Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Away From Temples and Battlefields (Training)

With the dominion of Jabiim over I'd been looking forward to meeting Master Gan outside of missions and the battlefield. I'd sent a message to her comms with the coordinates of my home on Voss. I knew at the least she'd probably enjoy the ride out through the jungles of Voss. I'd finally finished the elevator that would allow me to get my bikes out of here without using The Force to lift them out or fly them out on my ship. This would make it easy for her to get down into the sinkhole where my home was.

Currently my ship, The Cherry Blossom was sitting in the hangar and workshop I'd finished last week as well. Hopefully Master Gan would arrive shortly, I knew she'd probably want to talk to me about my use of Force Lightning as a shield on Jabiim. If only because most padawans weren't able to use such power let alone bend it to their will. It wasn't a power the Jedi normally went about using after all. I also had been....aggressive with my use of my sabers. Hopefully she'd be receptive to my story about how I'd learned these things...

[member="Rasu Gan"]
Dark shadows were cast on the emerald green form as lights flicker past the Shi'ido. Traversing deeper into the sinkhole that was Celiana's second home, Rasu stood patiently as the elevator descended. There was much that plagued the woman's mind, more so due to the recent closure of the Jabiim skirmish, in which both Master and Padawan had taken part. Rasu deemed herself a generous and receptive woman, however the actions of the Echani concerned her. Her use of lightning as well as that of her aggressive take to combat evoked only alarm. However the intensity of her initial emotions had subsided now with the Coalition returning home.

Rasu saw this meeting as both a debriefing situation as well as a chance to learn more from her latest student. Their brief conservation on Jabiim had brought forward various questions that Rasu wished to be answered. However such a desire was normal for a fresh relationship that now existed between the pair.

As the elevator reached the base of the chute, Rasu entered the woman's home. Walking cautiously as she did not wish to intrude, Rasu voiced her arrival.

"Hello? Celiana?"

Coming up behind Master Gan I said, "Good afternoon Master. Please take a seat. I have caf brewing, would you like a cup?" I figured Caf would be a good way to ease tension and figure out where things stood. I knew that I would most likely have to provide an explanation for the aggressiveness of my actions on Jabiim. I also knew that it wasn't normal to be able to bend the power of Force Lightning and the only answer I had on that was that it was my passion that I let flow freely instead of trying to control it that allowed me to use compassion to bend that lighting into a shield that I'd used to cover both myself and Master Gan. As for the aggressiveness of my saber having been used as a spear. I saw the threat of a sniper, I sensed them lining up a shot and I took action instinctively.

Suddenly I remembered something Master DragonsFlame had said to me about how there was a time for peaceful training in the Temple but that Battlefields and Missions had different circumstances. That if there was a threat to myself or others I should do what was necessary. But I felt judged by the looks I'd gotten from Master Gan... I hoped she'd be open to listening to my explanations. I also hoped she'd still train me in spite of these things...

Grabbing a pair of cups I poured one for myself and another for her. The sugar and honey along with fresh cream was on the counter and having fixed my Caf up I walked out to the garden where I waited for Master Gan to join me...

[member="Rasu Gan"]
Rasu hid her surprise as the woman appeared out of nowhere, addressing the Shi'ido eagerly. The Echani appeared drastically changed from their previous meeting, however that was easier to come by with the lack of blood and gore covering their clothes. Smiling, Rasu followed Celiana through her home, admiring the sheer work that had gone into such a creation. While it seemed Celiana had only just arrived on Voss, she had already left a significant mark on the ancient world.

Accepting the caf, Rasu added a dollop of honey before she entered the gardens. It was a beautiful scene, Rasu thought as she took her seat next to the Padawan. The Jedi sat in silence, softly sipping at her drink before she finally broke the silence.

"How have you been Celiana? Since Jabiim I mean." Rasu wasn't expecting a specific answer. The Echani could reply however she wished.

