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Private Autumn Forest Teachings

  • Kashyyyk
  • Morning
  • Early Autumn
Trickling water flowed under a small old stone bridge. A gentle stream connects a lake with the deeper forest waters, running not far from three lakeside cabins. Sweet, clear water showed a school of small fish migrating annually, providing a bountiful river for a local tribe. The freshwater had sustained them for generations, ensuring their health and nourishment. Wookiee children were fishing nearby with a spear, laughing and missing. A sense of comfort, safety, and peace lay here, not far from where the Silvers cultivated a longstanding home.

Wearing his familiar dark green jacket, black t-shirt, practical dark brown trousers, and thick boots suitable for the forest's humidity, Amadis received a signal from an old wildcard about an arriving guest; he didn't read the entire text, assuming a messenger carried the monthly report on the surrounding systems or a courier had arrived. The Wildcards attended to local problems and offered relief efforts where possible. Most members were old veterans serving after retirement, with some now twice retired.

Much of Kashyyyk around here was evergreen, but not all, and some leaves started to show autumn's approach, adding different tones, reds, and browns to the surrounding woodland. Underneath a few reddening trees, he worked steadily on fixing the bridge, ensuring it wouldn't collapse into the waters below. Blocking the water's flow could harm the local tribe's health and his own family's idyllic cabin setting.

Lying on his back over the embankment, body half under the increasingly leaf-carpeted bridge, Amadis continued his masonry work. His hands, as usual, showed a thin line of dirt; they reached for an unseen tool just out of reach, patting the ground beside him.

Braze Braze


TAGS: Kei Amadis Kei Amadis

Braze arrived and settled his Ashwing somewhere in the shaded brush, checking his location and scanning the surroundings. He was looking for a particular person.

His boots crushed leaves and twigs beneath his feet as he padded through the forest. Curiosity flickered in his somber jade green eyes as he searched for his contact. Drawn towards the river, he watched younger Wookies play, their laughter mingling with the sound of crystal-clear waters.

His gaze paused on a figure crawling around below a bridge. Braze decisively padded over, convinced this was the place and possibly the person he was looking for. He was dressed in loose-fitting hakammas that tapered into his boots and a sleeveless tabard top with wrapped arms. A messenger bag hung over one shoulder, and a peculiar brace like an exoskeleton covered his left arm.

He paused, gripping the strap of his bag, and perched just beyond the tarn of the water's edge, watching the man for a while. Finally, after some time had passed, Braze spoke up.

"Excuse me... Would you happen to know where I could find a Mister Kei Amadis?" Braze asked, his voice steady but tinged with anticipation.
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Soft tapping came interspaced with the occasional brief pause from under the bridge, "One second, be right there. Here about the farming gear? Hope it got to Balmora in one piece. Routes have been getting troublesome." He tightened another bolt on the supports, and the problematic area of the bridge seemed more secure. The noise of the tools left little room for reply, making it hard to hear anything under the bridge.

As other powers closed in on former SJO space, keeping the independent planets connected became more challenging each month. Pulling himself from under the old stonework, the older Jedi master dusted off his dirty hands and stood up.

"Let's see here, which planet are you from?" he asked in a friendly tone, bringing up the latest shipping manifest on a datapad, to look over what he'd need to send next and to where. Stopping to greet the messenger with a welcoming grin, he extended his hand for a firm handshake if accepted. The Master didn't recognize the younger courier; maybe Braze was one of the Wildcard's family?

"Making this run solo?" With the heightened danger, he made a mental note to give someone an earful later for making the teenager do the operation alone. Despite this, the sense of calm around Amadis didn't change, nor did his welcoming grin. The whole area had that feel, with peace established and cultivated over generations since the order moved here from Voss.

Behind them, the soft rising smoke of warm stone fires coming out of the nearest log cabin could be seen. The Wookiee children nosily ran off in that direction, probably to contribute to a communal pot with their fish, "Don't just eat the dessert." Amadis stepped aside so as not to block their way and gave the last one a ruffling on his head as he passed.

Braze Braze


TAGS: Kei Amadis Kei Amadis


Braze quirked a brow at that, frowning briefly until he saw the man finally come out from below. Braze fixed his visage with a brighter expression. He had a large exoskeleton brace on his left arm.

