Julia (Γ101)
Kothlis Market (Daytime)
In terms of planets you'd call home, Kothlis was probably one that people would raise an eyebrow at. "Sure, it looks pretty, but what a dump." 
It smelled of slightly off cheese during the daytime and the few bits of civilization on the oceanic planet besides the factories were largely limited to the spots nearby the spaceport. So, brutally, the cantinas, and the market. The market wasn't much to speak of. There wasn't very many Bothans present at the market but a good variety of other species sold things there. Weapons, exotic food, the works. Nothing notable, but a healthy range.
At one of the more shadier stalls, a table had been placed in the centre of the space, along with a chair pulled up next to it. A selection of a few interesting figures stood around it, watching intently. Sat at the table itself was a pale skinned young Human woman with black hair, dressed in a navy blue canvas jacket with the sleeves rolled up, a plain black thin vest underneath. Stone faced, her hazel eyes were focused dead on her hand which was placed directly on the wooden surface of the table, fingers splayed like a pale butterfly. In her other hand, a loaned vibroknife.
She took a moment to glance at the pile of credits that a watching Rodian had just added to. A lot of money to lose to a quick hand, really.
The girl idly flipped the knife to several cheers and mutters in several languages from the small crowd, catching it and placing just above the wood next to her thumb, hovering like an Imperial starfighter, ready to lay a bombing run.
A few moments passed before she sent the knife down with minimal force but enough to make a thump. And as quick as it was sent down it was back up again, and down again, and up again, from the wood inbetween the fingers back to the outside of the thumb. A common game daring Imperial and Rebel soldiers alike had played, but nobody really played it like Julia did.
Several of the crowd gasped as her hand upped the pace over and over, becoming no more intelligible than a blur. The crowd were clapping in a rhythmic fashion, as a minute passed, egging Julia on. Not a single drop of sweat appeared on the woman's forehead.
Then, two minutes passed, and Julia stopped as quickly as she started, sending the knife up into a spinning arc and catching it with the ease that a soldier would catch a bottle of water, finally sticking into the wood of the table firmly. There was unanimous applause from the small crowd and excited cheering, the spectacle having erased the fact that every single one of them had been completely fleeced. She sighed, taking a reluctant bow as the spectators passed by her, several shaking her hand, a towering Wookiee mercenary clapping her on the back somewhat painfully as she handed him back the borrowed vibroknife. Before long, the group had cleared out completely.
"...Maybe I should quit my day job." She muttered to herself, inspecting the generous stack that had been made from the ten or so minutes of work. She began gathering the credits into her small knapsack by her pistol holster. Normally you'd be shy about carrying that much hard cash in a slightly shady market, but most frequenters of this place didn't even think once about pickpocketing "Knife Girl".
Her stomach rumbled violently, at which point Julia realised she had, once again, accidentally skipped lunch.
Now mid afternoon, her blood sugar was hungering for something hot. The Dark Council never was able to hammer that need out of their candidates, unfortunately.
Set out for something to satiate, Julia nodded at the person waiting outside the stall, who proceeded to begin to set their own merchandise up on the table as the woman licked her dry bottom lip, tracing over the scar just on the right.
"Where to eat?"
Kalyn Shif