Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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AutoTech Robotics

AutoTech Robotics

Out of Character Information:

Image Source: N/a
Canon Link: N/a
Development Thread: N/a
Primary Source: N/a

Corporation Information:

Corporation Name: AutoTech Robotics
Headquarters: Mechis III
  • Foundry [Factory]
  • Balmorra [Factory]
  • Olanet [Factory]

Operations: AutoTech Robotics specialises in the mass-production and distribution of droids and similar automaton products. Products of AutoTech include all five classes of droids (Class I, II, III, IV, V).


“As peace and tranquillity settles among the Galaxy, with the great conflicts coming to an end, the brilliant minds at AutoTech asked themselves a simple question. “How can we expand further into the Galaxy widen the stretches our business venture?” But the answer was even more simple than the question. All this could be achieved by funding the next Galactic War! And so, AutoTech prides itself with its mindset of being completely undiscriminating on who they will sell to; warlords? Check. Rebellions? Check. Criminal syndicates? Of course. With the business model of there being no job to big or even no job to small, AutoTech offers it’s services to every corner of the Galaxy. If you have credits, consider AutoTech Robotics to be your friend!”
– Marketing campaign from AutoTech officials.


AutoTech first started as a subsidiary to The Orion Corporation, but popular and cheap products would allow for unparalleled growth rates in the company and would eventually lead to it overtaking its parent company in terms of profits and outputs. Because of this, AutoTech would separate from The Orion Corporation and strive to become a successful, powerhouse of droid manufacturing. Major manufacturing plants on four factory worlds (Mechis III, Balmorra, Foundry, Olanet) and their gung-ho attitude to business would help them reach this goal.

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