The Huntress
TAG: "ATC" and "Browncoat Arms"
- Intent: A personal vessel for Shia Kryze - and a testbed for potential new technologies.
- Image Source: AdamKop (with modifications by writer)
- Canon Link: N/A
- Restricted Missions: N/A
- Primary Source: N/A
*Used in
Ionite Assault Torpedos, seperate sub.
Low: 1
Maneuverability Rating:
Speed Rating:
Very High
Hyperdrive Class:
Moderate: 1 / 20 (Backup)
[*]Advanced Navigation Systems (plus advanced features below)
[*]Military Repulsorlift Engines
Military Brig
Military Escape Pods
[*]Military Sensor Array (plus advanced features below
Tractor Beam Generators
[*]Can enter atmosphere and land (with enough space)
[*]Controls / Thrusters
[*]Hyperdrive/Sublight Drive
[*]Defences (non-weapon)
- Shield & System Killer: The vessel is equipped with experimental Ionite Assault Torpedos which but cannot deal hull damage, it can deal immense shield damage for a vessel its size. This is combined with the disruptor torpedos, the "Gremlin" rapid-fire ion cannon and the rotary ion cannon to then deal devestating amounts of system damage to the hopefully now unshielded ship in a very short time period.
- Stealth: The vessel is extremely low-observability even without it's hibridium cloak engaged.
- Controls / Thrusters: The vessel has advanced thrusters that allow it to move faster and turn quicker for short periods, as well as the VT-Command throne, which allows the captain to bond with the vessel, in theory reducing its crew requirements to minimum and upgrading its reaction times, but only for 90 minutes at a time (safely).
- Hyperdrive: The vessel mounts a variant hyperdrive which allows it to 'fold' into hyperspace at high speeds, effectively ignoring gravity wells (although it becomes a straight line target while it does so), as well as an advanced hyperspace navigation array permitting it to turn while in hyperspace and an HIMS system to allow entry into gravity wells.
- Sensors: The vessel is equipped with a wide array of sensors to covertly and overtly hunt it's prey. Two of these - the sensor booms and towed array, explicitly extend past the hibridium cloaking field when deployed.
- Hull of Fiberplast: The hull on the Huntress is relatively weak and makes up a small component of it's defenses, it relies on it's jamming arrays and powerful shields rendering it vulnrable to attacks that quickly weaken or totally bypass shields.
- What cannot kill you: The Huntress has no capital-scale weaponry capable of actually destroying an opponent with any speed, with only her bes'uliik squadron able to do so.
- No Starfighters: Despite having a small hanger the vessel has no starfighters, only bes'uliik war droids, which are no match for starfighters in any pitched battle.
- Firepower Blindspot: The Huntress has no rear facing weapons. This is not as severe a weakness in vessels of her class compared to Star Destroyers and above, but it still leaves her vulnrable.
- Cannot see while cloaked: A natural weakness of the hibridium cloak. To be able to see while cloaked the vessel must extend it's sensor booms or deploy its towed array, both of which render it potentially visible and have drawbacks.
- Can only fire Torpedos while cloaked: The energy drain of a hibridium shield means the offensive ion weaponry must be disengaged to power it.
- Only Ion Weaponry: One axis of attack can be defeated with only one axis of defence. Ion resistant hull plating is the bane of this vessel.
The brainchild of Shia Kryze, who upon meeting Jorus Merrill in ORC space was deeply embarassed by the lack of capabilities of her Rekr-class dreadnaught, which was deeply ill-suited to the mission to which she tasked it. Remembering that she was effectively the CEO of Kryze Incorporated, she sat down with her engineering staff upon her return and - after scouring much of the galaxies sales forums for the best technology on offer, the Huntress was born.
The core concept of the Huntress is almost a reversion to wet-navy submarines, she is designed not only to carry her passengers safely across the galaxy in record time and contribute to Mandalore's naval strength, but more importantly to do exactly what her name suggests - to hunt down opposing vessels of roughly similar class and defeat them. But not to kill. The core of the vessels design is the Ionite Torpedo this weapons system functions similarly to submarine torpedos, it fires oversized capital-ship torpedos loaded with Ionite charges, which cause catastropic damage to the shields of any enemy, allowing the array of ion-weaponry on the vessel to subdue the opponent, or in the case of larger vessels, disable key systems. If a kill is required, the Mandalorians do it personally - by launching in bes'uliik war droids then using the shockrod generators and claws of their mounts to tear smaller vessels apart, or board larger ones. The vessel is also equipped with a tractor beam to keep it's prey near. It should be noted the vessel follows ancient Mandalorian / Republic / Imperial design and like a conventional Star Destroyer, has no rear-arc weapons, which is slightly offset by its high manuverability, but still renders it vulnerable to attacks from behind by nimbler vessels.
Key to this approach are the cloaking device and multitude of stealth systems aboard the ship - it is designed to pursue targets at high speed or, to sneak up on them. The engineers desired that the vessel should fire while cloaked, but this proved impossible due to energy requirements - only the torpedo system may be fired while cloaked. Additionally, the fiberplas hull of the vessel may render it undetectable to magnetic scanners, but means that the vessel is extremely reliant on its shields for defence.
The vessel is equipped with a Meyer Drive to save on space, as well as allow it to escape interdictor traps (assuming it doesn't get shot down trying) and a HIMS in order to penerate them. It's advanced nav-computer allows for free movement in hyperspace with a sufficiently skilled navigator, to allow it to both respond to alerts and to escape or track foes.
The vessel has a wide range of MandalHypernautics emergency thrusters, combined with a Vanir Tech Command Throne that, in standard operating proceedure, is only to be used for stressful combat or hyperspace manuvers. This draws upon the Mandalorian philsophy of 'wearing the beskar'gam' - in essence, Shia views her vessel as just another very, very large suit of armour.
A wide range of sensor suites have been installed, along with a remote drone launcher to allow the vessel to track and hunt targets across a wide area of space.
The vessel cannot stalk opponents while cloaked without being able to see - in order to do so it can utilize two methods: the first is to deploy the towed array, which is very difficult to detect and hangs far behind the craft, so anyone who finds the array cannot automatically find the ship, however cripples its manuvering ability. The second is to deploy a series of sensor booms which extend beyond the cloaking field - while also extremely small and low observability, they are far from invisible and anyone detecting them is aware of the location of the craft. Torpedo fire or small craft launches will also reveal its location.
While a superb example of single ship design and combined technologies, the Huntress is not perfect - her mostly forward facing weaponry (particularly her main torpedos) can result in her being out-turned by smaller ships, or caught between multiple ships. She relies on clever handling and out thinking her opponents to bring prey to bear in the unfair, head-on fights she excels at.
Her defensive suit is also mostly focused around EM warfare and the rotary ion cannons - which can be used offensively to pin down single enemy turrets or defensively against starfighters. As a consequence, a fighter swarm is likely more than she can handle without additional escorts, or very slopping piloting by the fighters to allow the bes'uliik war droids to catch them. For this ship, both speed and stealth are life.
The lack of offensive damaging weaponry is see as an advantage by the owner, but is potentially a crippling flaw against enemies that cannot be boarded or sufficiently neutralised with ion weaponry.