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Private Awaiting Entropy

Kothlis Market (Daytime)


In terms of planets you'd call home, Kothlis was probably one that people would raise an eyebrow at. "Sure, it looks pretty, but what a dump."

It smelled of slightly off cheese during the daytime and the few bits of civilization on the oceanic planet besides the factories were largely limited to the spots nearby the spaceport. So, brutally, the cantinas, and the market. The market wasn't much to speak of. There wasn't very many Bothans present at the market but a good variety of other species sold things there. Weapons, exotic food, the works. Nothing notable, but a healthy range.

At one of the more shadier stalls, a table had been placed in the centre of the space, along with a chair pulled up next to it. A selection of a few interesting figures stood around it, watching intently. Sat at the table itself was a pale skinned young Human woman with black hair, dressed in a navy blue canvas jacket with the sleeves rolled up, a plain black thin vest underneath. Stone faced, her hazel eyes were focused dead on her hand which was placed directly on the wooden surface of the table, fingers splayed like a pale butterfly. In her other hand, a loaned vibroknife.

She took a moment to glance at the pile of credits that a watching Rodian had just added to. A lot of money to lose to a quick hand, really.

The girl idly flipped the knife to several cheers and mutters in several languages from the small crowd, catching it and placing just above the wood next to her thumb, hovering like an Imperial starfighter, ready to lay a bombing run.

A few moments passed before she sent the knife down with minimal force but enough to make a thump. And as quick as it was sent down it was back up again, and down again, and up again, from the wood inbetween the fingers back to the outside of the thumb. A common game daring Imperial and Rebel soldiers alike had played, but nobody really played it like Julia did.

Several of the crowd gasped as her hand upped the pace over and over, becoming no more intelligible than a blur. The crowd were clapping in a rhythmic fashion, as a minute passed, egging Julia on. Not a single drop of sweat appeared on the woman's forehead.

Then, two minutes passed, and Julia stopped as quickly as she started, sending the knife up into a spinning arc and catching it with the ease that a soldier would catch a bottle of water, finally sticking into the wood of the table firmly. There was unanimous applause from the small crowd and excited cheering, the spectacle having erased the fact that every single one of them had been completely fleeced. She sighed, taking a reluctant bow as the spectators passed by her, several shaking her hand, a towering Wookiee mercenary clapping her on the back somewhat painfully as she handed him back the borrowed vibroknife. Before long, the group had cleared out completely.

"...Maybe I should quit my day job." She muttered to herself, inspecting the generous stack that had been made from the ten or so minutes of work. She began gathering the credits into her small knapsack by her pistol holster. Normally you'd be shy about carrying that much hard cash in a slightly shady market, but most frequenters of this place didn't even think once about pickpocketing "Knife Girl".

Her stomach rumbled violently, at which point Julia realised she had, once again, accidentally skipped lunch.

Now mid afternoon, her blood sugar was hungering for something hot. The Dark Council never was able to hammer that need out of their candidates, unfortunately.

Set out for something to satiate, Julia nodded at the person waiting outside the stall, who proceeded to begin to set their own merchandise up on the table as the woman licked her dry bottom lip, tracing over the scar just on the right.

"Where to eat?"

