Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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S u p e r i o r

[SIZE=10.5pt]"Where organics fail, mechanization succeeds.[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]"[/SIZE]​
General Information
Full Name​



Planet of Birth
Nar Shaddaa

Vocal Sample

Bounty Hunter
Physical Information
Six Feet Tall

One-Hundred and Eighty Pounds

Physical Build


Skin Tone
Pale Yellow

Notable Features:
A majority of AU-R0RA's body is cybernetic, the absence of a sizeable abdomen would lead most to assume that she is a droid, but most of her non-vital organs were removed and shifted up to her heavily shielded and plated chest area. Her body is plated in reinforced duraplast, making her resilient to blaster bolts and offers a wide range of motion for immense flexibility and mobility due to her sleek form.
Psychological Information

Relationship Status

Cunning | Vicious | Sadistic | Intelligent
AU-R0RA is characterized as a cold blooded killing machine. She shows little remorse in what she does and regrets none of the choices she's made in the past. Like most Ganks, AU-R0RA has a serious obsession for cybernetic augmentation, perhaps a little more overzealous than some of her peers. AU-R0RA is out for herself and only herself. She does not concern herself with others outside of professional relationships. Though she is a professional, she does enjoy taking her time with her jobs, having become something along the lines of an adrenaline junkie. She is as cruel as she is vicious with little regard to the value of life.
She speaks freely and without the need to sugarcoat her words. She is straightforward and to the point in conversation when prompted to. She is keen to spotting and exploiting any flaws she can, whether it be in a person's personality, a structural weak point or an opening in combat. She takes any advantage she can get her hands on and utilize it fully to her advantage. Some bounty hunters see their jobs as reputable and to further their name, but AU-R0RA has no need for such glory, nor does she care for those who find her methods crude and underhanded. She does what she can to get the job done, plain and simple.
Strengths and Weaknesses
+AU-R0RA is skilled in the art of making munitions, whether they are IED's or ammo. She often creates her own explosive munitions for use in combat and has a varied arsenal to suit her needs depending on the job she takes.
+Her duraplast body is mostly EMP shielded to prevent the obvious threat of having her mechanized body parts shut down, making her extremely resilient to both physical blows and blasters. Due to the duraplast, it is difficult to harm her organic parts. It also makes her resistant to external bodily pain.
+Because she is a Gank, her body is mostly augmented with cybernetics, making her more machine than she is organic. As a result, she has a number of features and functions at her disposal.
+AU-R0RA is extremely dexterous as well as flexible despite most of her body being mechanized, comparable to advanced IG series droids.
-Despite her body being EMP shielded, strong sources or direct exposure at point blank is still capable of immensely reducing her mobility, dexterity, and reaction times by up to 60%.
-Though AU-R0RA is extremely flexible and acrobatic, her actual physical strength does not extend beyond to more muscular opponents.
-Due to extensive modification to her body, and psychological profile of most Ganks, AU-R0RA suffers from psychosis and is prone to making horrible moral choices.
-AU-R0RA has a very low temper for being told what to do outside of parameters for a job, believing herself to always be right.
Skills and Equipment
AUR-0RA is a skilled munition maker, able to craft IED's with few materials as well as potent munitions and upgrades to them such as explosive warheads for darts. She utilizes her own personal munitions for her jobs, selecting the best tools for the job and making sure she is properly equipped. Due to her cybernetic augmentations of a majority of her body, she has a number of functions that help with her life as a bounty hunter. She is proficient with handling blaster weapons and especially skilled in unarmed hand to hand combat, though she has a tendency to fight dirty. Her hands and feet can be magnetized to scale vertical metal surfaces or keep stable and mobile in space stations.

E5-C Heavy Blaster
AU-R0RA's primary means of combat is her E5-C Blaster Rifle, a heavier variant of the E-5 Blaster Rifle with more
stopping power and a higher rate of fire. Due to her augmentations, she is able to wield it in one hand with ease.