She asked her questions on how I'd been since Jabiim. Sighing I set down my mug after taking another sip of Caf. "I've been well Master, I got busy before and more so after Jabiim here. I finished construction not two weeks ago and I'll admit this place was built by me to be an escape from the Temple as well as the battlefield. A place that friends, family, teachers, and so forth can visit... Though I've got every inch of this sinkhole wired with alarms and surveillance too. Helps me sleep, Living alone and my past has left me a ttad paranoid I suppose also I have problems with people sneaking up on me I'd rather be the one to do that." Pausing slightly I took another sip of my caf before continuing.

"What of you Master? How are you since Jabiim? I know we've been through Telos together as well as Jabiim and correct me if I'm wrong Master, but I think that you're quite curious as to what you saw of my use of both sabers and The Force on Jabiim. Though I must admit Master there's a new facet of The Force I experienced here on Voss in a coffee shop with someone rather dear to me. That aspect of The Force was....troubling Master."

Glancing out into the garden I noted that the Echani saplings I'd planted had been growing at an incredible rate. Mostly due to my use of The Force to nurture them as well as Aria's help doing the same. The Herbs had grown to small bushes and the bamboo was growing into a hearty thicket. There was a peace here that couldn't be found at the Temple. I waited for Master Gan's responses though sometimes the best way to learn was to simply listen. So I sat and waited for her responses...

[member="Rasu Gan"]
Rasu chuckled, knowing the measures one must take to truly ensure privacy. At times the woman found that she could only find solace in space, isolated from civilisations and galactic powers in the unknown, empty abyss. But Celiana appeared to be much more resourceful than the Jedi Master, having achieved something the Shi'ido could not.

"I'm the same. Although you seem to have quite a successful set-up here. I wouldn't mind conducting more lessons out here." Rasu said, smiling cheekily as she attempted to coax another invitation out of her Padawan.

"I've been fine. I've dealt with much more violent scenarios and remained intact however you're right in my concerns for your actions." she began, her mind now returning to the incident of Jabiim. Such raw emotional energy was not a common skill seen in Padawan's and in most Jedi to be honest. The Jedi just wanted to make sure that Celiana understood the risks of drawing on such power. If she couldn't make the woman see otherwise, then perhaps history would reveal the truth.

"Before I offer my opinion, why don't you explain what happened? Just know that I will shed no disapproval. You did what you had too on Jabiim and I will hold nothing against you for that. So fire away."

As Master Gan spoke of her not minding conducting lessons out here I smiled. Then she asked that I explain what happened in my perspective. Looking over at Master Gan I said, "Master you recall trying to push me out of the way of the sniper and me instead rooting myself with The Force I'm sure. When you tried pushing me out of the way I took that Force push and funneled it behind my saber and I threw my saber as a spear. It was aggressive and honestly that's how I fight in an aggressive dance of emotions. Echani children are taught that to truly know another they must duel and strip away the perceptions both people have about themselves and each other. We're taught to control our emotions through releasing them in combat. It becomes a dance if you care to think of it as such."

As for my use of Force Lightning as a shield....Master my first experience with The Force was to throw up a Force Barrier to protect some dancing girls. The same happened on Jabiim, I embraced the emotions I was feeling and my will to protect others ended up bending that lightning into a shield. From what I've read the Sith care only to dominate and use The Force for the sake of power. I chose to not enslave the power of The Force but to let it flow freely and in a primal protective way. This being said I initially learned this power from Siobhan Kerrigan, Lady Kerrigan if you're feeling formal. She is a friend of my previous Master and I learned that I'd get stronger with it the more I used it. So I hadn't much up to Jabiim. Two other times I've used this power and I'm very good at it which means I need to discipline my mind so as not to lose control.

Taking another sip of my caf I gently bit the left bottom corner of my lip and said, "Master, in the case of full disclosure the questions I asked you before we went into battle on Jabiim...They were pertaining to Aria. She's very dear to me Master, she's....she's my girlfriend Master. We both went out for coffee the other day and as soon as my hand closed around my cup The Force showed me...I'm not sure what it was showing me Master but I was surrounded by Sith Tomes and Holocrons, then I was on Naboo dueling someone with my sabers except they were red, and I looked....haunted. I didn't want to pay too much attention to that then but I wondered if you might should know of that. unsettled me greatly Master.

