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Private Atrisia Lagoon Games

Location: Junko’s Palace
Tags: Junko Ike Junko Ike

Supisy knew that Atrisia had become somewhat of a gathering spot for so many different people from the galaxy to seek sanctuary, but she had no idea it had been in the billions. It made sense now that she had heard it. But still the numbers were awesome. The fact that each different refugee brought a different set of skills was pretty easy even for Supisy to imagine. ”It is good of you to take them in. I’m sure they enrich the Commonwealth, but still I’m sure there are quite a few governments who would turn them away.”

Junko went on to explain that not only would vahla and handmaidens be available for her household, but in taking them on Supisy might actually be doing them a favor. That was a strange concept for Supisy, who still had the concept of a servant as being the same lowly level that she held as a slave. The fact that the servants of noble households had spent some time in the military came as no surprise. Most of Junko’s staff seemed quite capable of defending themselves, and Junko really didn’t seem like she needed that much protection. ”The plan seems sound to me, and it seems to be working. As soon as I get a timeline on when my home will be ready I’ll start interviews to fill my household needs.”
Supisy Blen Supisy Blen

Junko nodded to that. "We are working on that, the region offers unique ideas for the construction and we want to make sure it is all up to the highest standards of living." Junko said it as Phaidor had handled it and the homes were being built slowly... each area of the islands that had been chosen offering tis own unique take from the smaller islaands that was just off the coast but still a shorter distance then the shield islands and XIfangs. "We have been developing sections of the islands above and below as well as the shield islands and of course advancing the technologies that would be needed to ensure the finest levels of protection and care."
Location: Junko’s Palace
Tags: Junko Ike Junko Ike

Supisy nodded at the effort taking place. She was patient, and really the Princess didn’t owe her a thing. To be named a Lady of Court and given a homestead was far beyond anything necessary. Supisy wasn’t the type to turn such offers down though. Especially when her more humble and subdued partner had taken the offer as well. ”It’ll take time. Even for the Commonwealth,” Supisy giggled. It seemed like most things were possible at the snap of a finger here, but Supisy had stuff to do before she could settle in anyways.

”I’m eager to be a part of big things here,” Supisy said with a smile. ”But it is important to do things the right way. I’ll be interested in seeing who my neighbors are, and how I can fill out my household.”
Supisy Blen Supisy Blen

"Well that will be an easy one." PHaidor said it from the side as she grinned. "Each house is filled with who you trust and are comfortable with.. usually family but you can interview others. There are tens of thousands who are all looking to become members of a house and raise their status." There were nods of the others and the twins were there. "Plus you are always able to invite others to hang around as well... that is half the fun of having a palace is seeing who makes the best things or has the better art pieces. Some day we'll have to show you, there is a lesser known competition the lords and ladies do with art and such."
Location: Junko’s Palace
Tags: Junko Ike Junko Ike

”I’ll certainly need to do some interviews,” Supisy responded with a nod of her head. ”I hope you will help me conduct them Phaidor…I’m afraid I will be too focused on physical attributes and I will lose sight of something important…also picking the hottest Atrisians to make up my staff will be an impossible task.”

The subject switched hosting others and filling her “palace” with things. Supisy knew that any house on Atrisia would be magnificent, she didn’t think that someone would call her home a palace. ”I enjoy the Princess’ art quite a bit. Does she allow others to display her talents? Or does she keep them all herself? I will pose as often as she would like…though I’d also enjoy seeing the rest of you all whenever I wanted…” Supisy gave Phaidor a wink. ”What is the focus of art competitions? I don’t know if I have an eye for what is classic. But I’d be more than happy to display pieces that I find pretty from a variety of artists. The only form of art that I’ve ever been trained in is dance. Can’t put that on permanent display though.” She gave a light chuckle and another wink.
Supisy Blen Supisy Blen

"Art competitions are for fun of course and it is usually paintings. something that can be done and shown off. It is about impressing those assembled and the winner or winners can get any number of things discussed beforehand." Phaidor said it. "The princess usually brings out the art work over statues for it." SHe laughed though and Junko gave a nod of ehr head as she ate. "But yes Lady Blen, if you need the help with interviews it can be done.. we don't need you packing your house with beautiful women and no one who can run it." The twins were laughing about that and Kioshi had a wider grin on her face. "You will do fine and there is nothing terrible about having dancers... I rather enjoy them being around the crystal palace."
Location: Junko’s Palace
Tags: Junko Ike Junko Ike

