Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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"Lets head to the command center, the long necks won't last long without help"
Xiarr would run to the elevator,put be met by flametroopers.
Xiarr would activate his Lightsaber and would force push the troopers,making them fly out of the window into the vast ocean.
The elevator would reach the top
Xiarr would walk into the command center and the woman would exclaim:"Two boys? I was expecting Jedi Knights!,This should be quick"
She would activate her White Lightsaber and would run at Xiarr,would activate his own Saber and use Djem So to fend her off while mixing the form with Niman.
"I guess I'll take care of the thugs" He let's out a traditional tusken battle cry,and the thugs look at him wearily.
He jumps on the first one using the falling avalanche strike,of Djem So cleaving the weapon hand,of the first thug. He uses force speed avoiding bullets from the next three thugs,as in a lightning quick motion kess lands lightsaber strikes to two,of the thugs while decapitating the other two. He looks over at the duel,and rushes to join in,still using Djem So.

@Xiarr Sair
The bodys of the thugs would turn into holo droids
Xiarr would be in a blade lock with the woman "All of this just to draw out a couple of Jedi?!" The woman would laugh,but she wouldn't respond.
Xiarr would finally get a advantage slashing the woman's shoulder and cutting her arm off in a swift motion.
She would stand in front of the two,not even showing any sign of pain, and say "Two fools,you could have been so much more... but its to late for logic,isn't it?"
Jakkor grunts in tusken,and in anger,but remembers his training,and controls himself. He points his saber at the woman's throat as he speaks looking her straight in eyes beneath his mask.
"You are no lack skill,so please kindly tell us who you are,and what do you want with a couple of padawans?

@Xiarr Sair
"Death must come to all Jedi,its what I was programmed to do,to destroy all Jedi but I have failed my master once again.
The woman would turn back into its original state,a Holo Droid,and then explode.
"That was dramatic"
He deactivated his saber as he hooked it to his belt,and let it dangle. He kicked the remains of the jedi hunter in frustration. He looks to Xiarr. "It seems that the sith are finding ways to hunt the remaining jedi down. I must ask why are we here to begin with even though we just saved some long neck brainiacs."

@Xiarr Sair
"I felt pain coming from this planet,so I just had to investigate it and speaking of the long necks..."
Xiarr would use the force to open the storage room to find the room empty.
"There where never any hostages,they must have raided the city and forced the people to leave to another city"
He starts to ready the ship for take off. "Well I suggest my homeworld,and since traveling the galaxy isn't easy we could meet some people,maybe get a job earn some credits and their is no place better than the wretched hive,of scum,and villiainy."

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