He barely managed to shut off his sabers in time before the Mando tackled him, sending him flying backwards. He felt a crushing pain in his ribs, and he grimaced in pain. If not for his armor, he'd surely have much more than a growing bruise. After he rolled to a halt, [member="Joshua DragonsFlame"] used telekinesis to pull him away. However, an the young Sith had learned in a fight with the current Jedi grandmaster, it is just much easier to go with the flow, so to speak. As the Master yanked him, he actually contributed by jumping in that same direction. Only, this caused him to actually fly over the man's head, and sail towards the wall. He did a graceful Ataru flip across the room, activating his saber in midair. He landed right behind [member="Fedrig"] and [member="Fletcher Lorcan"] , slicing down at the freed slave's turned back. "The boy has less than a minute to live. You cannot cure the Venom, but I have the cure. If I take him with me, i'll let him live. If not, he dies. Your choice." He said this half as an offer, half as an opportunity to stall. His reinforcements would be there any second now, more than capable of handling the situation at hand.
[member="Braha Saca"]