Braze was very pale, unusually pale; like a marshmallow. Maybe part Echani?

"I'm sorry, sir, I'm not a messenger nor am I a delivery boy," Braze chirped softly. He was small and light. At only 14 years of age, he stood at 5'2".

Braze padded along after him. His boots looked well-made and worn, but they had an air of quality to them. He had a rather decorative handle clipped to his belt that looked very different than a typical lightsaber hilt, but it was ornate. He followed the man like a lost puppy. "I was sent here to find Mister Kei Amadis. I heard he could teach me a thing or two," Braze chirped happily. "I'm on a sabbatical of my own volition to learn a few things from various teachers."

The youth did have a rather elaborately decorated braid on one side.

Amadis chuckled and faced Braze, patiently observing the padawan and sensing what he could. "Sorry. Busy mind clouds the senses. Lesson for any Jedi." He returned the datapad in its case and handed it to an older man in civilian clothes. Teaching a student—it had been longer than he'd care to admit.

"I am Master Amadis." He stood, placing one hand on the opposite wrist in front of himself, and nodded respectfully, his look holding a greater preparedness and understanding calm. Kei sensed the padawan was genuine, the hilt of his ornate lightsaber confirming it. "Might I know your name?" An invitation, the tone not a requirement.

Braze had an Echani look, like his friend Taiden, a man he'd known most of his life. The padawan was more emotive than Taiden but just as polite and soft-spoken. Amadis grinned warmly at the thought of a sabbatical; he'd had a few of those.

"Be happy to offer a lesson. Follow me." Straight to it, with no formality. He began walking towards three quaint log cabins with a lakeside view. The distinct smell of home cooking nearby, plus one hopeful Wookiee fish. Kei's path curved through a serene forest behind the structures, a small trail he'd walked with his children when they lived at home, and their time had come to learn. Their path, overgrown in some areas, needed a bush to be pushed aside or their feet to dodge a tree root or two, keeping the path interesting!

"What do you know of the Force? What do you seek to learn?" He wanted to ensure he wouldn't cover what the padawan already knew, and directly asking Braze about his goals as a Jedi saved a lot of time. The Epicanthix usually direct and to the point.

Amadis kept his senses on the teenager to ensure he didn't stumble, protectively parting the way from obstacles until they reached a clearing. Facing them lay a natural obstacle course, training dummies, and a platform for testing balance, among other practical aids. The training area was shaped mainly from wooden materials or sturdy natural ropes, while a locked metal crate or two was built into a huge tree trunk. Where needed, a sleek white waterwheel from the running stream powered the area, a gift from his Echani friend's estate.


Braze listened carefully and gave the man rapt attention as he spoke. "I'm Braze," he chirped happily, foregoing any surnames or titles—just a simple 'Braze'.

"I would love to learn more about defensive techniques. I've learned 'Soft to Solid,' and I'm well on my way to mastering the art of Wind and Fire, and Telekinesis—both gross and fine motor skills with it. I'm a naturally developing empath. Sorry about not shaking your hand... I, um... I have a tendency to create really strong bonds with people; typically when I make physical contact, and I didn't think to wear my gloves out here today," he said, acknowledging that he completely left the man hanging, which might have seemed a little rude from a tiny runt like himself.

"Oh, and I've learned to regulate my temperature and breathing. I can sustain myself with the Force and enhance myself physically..."
He thought about all that he could do. "I've been working on a special development every night before bed with healing abilities and Force light," he seemed to think that covered the majority of what he could do that he felt confident enough to talk about. "I was told you're a particularly good teacher at defensive techniques."

He padded along right after him, following him wherever he went with attentive, quick little steps.

Braze Braze

"Thanks for explaining. Call me Kei," meeting Braze with the same familiarity. The Epicanthix barely noticed Braze not taking his hand and waved it off. Kei didn't offend easily; there was only a solid, centered calm. For an empath, it might feel like Kei had seen a lot and was grateful for every day he had.

He nodded when asked about defensive techniques. "Stuns allow you to defend without harm." Over the decades, they'd become his primary technique. "Barriers and bubbles protect you and others." Barriers, or force bubbles, often displayed unique expressions of force use; they came about in many different ways and techniques depending on the user.

