into the ground, or even forcing it to go critical - she had hoped to send it directly into the capital of the planet they swore to protect. The ploy was in poor taste, but expected.​
Wyatt sighed as the ship slowly came down to the planet - but the end was nigh; there was no redemption for the attempted genocide, Kay had chosen a fate worse than death - and Wyatt mourned for her. In the next instance, the white current force Wyatt about the ship in an awesome display of force potential -​
But it would have its cost.​
Each of the people yet aboard would be teleported from the ship to safety, to watch from a distance the destruction that took place. The ship would crumple in the distance, and fall in pieces to a city abandoned - a soft regret in Wyatt’s heart for not doing more to stop the action before it began. An internalized blame for a betrayal he expected, one he shouldn’t have allowed -​
But alas, he was a forgiving man.​
As his head began to spin, he stood to full height to appear strong, glancing to the others about him. His throat was dry, but he stood stalwart - at least for the moment;​
Are you guys alright?”, he asked before glancing at Ashin.​
Is she going to live?”, Wyatt offered with a sudden, more realized concern.​
Location: The fated Magnus --> Where ever the White Current took us before the ship crashed into Atrisia? lol
Allies: Jedi Wyatt Morga Wyatt Morga , Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo , Rik Perris Rik Perris

So nothing had gone the way they had planned, hoped. The moment the Jedi stepped off the transport onto the Magnus-class Battlecruiser, the strike team from Peace was already behind the eightball. The workings of the dark side were well in play. Too soon the sand in the hourglass ran out and a last-second, life-saving effort by the Morellian Battlemaster saved the group from imminent death as the Sith vessel was plunged directly into the planet below on purpose by Kay-Larr Kay-Larr , who was an ally of the Sith Lord Mythos Mythos .

Cambria had never experienced the use of the White Current before nor had much knowledge of the Fallanassi's interpretation of the Force. All the Guardian knew is that the Jedi strike team wasn't on the crashing ship anymore, but safe... Well at least for the moment it seemed.

"I am fine, Master Morga. I will check on the young woman while you replenish yourself after that amazing feat," Cam answered with an appreciative nod and knowing twitch of her lekku.

The Twi'lek reached out her hand and touched Shira Varanin's forehead to get a read on the condition of the Knight. The female cyborg who had only recently been entrenched was barely clinging to life as Padawan Tafo had rescued her before all-life could be drained. The young man was brash, but did show signs of being a formable Jedi Knight someday.

"She is alive though very weak. I have taken the liberty of slipping her into a healing trance. Hopefully, that will aid her recovery until a healer can see to her properly."

Golden orbs peered around, assessing the uncertain situation, then back to the others.

"What is to be our next move, hmm?"
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Norongachi had never heard 'Eureka' said aloud, at least not in a situation were his arse might very well be chewed on like a grisly steak. The word snapped his attention to his fearless leader and his astonishment didn't end there, as Scherezade deWinter Scherezade deWinter laid out her plan. It was sketchy at best, suicidal at worst, but aside from a large scale carpet bombing of the entire area, there was no better option.

"Killing it with fire, it is." he said with little emotion. "The spaceport won't be undefended. The likelihood that the local security forces will shoot anything with a pulse," he paused, his mind turning to the sickening taint of the Darkside spreading like a putrid fog across the city. "Or without pretty high." a spasm of cramp stabbed into his upper thigh muscle; He was too old and too out of shape for all this spontaneous running business but needs must and so run he did. "Who's the unfortunate pilot that's flying this hauler into the jaws of death?" sometimes you ask a question and then realize its brought unwanted attention to your existence but there remained hope that whoever was in charge liked the next guy even less.
So Mythos Mythos could fly too, eh?

Syd should have anticipated the one with the highest rank having more than a few tricks in that armor. She frowned as he flew above the blast, watched him clearly drop the thermal detonator...and just left?! Seriously?!

Though she hated to do so, Syd could not help but compare Mythos to her old Sith self, Phyre.

Phyre would have never made such an error.

...would she...?

Syd honestly wasn't sure: Her memories of being Darth Phyre had so many holes in them she was pretty certain many would never be recovered. But she knew Phyre would never have made such a blunder. She made sure someone was dead. This was one thing Phyre and Syd had in common.

That being said... Laertia had been repeatedly demonstrating throughout the day...

Thermal Detonators due a metric fethton of damage...

Syd barely spotted it in all the flames, She barely managed to catch it with telekinesis, causing it to burst in the air.

She still caught a good amount of it. Her psychic shell warped and deformed from the shock wave. Bursting it and the suit open in some parts and flinging her backward.

The melted looking creature lay bunched up in an utterly disgusting melted state on burning rubble, greatly weakened, but feeding on the inferno around her slowly repaired her shell ruptures and she was soon looking normal again, walking through the flames.