Kalyn Shif

Kalyn Shif

It wasn't very often that Mara found herself in the Bothan Sector of space, but whenever the Galaxy saw fit to lead her down this way she never could quite pass up an opportunity to stick her nose in and see what was happening on one or more of the worlds it held. One might think that after so many years on the run, so many years after last seeing him, she'd have given up hope of ever seeing Borsk again, but ever the optimist she simply hadn't.
He'd been the first of Killian's crew she'd really clicked with, barring the Captain himself, he'd taken her under his wing and was responsible for much of what the girl knew. Though she had no clue of whether or not he'd ever made it out of the labour camp, she held out hope that she'd one day find him. Somehow. Somewhere.
Maybe it was wrong of her to specifically hone in on this Sector of space. Was that profiling? He'd never really spoken about his life before The Solar Monarch, when it came to his private life he'd been a fairly reserved individual. It wasn't as though she had much to go by... But he was Bothan. That was the only thing she was entirely clear on.
"Mes'om," she repeated, to one of the few Bothan vendors who had in fact set up shop in the market that morning, "His name is Borsk Mes'om. About this tall," she made a rough approximation of his height with her hand, "Best mechanic you ever did see..." The words themselves were not, in fact, spoken in Basic as one might expect, but instead in Bothese. Hey, there was more than one way to honour a long lost mentor, and Mara had made sure she'd never forgotten to keep up with the studies of his native tongue.
"Nope," the vendor responded back at her, only in Basic. "Ain't heard of no 'Borsk'. I reckon no one here will have." Their eyes narrowed toward her, and Mara simply sighed in response. It wasn't uncommon for them to be suspicious of some random spacer hounding after one of their own, and sometimes she wondered if Bothese was even really the best way to go about it. In markets such as these, trade languages at the very least were preferred, where Basic wasn't understood.
"Yeah, well, thanks anyway." Didn't stop her from clinging to it though, like some lost welp. She tossed them a decent credit chit for their time, and turned her sights elsewhere. At the growl of her perpetually hungry stomach, her eyes fell over the various food stalls in her vicinity. The scents of one in particular wafted her way, and Mara found herself led by her nose toward it.
Someone somewhere was grilling up some marinated nerf, and it had her drooling.
There was a whole range of food stalls, maybe half of which were particularly worth the price. That said, market food was still cheap and filling, so the game was usually just taking a minute to shop.

Julia's growling stomach, though, had its own intentions.

Instead, the woman's path was largely dictated by what was mildly edible and closest, hazel-amber eyes darting across the beige-cream floor to the source of a particular smell making her mouth watery, trained eyes focusing in what looked like grilled nerf, a meal she used to be fond of Alderaan. Not her favourite, her taste for it had been mostly soured by bad memories after Alderaan, but any hot meat looked like gourmet to her right now. Just beating a redhead to her place in front of the stall manned by a scruffy looking male Humanoid in shepherd's robes, she offered a half hearted look of apology before she reached into her bag for a credit chit.

Kalyn Shif

Kalyn Shif

Jackpot! The stall wasn't even busy.
As her nose had done its job and sniffed out the grilled nerf stall, Kalyn came face to face with the merchant. Just a few feet lay between her and something tasty for brunch, already her hand was fumbling around in her pocket for a decently sized chit she could trade for several of the sticky sticks of marinated goodness.
Fingers curled around the one, she pulled it free and opened her mouth to speak...
Then watched as someone else swooped in to the space between her and her satiated stomach. Line dodger! Kalyn's frown was hard to dismiss, not quite a scowl though it seemed rather pouty. The whole thing was ridiculous of course because the transaction process wasn't even going to take that long, but that didn't matter. Not in the moment. She was hungry, and her stomach demanded food. Now.
She grumbled something unintelligible beneath her breath, and flicked the credit chit up and down in the air as she waited.
Maybe this was a sign to get the heck out of dodge sooner than later. This market had gotten far too popular in recent years, it didn't have the same charm nor sense of community it once had.
"Alright, RQ" she spoke into her comlink and she impatiently tapped her foot in wait, "Get those diagnostics wrapped up, I want Hangry primed and ready to leave in like... 5." The droid made some witty remark, which only had her rolling her eyes in response. "Nah, no luck. Bunk'll stay empty."
The droid had no clue really who it was she was even looking for, only that she was. Last time she'd been here it had been with Sparkbug, no droids involved but just as pressed for space as her current ship. Maybe it was for the best, maybe she'd luck out and find Borsk when she had a ship with actual cabins to spare...
The woman behind her seemed a little irritated at being made to wait a whole minute or so, but the more pressing thought in Julia's head was how ravenous she felt.

After she handed the chit over, she was passed back a hefty portion of nerf wrapped in a brown bread roll with seeds baked in it, clearly not fresh but fresh enough for a hungry military veteran.

