Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Away From Temples and Battlefields (Training)

Grabbing my own mug of Lemon Ginger tea I sat down beside Master Gan. I had the sense that she was sort of a mother figure, and I missed mine quite badly. I worried too because Eshan was in a very resource rich area of space and the last I knew The Mandalorian Empire was expanding and another of the Sith factions was expanding on the other side. In my mind I felt that any attachment that could or would form with Master Gan could be greatly beneficial. There was also the bit of this that in time we'd become good friends but I wasn't sure that was wise either. The only other person I'd become truly close with was Aria and she was my girlfriend it seemed I just had an easier time opening up to women.

Looking over the texts I saw that a record of Master Plo Koon development of this power was recorded. How upon its use he reported it to the Jedi Council. Meaning it alarmed him and he felt the need to do so which meant that he took responsibility for it. There were several other notes and from what I read it seemed that this power was the equivalent of Force Lightning except for the fact that there was no anger, rage, passion or similar emotions to fuel it. So the power was in fact Force Lightning used in the purest possible sense with no emotion to fuel it. He'd also referred to this power as Force Lightning but that he'd dubbed it with the name of Electric Judgment.

Processing this information I glanced at Master Gan and explained my theory that this was still in fact Force Lightning as Master Koon had described and that it was the purest way of using that power. The anger, rage, lust and other emotions weren't the fuel for making it stronger. Then I said, "Master if that is the case then my use of Force Lightning would be Electric Judgment if those emotions were removed correct? From what I understand here Jacen Solo and Master Skywalker both used this power. Master Skywalker used a variation of it that was more aggressive but it was still considered Electric Judgement."

Still confused I looked at Master Gan and asked, "Master if this is still the same power other than it being used in the purest form then how would I use it? Master Kooon stated to the Council that he'd felt no anger and been in complete control of his emotions. So I suppose my question is how would I conjure or use this ability? I suppose I could start the same as when I have used Force Lightning but rather than fueling it with emotion I could draw the energy from the Living Force and maintain control of my emotions which would keep the power benevolent rather than trying to feed my emotions into it changing it to a malevolent, barely controlled power..."

Taking a sip of my tea I looked over at Master Gan in an attempt to gauge her reaction. I flicked my eyes over to where the hidden wall safe was in my library. On a previous adventure an anonymous employer had paid me to steal Arkanian tech and I'd come back with the tech, a massive amount of Arkanian diamonds, and the most valuable and dangerous thing the most recent Sith research on The Rakghoul Plague. I had the research papers and documents along with the updated plague sample and the cure sample. I'd been questioning what to do with all of it but I knew that I had to keep the plague and cure samples separate. They were both in temperature controlled locked boxes in that safe along with the dossier of research notes.

Looking back at Master Gan I said, "Master while we're down here there's something I need to give you. I've no idea what to do with it and well, you're a Master so I figure you can get it to the right people...Master what do you know of The Rakghoul Plague?"

I knew that I was in the midst of learning a new power and I was incredibly grateful for that, but the real reason there were so many security measures in place was to protect the research and samples. I couldn't let anyone who meant ill have access to this but Master Gan needed to know and we were already dabbling in a somewhat taboo use of The Force so now was the time to reveal it to someone I'd fought alongside and trusted. I wondered how she would react to knowing about this....

[member="Rasu Gan"]
As the pair read through the texts, Rasu began to share similar thoughts to her Padawan. The way Electric Judgment was used in the modern era contrasted greatly to how it was used and viewed centuries ago during its discovery. The Master's of old appeared to be fearful of it with the discoverer even using it sparingly if not at all. This was indeed troubling, however she knew that while the technique possessed it dark qualities, there must be some way to channel it and successfully perform without any corruption. She had seen many practitioners, all notable Jedi who refused to give into temptation. She would not lose hope.

Sipping her own tea in contemplation, Rasu became lost in her thoughts. Perhaps there was no danger in Celiana's practice of lightning. Perhaps there was nothing to fear as long as she held true to her tenets and values. However like water, these shifted as easily as liquid. If Rasu allowed for her student to carry on with her practice in Force Lightning, would she be setting her on the path of darkness? The Shi'ido would prefer to avoid the risk.

