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Dominion Attack of the Clones! Dominion on New Alderaan (EOTL)



The Darkfall shuddered as the Planetary Gun's attack slammed into its ventral shields.

Consoles within the command center erupted with sparks as overloaded systems sent power-surges through the electrical system.

"Report!" Maldor demanded, keeping his balance thanks to physical training that had been honed for a very different purpose.

"Moderate damage to the ventral shield grid. Primary electrical systems overloaded. Secondary systems engaged. Slight damage to external hull armor. But overall, we're still fully functional. I wouldn't recommend another hit on that quarter, though, Sir."

Maldor nodded, "Dispatch repair crews and maintenance droids. Change our elevation by 1,000 meters. Bank us by one-eighty degrees. If we get hit again, I don't want the same shield generators taking the blow. Once our ventral hangar is facing away from the planet, launch fighters."

He did his best to sound confident, but inside, he was deeply concerned. One, maybe two more strikes, and the Darkfall would take the sort of damage that couldn't be shrugged off easily.

Meanwhile, the red-painted Tie/mg fighters of the Mecetti House Guard Navy soared out of the hangar, creating a further flank of pressure to force the foe against the teeth of Spector Squadron.

Deployed Assets
Victory Star Destroyer 'Darkfall'
Tie/mg Fighter
Two Raider Corvettes
Two Gozanti Assault Carriers

Bella Bella
The Voice of the Lost The Voice of the Lost

Objective 1: Distraction Force

Location: New Aldera, New Alderaan
Outfit: Velran’s Gift Dress
Tags: Velran Kilran Velran Kilran | Fomys Marnarro Fomys Marnarro | Ramys Marnarro Ramys Marnarro

Akiya sighed at the reaction of the crazed Admiral/Emperor. Of course he would see her questioning that this was the safest place for her to mean that she was trying to kill him. Akiya quivered in fear as Velran grabbed her arm and let it be known that she had been given clearance to leave the labs to visit with Hilal Vizsla Hilal Vizsla . ”I don’t work with your stormtroopers Your Excellency. I work with the clones you are replacing them with. I don’t sneak out of the lab. I get permission for Prof. Igen Jitters Prof. Igen Jitters . If you have a problem with me leaving, I will stay put. But I thought Jitters was authorized to allow me to see to outside business. I apologize Your Excellency.” Akiya hated having to grovel to Velran, but she enjoyed living and the longer she stayed alive the longer that her brother or Hilal or someone else would save her from Velran’s clutches. At this point she had little faith that her “job” would ever come to an end.

As usual Velran’s genius didn’t seem very sound to Akiya. His presence surely would bring out a large response from the rebels, but it would be just as large if he was accompanied by an army of well trained clones. Or if he had ordered Akiya to make a clone of himself and allowed them to kill the poor underdeveloped soul. Instead Velran dragged Akiya out here with a bunch of kids who would all be dead by the end of the battle. What would happen if a stormtrooper got a lucky or good shot away and hit Velran? Or hit Akiya? That seemed to be quite risky to provide a distraction to the opposition. Though Akiya wasn’t going to risk making him any more crazy by questioning it out loud.
Tags: Teckla Tane Teckla Tane Amiggie Lutih Amiggie Lutih Kanni Ugaiya Kilran Kanni Ugaiya Kilran Lorian Tarsis
Location: Ridge overlooking planetary gun sight, Aldera Outskirts
Equipment: In Bio
Objective: 2 - Destroy that Gun!
Theme: HERE


Seconds would pass, and the scream of artillery shells careening overhead filled the air. The field in front of us lit up in patches from explosions caused by the artillery barrage. The shield that was designed to protect the gun from oribt extended enough to block many of these shots, however many also landed in the fields just around the perimeter of its base. What started as a counter attack by the rebel Stormtroopers now was a chaotic mob rushing through a growing field of craters. Bodies were strewn about, but more appeard to keep coming.

"We will hold our ground. General Tane has not yet reached our position. Do not fire until my command. Leave the work for the artillery."More shelling of the artillery will fall upon the enemy across the field from us. More of their troops were falling, while others were too busy hunkering down for cover. Then, soon enough, like music to my ears in the symphony of war, a reply from General Tane came through the comms. Her forces were not in sight due to rock formations, however her report proves that she was close enough. I stood straight up at the head of the troops alloted to me for this battle.

"Soldiers! Up!", I shouted through my helm's mask. In two solid, consecutive movements, the entire army was up. "Ready yourselves for another advance!" The artillery barrage was still going across the field ahead of us, and some of the ranks looked confused. For my Ultranauts and myself, however, charging into an areay being bombarded by artillery was by no means anything new. "Ahead with me!", and our mass of soldiers surged forward at a quickened march across the field. Our advancing gunline was meant to take the brunt now that the Knights have done their part. Now we will consume fire while General Tane's forces appeared to be performing a flanking maneuver.

Soon enough, General Tane's forces appeared on the ridge ot our right flank, just as anticipated. What was not anticipated was the loud comms message that rang out on the channel. Some crazed woman also served the Empire, or at least the Imperial sympathetic forces on this planet. While Velran Kilran Velran Kilran was known for his madness, it appears another one holding that family line's heritage shares in that regard. Soon, on the right flank from where my troops stood, another mass of clones crashed into the enemy right as the artillery barrage relented.