It seemed like the art contests were about who could create the best art, not so much who had the best art to display. That would take a bit of learning and practice for Supisy, but she loved learning new things and was hardly impeded by the possibility of embarrassing herself. ”I’ll have to try my luck at a few mediums of art and see what I’m really good at before I submit any of my own works. But I hope to get good enough to at least compete if not win.” Supisy was always confident in herself. It was quite most people, at least the way she went about it. As she hardly ever was egotistical about it.

When it was made clear that someone would make sure that Supisy didn’t hire her household haphazardly, the young Twi’lek gave a bit of a sigh and a nod of thanks. ”We will definitely need to find beautiful beings of any gender, and some that will be able to see that things run straight.” She giggled at herself and then giggled some more as the twins added their two cents. ”I will certainly have some dancers in my household. I just hate dancing alone.”
Supisy Blen Supisy Blen

"Well then I think PHaidor will see that you get the good stuff and there is everythign else... no place is a home without closet space and a pantry.. you need to have mountains of food and drink... but also plenty of space for all of the clothing." Junko said it while she was eating more and more. Junko was glad though and the sizzle of meats on the vahla was there when the others were eating. The generals speaking finaly. "It will be a sight to behold... few offworlders have been aable to impress and even less seem to have been as loyal." THe two of them were there and were eating.. mostly staying to themselves as Kioshi spoke. "You two are always so moross and serious... welcome the newest lady. We brings proof offworlders are not all trying to exploit us. It makes many things we are able to do though... wait until all of those machinations in the xeno-forming divisions gets going."
Location: Junko’s Palace
Tags: Junko Ike Junko Ike

Supisy just knew that Junko or one of her handmaidens would facilitate her artistic discovery. She began to wonder how the Princess ended up choosing sculpting as her medium. She absent-mindedly took a piece of meat from the vahla and ate it lost in thought. ”Did you try different mediums of art Princess? Or has sculpting always came easy for you? I will say I enjoyed posing for you…even if I was sharing the spotlight. If you ever want me to pose solo you just let me know,” The young Twi’lek gave a giggle before taking another morsel of meat.

The response of the generals was less encouraging. Though as with most skeptical statements it rolled off of Supisy’s back pretty easily. The generals probably needed to keep up a degree of paranoia as they were responsible for a lot of security. Kioshi spoke up in Supisy’s defense, or maybe the defense of all offworlders. It made Supisy smile. ”Generals need to be cautious by nature with their trust. I’ll show you just how loyal an offworlder can be though,” she giggled again. ”I’m not quite sure that I should be the measure of your average offworlder though…”
Supisy Blen Supisy Blen

"THe last time offworlders came they killed millions." Ki said it as she sat there and ate watching her for a moment. Yeoh punching her arm while she remained there. "Lighten up for dinner." There was a shift in Ki as she nodded. "Apologies." She said it and went back to eating food while Junko looked at the pair of generals. "It will be better." She looked at Supisy. "I came around to it from helping the people rebuild. Before that I was a jedi and while a noble.. Atrisia was suffering and in sith control or control of despots." She looked. "So I was in the military on Atrisia... my family has always been big.. lords and ladies across the planet so I was given a higher position. NOw there is peace and advancement.. it is a chance to explore what can be done."
Location: Junko’s Palace
Tags: Junko Ike Junko Ike

Supisy wasn’t sure of the whole story, but the last offworlder was probably the Sith that conquered the Commonwealth. Or led an invasion or whatever had happened. ”I certainly hope that Latty and myself are not viewed on par with the Sith…” Supisy responded with a bit of a smirk. ”As I said I understand the need to be quite cautious. But we aren’t here en force. Latty and I are all there is. We just wanted a paycheck at first. Now we just want to help and fit in. I promise you have nothing to fear from me…and no Force powers at all.” She giggled this time.

When Yeoh told Ki to lighten up Supisy actually blushed. The pilot was always much more comfortable with an easy-going, fun-loving manner about whatever she was doing. But there were some things and some people who deserved seriousness and respect. ”It’s ok. Really. Being a General must be hard to know when it is ok to let your guard down.”

