[member="Darth Adekos"] | [member="Aver Brand"] | [member="Gulliver Foyle"] | [member="Veris Tagge"]
This needs to be sorted out.
There are two locations.
Fort Nowhere is one. Olmondo City is another.
Just by the name, it should be obvious that Fort
Nowhere isn't really near a city.
Darth Adekos, Aver Brand and a bunch of other Triumvirate forces are at Olmondo City trying to take out the TU backed cultists inside the city.
Orcus and [member="Haytham Kaze"] and [member="Dagorn"] are at Fort Nowhere finishing wiping out some mercenaries.
Gulliver Foyle is also at Fort Nowhere, attacking Orcus, Haytham and Dagorn.
However, for the last several posts both Adekos and Aver were operating under the impression that Veris Tagge was advancing on Olmondo City, evidenced by:
Aver Brand said:
With a last nod to the warmachines advancing upon the city, Aver slipped away, lithe as a Ralltiir tiger prowling its natural terrain
Darth Adekos said:
Location: Olmondo, Abandoned Warehouse Enemies: Veris Tagge
Darth Adekos said:
"I've just been told there's an assault force gathering outside of the city." He informed her. "And it's... Not one of our own, so now this is going to be a little more difficult."
Nothing was done to dispel them of this notion, because Veris didn't have a location tag in his post after that and @ tagged them.
However, in the latest series of posts, Haytham @ tagged Veris by mistake after Veris @ tagged Haytham and I.
Someone isn't reading someone else's posts. I don't care whose fault it is, probably a little bit of everyone's, but it's confusing, so let's lock these locations down.