Finishing off my cup of caf I waited to hear what Master Gan's responses to this information would be. After this conversation had ended I hoped to get some practice in with sabers and Force techniques...

[member="Rasu Gan"]
Rasu listened, absorbing the information that was provided by Celiana. She could understand how the Echani viewed this as right having been in similar situations as a Padawan herself; even as a Jedi Master Rasu could not provide the correct answers nor force the woman to do anything. All she could do was warn the woman. Many a Jedi had fallen to the dark side believing they were stronger than the pull of darkness. Rasu had believed this at one time as well. Yet there had to be a point where one must stop before she crossed this line between light and dark.

The Jedi had become much more relaxed in terms of attachments. It was something Rasu could not nor wold she not critique her student on. The Shi'ido had met Aria on multiple occasions and she seemed a good fit for Celiana, however it was how one handled these attachments. There was no true answer or solution for this problem, however the consequences were always the same. Rasu did not wish for Celiana to fall on the wrong path, and thus she would do her best to sway the Echani from such thoughts.

"Let me break this all down for you dear. There is much I wish to discuss with you so we'll take it in steps."

"Your fighting style on Jabiim startled me, it is not the most common form seen, however I see no harm in continuing this. It is a part of who you are and taking that away would only cause more bad than good. From my little knowledge, I know that emotions are channeled through this art and I see it as a good outlet rather than bottling them up. I have thought about this since Jabiim and it no longer troubles me." Placing a gentle hand on the Padawan's shoulder, she gave it a soft pat. "Never truly lose sight of who you are. The Jedi of old attempted to dissuade initiates of their past however we know from history how this turned out."

"No it is the lightning that truly troubles me." she said, now hitting the main point of concern for her latest student. To create lightning was to create an embodiment of rage. Such a power would and had consumed many throughout the decades and to be handled in hands of one so young troubled the woman greatly. "There are ways to channel such power without drawing on your darker emotions Celiana. Ways that will not taint your spirit or aura. To use the technique such a way as you have demonstrated can only consume you."

"While I commend you on the intent my dear, doing so does not negate the risk. Surely you see that. There is a reason why it is classified as a dark side ability. You draw on the dark side of the Force to perform such a feat."

"Run me through the emotions you felt; both on Jabiim and during the incident with these girls." She had not forgotten about Aria nor the vision, however these would be discussed afterwards.

"We'll see if we cannot find some similarities."

Hearing Master Gan speak on my aggressive combative abilities and finding them to be fitting for my culture and channeling those emotions was a great deal of stress relieved from my mind. Her hand on my shoulder was nice as well the gentle reassurance was very welcome. It didn't disturb me in the slightest that the Lightning was what worried her but rather than judge that outright she asked me to run through the emotions I'd felt while using it.

"Honestly Master? The feeling was one of intense emotions...Though not of anger or ill will towards anyone. Rather the intense feelings Jedi of old used to warn against and condemn. Love, passion, the primal desire to protect, these were what I was feeling as I used that power and even when I learned this power I wasn't fueling it with anger or hate. Just the same emotions, love, passion, and that primal desire to protect. I'd wanted to learn Electric Judgement as it was something used by Jedi Masters in the past but nobody could or would teach it to me. So I learned this instead. Though I noticed that the first time I used this power it was green instead of the typical blue or violet associated with Force Lightning. I decided that even as I was learning this power that I wouldn't use anger, rage, or hate to fuel it but the polar opposite of them. I don't know if that eases your mind or not Master but I've never used this power in anger or hate."

Sitting there I pulled my knees to my chest and glanced very studiously at the ground. I'd spoken the truth but I still couldn't help but feel as though Master Gan were disappointed in some way. I hoped not, but I always was harder on myself than the Masters...

[member="Rasu Gan"]
Nodding her head as the woman spoke, Rasu understood all in which she was told. She could picture the events now, seeing what Celiana would have seen and ultimately feel what she felt. Although while she could empathise with the Echani, Rasu could not help but shake her head in disagreement. She was not angry with the woman nor could she entirely disapprove of her actions; as these would be normal moral actions performed by loved ones. However Rasu could not shake away the feeling of dread when she pictured Celiana summoning lightning.