She had learned many things so far. Mythos was cocky, didn't care if he lost a general, even a valuable one. Didn't care if literally thousands of his soldiers died, along with Force knew whoever else.

No wonder he had been unseated from power the first time.

Still though, the guy had his tricks, and he was still alive, which is more than could be said for a lot of people who had stepped up to her.

Syd was going to try and kill him again, but he had at least the foresight to leave behind a detachment of HK droids. He still should have stayed behind to make sure.

Syd tried to activate her split saber but only one blade went active. The thermal detonator had damaged it.

The HK's opened fire with portable blaster cannons, forcing Syd to deflect the powerful shots as she moved through the flames, relying solely on her Soresu. She dodged the slugs and sonics using a combination of Force Flight and and flames ruining and fowling their thermal scans to evade the rockets as they battled in the burning streets. Her blade passed through limbs, then head. Bolts ripped through her head sometimes but the inferno and the suit repaired it often in the span of minutes, her blade slashing through HK's like it was going out of style, but apparently a detachment to Mythos equated to Zerg-Rushing, because for every droid she slashed through two more took their place, marching and climbing over rubble into the inferno to shoot at her, and Syd flooding every exposure in the chassis with fire, the heat so intense at this point it was rapidly shorting out any thermal shielding they had, tornados of flame snaking away to rush through dozens and dozens of HK's. Syd slashed and hacked and gutted...

Until she came across a fried corpse of what had clearly been a civilian.

The Flame Geist got as close to feeling guilt as she was capable of in this state. She could not tell whether this one had died because of her or Mythos. But the desperate situation was forcing her hand.

So focused was she on the corpse that she barely blocked the charric bolt for her head, which flung her into the air until she righted herself, evading shots and driving her still working blade into the droids one by one, until she or her flames had finished them all off.

She had time to regroup and think in the inferno, trying to decide the next course of action.

When all you have is a hammer...

She began searching droid corpses for something useful, locating an intact focusing lens on one cut open blaster rifle. That would go a ways to repairing the Lightsaber...

She spent the next ten minutes searching the area, until getting interrupted by the massive blast Laertia had inflicted on half the city to stop the mad would be King's advancing army. It was such a powerful series of blasts the glass in her area shattered in every remaining window, knocking her to the ground. She watched in horror as one half of the city went up in flames and smoke. Who had been so desperate--?

Laertia. Syd felt her. They had met a while back on Geonosis, and a tentative trust had formed. Laertia was a killing machine, like Syd was. She related greatly to her because of that. She felt a strange, faint disquiet at the sudden, intense admiration for Laertia's skill, even the dead Phyre within her had hints of this where Laertia was concerned, though for the life of her she was unsure why she felt it.

Syd shook herself from this musing. She was not even certain Laertia could survive this.

But by the Force she sure as hell was gonna try and see to it she did...

Syd spotted the corpse of a fallen Sith, killed in the fuel line blast. He had been instagibbed by it. Only his double bladed lightsaber looked intact.

Syd activated it and watched regular pulses of energy run up the red blades. A set of compressed energy crystals.

Syd shut it off and dismantled it telekinetically, removing the crystals and whispering the litany of purification on it, her shell rippling as she worked her magic. The red crystals flickered, glowed orange, burning hot, and were soon free of corruption. She set one in the damaged hilt, removing the cracked blue crystal within and placing the orange one in its place, removing the other crystal in the other hilt, replacing that also. She kept them, of course. Even a damaged crystal was always useful. Just not now.

Repairing her lightsaber with the parts from the fallen Sith's blade took ten minutes, and when she activated the now orange blades of her lightsaber, those same pulses now ran up her own blades.

Giving an experimental spin, watching the firey trails the blades left behind, Syd then flew up into the night air, looking for a way to bring the fight back to the False King.

Daringly, Syd began to muse that a more magical approach might be necessary, and that tomb she had been raiding was deep enough underground that she figured it had survived the worst so far.

One of the reasons she had been exploring it was because she suspected she had once studied on Atrisia. Before being turned into the Flame Geist. Before even becoming Darth Phyre...

That tomb contained traces of an old magic. A forbidden magic.

Forbidden magic related to flame. Forbidden magic whose incantations disturbingly reminded her of her own approach.

Syd made the journey flying, keeping low and close to the various infernos to frustrate targeting for space craft enemies. As she flew over part of her handiwork she got a terrible sense of familiarity. Phyre had partaken in such slaughters. She'd instigated many of them.

But this wasn't being done for enjoyment. Not for Syd. Syd was enjoying exactly none of this. Phyre would have had a ball of it. This was some horrible, godless killing going on, and Syd had instigated almost a tenth of it by her estimates. How many had died just initially carving her way to Mythos?