She stepped aside, quickly grabbing a bottle of mystery sauce and squirting it on her meal before plonking it back where it was, briefly eyeing the person she'd beat to the stall before biting into her freshly purchased meal. Juices flowed into her mouth, eating was one of the rare times she ever felt a moment of real pleasure and joy. The sauce accentuated the salty and well marinated meat, though for the life of her, she could not place the flavour.

She looked down from a half eaten nerf burger, only to see grease and brown sauce had dripped down onto her navy blue jacket.

It would be hard for Kalyn to ignore a distinctly accented curse from Julia, as she wiped her mouth with the back of her hand, trying to find a tissue of some kind to get rid of the stain on her jacket.

Kalyn Shif

Kalyn Shif

It seemed an agonizing length of time before the woman ahead of her finally stepped aside, and Kalyn was like a runner primed to go when the gun was fired. She slid into the space previously occupied by the queue-cutter and dropped more credit chits onto the stall top than she'd initially intended to. Before she could claw any back the merchant gleefully plucked them up and set them into the pocket of his apron before handing her far more skewered pieces of meat than anyone could possibly eat in one sit-in.
Her mind drifted back to Artur (Γ013) Artur (Γ013) and how quickly he'd polished off the gluk that first day, and she mentally shook her head at her own statement. Okay, maybe he'd manage it. But most folks? No.
Kalyn though... Kalyn had an insane appetite, something she could thank her mother for. The Firrerreon's high metabolism had not skipped over her even given the fact she was a mere half-breed. Nope, she had a very healthy appetite, and the way in which she began to devour the sticky nerf skewers as she stepped aside from the stall was testament enough to that fact. No added sauces or the like, she just tore strips off with her teeth and chowed down.
She didn't even realize she'd ate the lot until she found herself gnawing on an empty skewer. Glancing down she let out a small "Huh" then shrugged her shoulders and tossed the others in the trash. All in all, a good brunch indeed. Patting her stomach in satisfaction, she glanced around the vicinity for a short moment longer, as though somehow imagining that Borsk might appear out of the blue, and then heaved a sigh as she set her feet back in motion.
Five minutes, she'd told RQ. Knowing how that little bugger worked, he'd likely be needing ten. Welp, might as well see if anyone had any goods to ferry around in the meantime. It was about time she took on another job, her coffers were beginning to run a little dry after all. So she wound her way back toward the starport where ole Hangry lay, in search of a way to make this whole fruitless venture worth her time.
"...You want me to pay for that??!" Julia asked incredulously, as she pointed to a slightly dirty looking roll of paper towels in the back of the stall. The shepherd manning the stall's arms were crossed sternly.

It was more the cheek of it than the actual expense that sent the twitch below Julia's eye mad.

She resisted the urge to give the man at the nerf stall a rude gesture before she spun around, running a hand through the back of her raven hair, exasperated. If she didn't get this stupid sauce off her jacket soon it'd stain badly.

More out of desperation than anything, she called out to Kalyn, who looked to be leaving.

"Hey!" She yelled, somewhat louder than she'd meant to.

Kalyn Shif

Kalyn Shif

Though she heard the initial growl of frustration from the queue-cutter, it wasn't until her yells were directed at Kalyn specifically that the woman saw fit to pause. She glanced over her shoulder at first, finding her staring in her direction, and then with a sigh she turned on her heel and headed toward her.
"What?" she asked, her tone a little snippier than it usually might have been. It wasn't as though this stranger had made the best first impression, after all, and now she was seeing fit to yell at her?
Kalyn had half a mind to walk away and ignore her entirely.
"What's ya problem?"
Julia resisted wincing as she realised the tone she'd accidentally got across, although Kalyn's reaction sent her twitch right back. It was a little like unstoppable force vs immovable object.

"Look, wouldn't happen to have a napkin or anything on your person, right now?" The girl asked of the drifter, trying her best to sound reasonable and not at all irritated in any way. She gestured to the rapidly drying brown puddle on her jacket.