"Let's break this down even further." she said, trying to gain a glimpse of understanding that would tie one of them over.

"You say you felt passion, but what were you passionate for? Passion, while not always negative, is an intense emotion. It holds sway over your actions and is quite dominating. Thus this strength is given to the incarnation of your will; your lightning. This dominance outweighs every other emotion Celiana."

"You say you're in control, yet it is your passions that are in control of you. And not even the emotion itself but the subject of your passion. What would happen if for example Aria had fallen to the dark side hmmm...? Would your emotions get the better of you? Would your passion remain as strong as either and appear unchanged yet the consequences of said passion shift instead?"

This was the same as when I'd discussed how I used Juyo and Jar'Kai with Master DragonsFlame. Although Master Gan had seen the way I dueled and used my sabers I couldn't fault her for her concern on this matter. "Life, Master. A passion for life is what I felt there was sadness at the loss of life on Jabiim but a passion to protect what life I could. I'm not disagreeing with you Master and I know full well the folly of overusing this power which is why I rarely use it to begin with. But when I do there's a purpose fueled by the purest passions and emotions I can draw from. This is the reason I wanted to learn of Electric Judgement rather than Force Lightning. But nobody would teach me so I resorted to the alternative and use that power rarely. I'd rather be using something Jedi Masters have used in the past than something associated with the Dark side."

I grimaced when she mentioned the possibilty of Aria falling or turning to the Dark side. I remembered well the memory I'd seen from her of her striking down her birth parents. I knew she'd started training with someone in order to regain control of herself but the thought of her turning or falling... It was painful to think about. Glancing back towards Master Gan I said, "Master if that were to happen and Aria were to fall then firstly I'd do whatever was necessary to attempt to redeem her but also...No if I were to turn and let my emotions have control over me....I glanced at her and said, "I'd be a force to be reckoned putting it mildly. Which is why I'm here training as a Jedi. I was told once by my Echani combat instructor that to use emotion to fuel your powers is a gamble, to fight angry is folly, and to acknowledge your emotions and feelings whilst not allowing them to dictate your choices is serene wisdom and the beginnings of Enlightenment."

Looking towards the garden I said, "Master if there's a possibility of learning the Light side version of Force Lightning I'd rather do that but honestly? I already know to a degree how this power works and I'd rather know and never have to use it than remain ignorant. There was a reason I'd asked for training in Electric Judgement but all I was ever told is that that power is too advanced and dangerous for a padawan to know anything about and now? I've learned the beginnings of Force Lightning instead. I saw the looks and felt the emotions from you on Jabiim Master.... It was of fear for me, uncertainty, and anxiety of how a padawan was using that power let alone bending it into a shield. I was ashamed to have you see that. But I felt it work too, I felt a blaster bolt hit the shield by you Master and I felt that energy through the lightning. I'm sorry though Master, it's not something I enjoy using.... After doing so I feel cold, like the warmth has drained out of me."

Knees still pulled tight against my chest I was closely observing the ground and I felt a tear roll down my left cheek. Glancing back up at Master Gan and her kind, caring face I said, "Forgive me Master I didn't mean to scare you or give you cause for concern with that on Jabiim."

[member="Rasu Gan"]
"I can understand your frustrations Celiana." Rasu said, thinking back to her own problems during her time as a Padawan. The Shi'ido had been stuck without a master or instructor for several decades. So she could definitely empathise with the young Echani. There was only so much that an initiate could learn and soon one would truly get bored and look for other means of entertainment. If Celiana was anything like her Master, then she would have found a great interest in the mysteries of the Force. Rasu's skills in Alter Environment had been mostly self-taught due to the lack of instructors at the time, so it would prove to reason that one could learn any ability without an instructor. However there were reasons for restrictions on such abilities like Electric Judgement and reasons for dark side techniques being forbidden. Reasons Rasu could hopefully outline before Celiana.