But what else could she do? Mythos had forced her hand. Thousands of his soldiers and supplies on the streets, the vicious oppression it would have required to subjugate them...Syd had no alternatives to even trying to wound his invasion attempt. Brute Force was the only thing someone like him understood. Anything to avoid admitting to himself that he was unworthy of Atrisia.

Syd intended to bring him all the Brute Force he could handle...

She went past the military convoy she had initially wiped out to get to Mythos, all the way to the small tomb complex that was being excavated. She flew inside, getting an eerie feeling as she went past the ancient stone entrance. Something was active magically that had not been before. Syd went into a chamber of gray stone with ancient wards written on the walls. They reacted to her as she touched them, hesitantly, and she spread fire across the walls by instinct. They split open, revealing a hidden entrance.

Closer...she heard in her mind, seeing a strange, flickering orange glow at the end. She floated forward, witnessing with fascination a tuft of flame in the middle of a circular chamber that formed into the shape of a long, winding Atrisian Dragon.

"What are you?" Syd asked, fascinated.

"I am called Kagutsuchi, young flame..." the entity answered quietly, its voice the wizened voice of a man. "I have been expecting you for some time. Ordinarily I would have struck dead any who dared to enter a chamber of The Jei Priestesses of Flame."

"What the hell makes me so special, Spirit?" Syd asked.

"God...with a 'little G'..." Kagutsuchi corrected. "I have my reasons..."

"Well, I'm here. Now what?"

"You came here seeking to win by other means..." Kagutsuchi answered. "The one known as Mythos...he ruled all of Atrisia at one point...and he was driven away for good reason, as you can clearly see..."

"You're a 'god', right? Stomp his ass. I gotta imagine even Sidious couldn't tank a fethin' god."

"It doesn't work that way, I'm afraid."

"But you can do it though, if you wanted?"

"If it were not for the Red Tape from the other side, then yes, that nerfherder would already be a skidmark on the road." Kagutsuchi answered contemptuously in regards to Mythos. "By the Gods I miss the days of yore. Back then, when a Mortal like him pissed one of us gods off doing stuff like this, we had options. We could send a plague to him, drive him nuts in his sleep. One time Ryujin just visited one dude's house in the middle of the night with a claw hammer. Ryujin is The Water God, by the way..."

Kagutsuchi snickered a little at that last bit.

"What's so funny about that?" Syd inquired.

"The dude that got beaten with the claw hammer? He was a nail manufacturer."

Both Syd and Kagutsuchi burst into laughter for a solid five minutes, each seemingly sharing a similarly fethed sense of humor.

After that though they got back on task.

"Do you wish for more power to stop Mythos?" Kagutsuchi asked after all the laughs were out of their system.

"What's the catch?"

"I will increase your powers over flame and magic...but you will receive a terrible burden in quarter of your memories as Darth Phyre will be restored. All at once..."

Syd backed away, horrified.

"Do you know how dangerous that is?!" Syd asked.

"Your power is great, but you are limited from your true potential in two is your nature as the Flame Geist. The other is your refusal to accept Darth Phyre as truly a part of you, of accepting where you came from. Over time, the cognitive dissonance this would create inside of you would be much worse than being forced to live with what you have done. In the end, were it to grow, the chances are very high you would once more become a threat from The Dark Side hardly any better than Mythos, and far worse in many ways, due to your Sith Persona's innate sadism."

Syd was quiet for a moment, wondering if she could bear this.

She thought of everyone Mythos had killed just setting foot here. Thought of her own crimes as Darth Phyre. Wondered what the worst outcome would be, and how it would manifest.

She stared at the Dragon of flames.

"What's in it for you?" Syd asked.

"An Atrisia with a Mythos-free future."

Syd had to really think for the next few seconds. Finally, she looked at the spirit and her gaze hardened.

"Do it."

Syd began to scream as Kagutsuchi chanted in a forbidden language that's not safe to even write down...

Junko Ike Junko Ike

Darth Audroti


Rage watched as the Magnus crashed into the capital. A great tremor was felt as the ship collapsed upon itself and tore the palace down with it. The shield generator would've surely been destroyed. The Emperor's Will would now feast upon the souls of the capitals people. Thousands of turbolasers lay waste to the city below. The Requiem's shields began taking a beating as the city's defenses switched from the Magnus towards it's own self, but they would be swiftly dealt with. Without the shield the Requiem would begin bombing the city's defenses to dust, along with the rest of the population...

Stone acolytes watched in awe as the Emperor's Will began to glow a blinding crimson. Fed by the loss of life it's power grew exponentially. They began to chant in unison, a chilling call to hell itself. The chant was a terrific call to the other side and the runes inscribed in the Emperor's will responded. A visible aura of force energy formed like a storm of light. Great volts of lightning began spewing from the kyber reactor, striking one acolyte after another, turning them to dust. Still the chant continued. The word of the Sith priest forming into a visible symphony of destruction.