Drawn from her thoughts, the Jedi turned to Celiana who obviously was troubled be her own mind and its workings.
"What's troubling you?" she asked, concerned now with all thought of her own troubles vanishing. At the mention of the Rakghoul Plague her body froze. She knew exactly what it was and the idea of it sent her body into a fit. Her hands began to shake as her mind raced back years and years to the plains of Lujo. She had faced the Supreme Overlord, and had suffered a terrible failure. Flames encircled her as the screams of villagers filled her ears.

However as they immediately began so too were they immediately snuffed out. Sweat had begun to form on her forehead which she quickly wiped away. No longer shaking, Rasu steadied her voice before once more replying.
"Yes I know of it. Why do you have Celiana?"

I saw there a brief flicker of painful memory and fear on Master Gan's face. Looking at Master Gan I said, "well Master, not long ago I went on an adventure to Arkania where I'd been tipped off by a source of mine that there was research possibly being funded by The Sith there. I went along with a slicer and after infiltrating the labs we discovered some very cutting edge tech in shield tech and crystal tech. But as there wasn't any trace of the Sith research there I had the slicer search for it. We found out that the research was being conducted off-site deep beneath the diamond mines. So we hit the truck that had the research notes and samples. My contact had marked the package with the research inside and I took it."

Padding barefoot over to the wall I placed my left hand on a transparent bio-scan pad then endured a retinal scan before finally tapping in my passcode. Having done all three a panel in the wall slid up and a tray extended containing the Sith research notes as well as both the updated plague and cure samples. Each chamber of the tray was separate and temperature controlled with cryogenic elements in the chambers containing both the plague and cure samples. There was also a humidity controlled chamber holding the physical research notes.

Pulling the tray free I set it on the table and said, "Master I've had this but I hid it because I've no clue how to deal with it. I figured since you're my master I should let you know I had this and let you decide what to do with it. The research is the current version and from what I read both the plague and cure samples are updated as well containing the newest strain of the plague and the innoculant for the current strain of the plague. I figured the Council should know but you're my Master so I wanted you to know and have the choice of how to handle it. I only kept it so it wouldn't be used Master, but the cure sample I figured would be useful for mass production. I'm sorry if I scared you. I just couldn't continue keeping it here. If you want you can take it with you when you leave or we could present it to The Council together....I just didn't want to hide anything from you Master."

I hoped Master Gan wasn't angry with me about having something like this. I'd never have used either and after having read the research notes I was terrified to even touch those again. I still wanted to learn Electric Judgement but this was important and she needed to know. Sitting down I crossed my legs into a lotus position and waited for Master Gan to let me hear whatever she had to say. I'd basically just told her the equivalent of The Temple was on fire or being invaded. Honestly I was scared she'd be furious with me and refuse to teach me...Hopefully that wouldn't happen but I was bracing for the worst right now...

[member="Rasu Gan"]

OOC: I've been trying to get rid of this thing forever and since the Rakghoul thread Connor started has pretty much been discontinued I wanted to make it a secondary story arc. Think it'll earn me points towards Knighthood?
Her initial shock had subsided and now Rasu gazed on the crate with clear vision. Setting her tea down, the woman stood and approached the crate slowly, walking towards it as if it were a dangerous animal ready to attack. Not wanting to touch any of the vials in the chance of breaking them, the Shi'ido instead crouched down to better observe the chemical concoction within. Gazing at the virus, Rasu would have laughed had she not been so wary of the situation. It was funny to think that something so small could cause so much chaos and last for so many centuries as the Rakghoul plague has. However here it was, still a threat to he safety of every galactic being.

Now the question remained, what was to be done with it.

To be honest, Rasu wanted nothing to do with the crate and the vile contents it contained. It had stained so many lives, her's included. Rasu would have it destroyed, if not for the formalities that needed to be processed beforehand. Celiana had done the right thing in approaching her Master however it concerned her that the woman had waited so long to bring this before a superior Jedi. The virus was a volatile and dangerous substance, and should never have remained in the hands of a Padawan, even one as advanced as Celiana. Rasu dreaded to think what could have ensued had someone known of its existence outside of Silver Jedi control.