"But the Master's have their reasons. Reasons that I had helped establish when passing on abilities."

"We wanted to ensure that prospects had the emotional control needed to handle such techniques but I believe you're more than ready to begin lessons. I just don't want you risking your purity by delving into darker techniques. So no more lightning please okay? We'll start up on Electric Judgment together, we can learn together."

Satisfied they had hopefully covered this section of Rasu's concern, they could now move on.

"So tell me more on this vision that is troubling you? Let's see if we can come up with some interpretations."

I wasn't sure I'd heard her correctly but Master Gan had said that we'd learn Electric Judgement together...By The Force a Master who listened and understood. Finding my voice again I said, "Thank you Master...and yes I can promise no use of Force Lightning." I was ecstatic at this development but then Master Gan asked about the vision that was troubling me. I remembered it well and after pausing to collect myself I closed my eyes and said, "Master when my hand closed over the cup I felt as though my consciousness was jerked out of my body and I felt as though I was thrown. I ended up seeing myself following a figure cloaked in black robes there was a feeling of eagerness but then a slight shift as though I'd jumped forward in time."

Pausing before I continued I glanced at Master Gan and said, "The next thing I saw was myself with a hungry, haunted look to my face and I was surrounded by stacks of books that I somehow recognized as Sith tomes as well as the Maroon glow from an array of Sith Holocrons. They were hissing at me, whispering to me about promises of power. There was another jump and I was on Naboo in a field behind an old mansion. i was cloaked in ebony black robes and I was dueling someone only my sabers...they were both flaming crimson. The duel wasn't for fun or learning Master, there was menace that I felt with this portion of a vision almost as if I wanted to toy with and hurt whoever it was I was dueling...There was a final jump and I was in the midst of a battlefield immersed in fog and smoke II was on the ground screaming as I held a body there was blaster fire everywhere...Then I jerked back to where I was sitting."

"Master to say these things unsettled me is an understatement. I admit I'm intrigued by the history and lessons to be learned from The Sith on their philosophies, and views. Some of their technology such as alchemy and the gauntlets is intriguing to me but only on the level of designing a Light-sided counterpart. Healing crystals embedded in gauntlets perhaps, but that vision of me surrounded by that much Sith knowledge with the hungry, haunted look? The feeling of malice and intent to toy with someone as I dueled? Those possibilities scared me Master...I know that Anakin Skywalker had visions of dark things, omens maybe. But I also know that in his attempt to change them he became the person he swore he'd never be."

Sighing I said, "Having looked at Master Yoda's comments on the future I'm not certain I should do anything with these or attempt to try and keep those things from happening because I may end up ensuring them. They're all possibilities for now but they frightened me and I'm not one who usually is afraid of much but I didn't like to see myself that way Master. To consider that could be me is troubling to say the least. I wonder what you can gather from that though?"

[member="Rasu Gan"]
"This is troubling indeed." Rasu began after listening to Celiana explain her vision. The Shi'ido had never experienced such a premonition before and as a result had little knowledge on how to interpret them as such. However she would do her best to advise her student on the next best course of action.

Why the Force had alerted the woman to such a future was uncertain, however it was important that the pair acknowledged and contemplated their next move. While Yoda had been a wise and powerful Jedi, he had ultimately allowed the downfall of the Old Republic and the Old Jedi Order. Rasu was not going to let her Padawan fall in a similar fashion.

"Well for starter's it would be best to distant yourself from such darker urges, thus why abandoning the use of Force lightning is important." Rasu offered a small smile to ease the mood. It was a rather heavy topic for the two to discuss but while it was a vision of the future, it was an uncertain future, thus the pair need not be so serious.

"My main piece of advice for you would be to not linger to much thought on this vision. Now I know that is a lot easier said than done, but if you let such a thing consume your life, it will increase the chance of it occurring." Rasu took a deep breathe before sighing. Visions were a complicated topic indeed.

"Either way, you must let the future take it's course and place trust in the Force. However there are precautions one can take. For example I would have you limit your studies in the dark side. While it can prove beneficial, the risks here are too great for you continue your investigations. Leave that to those more experienced than yourself."