As the last acolyte was struck a great pillar of electrical power fired itself from the ship and struck the force nexus upon the planet. Fueling its power and tainting it further. Slowly the air around the power source began to shift, reality itself malforming into something much more sinister. Rage watched as the lightning arc writhed, but did not disappear. The plan was almost complete. Already terrible beast and ghost from the beyond slipped through the cracks and he could feel them circling the Emperor's will. With book still open Rage sought to bound them to the world of life.

He felt their presence and ordered them to find corporeal form. The ghost would seek to possess any not powerful enough to resist... Upon finding life again Rage granted them free will with the utterance of a word. He would let the spirits do as they wished and watch as the bloodletting began. He reached the wall with his forces, tome still in hand then uttered another word from it's maddening pages.

The mist that was black wing surged forth and struck it's victims. The troops atop the wall began spewing vile black ichor as their forms changed to that of beastly dead and their hunger grew exponentially. They sought to feed upon whatever had not been tainted by the plague. They feasted upon the flesh of their own comrades. Ripped the skin from their bones and gorged themselves on the viscera of their internals. All the while the massassi and undead began to scale the walls...
Things were getting out of hand. As the battle raged, Zanza saw that her home would die a second death if the wanton vapid destruction of the delusional false king was not stopped here and now. Zanza spoke into the Force and spoke to the light that burned in the immaterial void of the Force. She called to the Jedi that had assembled, that heeded her distress beacon and had come to aid her family, her people. Her home!

Her Atrisia!

The Force had always been estranged from her. Having lost her arm to the Force Storm on Atrisia, having been cut off from her Jedi brethren and sisters in her wandering, she felt that the light didn't burn as bright in her as it did in others. That is why she needed their help. She would exhaust all of her power, to that of near death, but, with their help she would burn away this darkness with a rampart of light.

"Masters hear me!" she howled in the Force, "Gather on my position, I will beg only once, but, beg I will. Save my people, save my home, save my family. Come to me. Be with me. And together this plague will be burned away for good!"

Zanza poured her soul into this call and then poured what was left into the Force, she called to it. Broke every limit to its infusion in her body. Her muscles screamed as the Force filled her body, but, she tolerated it, she let it in. All of it. No matter the cost. She called to it. To take over her body, to move it for her and to use it as a conflagration that would drench the darkness and those who wielded it in a wall of brilliance.

Her eyes began to shine and gleam a translucent blue, and her fingers shook as she stretched out her hands in open palmed gestures. The lightside whirled and fumed around her. But, she would need help to condense its wild fury into a targetted assault.

Wyatt Morga Wyatt Morga Cambria Zadira Cambria Zadira Shira Varanin Muad Dib Muad Dib Syd Celsius Syd Celsius Jend-Ro Quill Jend-Ro Quill Tanaski Yumi Tanaski Yumi Arashi Hagane Arashi Hagane
Location : Atrisia
Objective : Help Mythos secure the throne of Atrisia
Enemies : Jedi Order , Local Artisan Opposition and Agents of Chaos
Allies : Followers of Mythos , Sith Beillegrants
Important Tags : Muad Dib Muad Dib | Sor-Jan Xantha | Kyyrk Kyyrk | Darren Jarok | Adam Versili

  • Four Starfighter Squadrons engage enemy fighters.
  • Four Bomber Squadrons run attacks on enemy capital ships.
  • Two Pellaeon-III Star Destroyers engage A.F Banzai.
  • Three Pellaeon-III Star Destroyers engage A.F Lucky
  • All other Star Destroyers other than all 5 Pellaeon-III Star Destroyers and the Directorate Flagship, the Praetorian-Class Star Destroyer, engage Jedi and Atrisian WarShips.

So far, no one had made a move against the Directorate fleet. Good, we will make the first move. Ben thought. The battle continued, both sides taking heavy damage, it was time Ben enter the mess. There were several different fleets in the battle, several allies and several enemies. Ben smiled but was interrupted by the comms officer. "Sir, incoming transmission from Admiral Versili." Ben nodded, "Send it through."

“Vice-Admiral Craig , this is Admiral Versili and i am in need of assistance. I need you to intercept and engage the Jedi and Atrisian Warships engaging my fleets and to ensure that they are disposed of quickly in order to assist our Eternal Imperial Friends in dealing with Voph and his Confederate Fleet”

Ben listened, nodding. "Understood Admiral." Ben turned to his officers,"You heard what the admiral said, lets help out our brethren and take out those warships. "Have all ships move forward. Target all Jedi and Atrisian warships engaging the Admiral's fleet. Deploy four Starfighter and Four Bomber Squadrons to keep enemy fighters busy." The officers nodded, and the ships repositioned.

