Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Awaken Sleeper

Daxton Bane loved Nar Shadda as a hive of despicable villany that it was. It never pretended any sophistication or glamor, here might made right, plain and simple.

Normally he would here to purchase contraband and do contract work on the side. Tonight as a special treat he was invited to the Hall of Trades, where Hutts sold very special and unique items.

Trading was chaotic to say the least, a cross between a meeting of the Galactic Senate and a bar room brawl. In all that chaos, he had obtain several interesting pieces including a powered down cyborg. As his shuttle returned to his ship, the techs assured him it was still functional, so after making sure it was immobilized he had the techs give it a little juice.

He waited until consciousness was restored before saying. "Awaken sleeper. What is your name?"

Bryn Celli Ddu Bryn Celli Ddu
Long before Bryn had ceased to function, her life had turned into a positive one—at least, she had thought it was. Somebody had betrayed her and caused her internal mechanisms to shut down. Everything about her indicated she was still alive and would function with the proper maintenance. Life had faded for the cyborg, and she had no idea how much time had passed, and that did not really matter to the young woman.

Sensation slowly returned to her chilled body. The energy filled her cells and rejuvenated her systems. Even though she was restrained, she could feel sensations across her skin. She wore clothing, but it didn't have the familiar touch of what she was used to. It felt more like a potato sack than fabric. She took a deep breath and heard a strange voice telling her to awaken and identify herself.

Her eyes opened, and for a few moments, she could not see anything. Concern filled her heart, and she considered struggling to get free. Something stopped her, and she remained prone.

"Bryn Celli Ddu or Seleste. I am not sure. Maybe both..."

Pieces reconnected and reactivated, and her cybernetic eye started to give her mind information again.

"Who are you? Where am I?"

Daxton Bane Daxton Bane
"Which name do you prefer to go by?" The Zabrak smiled as continued to observe her. "A proper introduction is the most civilized response. I am Daxton Bane and this is my ship, the Fist of God. We are currently in orbit over Nar Shadda at the monent while my techs acertain your system, after which you will be freed from your restraints and be given proper attire."

"You were sold to me at auction as a piece of bio cybernetic interest however it appears your core functions are intact. What was the last thing you remember?"

Bryn Celli Ddu Bryn Celli Ddu
It didn't take more than a moment for the cyborg to answer Daxton's first question.

"Bryn. It is the one I am used to."

Tilting her head as he spoke, she nodded when he provided his name and their location. When he mentioned getting proper clothing, she attempted to smile. While her cybernetic eye was functioning, she was starting to get concerned about her natural one.

"Sold to you? That is a surprise. My last memory was having dinner with the people who had taken me into their family. I remember going to sleep, and here I am."

For once in her life, she was thankful to be a cyborg. She hadn't thought of dying before and being brought back as an option.

Daxton Bane Daxton Bane
"Welcome Bryn, the pleasure of your acquaintance." Daxton said with a polite nod, unlike most sentients, he had a healthy respect for all intellects. It mattered not if the creature was organic or not which was a departure from the norm to treat non organic like mere tools or slaves.

"Clearly whoever they are, they did not have the purest of intentions towards you, why else would you wake up to find yourself in this situation."

"I can appreciate how that would feel, so before we continue, do you have questions for me?"

Bryn Celli Ddu Bryn Celli Ddu
As his technicians reviewed her information, they might notice her brain was organic and had somehow survived the long sleep she had been through. The rest of her organs and bones were mostly synthetic, but she still had human blood. Whoever created her had ensured Bryn could still have children if she desired them. Her bones were replaced with metal, and everything connected properly.

"What is your purpose for me?"

Light was starting to be recognized by her organic eye, but she couldn't see any images with it.

Daxton Bane Daxton Bane
"Very good question. Getting asked why is this happening gets tiring and repetitive. It lacks passion and imagination. Your question intrigues me."

"I wish to offer an opportunity for you to join my side, see the universe for all that it is, perhaps gain insight from your perspective."

"I should warn you, there are many who hate me out of sheer ignorance and malice. They hate I represent. They fear to lose power and stick to teaching long archaic and obsolete. They prefer the lie because the Truth is so hard to grasp."

"I offer you a chance for self discovery and all you need to do is accept."

Bryn Celli Ddu Bryn Celli Ddu
"Well, I won't lie...I also want to know why this happened to me, but I'll find out eventually. It's not important right now. Besides, how would you know?"

The cyborg felt pleasure at the praise Daxton had given her. Listening to his offer, she smiled and tried to nod her head. Still being bound, she couldn't move it very far, but hopefully, he noticed.

"What is your side? You would listen to my perspective?"

Finding that a little odd, she did give voice to the question.

"The truth can be difficult for people to accept. Self-discovery I can get behind. There is so much about me that I don't know."

Some lost and forgotten memories trampled through her mind as she spoke and faded. Maybe someday, it would remain long enough to stay in her brain.

Daxton Bane Daxton Bane
"One can never truly unless takes the first step in journey. Answer are never easy to find but you can fimd them if you open your eyes and say yes to what the universe has to offer."

"I have no side other than my own. I refuse to limit ny potential by racist bigoted archanic standards. I will not blind myself with fear or a misrajen belief that I am better than anyone else."

Bryn Celli Ddu Bryn Celli Ddu
From what Bryn could remember, much of her life had been negative. Now, it seemed things were going differently, and she liked where it led her. Remaining quiet while Daxton spoke, he answered her questions, and she appreciated it.

"I have taken many first steps, Daxton, and I'm sure I will take many more. The path I am traveling on runs with yours, and I will join you—for as long as each of us can help the other."

The cyborg attempted to smile at him to take any potential sting out of her words.

Daxton Bane Daxton Bane
Bryn Celli Ddu Bryn Celli Ddu

Medical droids began connecting her robotic limbs, as steam hissed and the anti disinfectant smell grew stronger.

"I apologize in advance for the rudimentary limbs. There was no paper work on your augmentations or capabilities. We can track them down or get upgrades if you can tell me what they were previously."
"I have no idea what was done to me originally to make me into what I was."

Bryn opened and closed her fingers and toes, wondering what had happened to her.

"What year is it? When I was last functioning, it was 856, I think. Upgrades would be nice."

Bryn had received several quality-of-life changes, and she didn't want to lose them.

Daxton Bane Daxton Bane
"Roughly it is 900, making your rest about 44 years. A lot has changed but amusingly a lot remains the same. I am having my team equip you with the latest military grade cybernetic implants and a language/protocol decrypter. The new software may need time getting used to, so there is no need to rush. Any concerns so far?"

Bryn Celli Ddu Bryn Celli Ddu

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