"Leave this with me to ponder over a bit longer, but ultimately we cannot stress over this. Remember the future is never set entirely in stone. This was but one of a many possible futures; one that you, I or anybody else in the galaxy could change with a single choice. So please don't worry over this okay?" she said, once again returning her hand to the Padawan's shoulder, offering some comfort while reassuring the woman at the same time.

Glancing gratefully at Master Gan I quoted Master Yoda and said, "Always in motion the future is. Master Qui-Gon advised Master Kenobi to be mindful of the future but not at the expense of the moment. Seems like wise advice to me Master..." Looking back towards Master Gan I said, "Well Master, those were the big things to discuss the things you noticed on Jabiim and that fragmented vision. So now that the debriefing is over what did you have in mind for training? I doubt you came out here just for the caf and to catch up."

That last bit had been rather cheeky and I gave her a bit of a crooked smile to show I was being light-hearted about it. I wasn't sure what Master Gan had in mind for teaching but I'd try my best to learn whatever it was she'd share with me...

[member="Rasu Gan"]
"Well to be perfectly honest..." the Master began, suddenly feeling slightly uncomfortable. Truthfully, Rasu had only journeyed here to talk with her student, hopefully persuading her or at least to learn more of the reasoning's for her use of dark side abilities. The meeting had been rather eventful, and Rasu was ultimately pleased with the overall outcome. However the Jedi had not prepared for any physical section of their chat. Celiana obviously had other plans of course. "I hadn't actually planned any lessons for today. We've achieved all that I had hoped for today so I might call it quits for this evening if that's okay?"

Hoping her student wouldn't be disappointed, Rasu thought of a solution that might please the woman in the meantime. "How about when I return to the temple I'll find some texts on this emerald lightning ability? We can begin study together once I've returned?" Without even waiting for an answer, Rasu was already on her feet. Draining the last of the caf, she set the cup back in the kitchen before popping her head back in the garden. "Thanks for the drink by the way." she called out before hopping aboard the elevator.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Having arrived once more at the homestead of Celiana, Rasu placed the heavy rucksack on the kitchen bench. Abandoning her equipment, the Jedi Master entered the garden hoping to find her student somewhere in the area before she intruded too far into the woman's privacy.

"Hello? Anybody home?"

I was slightly disappointed at Master Gan's decision to leave so abruptly after our chat but upon hearing her say that she'd visit The Temple Archives and find some texts on Emerald Lightning I couldn't help but grin. By the time I'd been about to snag her and thank her she already thanked me for the caf and whisked herself away up the elevator. I had a feeling this would work out wonderfully. Going back to work I began construction on attachment to my home. During the next few weeks I added a small hall from the kitchen into a sun-room that descended down into a library with bookshelves and a desk I'd crafted from Echani Cherry wood. There was a small spiral staircase that led up into my workshop and garage attachment to the Hangar.


Around a week had passed since anyone had been back at my home. I heard the sensor alerts before I ever heard the elevator start to descend. Reaching out with The Force I confirmed the presence of Master Gan and starting a pot of tea in my library I waited until the hot water was at a rolling boil and lifted the kettle disengaging the heating coil. Padding barefoot back up the winding staircase I noticed what appeared to be a rucksack packed with books and such. Just then I heard Master Gan go back out the door to the garden where I heard her voice say, "Hello, Anybody home?"

Smiling I came up behind her barefoot until I was directly behind her and said, "Good afternoon Master Gan. To what do I owe the pleasure? Were those books I saw in the kitchen? If so then you'll have to join me for tea while we look at them." Gesturing for her to head into my home I waited for her to enter my home ...

[member="Rasu Gan"]
Rasu's body jolted as her student snuck up from behind. Uttering a laugh to ease her nerves, Rasu placed a hand on the woman's shoulder to steady herself.