Before Supsy could further accept the words of the generals Junko answered her question about sculpting. ”Such trying times. I’m sure that finding an outlet in down times must have been a lifesaver. I hope I never need something that badly.” Supisy had leaned heavily into dance training as a child, but that was more out of a desire to please her Master as she was taught, than an artistic outlet. ”You are definitely capable of doing quite a lot Princess. And I look forward to maybe having a chance to learn your process in creating art a little more closely.”
Supisy Blen Supisy Blen

"Few are on par with the sith." Junko said it and gave a bigger nod in agreement while the others were all around them. PHaidor said it while looking at the generals. "And our generals are bold but careful. Like many of the others who have been raised or trained in the age of Conflict we faced." She spoke though seeing some of the others while Miyoung was there listening. SHe leaned back though and stretched. "All this talk, is overly serious, The Lady Supisy is going to be overloaded with strong personalities soon enough." She was laughing though. "And tomorrow the real fun will begin... the teams are all ready."
Location: Junko’s Palace
Tags: Junko Ike Junko Ike

Supisy had little doubt in the Princess’ faith in her loyalty. And she was pretty sure that Junko knew the only troublemaking that Supisy would participate in would be in good humor and with no intention of toppling the government. Still it was good to have it stated out loud that she and Latty were not a threat like Sith were. Supisy gave the Princess a warm smile as Phaidor continued speaking about the generals.

Before the Twi’lek could reply to the comments by Phaidor, Miyoung appeared and gave a reprieve. Sure, Supisy knew that she needed to take on more of this serious stuff, but she still wanted more than anything to have fun. The news that the teams had been constructed was a boon beyond Supisy’s dreams. ”Will you tell us the teams now, Miyoung? Or do we need to wait for tomorrow?”
Supisy Blen Supisy Blen

Miyoung looked at her and gave a small raised eyebrow. "Well Myself and Princess Kioshi will be observing in in but I do have the teams here Lady Blen." Miyoung said it and brought up a display as she was looking at the twi'lek while the teams were being displayed. An even number for both sides and it looked like some grudge matches would be able to get settled or batle break out. Phaidor laughed. "Oh this is going to be a sight." Barca was leaning back and stretched in her seat. "Oh all my favorite opponents." Lau had remained quiet for the most part while she looked over at the other mandalorian with a nod of her head. Junko took in the teams. "Oh I get the twins... this will be fun."

Team Junko - 11
Princesses Shōda and Shōwa,
Yuki no Ojōsama,
Phaidor Nobuna,
Barca Djarin,
Lady Unchou,
Lady Zhang,
Lady Wisteria,
Mitthk"ann"anuruodo Khan,

Team Supisy - 11
Fiendfire Generals,
Qi Ling,
Uzaki Mui,
Kirano Masamune,
Naori Visha,
Lady Chujo,
Min Ka,
Moon Chyld,
Thuria Thoris,
Location: Junko’s Palace
Tags: Junko Ike Junko Ike

Though she knew it was going to happen, Supisy was a little disappointed that Miyoung didn’t place herself on Team Supisy. It would be fun to see what kind of schemes the woman had in that smart brain of hers. The Princess being stuck on the sidelines also made sense, Supisy assumed the game would require a deal of running or something similar. She wasn’t sure if the hoverchair would be allowed or maybe an advantage. From what the young Twi’lek could judge the teams seemed fair. She had friends and strangers on both teams. She had hoped to team up with the twins, but Min Supisy knew would be a fun teammate. And the chance to compete against the twins and Junko would be just as exciting. The racing competition with Junko previously had certainly left Supisy with a very eager experience other swimsuit clad games with the Atrisians.

