After plugging in the coords, there really wasn't all that much for Kalyn to do. Up above, embedded in the roof of the ship, RQ-XX, or Cutie as he'd been affectionately referred to by the spacer, had finished up with diagnostics and was now looking into methods to make everything run a little smoother. More efficiently. For Kalyn's part she didn't much mind at all, the ship was functional and that was enough for her.
Apparently the astromech didn't wholly agree though.
Instead she worked on cleaning around the living space. It had been more in order while Artur was also onboard, but in the time since she'd taken to throwing things here there and everywhere again. Her space wasn't often occupied by anyone other than herself, after all. Still, by the time Bronte returned the living quarters - which was all packed into one central room - was somewhat more manageable.
Kalyn was lounging on the sofa when the girl returned lugging a suitcase. Her question had the woman smirk a little. "About the same I reckon" she stated, slipping out of the seat to open up a compartment that the suitcase could be placed within. "Maybe lighter..." He'd definitely had some sort of case with him, but there hadn't been much else.
The woman gestured toward the two bunks which were built into the wall of that same living space. "Top one's mine. There's a door which can close you in capsule style if you need some privacy. You know where the 'fresher is, otherwise there ain't much else to see. Cockpit's that way, and engineerin's the door next to the 'fresher. Elsewise, make yourself at home. There's gluk on tap if you want somethin' quick to eat."
Various gestures had been made. Such a small ship, there wasn't too much to see in truth.