Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Awaiting Entropy

Kalyn Shif

All the fuel?
Now it was Kalyn's turn to momentarily appear caught off guard. Truth be told though the journey wasn't going to be a long one, and as such it wasn't really going to take all that much to fuel the trip anyway. With that in mind her surprise softened and instead she offered a slight smile.
"Of course," was her response to the girl's question. "Frankly I'm in no rush. Take as long as you need, I'm sure RQ will appreciate the time to finish diagnostics anyway."
While Bronte inevitably ventured out to get whatever it was she needed, Kalyn headed up to the cockpit to prepare the route back to Cantoi.
She offered another thankful smile as she involuntarily exhaled, opening the door to leave the ship for now and going down the stepladder quickly.


Julia's apartment was a five minute or so walk away from the centre of the market, the market and spaceport itself located on one of the larger islands on Kothlis. The complex was one just outside of the trading stalls, medium rent with a good concentration of tenants as housing wasn't too common on the planet. Most of those who came, came to visit, not to stay. The rest were here for work or because they didn't want to be somewhere more populated. Julia, of course, was in the centre of that venn diagram.

As she arrived outside the high rise, she briefly glanced at the lockup outside, considering whether bringing the speeder was worth it. She wasn't sure what Cantoi was like at all, and if she'd be staying...

There was a darker thought that crossed her mind but she discarded it.

She eventually decided against it, instead walking through the door to the high rise and pressing the button to the top level. The doors closed with a slight delay, and thirty seconds or so began to pass. The girl sniffed the air, before grimacing. The landlord really had been doing the bare minimum as of late.

Then the doors opened again, and her combat boots plodded across the dirty white floors of the top tranche of the complex. There appeared to be an argument of some kind behind the door of the tenant next to her, in a language she still didn't understand a word of after the months hearing it in transit. Sighing, she knocked on the metal of the upwards rolling door, as she'd done a dozen times in the past fortnight. Seconds passed before the speaking became more hushed.

Man needs to get a new girlfriend.

She then swiped her keycard a few times across the misty scanner outside her own room, grunting when it didn't work the first time. Third time seemed to be the charm, and she was inside.

Julia wasn't likely to be the one to notice it, but her room was exceedingly plain. Even before the Imperials made her comfortable in spartan living conditions, she was already used to light living. There was a wardrobe for clothes, a single bed, a desk and a hover chair, as well as a weapons and armaments locker she had installed despite the landlord's protests.

She almost immediately sat on the chair, legs folding up and feet resting atop the seat by her bottom. She wasn't really used to having things to actually pack for travel.

Okay, so let's start with the stuff you'll need for work over there.

Grabbing a knapsack, she entered a practiced combination into the keypad of the locker, reaching in to retrieve a folded up Model 5 Blaster Carbine, ensuring the safety is on before stuffing it in the sack. She did the same with the machete, keeping it securely in its sheath, and then she finally strapped the energy buckler to her hand to save space inside the bag. A dozen or so gas canisters in small metal boxes were shoved inside before she closed her bag entirely. Then, finally, similar to the buckler, she reached for her ballistic vest and began to don it. The straps were tightened quickly, as she'd practiced religiously before.

...Am I missing something?
Inadvertently, her eyes drifted towards the space under her bed.

Something pricked the back of her neck, as she scratched at the front of her face. A tic.

A bitter taste in her mouth.

She forced herself to look away, instead glancing to the wardrobe where she could find a good set of fresh clothes for the coming days. If it'd be that long.


...Julia found herself fingering the grip of her hand weapon.

She turned to an imaginary opponent, drawing it in an instant and pointing it, finger close but not quite touching the trigger. She did it again, and again, and again. The motion was seamless, to anyone who was watching, they'd see it as excellent form. But to her it wasn't even a move anymore.

She transferred to shadow boxing, fists flying unbelievably quick, imagining disarming an assailant, an assassin.

Maybe even someone she used to know.

By the end of it, she wasn't really sure how long she'd been going. She was out of breath, but exhaustion didn't seem to be the cause. A single bead of sweat fell from her brow.


Maybe an hour and a half later, Julia trundled back into the ship with a knapsack on her back, her body armour donned and carrying a small suitcase up the stepladder.

"...Did Artur pack this light?" She called out, as her eyes searched for Kalyn in the room.

Kalyn Shif

Kalyn Shif

After plugging in the coords, there really wasn't all that much for Kalyn to do. Up above, embedded in the roof of the ship, RQ-XX, or Cutie as he'd been affectionately referred to by the spacer, had finished up with diagnostics and was now looking into methods to make everything run a little smoother. More efficiently. For Kalyn's part she didn't much mind at all, the ship was functional and that was enough for her.
Apparently the astromech didn't wholly agree though.
Instead she worked on cleaning around the living space. It had been more in order while Artur was also onboard, but in the time since she'd taken to throwing things here there and everywhere again. Her space wasn't often occupied by anyone other than herself, after all. Still, by the time Bronte returned the living quarters - which was all packed into one central room - was somewhat more manageable.
Kalyn was lounging on the sofa when the girl returned lugging a suitcase. Her question had the woman smirk a little. "About the same I reckon" she stated, slipping out of the seat to open up a compartment that the suitcase could be placed within. "Maybe lighter..." He'd definitely had some sort of case with him, but there hadn't been much else.
The woman gestured toward the two bunks which were built into the wall of that same living space. "Top one's mine. There's a door which can close you in capsule style if you need some privacy. You know where the 'fresher is, otherwise there ain't much else to see. Cockpit's that way, and engineerin's the door next to the 'fresher. Elsewise, make yourself at home. There's gluk on tap if you want somethin' quick to eat."
Various gestures had been made. Such a small ship, there wasn't too much to see in truth.

Kalyn Shif

Kalyn shrugged ever so slightly to the girl's thanks, a brief look of contemplation flashing across her expression as she pondered how things might have gone if she hadn't already met Artur, or if the tables had indeed been reversed.
In the end, she figured it wasn't much worth taking up headspace with.
"Ain't nothin', really. Just passin' on the help I received when I was younger, ya know?"
How better to honor those who were gone?
After a a few seconds longer she stepped away from Bronte and the main room and slipped into the cockpit instead. "Ready?" she called over her shoulder, after double checking that the coordinates were locked in.

Kalyn Shif

Seeing just how tired Bronte was, Kalyn sent a small smile her way as she crossed the threshold into the cockpit, then set about prepping the ship for take off. It wasn't long before they were traversing the skyline, and then on from the pull of the world and into the stars. It wouldn't take them too long to reach where she'd last seen Artur, and in the meantime the redhead remained where she was.
Let the girl rest, give her some privacy in the lounge.
She could only hope that she'd made the right decision in bringing her to the boy. If she was unintentionally leading him into danger she'd never forgive herself...

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