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[ATTN ALL: CIS REFORM] The Military -- Compulsory Read

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Well-Known Member
Hello you wonderful people you. As of this week, we (the elected staff) are going to be changing things up for the better. I've been put in charge of informing you all of the military changes we've agreed upon in the staff meetings, and so we bring to you.

After all, this faction is for the members. If we do something you don't like, we're not very good staff are we?

With that said, I would like to bring the following to your attention:

The Knights Obsidian are already in place. They have replaced the Templar Order and are nearly identical to the Army in terms of ranking and political power. They have their special permissions and resources, due to their nature as Force Users, but they are given little special treatment beyond that. They are an elite, but they are not pandered over.

  • Lord Commander
  • Master (Equal to General/Admiral)
  • Knight (Equal to Commander/Captain)
  • Cadet (Equal to Sergeant/Lieutenant)

The Confederate Army (or simply the Army), is the main, non-Force soldier unit of the CIS. It should be the home of all non-Force User characters that are not interested in fleeting or one of the Special Forces.

  • Grand Marshall
  • General
  • Commander
  • Sergeant

The Confederate Navy (or simply the Navy) is the home of all those interested in commanding ships and waging space war. Obsidian Knights may take control over a ship if necessary, however they must answer to the Navy rank of their equal due to specialisation.

  • Fleet Admiral
  • Admiral
  • Captain
  • Lieutenant
Since there are some members who are more specialised in certain tasks than the three standard branches of the CIS Military, there are two primary special divisions. They have no internal ranking structure, but they do have a leader who reports to the Advisory Council.​
The Medical Corps (or MediCorps) is open to all members of the CIS interested in specialising in healing and first aid. From Force healers to field medics, this group puts tending to others before their other duties.
Leadership: Commander of the Medical Corps

The Spy Network (or SpyNet) is open to all members of the CIS interested in specialising in espionage, infiltration, and covert informational operations. Force Users and Non-Force Users alike are welcome, and for all IC intents and purposes, they do not exist.
Leadership: Spy Master

The Advisory Council is the grouping of all leaders of the Confederate Military, and the Vicelord of the Confederacy, gathered together to discuss matters if importance and to perform roll call checks upon their divisions to gauge the current status of the Confederacy. They convene every once a month to discuss matters in times of peace, and in times of conflict they convene as frequently as necessary to ensure facilitation of communications and termination of hostilities. Roll calls should be performed at least once every two months.​
The Commander-in-Chief
The Commander-in-Chief of the Confederate Military is more commonly known as the CIS Vicelord. As head of the faction, the Vicelord is in command of the military, and it is important for the Commander-in-Chief to attend the Advisory Council meetings in order to ensure the military is remaining true to the spirit of the CIS.

Membership of the Advisory Council:
  • The Lord Commander of the Knights Obsidian
  • The Grand Marshall of the Confederate Army
  • The Fleet Admiral of the Confederate Navy
  • The Commander of the Medical Corps
  • The Spy Master
  • The Viceroy of the Confederacy of Independent Systems (a.k.a. The Commander-in-Chief of the Confederate Military)

Now that you are all aware of the proposed changes to the CIS Military structure, heirarchy, and function, please provide your opinion and whether or not you wish to see this happen. Only know that what we do is intended for the betterment of the faction as a whole.

If you have any questions, post to this thread or contact [member="Salem Norongachi"], @Atretes Rhoujen, [member="Sophia Denko"], or [member="Siyndacha Aerin"].

Yours Sincerely,
- CIS Staff

Serian Loria

In the shadows, at the fringe
I like it, it seems very clear cut, simple too which is a big part of its appeal to me.
I would like to know what ranks have what permissions and such or if that is yet to be decided?


Well-Known Member
[member="Serian Loria"]
I'm not entirely sure what you mean by permissions? If you mean command privileges and such things as that, it works pretty simply.

The three main branch leaders are equal in power, though the Fleet Admiral is arguably a notch higher (in a fleeting position, the Fleet Admiral may tell the Lord Commander what to do). They command all below them.
The General-level members of the three main branches and the two leaders of the Special Forces are equal in power. They command all below them as well.