Kalyn Shif

Kalyn Shif

Staring at the stain that was forming as the other girl made mention of it, Kalyn rolled her eyes and huffed in annoyance at the entire situation. Each second wasted here was time she should have been looking for a job to take on.
Without a word she pushed past the other girl to the stall they'd just been at, and reached over it to grab at the roll of paper towels kept behind it. The merchant noticeably balked at this, but she shot him an unimpressed glare and snatched a couple of sheets before handing him back the roll.
"You stiffed me my change" she reminded him, with an icy tone. Whatever he might have said was lost in an instance. The last thing he needed was trouble over a couple of sheets of tissue.
Walking back to the girl she offered out the napkins and then shrugged some. "Doubt it'll get it out" she said, "But good luck. You're gonna wanna get that in a sonic washer sooner than later, else toss the whole thing out and start again."
Not that Kalyn was one for tossing out perfectly good pieces of clothing. Heck, her own was filled with oil and grease splatters from her various mechanical projects.
There was a look of bewilderment and a hint of impression upon Julia's face as the woman returned with the paper towels loaned from the tight shopkeep. There was a moment before she gingerly took the napkin, rubbing it against the puddle gently so as to actually get the substance off rather than rub it in more. Although the bulk of it transferred itself onto the paper towels, as Kalyn and even herself suspected, a stain remained.

"...Ah, whatever. Sorry and uh...thanks." Julia muttered, starting off in the general direction of the way out of the market.

Kalyn Shif

Kalyn Shif

"Yeah, don't mention it."
As she watched the girl start off toward the stalls again though something in her stopped Kalyn from turning and walking away herself. "Bith" she mumbled, rolling her eyes even as she tried to reject the thought. No, no way, there was no way she was going to willingly help this gorram--
"If you want, you can throw it in my washer" she said, even as she actively rejected the words which were uttered. There was something about her that seemed oddly familiar, an impression she got that reminded her of a previous passenger whilst also giving her the total opposite impression. Strange how that worked, wasn't it?
Her offer would mean sticking around this place for a little while longer, but what the heck. RQ would be happy to have the time back to finish diagnostics if nothing else.
Kalyn gestured a thumb in the direction of the Starport and offered a nonchalant shrug.
"If you want" she repeated.
She paused mid stride, looking back. Did she really just offer that?

Julia's hand ran through her hair again, absolutely despising the awkward position she was in. She almost hoped this was some sort of set up to a mugging, it'd beat the thought that this stranger was pitying her.

Her mouth opened as she tried to form the words to refuse, but finding it...difficult. What if she was actually just being kind to her.

"I..." Even with the single vowel, Julia's Dantooine accent came through, one familiar to Kalyn.
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Kalyn Shif

There it was again, that blasted familiarity.
Though she'd dropped him off a few planets back, clearly Artur (Γ013) Artur (Γ013) was still fresh on her mind because for all the woman's fumbling and mumbling she reminded Kalyn precisely of him. The accent was the more dead giveaway, but even beyond that... It was nagging at her. The same lost-pup aura shifted around her the way it had him.
"As I say, 's up to you."
Part of her hoped the girl would just walk away, think her crazy for even asking, that was after all the easiest option right? But another part wanted to find out more, see just how far those similarities ran. If this was just another lost kid forced to grow up too fast, it would be wrong of her to just ignore it. Right?
Well, the ball was in her court now. Kalyn turned to walk away, heading back the way she'd just gestured - toward the Starport. After a few paces she turned her head to glance over her shoulder, and sighed. "C'mon, kid."
Why was she always poking her nose in where it wasn't needed?
Screw it. You need to save, and she offered. Do not think about why just yet, you know what your mind's like with variables.

In spite of this line of thought, as she sighed and nodded with a half grateful, half uncomfortable smile, she still desperately tried to decrease the burden on her mind.

"...You know, I can pay you. It doesn't know,'d be mean of me not to after beating you to the stall, heheh." She offered.