Both A.F Banzai and A.F Lucky were damaged, "All Pellaeon-III Star Destroyers engage the ships directly attacking the Admiral's fleet. The rest engage Jedi and Atrisian Warships." The captains all acknowledged. Ben watched as the rest of the fleet engaged the enemy. "We will win this war."
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Atrisians. The Ultimate Warriors, The Infantrymen to end all infantrymen. Flesh and bone strong as durasteel, wills stronger than Phirk. This is what Mythos absorbed from their culture. Never surrender, death before dishonor.

Only Atrisians could hold the wall like that, make a stand like that. As Mythos landed he put a new battery in his suit however, his forces rallied back and began the final assault using him as a rallying flag. He lead them not out of fear, many of these Yovshin had fought alongside him decades ago, years did little to steal their zeal for battle and an honorable death. He lead them through example because time after time Mythos had put his own life before theirs, victory had always come at sunset.

Laertia Io Laertia Io sent a suicidal charge against a force she could not hope to defeat. This act, this moment of selfless sacrifice and valor was what this was all about. Mythos was going to show her that, she would understand now how everything had come full circle.

Around Laertia her men would seem to transform by art of magic into the image of the Jar'Kai of old and many others into Atrisian Soldiers and civilians. Her surroundings would transform not into the wall but Jar'Kai how it used to be before The Wall and the Dead Scar. Streets of gold under fire from the Galactic Alliance.

Every soldier mimicked what happened fourteen years ago, how she took the place of his son and his wife in defending this place just like he did. Mythos walked to meet her, as men and defenders died all around her he made no move to attack her or harm her in any way.

"I know what it's like to lose" He said as he stomped on defender and attacker alike in his march to meet her while holding the illusion in her mind he used to teach her the History of this planet. "To fight with every fiber of your being, See your friends die yet fail none the less"

He was comfortable in showing her the battle was lost, how his men died, how Atrisia burned at the hands of Mandalorian and Sith while he and Jedi fought to the death to defend it, literally. How she, in her selfless act of self sacrifice was doing exactly what his son Adas did fourteen years ago to this day, exactly.

The wall had broken, with the Massassi coming up the walls their flanks were compromised. No matter how many they killed Mythos would arrive in Jar'Kai, the city beyond the wall. The barren wasteland that Atrisia hid shamefully would finally house its father once again. He felt the presence of Syd Celsius Syd Celsius and again showed Laertia how that exchange of power was exactly a mirror of @Darth Sohet and his son Adas at the final battle.

It was poetic, it was written and Mythos already knew this was going to happen. This day there wasnt a rock that hit the ground, a leaf that fell in the Mukashi Cante that withered without Mythos accounting for it.

As suddenly as the vision started it ended and she went from seeing the King in his ancient armor to his new one, the city as it was to the city as it is now. She was a warrior and she was selfless, she embodied the fighting spirit and the utter refusal to surrender and because of this not only did Lord Mythos show her the past but would allow her to chose her own future.

"I died doing what you do, You will too if you raise your blade against me. All that raise their blade against me..."

He paused and gave her a compassionate look, stepped to the side and his own ranks made a trail for her to leave if she wished.

"Because of your valor and you spirit I will grant you my company. I must arrive at the heart of the dead city. If you wish to know why then you can come with me... or you can die alongside the rest of your ressistance"

Mythos threw her the Rudis at her feet, an ancient warrior gesture that meant that a former enemy could now join the ranks. She could refuse by kicking it away or denying the offer but either way Mythos would not attack her first.

"If after we arrive at the city you still beleive I am the Tyrant and that Atrisia would suffer with me on the throne then stab me in the neck with my own blade"

He took one step forward and brought himself close enough to her lines where he could smell the fear of the defenders as powerful as home made food.

Darth Audroti Ben Craig Ben Craig
A Light Shining in Darkness

Location: Magnus Class Battlecruiser
Allies: Shira Varanin Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo Rik Perris Rik Perris Cambria Zadira Cambria Zadira
Enemies: Kay-Larr Kay-Larr Mythos Mythos

Wyatt breathed slow as he glanced about; in truth, unsure what to do now. He could tell that the suicide mission into the planet was a failure, not feeling the vast amount of death that would have echo’ed through the force were it to work; but the fact the souls were not freed from their containment, to not allowed an afterlife.​
It made Wyatt sick.​
The woman. We need to find her, take her to Peace.”, he offered quietly, trying to keep what center he could.​
She should stand trial for her crimes…”​
Her, and Mythos. Both should be our targets now, Cambria.”​
He idled as he lowered himself to sit down next to Shira Varanin, taking care to make sure she was comfortable in her position - that his presence wouldn’t disturb her more. She would heal… somewhat, but that was another fear on Wyatt’s already taxed mind.​
I’ll join you soon… But that should be our focus.”​

Shira Varanin

Wyatt Morga Wyatt Morga

Later, Shira would wish keenly that she was conscious at the time. She could have helped in some small way. But no, she'd effectively died in that entechment rig and done her best to kill the dreadnought's power reserves: she'd taken real damage over and above the coma. In coming days, cybernetic surgeons would take serious measures to save her life and wake her up. There'd be a week or so missing from her memory, and this was part of it. For the moment, the comatose Jedi Knight had all the ability to help of a sack of potatoes.