It descends in that fashion, and the authority moves cross-branch. A Lord Commander may tell and Admiral what to do, and a Commander may tell a Lieutenant what to do (though I don't know why a soldier would be commanding a ship at all).
Looks good to me, all I can say is that:
a) I'd really like to be part of the Spy Network; and
b) A roster of characters when this is finalised would be massively helpful for new people.

Serian Loria

In the shadows, at the fringe
[member="Atretes Rhoujen"] Ma'am technically XD
Which reminds me, what branch is the archives under?
From an IC standpoint Serian is in charge of them as the Loremaster, is that going to change?


Well-Known Member
[member="Serian Loria"]
I'm unsure. I'll call attention to this post to the rest of Staff and we'll discuss special ranks. Than you for pointing this out.


Well-Known Member
As a general announcement to all in the thread, I'd also like to say that this post will be up for twenty-four hours. If there are no outstanding complaints, then these changes will be passed promptly.


Well-Known Member
[member="Serian Loria"]
We've decided to let you keep your project and title. This grants no special privileges. It is only, for all intents and purposes, a voluntary position within the Knighthood of the same level as your held rank.

Serian Loria

In the shadows, at the fringe
[member="Atretes Rhoujen"] Neat, I don't need any special treatment, I'm just glad you guys find me even a teeny bit useful!
What do I do when it comes time for me to be done?
Also, I'll wanna talk to you guys all in one place cuz I have some questions to help fill it out and I wanna save time by getting you all together to hash out those details.
That's what I was gunna do when I first took up that project, but then stuff happened and I needs must go to the next people in authority now, I wanna err on the side of caution.
[member="Atretes Rhoujen"] Just a quick question...
Guy appointed me as Spymaster before he left. Do I keep this role, or do I need to figure out what next to do with Strask.
The SpyNet won't change, nor will any of the top roles within the faction that have already been filled [member="Strask Ak'lya"]. Spymaster is all you bud, we'll need to talk to hammer out how best to fit them into the new structure.

Grab me on skype- nick.williams_1986


Well-Known Member
[member="Serian Loria"]
I can make a Skype chat with you and the staff.

[member="Strask Ak'lya"]
I don't see why you wouldn't retain the position. I'll confirm it, though, to be safe and sure.

Corey's OOC

And where were the spiders
I like it. I've got a question regarding the Techno Union as that was part of the executive council well the foreman was. Are those being removed? If they are that is fine, if not I'll need a side bar conversation with someone in charge. I'll be at a computer and not at work on like 6 hours
What does the Confederacy stand for?

I've seen a lot about individual freedom for citizens and planets in older threads. If that is the case, I'd have presumed the Spynet would be an "off the record" part of a large, public organisation. The citizens and individual systems probably want to believe they have an open an honest intelligence agency who protect their citizens, but in reality know they'll be getting up to all kinds of nasty stuff in enemy territory.

Think Sir Ian Loben appearing before parliamentary committees etc...


Well-Known Member
[member="Marek Starchaser"]
This is only Military Reform. Techno Union reorganisation will be a separate issue, and I'm not sure if we're still ironing that one out.

To my knowledge, the Confederacy stands for freedom, justice, and not being afraid to take all matters necessary to make it happen. Your question is the question everyone has asked up until this point, where we're (the staff are) trying to iron everything out and nail things together that were previously flapping wildly in the wind. What we're doing is trying to make the CIS simpler to understand, and give us all a purpose. A banner to unify under, instead of a name to throw around like being part of a club.

But now I'm ranting.

As far as the SpyNet goes, to get back to addressing your post, we have it on the table to expand the SpyNet into an actual intelligence division with sub-classifications... but that's touching back on having too many sub-branches, and will only happen if a lot of attention is given to being part of the SpyNet. Basically, we're keeping it simple unless people ask for it to get more complex.
[member="Atretes Rhoujen"]
Thanks for getting back to me!

Strask has dropped me a message to say he's working on things too.

From a RP perspective I thought it would be useful to have a named "umbrella" organisation for the Spynet, even if it's simply a disparate group of cells that work to undermine the CIS' enemies.
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