What I saw to the right was like that of a tremendous tidal-wave of chaos and carnage where I would have prefered proper order. However, it was still effective, and the pragmatic Kalidani heritage of mine kicked in to except it this time for its usefulness. I would lean to my comms officer to broadcast a message to the two Generals joining on the flanks. "Generals Tane and Kilran, this is Moff DuPorcelen. I spot your respective advances on the flanks. It appears General Kilran has taken the majority of their attention. General Tane, flank them from your angle around the same time my troops will grind them down going up the middle. We will meet at the gun if this pincer goes off properly. For the Empire."
I gestured to the men to keep advancing. The rain of hellfire was over, and it was time to sweep these rebelling soldiers up. Most of the fire appeared to be landing on my force as it advanced, as well as the forces under General Kilran. It appears they had yet to notice General Tane's advance. Such was all according to the hopeful plan.

"We got a hit sir!" The Private said a relieved smile etched on his face while he wiped the sweat off of his brow.

"Is the Star Destroyer down private?" The Sergeant asked.

"N-no sir!" The private responded meekly.


"Yes sir!" The private and the rest of the crew began calculating the coordinates to adjust the Darkfall's movement. "Come on people!" The Sergeant said. "As soon as that gun fires, transport 6 get your ass in space we'll have a squadron of X-Wings cover ya! We found them in an abandoned shipyard and we'll make damn good use of them! With the their TIEs busy with ours, it should be a straight shot into Hyperspace!"

"Roger that Sergeant!" The transport pilot spoke over the radio. "We have lift off, we'll start moving as soon as you fire!"

The Planetary Gun fired again striking the ship while it was in the process of moving. In the meantime, the transport just exited New Alderaan's orbit with a squadron of X-Wings attempting to get past the Darkfall.


Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti , Bella Bella


"Direct Hit from the Planetary Gun!"

The announcement was a grim one.

"The impact penetrated across all decks, port dorsal to ventral starboard!"

Maldor gritted his teeth, chewing his words as they came through his lips. "Close off damaged sections, and dispatch repair droids! What is the impact of the damage? Which systems are lost?"

"Mainline energy conduits to the engine complex are damaged. Port and Starboard engines are offline. Both Ventral and Dorsal shield grids are down. Engineering crews are trying to re-route power. They advise we can have shields and engines back online within minutes, but not if we keep taking hits from that Gun, Sir."

Then, to add insult to injury: "Sir! Transport ship, escorted by X-wings, trying to get past us!"

Fear touched upon Maldor's heart, but he pushed it down and barked orders, "Take the Darkfall out of orbit, and out of range from those guns while repairs are engaged.

Order our two Gozanti Assault Carriers and Raider Corvettes to fill the gap. They are too small to be hit by that gun, and their weapons are ideally suited to take on smaller craft."

The smaller ships of Maldor's flotilla quickly responded to their orders. The Raider corvette 'Strife' was the first to reach the enemy, opening fire upon the transport's X-wing escort...


Deployed Assets
Victory Star Destroyer 'Darkfall'
Tie/mg Fighters
Two Raider Corvettes
Two Gozanti Assault Carriers

Bella Bella
The Voice of the Lost The Voice of the Lost
Last edited:
Location: New Alderaan High Orbit - New Alderaan System
Objective: Fighting in Space!
Dialogue Legend: “Galactic Basic” │ <“Imperial Basic”>
Call Sign: Miracle
Tags: Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti The Voice of the Lost The Voice of the Lost

The Miracle One ripped and tore its way through the battered ranks of the rebel squadrons, its eight cannons unleashing a silent symphony of destruction as Bella drove her interceptor in, then out of the rebel’s formations. Not long after her initial attack runs, she shifted her heading towards a TIE that was within her sights, a short salvo of disruptor beams lancing the craft from the void as the Togruta ace flew her machine through its constituent ashes. Then, Bella vectored towards another enemy TIE, before unleashing a hail of slugs that swiftly perforated its hull, tearing the hapless pilot within to meaty shreds.

With that, Bella swiftly fell into a trance as she vectored the Miracle One from one enemy TIE to another, vaporizing and tearing through each of them almost at will. Before long, another five TIEs were added to her kill count, with what little pieces and hunks that were left of them floating aimlessly through the void in her wake.

That was when she finally spoke.

“Splash…” Bella paused to take a brief glance at her HUD. “Splash ten enemy TIEs!” The Togruta called out, her tone hot with excitement as she spoke. Nevertheless, as she took stock of the greater battlespace beyond the now-fading furball which had formed around the Darkfall, Bella grimaced as she watched the warship take another direct hit from the planetary gun. Fortunately, the vessel still had functional engines, allowing it to turn and retreat out of orbit.

“Spectorsss…” Ichirr hissed. “We have one more target. GR-75 transport, coming out of orbit, escorted by a full squadron of X-Wings! Take them out! Also, make sure that none of those X-Wings sneak past us and get to the Darkfall!” The commander added, sensing that the allied ship was extremely vulnerable after taking multiple salvos from the planetary gun. While he still believed that the enemy was more intent on escape, rather than attack, he didn’t want to take any chances.

“On it, commander! Forming up on you!”


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