Eldaah Aderyn Eldaah Aderyn

Tired and distracted and worried though they were, the evacuees were elders of a multi-tradition Jedi enclave. About a hundred light-years after the SJO medical frigate left Atrisia, someone suggested that the ship's captain take a hard look at a certain stretch of hull. The thing that looked like a mutated mynock felt unusually dark. A laser cannon traversed down and around and shot the creature off the hull.

The little dark presence faded, but Quill had his worries. They'd jumped in more or less a straight line toward the routes that led to Peace Station. If that dark mynock was anything like the Sith tracking bugs in the station's oldest records, its master might have just narrowed down Peace's location to within a general direction, a few sectors' worth of probable space. That could make issues down the line, give a large-scale search a place to start. He made a note to inform Wyatt Morga Wyatt Morga , just in case.
Syd screamed and screamed on her knees before the god, her shell violently rippling and distorting as Kagutsuchi chanted.

She floated in the air, every part of her shell tugging away from the center. It started to come back. The execution. The way her flesh and organs had been torn from ger skeleton to remake her into what she was now.

Syd had thought she was prepared, thought she knew how vile her previous self had been.

She was wrong. She had only twenty five percent of it back but that twenty five percent was enough to let her know how utterly sick and depraved Darth Phyre had been.

And the worst part was that Syd could not hide any longer beneath the all-too-convenient veil of amnesia. What she saw in her partly restored memories would haunt her to her grave.

Syd wasn't quite the same person she was before she entered this chamber. The weight in her mind was horrible. But she adjusted. She forced herself to adjust.

She could not undo the evils of Darth Phyre, but she could still try to save Atrisia.

Syd got control of her shell. She let the pain subside for a moment before testing out whatever the god had done to her in exchange for the burden of Phyre's memories.

The flames she summoned were a deep orange. She felt the whole chamber heat up much faster than it should have.

She thought to try one of her spells, and decided to create a weapon construct. But before she could even speak the words to summon the firey dagger, it had already appeared in her hand. She willed it away, summoning an axe...

(Plasmid Acquisition Theme plays)

(Syd has obtained an enhancement!)

(New Spell Learned!)


Syd's Pyrokinesis and magical capacity have been permanently increased by a so-called "god" to grandmaster level. Syd's fires burn much hotter naturally and Syd no longer needs to speak words to summon magical weaponry.


Summon flame constructs of ancient Ashigaru armed with fiery repeating crossbows or fiery axes. Can summon ten at once by default but exponentially increases while meditating in areas of great magical power. Constructs become harder to destroy if meditating in a Force Nexus.

Syd stared at Kagutsuchi.

"You must go, now." The god warned her. "Fight with full strength. Do not hesitate. Show no mercy. None shall be shown to you."

Syd nodded and flew out of the chamber, her shell rippling as she heard the voice of Zanza Hijikata Zanza Hijikata in her head. Syd, determined to save Atrisia more than ever, flew to where the mind had called out from the journey took five minutes. She felt the hideous memories of Phyre, unable to shove them aside as before, but with a new willingness to bear those memories.

One, however, perplexed her.

Phyre had been obsessed with finding a woman named Julia Crownwraithe. Someone--there was a gap in her mind as to who--had sent Julia into the future via a deliberate hyperdrive malfunction. But she still didn't understand what Phyre wanted.

Syd stopped in mid air. A realization came to her.

Julia was in this era. For all she knew, this mysterious object of Phyre's obsession was now an adult.

Syd wasn't sure if she should look for her. Wouldn't that be giving Phyre what she wanted?

Besides she had bigger problems at the moment, like seeing if she could lend her talent to Zanza in order to take on Mythos Mythos .

Who was Julia Crownwraithe, and why did the name cause such intense disquiet inside her?

Syd flew again, surveying the horrific damage done so far. For all the thousands wiped out thousands were still left. She hoped Zanza had a good plan. Her Sith self would have been laughing sadistically at all this.

Syd felt her inner flame chill for a second as she beheld a destroyed civil shelter, civilian bodies strewn about. She forced herself to look as she flew, until finally she reached Zanza's location.

"Tell me how I can help..." The Flame Geist asked with all seriousness. All the lives lost would not be in vain.