"You've worked hard, Braze," Amadis offered, realizing Braze had learned many techniques. The padawan had not spoken on the core of being a Jedi, and that grounded center he knew all of them needed to remain true to themselves. More important than any degree of skill. First, he would check to see if Braze reflected that or needed help.

Amadis picked up something from the metal crate. "Please," he indicated for Braze to stand across from him, the small grooves of the footprints of others marking the same spot on the earth. Standing in the grassy clearing, nearer the temple and far from the deeper shadowlands, the wildlife usually reflected the serene nature of the tribes here.

"When attacked," he turned to face the teenager, passing him a training saber and igniting one himself; the blue training weapons turned so low they would barely register as a touch if connecting. "Show me exactly what you'd do."

Standing straight, back foot angled, Amadis took a slight bent of his knee, and swung a slow, steady strike across the Padawan's midsection, in a basic Shii-Cho form. Then from the opposite side, he'd do a second faster one to test what Braze's natural instinct would be when pressed. The training weapons would not inflict harm or damage.

"Alright, Master Kei," Braze stated, nodding in agreement, carefully choosing the honorific he believed the man would prefer.

"Stuns and barriers sound very useful... I think I might do well if I could learn how to make a barrier," Braze expressed,

As he received mild praise from Master Kei, Braze's demeanor visibly brightened. The recognition, even slight, seemed to energize him significantly. A genuine smile graced his features, the kind that comes from heartfelt appreciation. This encouragement was clearly a motivating force for him, fueling his enthusiasm .

Taking the offered training blade, Braze flipped it a few times in his hand, gauging the heft of the hilt—an action reflecting his comfort and familiarity with lightsabers. He ignited it safely away from both of them, showing a growing awareness and responsibility towards safety during training. He naturally stepped back, adopting a stance that minimized the target of his chest, not squaring up directly against Master Kei.

Braze's eyes narrowed slightly, keenly aware of the non-threatening nature of the training saber but still treating the exercise with the seriousness it demanded. As Amadis's first strike came slowly toward him, Braze smoothly stepped to the side, using his footwork to evade rather than block, showcasing his agility. He let the saber pass, his own training saber still held low.

As the second, faster strike approached from the opposite side, Braze shifted his stance, embodying the grace and precision of a Makashi duelist. With deliberate control, he raised his saber in a vertical defense, aligning it to elegantly deflect the blow with minimal effort. His movement was a smooth pivot on his back foot, utilizing the form's emphasis on balance and fluid motion to turn aside the attack.

Then, capitalizing on the opening provided by Amadis's extended arm, Braze swiftly executed a counter-thrust. His saber aimed precisely, not to hit, but to stop just short of Amadis, demonstrating control and the strategic placement of strikes that Makashi favors. His saber form was advanced with a focus on dueling and exploiting an opponent's weaknesses through finesse rather than brute force.

Braze''s form was excellent and well encapsulated in its elegant execution, but Kei noted something else, wanting to hone in on it.

"Controlled safety," Amadis nodded firmly, lowering his training saber into a guard position. "Well done. Hold the technique." He observed Braze's form, noting the solid stance and steady use of force to conserve energy. Though they weren't here for a martial lesson, he made only minor adjustments for excellence.

"Experience helps; please remain still." Amadis extended his free hand, causing a numbing sensation in Braze's saber hand. The feeling would fade slowly, offering a lesson in understanding the stun technique. Each Jedi chose different paths, and Braze had learned to counter and strike with practiced control, building a solid foundation.

"Jedi control the tempo of the battle with their reaction." This was crucial. A Sith could throw anything at you, but they couldn't force you to act in their preferred way unless they were highly manipulative. You could strike the saber, the opponent, or not strike at all. Nobody could force you to draw a weapon or use it. Understanding he hoped to impart to a student so skilled with a saber, they might not realize another influence they had.

"Focus on my arm. The nerve endings in it." Amadis extended his saber toward the padawan, prepared to endure discomfort while Braze practiced stuns. He wouldn't outwardly show any mistakes Braze made, only calmly advise him.

"Slow the nerve impulses sent. Feel the connection you have." A larger sensory cycle explicitly connected through the nervous system, the body, the Force, then to Braze. Amadis stood ready to offer advice on connection, application, limits, or any problems that might arise. Patience filled Kei's voice, with no rush or judgment, creating a supportive environment for the padawan to learn—a style he had mastered through fatherhood.