"You've done the right thing to show this to me Celiana." she said, shuddering as she forced herself to look away from the substance. Returning to the chair, Rasu sat with shaky hands as she cupped the tea. Taking a rather large gulp, Rasu let out a sigh as she began to once more relax.

"I'll take this with me later, we need to have this secured in the temple while the Assembly decides what is to be done. For now just leave it and we'll return to our studies." Once more she pulled her gaze away from the crate and returned it to the files placed before her. Using the distraction to erase her initial thoughts from the crate that now remained in the center of her mind.

"Let's face one problem at a time. We'll start with the easier of the two, what to do about this Electric Judgment business?"

Nodding I picked the case back up and placed it back into the safe sealing it. Tapping in a command at my desk I transferred ownership of the case to Master Gan all she'd need to do was place her left hand on the bio-scanner and the case would be released back to her. She asked what to do about the Electric Judgement. Glancing at Master Gan I said, "well Master as I stated before the only difference I saw in the use of Force Lightning versus this was that Force Lightning is fueled by emotion, but it goes deeper than that Master. From my experience learning Force Lighting I had to want to use it and not for protection for punishment. The same could be said of Electric Judgement however only the opposite is true."

Pausing I continued, "The key differences I see are that Electric Judgement can be used as I did on Jabiim, as a shield to absorb incoming attacks as well as offensively to remote detonate mines or agianst a foe. However it wouldn't be fueled by emotions like rage, anger, lust, or hate. But rather it would be fueled by peace, courage, the inherent desire or drive to protect others. Emotion would strengthen the power but wouldn't be needed to conjure it. With Force Lightning I spoke of how I felt tired and cold after using it and the reason is that on some level you have to both hate something or someone, or be willing to embrace pain, agony, and death. The first time I used lightning there was immense pain driven by emotion, the reason I felt cold and tired after my use of Force Lightning was that I was using it only if needed or to protect. Because that went against the inherent darkness of that version of the power it took what it could from me using it in the way I did sapped my strength. It wasn't pleasant Master and it needed to be fueled by hate to even begin using the power. What I hated on Jabiim was the loss of life and senseless violence and that was how I conjured lightning."

Glancing guiltily over at Master Gan I said, "would you like to see what I'm talking about Master? There's a way to see the difference if you want, I'd suggest if you're interested to see the difference that you view my emotions through The Force and close your eyes to view me only through The Force. Echani use the same trick in sparring when getting to know someone, colors are tied to specific emotions and states of mind. Red for either lust or rage, Green and Blue for growth,peace and tranquility, There's also a mix between Peach and a pale lavender which I've only ever seen with one person and I took it to mean a content loving feeling." Blushing slightly I felt a smile on my face and said, "it was with Aria Master. Feel free to cast your senses over me as well if you're alright with my giving a demonstration."

I felt foolish asking Master Gan to evaluate this by having me give a demonstration but I'd used Force Lightning before so it wasn't a stretch to let me give a demonstration of my theory. Plus unless Master Gan had used Lightning before it'd be nearly impossible to explain adequetely and this gave me a chance to learn something new as well as possibly teach a Master. Which if I was being honest with myself was exhilerating. Glancing towards Master Gan I looked back down at the floor and nervously began to run my fingers over the hem of my already threadbare black shirt. I wasn't sure Master Gan approved but she hadn't said anything about it being indecent yet. I had a penchant for wearing nigh indecent crop-tops due to their threadbare state but damned if they weren't comfy to wear. Beginning a new study of the hem of my shirt I sipped my tea and waited for her response...

[member="Rasu Gan"]
Her heavy breathing subsided as the crate was once more sealed, away from the sickly form of the Shi'ido. She couldn't help but show her relief as the door hid her view from the Rakghoul Plague. Taking one more sigh, Rasu felt her shaking cease, tensing her hands as she gripped her cup once more. Taking a big gulp, the Jedi closed her eyes, relishing the warmth that accompanied the tea. As the liquid travelled down her throat, all her negative emotions seemed to vanish.