Right Hand Launcher
AU-R0RA's right hand can extend a barrel from her palm that can launch whatever munitions she loads into it. Due
to the complexity of the loading however, it takes an extensive amount of time to change the type of munition she
carries inside of it and can't change munitions midway through combat. Her fingers are tipped with proximity lasers
that indicate whether a target has passed in front of her through smoke or gas. It also outlines a targeted area that is
prone to being hit by whatever munition she has loaded.
Dioxis Canister
Napalm Tank
Poison/Explosive Darts
Tibanna Gas
Left Forearm Housing
AU-R0RA's left forearm can extend five wrist based blasters that are capable of spinning independently of her arm,
turning it into a pseudo rotary cannon. It is a hidden feature she doesn't use often and utilizes it in the event that she
is disarmed or wanting to take her opponents by surprise.
Hidden Blades
AU-R0RA has four hidden blades on her body, each coated in a paralytic toxin that seizes up muscles after coming in to
contact with the blades. Adrenaline accelerates the toxin's paralysis speed, making it difficult for opponents to fight in
a prolonged battle. Two of these blades can extend from her shins, making her kicks much more effective. The other
two are hidden beneath where her shoulderblades are, extending and allowing AU-R0RA to wield them like tonfas.

Hyperdrive System
Maximum Atmospheric Speed
900 KPH
Engine Units
4K.7 Incom Fusial Thrust Engines x4
Taim & Bak KX7 Laser Cannons x2
KX4 Dorsal Laser Turret x1
MS-2B Twin Laser Cannon x2
The old UT-60D U Wing was picked up by AU-R0RA and refurbished. Seeing potential in the starfighter, she made a number of personal upgrades, sacrificing some speed for increased firepower. It features an MS-2B Twin Laser Cannon on each wing that is able to rotate when the starfighter changes its configuration, as well as a KX4 Dorsal Laser Turret on the rear of its hull to engage anything trailing behind her. All the combat systems can be linked with AU-R0RA herself, giving her an impressive amount of control over the ship's weapon systems. Linking with the ship also allows AU-R0RA to pilot the ship without the need of a co-pilot.
Personal Information
The female Gank who goes by the name of AU-R0RA was born in Nar Shaddaa. Little of her early life is known, though many speculate she was raised in the underworld. Who her parents were or any employment she was under is a mystery and little evidence up to her early adulthood can be found. Where her history begins and information regarding her can be found with the formation of a private security company that was based on Nar Shaddaa and largely performed jobs in the Outer Rim territories by the name Darmon Security. Its founders were AU-R0RA and another male Gank by the name of V1-CTUS, and was comprised of a number of Ganks and other cybernetically enhanced species.
V1-CTUS and AU-R0RA were partners in a legitimate business, though a number of their clients were figures in the criminal underworld. Darmon Security was a firm that was often labeled as glorified bodyguards to gangsters and other criminals, but they did their jobs well and got results. They did not become a larger firm, but maintained their standing as a small and relatively elite group of capable individuals. Business was good and AU-R0RA had established herself with a steady income and job in the galaxy for several years in her early adulthood. However not all things are meant to last, and would soon begin to shift.
After having gathered a reputation, Darmon Security was given the choice to be absorbed into a larger corporation with a hefty offer, but would have had to give up their name and be integrated. V1-CTUS was for the decision to allow it to happen, however, AU-R0RA was strongly against it, having developed something of an attachment to something she could call her own. It had been her life's work up until that stage of her life. She staunchly opposed it and it lead to conflict between the two founders. Rather than resolve it peacefully, V1-CTUS decided to take an underhanded approach and remove AU-R0RA himself.
Despite V1-CTUS having spent extensive time with AU-R0RA, he was unaware of several modifications that she was equipped with, so when he attempted to confront and catch her off guard, he was taken by surprise. His assassination attempt lead to AU-R0RA turning on him with little remorse and was summarily executed by her. Despite her staunch defense of wanting to keep Darmon Security independent, the act of treachery forced AU-R0RA to abandon it and it was dissolved. AU-R0RA still had a few contacts in the underworld and soon converted to the life of a bounty hunter, taking jobs with decent pay.
AU-R0RA established herself as a hunter with a reputation for getting the job done, and her pay funds the cybernetic augmentation she obsesses over. During her early years as a bounty hunter, AU-R0RA has developed a penchant for creating different munitions, specialized for her bounties. Each munition is customized to suit needs she foresees being a part of her job and is rarely under equipped to handle a situation.
Current Employer
Former Employers
Darmon Security


"You're just another job. Don't take it too personally."

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