Braze Braze

Braze smiled at the praise, holding his stance with a mixture of pride and curiosity, his jade green eyes keenly following Master Kei Amadis. The stun hit, and an odd sensation spread through his arm, causing his brows to furrow. His arm went slack, struggling to remain raised. Disengaging his lightsaber, he shook his arm to restore feeling, then clipped the blade to his belt, ensuring it was secure with the multiple mag locks.

"Are you sure? I don't want to hurt you by accident." His voice was tentative. "I can, umm, use small amounts of electricity for arc welding circuitry... I don't want to accidentally shock you."

If given confirmation Braze would take a deep breath, centering himself. He extended his hand towards Master Amadis's arm, concentrating on the nerve endings. Slowly, he channeled a small, controlled amount of energy, visualizing it flowing gently from his fingers. The familiar pull of the Force guided his actions, enhancing his control. His initial uncertainty gave way to focus, watching closely for any discomfort from Master Amadis.
"Care does you credit. Learning can bruise. Children taught me that." Amadis grinned, happily sentimental, children and a lifetime. The medical wing at the Silver Temples used to be full of younglings with knocks and sprains from practicing their forms. His children climbed every tree around here, and their mother had learned more about splinters than the doctor.

"Will not harm me, Braze. Trust in yourself." His voice remained calm and steady, attempting to create a space to learn and protect his student from self-doubt or harm. As the arm's nerve endings started to feel a trace of force energy, there wasn't much discomfort, but it would take time to learn the technique thoroughly. Amadis displayed none of this to the padawan, just patience.

"Close your eyes. Slow everything down. No forcing, or pressing, slow the nerves down like you are slowing their impulse in your saber form." The quintessential Jedi, steady, calm, and facing whatever came with that instilled in their heart. Describing the saber movements, he tried to give Braze something he was good at to relate. As the technique progressed, Amadis tried to move his arm toward the padawan, so Braze had to concentrate on a moving target.

"Concentrate on my whole body. No difference to the arm; slow it, steady it, and calm it." As Braze could do soon to most problems he met. Amadis went to walk toward the crate, hoping his student would slow or stop him before he made it. With practice or thought, he wouldn't need a whole body to stop. This was the perfect technique for what he hoped the lesson would offer Braze for a lifetime.

There was a slight limp in the Kei's walk, noticeable if Braze concentrated; otherwise, just the gentle wind of the forest rustling leaves, a running stream, the call of birds or other creatures, and life around them unfolding. A rustling in the bushes nearby that soon went away.

Braze Braze

Braze perked up upon hearing the instructions and obediently closed his eyes. He inhaled slowly and exhaled with a soft, somber sigh, allowing himself to relax as the effects gently began to take hold. With the right guidance, he seemed adept at adapting to this technique. As he sensed a shift, his head tilted slightly, even with his eyes closed. Initially, he resisted the sensation of movement, but another careful, slow breath helped him reestablish his focal point. Leaning into it, his eyes gradually opened, settling his somber jade-green gaze on the man, his attention now utterly transfixed.

Once Braze grasped the concept and focused, he was set. He had practically mastered slipping into a combative meditative trance when working fluidly with his form. While still and at peace, maintaining such focus was more challenging, but he managed to calm and anchor himself to the sensation of the other's presence. Once he found that niche to latch onto, his whole body visibly relaxed—a tension previously unnoticed now melted away as he honed in on slowing things down.
Reaching for the box, Amadis felt his body slowly go numb from toes to nose. He turned stiffly and with effort, almost stunned in place. Braze's smooth execution was crucial for success; it was all about the relaxed mindset mirrored in the application. Extending his senses to the surrounding space, Kei protectively pushed energy outward, denying connection to the force within.

A shimmering translucent blue bubble formed around the Jedi Master, extending only as much as needed. Gradually, the connection lessened, and his nerves began sending impulses, allowing him to move freely again. He held the bubble technique no longer than needed, demonstrating the next lesson to Braze from the first.

"Well done." Amadis's voice and expression were genuine in his praise. Braze had looked within himself and found his style, which was the most Kei could ask for. Now, his student had the power and choice to harm or not.