"You'll scare me to death one day, I swear it. Who needs lightsabers when you have the padded feet of death?" the Shi'ido joked, before nodding in acknowledgement of the Padawan's offer. Returning to the kitchen, Rasu slung the rucksack back over her shoulder, patting the bag to ensure nothing had tipped over. "You have keen eyes indeed Padawan. I thought we might have a look over some texts I recovered from the archives? They're only copies from the originals on Coruscant but they should do the trick."

Beginning to pull them from the bag, she paused, wondering if there was a better place to study in the woman's home. "Shall we study here, or do you have another place in mind?" she asked, knowing that Celiana would have a preferred reading area seeing as this was her home.

Smiling at the fact that I'd startled her I said, "Master Gan, I have sensors all over this little piece of Voss it'd be a miracle if anyone other than me could find them all. Plus I heard the lift coming down so it's not terribly difficult to figure you were coming." Smiling I said, "Yes actually, there is a place we can study. My library. I'm still getting things transferred down there but you'll find I enjoy reading. Follow me Master."

I'd finished setting up the holo-net connection yesterday as well as placing my home computer and scanning station. The thing was that I loved reading, the feel of the paper but that it was a problem too as there was only a physical copy of the information. So the scanner was for scanning documents and digitally storing them as well as producing physical copies of manuscripts. Leading Master Gan through the kitchen I walked down the hall to the sun-room with it's glasteel sky-light and channeled The Force lifting three boxes of books and study materials of my own and with my left hand guided them up and in front of me. Then I descended down the spiral staircase of Echani Oak wood.

Depositing the boxes off to the side by my bookshelves I pointed behind me and said, "There's a coffee table somewhere behind me and the desk with the personal computer and scanner is where we'll be making copies of whatever you've brought with you Master. Tea is over by my desk on the end table there and there should be a couple of mugs there. I hope you like Lemon Ginger Master." Pulling a utility knife from my belt I opened the boxes and began stacking various books by category on the shelves I'd built. Philosophy, Research, Force Abilities, Mechanics, Tactics and Weapon design all made their way onto the shelves as Master Gan got set up. Opening another box I lifted it with The Force and placed it by one of my comfy caramel leather armchairs then lifted the books out in the order I'd packed them and levitated them onto the shelves in my recreational reading corner.

Using The Force I flicked on the rest of the amber lighting down here and went to pour myself a cup of tea. Glancing over at Master Gan I said, "So Master, first impressions of my home? By the way Master any time you're here you're more than welcome to explore. This place wasn't just built for the heck of it I wanted a place I could have friends, teachers, and loved ones out to. I'm also starting to wonder what my next project should be out here. Maybe if you had any ideas you could share them?"

[member="Rasu Gan"]
Sighing at her own stupidity, Rasu quickly hid the gesture with a smile. Following the woman through her home, the Shi'ido snuck a few more glimpses of the place than what she could at her earlier visit. It truly was a marvel to have had this Padawan construct the building all by herself, in the wilds of Voss no less. Quite an achievement indeed.

As the two entered the library, Rasu's eyes were fixed on the various boxes, obviously packed with books. It amazed her once more to see the Echani with such a collection. The Shi'ido had no idea what she would have done with the sheer amount of text that was packed away in front of her. Obviously Celiana truly meant what she said, when saying she loved reading. However her gaze turned to the table at the Padawan's offer, turning to find the small counter tucked away under some more boxes. Lifting these off the table, Rasu placed them gently on the floor before picking up the object of her desire. Finding the structure more awkward to carry rather than heavy, Rasu quickly set it down on the center of the room, dragging a lamp over as well to provide some decent reading light.

Setting some tea on the table now also, Rasu began to pull out the copies arranging them in a way that would make them easier to read and absorb. These had all derived from the Great Holocron; an ancient device which stored centuries of knowledge and history of the Jedi and the Force. In particular, the works of Jedi Master's Plo Koon and Jacen Solo filled the copies here who had been notable practitioners of the skill in which the pair wished to learn; Electric Judgment.

"I can not think of anything that you could not have already added already Celiana." she responded, answering the woman's question with such admiration for the home, even in its stage of construction. "But enough of that, come have a read over these texts with me. Let's see if we can find a place to begin."


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