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Catalog Aurora Industries

[member="Haytham Kaze"]

Taeli would approve the order, but she would be keeping an eye on this so-called business venture. She knew the One Sith had had a knack of founding orphanages to try and appear humane.

[member="Aerin The Lost"]

Normal price for products not in the spoiler tag on the first page

Sor-Jan Xantha

The Corellia Digital Building • Meccha, Drall • Corellian Sector
Master [member="Taeli Raaf"]

Corellia Digital would like to make the following purchase.

200x Watchman Security Droids
25x AIC-002 Prometheus Droid Brains

I believe that total comes to 4,030,000 credits. If approved, credits will be transferred from Corell Financial on Druckenwell to an account or accounts of your choosing.
The Brotherhood is wanting to purchase the following ships,

3 AI-009
3 AI-005b
2 Sentinel-class Patrol Frigate
1 LUX-YT68
2 AI-001 Pulsar-class Starfighter
1 Judicator-class Multi-role Cruiser

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