Uncho and Chujo being on separate teams was going to be quite interesting. Supisy hadn’t known them long but there was clearly something between them that would translate to fun for onlookers in a competition setting. Supisy eyed Barca for a moment. She was on the other team, and evidently willing to listen to bribe offers…Supisy shook her head. That wouldn’t be very much fun. ”So do we separate into teams and form strategies? How does scoring work?”
Supisy Blen Supisy Blen

Miyoung looked at her and she had a grin. "Scoring will be based on flags removed and tracked. The teams can do whatever is needed... I imagine the princess will be fine resting more then grouping up tonight." Miyoung said it while she was looking at the others who were around the table and the teams were all prepared... ready with some preparing to face off against each other. "Oh this is going to be fun." Unchou said it with a grin on her face while she was leaning back. "Little miss second place is going to once again show whjy the Western Wolves are the best and strongest." There was a laugh between them and Moon Chyle and Lau were there ready for anything.. the pair of them working to devise a way to fight the others as the mandalorian looked at Barca and she was ready. "We got this Lady Supisy."
Location: Junko’s Palace
Tags: Junko Ike Junko Ike

Supisy couldn’t recall if the scoring was explained before, but Miyoung was more than happy to explain again. The Twi’lek still figured there would be a lot of learning done when her feet were to the fire. Though this was merely a friendly game, she’d been ill-prepared for many worse situations that she needed to learn on the fly. She gave a nod and smile to Miyoung.

No sooner had the teams been examined did the rivalry between Unchou and Chujo became even more evident. Supisy wasn’t sure she liked that her teammate was being called “miss second place”, but she didn’t have enough information to properly come to Chujo’s defense. No need to make things worse and draw out the smack talk. Supisy gave Chujo a smile, ”Don’t worry. They're going down. We don’t place second place.” It was probably a little too braggadocious for the time, but hopefully since the smack was the whole team and not Unchou/Chujo focused it would slip by unchallenged.

Other members of Supisy’s team (Moon Chyle and Lau) gave confident chuckles. ”We’re on separate teams Barca. I’ve got you…so much so that I think we should have a side bet. Every score you make against my team I’ll give you an hour of…private time,” Supisy smirked. ”Every score I make, I get a story of your adventures. I think that comes out to a win-win wager…don’t you?”
Supisy Blen Supisy Blen

Junko was listening and she had a wider grin on her face. Looking at the teams she was motioning as Barca laughed. Miyoung seemed to be enjoying it and Chujo looked at Supisy as she gave a nod. "That is the hope, the western wolves are some of the elite from the academies." But she didn't sound unconfident in her endeavor she was ready for it while Lau gave a nod of her head. "And we'll I guess get your stories from Barca... despite her bluster fairly certain even she has limits.... I hope." Another round of laughs as the twins were there and looking at Supisy with a nod. "Oh this will be fun now and we get to go against Lady Kirano." The larger handmaiden raised an eyebrow with a look. "You'll try."
Location: Junko’s Palace
Tags: Junko Ike Junko Ike

Though there was certainly an air of competition in the room. There were rivalries that Supisy didn’t totally understand yet and well the room was filled with fit women in their prime about to embark on an athletic competition, it would just be very weird if there was nothing but carefree feelings being shared. Chujo nodded and gave her hopes that she would be able to help defeat her rival. Supisy couldn’t miss the smile that Junko gave at the talk being exchanged and Barca’s laugh did nothing to make Supisy think they didn’t have a deal. She would have to figure out quickly who could shut down the Mandalorian if Barca was too incentivized by the wager. Supisy was quite curious what an hour or two of alone time might lead to, but too much time was still a bit overwhelming given Barca’s reputation. The twins exclaimed their excitement and seemed to pick Kirano as the focus of their competition. Kirano did not seem troubled by the challenge. That caused Supisy to giggle and put one arm around the shoulders of each twin. ”It is indeed going to be fun. Not sure Kirano is who I would pick to go up against, but if she beats you too badly I’ll help you lick your wounds,” Supisy gave a wink and continued to look around, wondering what was going to happen next.
Supisy Blen Supisy Blen

"She is the one with the long range water rifle." The twins said it while being there and Kirano laughed. "You'll try and don't discount Jiyoung.. she is small but she sneaks around better then any of them. All that practice sneaking into Tripitaka's baths." There were some laughs and KIrano had a looked while Lau and Barca were looking each other down. The size difference was there but neither would back down as it looked more like a battle between clans would be taking place. JUnko offered a small voice. "It is alright, rivalries help in these cases and will make for it to be a little more fun aand healthy... chance to soak everyone here and show off why I am the best is important."

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