Her guard, in spite of her efforts to decrease it, was still thoroughly up, though. Her eyes semi-conciously tried to suss the drifter out as they both walked, hazel razors trying to file away against Kalyn's exterior.

Kalyn Shif

Kalyn Shif

There was that awkwardness. The unwillingness to be seen as some sort of burden, or perhaps to feel like one. With Artur it had reared its head as being accommodating, even to the point of his own discomfort. Offers to hide out in the cold cargo hold, or drinking bitter caf he didn't even like. Here it was offering to pay to use a damn sonic washer. Wasn't even worth a single credit to run in comparison to the rest of the ship costs for the vessel it sat within.
What was this, the year of Kalyn finding wayward kids on the space lanes?
"Where you from, kid?" she asked, not even bothering to grace the notion of charging her for it. It didn't take too long for them to exit out of the markets, and then it was just a short walk down to the starport.
"...All around, I guess." Julia answered, somewhat evasively. Strictly speaking, the answer wasn't a complete lie. Just a careful half-truth.

"I didn't catch your name?" She asked of the drifter, hand brushing against the back of her pants, fingers fidgeting slightly.

Kalyn Shif

Kalyn Shif

"Huh." Leave it alone, Kalyn... Leave it al--- "Accent sounds familiar, is all. Ain't one you hear all that often, mind you..." Damnit Kalyn, stop sticking your nose in. Too late though, because the words had already left her mouth. Whoops.
Then came a question from the girl, and it was time for her to be cryptic back. Or, well... Lie. Really it was more lying than anything else, because it was very rare indeed that she let randoms know her actual name. Not even randoms, most anyone in truth. Not since she'd lost her crew. She'd become increasingly more selective about who spoke her name since then.
"Mara," she said, effortlessly. She'd said it so often over the years that it didn't ever come across as a lie anymore either. A chosen name was a name too, after all. "Captain of the Hangry Hellbucket, at your service."
Another glance over her shoulder as they came upon the Starport and Kalyn led the way toward the hangar her beloved yellow ship lay in. "What about you? Gotta name?"
Julia had considered trying to mask her accent after escaping from the Dark Council's clutches but she never could. It stuck, like a rot. And now here it was giving her away - though she wasn't sure how. Unless Kalyn frequented Dantooine's slums, she was either mistaken or lying.

Her eyes darted to Kalyn as the traveler looked over her shoulder to her after she answered her question. She didn't look to be lying, but the best liars never do.

"...Bronte." She replied, perhaps slower than the drifter had answered, a name scavenged in bad taste from a dead compatriot. It wasn't as if they were using it, she supposed.

The ship, despite its basic design, admittedly gave Julia some reassurance in how honest it was, in its blocky yellow glory. She wasn't sure an Imperial spy could stomach piloting it.
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Kalyn Shif

The girl's response was a little slow, but that could easily be put down to a general reluctance. After all, Kalyn was a stranger to her. No need to jump the gun and get all suspicious now, was there?
"Bronte" she reiterated, as they neared the ship and its lowered ramp. With a pat against the yellow hull she entered into the vessel and watched as the innards were illuminated. It had opened into a studio-style lounge area, complete with one set of bunks built into the far wall, a slightly curved sofa taking up the middle, and a kitchenette off to one side. There was also a couple of different workbenches, and a scrapping table to boot.
One way led toward the cockpit, the other to two doors - refresher and engineering. Beyond that? Well, there wasn't exactly all that much to look at.
"Sonic washer's in the 'fresher," she stated, gesturing to the door on the right. "Feel free to toss whatever else in there you need to get clean. Gonna take the same amount of time either way."
Approaching the scrapping table, Kalyn pulled a couple of things out of a satchel which was strung over her shoulder and tossed them into the machine. She could run the salvage programs later, when things could afford to be a little noisier. Didn't make for a good atmosphere for guests, after all.
"Oi, Cutie," she said, tapping on the ceiling as she passed by where RQ-XX was integrated into the ship above, "How's the diagnostics goin'?" A few beeps and boops made for the astromech's response. "Keep up the good work, buddy."

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