Once more the calm Jedi, Rasu returned her attention to the Echani who had already begun her studies into the subject. The pair had come across a problem, and while Celiana seemed confident in her method, Rasu could not work her head around the process of producing lightning. In her mind, any form of technique that drew upon dark or passionate emotions led only to darkness. However Rasu understood that one was always learning, and perhaps her student had something to teach her this time.

With an open mind, Rasu nodded her approval. Waving her hand, Rasu gestured for the Echani to proceed with her demonstration.

I saw the relief cross Master Gan's face and looking at her as she finished her tea I said, "Perhaps in a place that doesn't have fragile things inside?" Then I walked to one end of the library and placed my left hand agaisnt the wood panelling. The bio-scanner confirmed my identity and slid open revealing a door that also slid open. Proceeding through the doorframe I triggered the motion activated lighting. My workbenches and the forge illuminated first then the lights flicked on in the firing range section of my shop. I'd never used this particular technique before but I'd heard of a technique to bend an opponents Force energy, amplify and turn it back on them.

Taking a loose combat stance that was meant to redirect energy I took a deep breath in and evisioned the first time I'd used Lightning. I felt the sparks begin to coalesce down my arms as I channeled the memory I had peace, tranquility, and pureness of the moment when I'd first kissed Aria. Looking down at my arms I notice the sparks were accelerating, focusing the memory and how I'd felt when she'd kissed me back I tapped that energy and fed in more. Getting the first tattoos with her, the piercing, the first night she'd spent here with me after our first date...Looking down at my arms I saw that the electricity was an emerald green and then it switched to the aqua color of my saber. Interesting, so this version picked up hints of the person wielding it...

Triggering the firing range's targets to rush with a flick of will through The Force I brought the lightning back towards my chest, chambered it and blasted it outwards towards the middle target channeling it with the index and middle fingers on my left hand while my thumb and ring finger met before seperating the streams out through both hands. Bringing my right hand forward channeling the lightning through the index and middle fingers in the same manner I crossed my forearms in a horizontal X before moving my hands out to the side and pushing them down in a way that signified the end of a martial arts form.

Looking up I saw with surprise that the streams of electricity had burned a hole clean through the targets I'd specifically fired at while all of them had been cut in two. Cleanly though, in all of the few times I'd ever used Force lightning there'd never been this level of precision the cuts through the targets were clean...I guess there was something to be said for control of emotions. Triggering another combat drill a dummy rose through the floor and began to attack. Channeling the electricity into my hands I did a quick jab-cross, hook cross combo. The first hits registered as stun, stun, disable, stun.

Bringing my hands down agaisnt one another I closed off the memory and ended the electricity flow. Turning towards Master Gan I rather sheepishly said, "Good thing durasteel targets are cheap eh? Joking aside Master I wanted to show the power and precision of using this as well as demostrate the use in hand to hand without killing. Would you perhaps care to try Master?"

[member="Rasu Gan"]
Rasu rose following Celiana into another hidden room. A small smile grew on her lips, the girl was nothing if not resourceful. The Shi'ido wondered if there was a room for every activity thinkable in this spacious dwelling. It truly was a testament to the persistence nad ingenuity of the young Jedi. As she entered the workshop, she paid little attention to the various benches and contraptions littering the area. Her eyes remained fixed on the Echani. For a moment, there was silence. However soon the air seemed to hum as Rasu's hair seemed to stand on end. Green light began to dance along Celiana's fingers as the intensity of colour increased to match the complexion of the Jedi Master's skin. These changed in an instant to a deep blue; a concept which startled and intrigued the Shi'ido. She had never seen such a shift before, however the sheer power emanating from Celiana alarmed her as well. It would need to be tempered and controlled before Rasu was comfortable with Celiana wielding the technique.