"Don't let the Sith dictate the tempo," Key grinned; most Sith couldn't stand it when you didn't play their games. This was true of some of the greatest Jedi he'd ever known; they were immovable beacons of hope and light in the galaxy. Not quick to anger, nor to run, never playing into the Sith's hands. "Practice and you can fully put a body into stasis." That might come with years of experience and mastery, settling entire rooms down peacefully.

Opening the metal box, he took out two further items, then moved past the grooves of the training area toward a log balancing obstacle. Standing near the log, he indicated that Braze should stand near the other side. "Please."

Not yet climbing on it, he waited and placed a small, carved wooden pug jumper on each side of the log balancing device. It was smoothly carved, showing some care in its creation, but also silly, suggesting the artist didn't take themselves too seriously.

"Barriers. Three styles I know. The bubble—a full-bodied seal; a short-lived barrier—to conserve energy; and a longer-held barrier—a mix of both." Each had its upsides and downsides, with the bubble offering the most coverage but requiring the most energy, while the short-lived barriers demanded precision, and the more extended barrier balanced between the two.

Braze Braze

Braze was practically beaming with confidence upon hearing the minor praise. He watched as the man employed some technique to undo what had been done, which briefly caught his attention before he turned to the man's next words. "I will perfect this," he agreed, decisively with out doubt, thinking this was a good skill to work on.

Curiously, he watched as the man shifted to something new. Braze padded over to the log and stood where indicated. Offering a curious tilt of his head, he observed the little wooden carved creatures.

A childlike curiosity shone in those somber jade-green eyes as the small, frog-like contraptions held his attention with a transfixed gaze. He listened to what the man had said.

"Makes sense... different uses, different applications for different kinds of situations... Knowing when and where to apply each is crucial if one wants to conserve their energy reserves," Braze offered. "I've relied too much on learning big, massive undertaking with huge energy outputs. Learning restraint seems like a good idea."

Amadis remembered a scar from a betrayal; touching his arm, there was a woman he once respected; she embodied the technique he was about to show. Unknown to him, an HRD replica of her had attacked the Jedi not far from where they stood in an old Sith skirmish; he'd never realized the truth before her death.

"Sith often waste energy." He nodded firmly, a valuable counter to calm the storm while they railed against it. "Let them." As good advice as any, it infuriated the opponent and gave you the advantage of remaining fresh.

Breathing deeply of the surroundings to find calm. Kei pushed his hand out, focusing on a small spot ahead. A shimmering translucent barrier extended and then ceased. "Often unique to the individual." His was simple and practical, showing his light blue aura reinforced in the force and nullifying the force connection behind it.

The Epicanthix looked to the forest around them. This plateau they stood on was incredibly serene, not in the depths of the shadowlands. "Peace you find here, bring into the barrier." This was a Master's way of looking at it, using what was to hand. "When I push, bring that graceful, bright, caring student I see before me out into the barrier. With the peace he finds in his form behind it."

Everyone had their style, Kei tended to nullify the space behind the barrier, but here he tried to work with Braze, rather than impose Kei's style. If Braze personalized the technique to himself, it would be all the more potent.

Kei nodded again, directly looking at Braze, wondering if the padawan considered protecting the small gift on the log. There were two lessons here. A controlled force push came from Kei, thrust towards his student, and the small wooden toy in front of Braze; not a hammer blow, a measured push to stagger if not blocked correctly.

Braze Braze

"Sith often waste energy."
"Often unique to the individual."

"Peace you find here, bring into the barrier.
"When I push, bring that graceful, bright, caring student I see before me out into the barrier. With the peace he finds in his form behind it."

Attentive as ever, Braze absorbed the words, his affection for praise mingling with a slight bewilderment this time. His somber jade-green eyes wandered, absorbing the surroundings, before resettling on his mentor. Although he yearned to ask for clarification, they were already transitioning into practical exercises. He was instructed to center himself, to find a tranquil state of mind and extend that peace through the barrier— at least, that was Braze's interpretation.

However, without forming a barrier, he faltered when pushed, accomplishing little. When a small object teetered on the edge of falling, his quick reflexes kicked in. He caught it mid-air, concern etched on his face for the object's safety, not fully understanding its purpose but gently placing it back on the log from whence it fell.

Apologizing, his tone laden with disappointment, Braze sought guidance, "I'm sorry. How should I visualize the barrier? What form should my serenity take within it?"


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