Junko Ike Junko Ike

Ben Craig Ben Craig

Darth Audroti
Syd Celsius Syd Celsius Zanza Hijikata Zanza Hijikata Tanaski Yumi Tanaski Yumi Jend-Ro Quill Jend-Ro Quill Laertia Io Laertia Io Wyatt Morga Wyatt Morga Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo

The airship was arriving, the wor from the other defenders was happening and Junko could feel another jedi... feel power as she knew what someone was trying to do and it had been her plan as well... at least partially as she reached ot to connect with the other atrisian in the force and offer.. reinforcement... recommendation.. something that mether. There were others as well who wanted to save Atrisia and she had spen enough time going across the planet uniting them as she had gthered handmaidens from across the planet that represented the different faucets of life... all of their lives. She reached out into the force to speak mentally to Zanawho she had heard of but never really met.

'I had a similar thought.' She saidd it and let the small amount of emotion thought come while she was pulling and focusing on the force... coming off the airship at the port here a good distance from the wall and Fan Ming was there with power as she had what jedi were left from when Jar'kai was first attacked. They had fled into the Agoro valley and there they had hidden, there was something there as she spoke nodding towards Scherezade deWinter Scherezade deWinter and her people Salem Norongachi Salem Norongachi when her hand motioned to the airship. "Thank you for what you have done here... We are going to do something and it could be dangerous for non followers of the light."

She bowed her head letting her hair shift a little in the breeze before breathing in and out. "Tana... focus your mind and focus on the lightside of the force." She knew there was powerful abilities with the light... one that required many of the jedi and she reached out towards the lightsiders on the planet. She pushed mentally for them to have a meld mentally and unite the purpose... she focused on the wall to visual a specific location around Jar'kai.... a way that was moved and was a fundamental use. In this way they would be able to create a prison around Jar'kai for whatever touched the darkside of the force. She was breathing in and out as she focused the force.

Mentally she knew it would require a handful of them to focus and the more the better but Zanza was at the forefront and had called upon many more of them.. the lightsiders on the planet and this is why they had worked it out. She didn't know if she could direct it but the jedi master was more then happy to help with the force as she planted her feet. The heels of her shoes sinking into the ground just enough and a pulse went throughout her body... a tingling sensation when she was generating energy... calling upon the life energies and power of the planet itself. It had a festering wound on its surface compared to the rest of it and they had a means to lance it as it were.

Her kimono remained secure with the gleam of the force enhanced threading and weave. She could feel it making her more focused and enhancing the lightside of the force as the High Marshal next to her who spoke from the shadex body. "We must create a wall of light to cleanse." It spoke and her handmaidens were spreading out to the units quickly spreading the message without the major communications. Getting the skilled users who came around and one of them stepped back as her features were more kitsune... pale white skin like milk and silvery fur. She looked at Scherezade deWinter Scherezade deWinter and spoke bowing her head. "My mistress and the jedi will need some time but there is a fallout area in the port to protect your people."

Junko breathed in deeper and she could scent the planet now as she connected to it... from the surface down through the soil into the depths of Chitei itself... the forests of kyberite crystal and reaching through it to the agora mountains from under the ground. Carved and fashioned into a massive being that reached through the planet and had been mined for crystals by the ancient atrisians. She generated from it.... she brought forth the force energies of the planet to invigorate and push into the others.. to connect them into a singular purpose and there was the lightest feeling of Shira Varanin there where she pushed some power to try and help the faint spark stay lit.

She was feeling towards the others and hoping they would focus on the force into and stoke the power here when she opened her hands. The force was light and there were things that could be done with it some darksiders could have only dreamed of. Letting Tana feel the power and how he could help focus and bring more lightside energy to their focus. Zanza was there as well and she was pouring the power towards her and the wall itself. Feeling it when she focused to use it like a guide for them to enclose around and seal away Jar'kai with its new found darksiders within... The blue-white energy was considered inescapable for the darkside.
Handsome blindfolded hyper-religious whackjob
Allies: Wyatt Morga Wyatt Morga Cambria Zadira Cambria Zadira
Vegetable: Shira Varanin
Enemies: Kay-Larr Kay-Larr @mooks
Objective: Bring Kay Larr to justice for her crimes.

As the weary Jedi Master cast his gaze around. He'd find one of their number missing. The more outspoken of the Padawans and the one who helped save Shira from her entrenching entrapment. Aaran Tafo had not allowed himself to be pulled along by Wyatt's spacial warp. Instead he had something else on his mind.


Clambouring into one of the last remaining escape pods. The Padawan ejected himself down towards the planet's surface. And as he did so, he began to meditate, focus. Reaching out with the Force. He heard the dying screams of countless innocents as the former Queen had sentenced to death. Instead of letting the Magnus float aimlessly, she decided to crash the blasted thing into a populated city.