Understanding the principle behind, Rasu began focusing as well. Shutting herself from the physical world, Celiana's offer went unanswered as Rasu delved into herself to find the necessary source of power. Her mind raced back to the man she had loved. He stood before her now, smiling warmly at her. Deep scars covered his face, however the warmth radiating from his smile dissolved any form of fear from the woman. She remembered their wedding night, a moment of passion and love on the lakeside of Naboo. She remembered the look he gave her after presenting his child. She had never seen him grin so wide. All the while emerald light began to appear on the woman's fingertips. Dancing in tandem with the music that now played in her mind.

Rasu felt the power growing, however she remained unaware of its growing intensity. She was fixated on the memories that continued to approach her. The evening spent on Voss; Allana had been so small. The three of them had watched the sunset from the peak of Voss-Ka. Rasu could feel the embrace of Marek on her skin as the small hands of Allana wrapped themselves tightly around them both. However that was their last happy moment. Darkness began to shroud her vision as the two she had loved most were taken from her. Red light appeared in the form of a lightsaber as it struck down Marek. Rasu remained standing, forzen in horror as she watched her husband collapse in agony. However this turned to despair as the wielder revealed themselves. Allana.

The Shi'ido let out a scream of agony as the lightning entered her body. Tears raced down her cheeks as her arms shot forward of their own accord. Violet lightning burst from her fingertips in a violent stream. The durasteel modeled took the full force of the blow, being vaporised in an instant. However the stream did not cease. Forks of lightning continued to arc forward as Rasu's screams reached a higher octave. Fully aware of the situation, Rasu did her best to shut off the emotions fueling the attack however her grief had entirely consumed her.

"Help me!" Rasu mouthed towards Celiana, as tears continued descending down her face. Panic had now encompassed the woman's body, as the extremities of the situation dawned on her. Am I going to die? Was Rasu's last thought.

Watching Master Gan was a pleasure in ore ways than one. Though I kept my mind focused on her emotions and it was a lovely and peaceful shade of pale peach. Then there was a shift in her mood that I felt, anguish, pain, and fear. The emerald electricity turned indigo and as she fired off the volley of lightning it incinerated the dummy. I saw Master Gan mouth the words "Help me" and I knew then that she was panicking. Taking a deep breath in I darted over to her side so fast I probably appeared a blur and grasping both of her hands with my right hand I pushed them down. Allowing the arcing lightning to flow through her hands into mine I funneled the energy from Master Gan through my body and after funneling the emotion Master Gan had felt into myself I took a deep breath and exhaled releasing the negative emotion and purging the lightning with my left hand.

Chambering the energy by my right shoulder I pushed my left hand out with my index and middle finger forming the pathway and my ring finger and thumb providing a loop for the energy to funnel through. As the energy arced from Master Gan through me I redirected the lightning up towards the left corner of the ceiling discharging the majority of the energy before bring my left hand down and around in a cutting motion. The energy as it raced along Master Gan's skin into mine went form the dark indigo back into an emerald green before returning to the same aqua color as my saber. As the rest of the energy was dispersed I pushed my left hand open palm down and in front of me.

The electricity was gone now and as I breathed out I felt relief and then Master Gan dropped. Spinning on my right heel I caught her as she fell into my arms. Glancing at Master Gan I said, "Master! Can you hear me?" She'd been conscious while the lightning had been arcing out of and through her asking if she was alright was a waste of time and she'd been on the recieving end of Force Lightning. If I had to guess there'd been uncertainty anyways but her positive memories had turned dark and she'd embraced fear even if only briefly...She'd definitely be in pain for a bit and having been on the recieveing end of Force Lightning was never pleasant...

Lifting Master Gan on my own with aid from The Force I carried her back through the Library and up into my room before setting her down on my bed. While I'd had training with Force Lightning I'd always hoped nobody I cared about would be on the recieving end and now my own Master had. Even if I wasn't the one who directly caused it Master Gan had followed my example and now she was hurt...
Tears were rolling down my face as I thought this is my fault...Hard to be proud of how quickly I'd picked up on this power when Master Gan had been hurt following my example...

Taking a seat by my bed I leaned my head into the mattress as I grabbed hold of her hand and cried into the mattress whispering "Please be alright Master" I began tracing small circles on her hand with my thumb and cried softly into the mattress....

[member="Rasu Gan"]

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