A travesty like that. Such a monstrous act could not go unpunished. And as he stewed and meditated, Aaran came to one single revelation. For the good of the Galaxy as a whole, monsters like her had to be taken down. It was not anger he felt as the death cries of innocents echoed in his mind. But a deadly, focused calm. His indignation at the slaughter cycling all the way from anger to a dangerous cold clarity.

It was not an act he would take pleasure in. As those he fought against took pleasure in exerting power over others. No. It was simple medicine he was performing. No more, no less. Cutting out infected tissue to save the entire body from rot.

And as his escape pod screamed through the sky. It found its' course corrected. Nudged slightly in certain directions by the Padawan's will. Racing through the sky,flying right in the direction of Kay and her gathered men. Of course the former queen could attempt to stop it. But her efforts would be clashed with the Padawan's own. His already prodigious strength in the Force for one so young augmented by the laser focus and calm that flowed through his body. Stopping it at this velocity would be near-impossible. But if she did not underestimate her foe, she may find herself able to slightly redirect the pod before it came crashing right into her squad of men.
Currently: Looking to help the passengers of one specific Escape Pod presumably carrying Jedi
Location: Atrisia's Orbit -> Atrisia surface, very close to Kay-Larr Kay-Larr 's position
Ryv, Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo

It took a considerable amount of concentration on the Arkanian’s part not to be torn apart by hundreds of laser cannons. He barely registered the disappearance of the medical frigate from his proximity radar, though he allowed himself a moment to breathe a sigh of relief when he did. More lives safely kept from the clutches of the Sith’s growing death toll was worth a brief celebration. One that was cut short very quickly, however, one of the red bolts zipping past the transparisteel window barely more than a stone’s throw away.

A lengthy sequence of rolls and turns through empty space kept death at bay long enough for reinforcements to begin breaking up the cloud of deadly fighters pursuing the Jedi. Alone he’d have perished in time, but with the sudden appearance of another group’s warriors, he stood a chance to make a break for the planet’s surface. A majority of the fighters had already turned to engage the newcomers, leaving only a small handful firing at the Jedi’s ship, which presented a considerably less intimidating problem.

Turning sharply he began to make his way towards the surface of Atrisia, four fighters still in tow. Even closed off to the Force as he was, he could feel darkness growing upon its surface, one that was only amplified by the underlying taint of the Dark Side already present. The Force was once again his guide as he let the starfighter descend through the atmosphere towards the city of Jar’kai. The Galafighter’s superior speed had put a good distance between the Jedi and his pursuers by the time the fighter was immersed in the atmosphere fully.

The sight that offered itself from the vantage point far above the city was one of smoking ruins. A great section of the city had been utterly destroyed, left perforated by deep scars within the earth itself. He could spot the broken outline of the city’s wall where the centre of the destruction seemed to originate from. Something about the place called to him, less in the way that the Force would at times push its adherents in certain directions and more on a personal level. The destruction didn’t sit right with Bernard, the lives of so many utterly destroyed by the manifestation of that which he’s sworn to eradicate. A feeling of sick disgust came over him as he got closer to the city, even as he shielded his mind from the Force’s influence further.

The invader's armies were pouring into the city and being engaged by its desperate defenders. Amongst them, the Jedi could feel the dark presence of someone powerful in the Force, a Sith. The sworn enemy of the Jedi, Bernard had already shifted his course by the time his mind processed the decision to engage the evil directly. But it was far from the only one. Giving in to his anger, his emotion was precisely what his masters had warned him about, something that he was to avoid at all costs. Sighing, he redirected his attention to streaks of yellow hurtling towards the planet’s surface parallel to his fighter, made aware of them by his ship’s scanners.

Escape pods from the crashed Star Destroyer, one of them had curved its path in a peculiar way. Something about the flight path didn’t sit right with the Arkanian, the wind was no stronger than it would be on a normal day and the lack of any exterior thrusters indicated a different kind of force was at play here. A Force Sensitive was aboard. Bernard quickly eliminated possibilities, narrowing it down to two. A Sith, though the escape pod was free of its rancid stench, or a Jedi, one of the strike team’s, was manipulating the pod’s flight path for their own purposes. In the case of the former, it would be Bernard's duty to stop the lone foe, in case of the latter, he may be able to link up with the Jedi task force and give aid in some way.

The starfighter’s course once more changed as it mirrored the path of the escape pod, making sure to scan for any threats that might move to intercept it. When none came, the starfighter raced towards the ground, initiating landing procedures behind a small formation of rocks just outside the view of the Magnus’ passengers already present on the surface.

Immediately following the quiet thud of landing gear Bernard jumped out of the fighter’s cockpit and rushed to the small storage unit beneath the fighter, opening it up to extract all the medical Kiffar that he could. Kiffar?

Intense confusion gripped the Arkanian as he stared into the cargo trunk of the starfighter. When in the Force’s sacred name did he pack a living Kiffar into his starfighter?
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