Aya Clarke
Lady Clarke, Saint of the Crimson Eagle

- Intent: To provide a Dress Uniform for Aya Clarke with potential combat functionality
- Image Source: The Order 1886 Contest Entry by GreyRadian
- Canon Link: N/A
- Restricted Missions: N/A
- Primary Source: N/A
- Manufacturer: Confederacy of Independent Systems
- Model: N/A
- Affiliation: Aya Clarke
- Modularity: I mean, it can be worn without the coat.
- Production: Unique
- Material: Armorweave, leather, gold, phrik
- Classification: Multipurpose
- Weight: 2.5 kg
- Resistances
- Kinetic: Low
- Lightsabers: Low
- Bladed: Average
- Holo-communicator: A hidden holo communicator on the inside of the left wrist, uses an encrypted channel to communicate with recipients on the other end, or project stored data from a connected datapad.
- Hidden Dagger: There is a slot for a hidden dagger in the right vambrace, hidden between the metal and leather portions on the forearm.
- Energy weapons: The armorweave coat, vest, and pants are able to disperse the weapon's energy across it, dispelling it and limiting its potential harm. It's not capable of handling vast amounts of energy, but standard small arms such as blasters or standard rifle shots can be withstood with some discomfort.
- Blade weapons: The armored vambraces provide protection against the use of standard blade weapons, and prevents them from cutting through the rest of the outfit.
- Lightsabers: The armorweave is constructed using Phrik for the weave itself, providing a chance against a lightsaber wielding opponent. Additionally the metal plates are of Phrik as well, providing some way to defend one's self.
- Rather Flexible: As the majority of the uniform is armorweave, it is extraordinarily flexible and almost lacking in restrictiveness. It cannot do complex gymnastic maneuvers, due to the vest, well tailored pants, and a long enough coat to get caught on something, but it is far less cumbersome than essentially any set of plate armor.
- Lightsabers: The armorweave, made of phrik and ceramics, is capable of handling a glancing blow from a lightsaber and little else, and while the plates are able to survive a direct hit they are very little in surface area. This means a solid strike over the majority of the outfit will cut it only slightly less fast than a lightsaber through butter.
- Kinetics: As the armor does not provide some form of softening or padding, kinetic blows (such as blunt trauma or slugthrowers) can provide greater threat than blasters can.
- Vibro-weapons: While rather well made to defend against a standard blade, a vibro-weapon's vibration cell gives the weapon enough of an extra edge to pose an actual threat. Weapons of this nature can actually cut into the armorweave, or puncture it, with some effort put into it.
- Force-weapons: Of course another common weapon used in the galaxy by force wielding death-dealers is the imbued sword. Consider it essentially a lightsaber without the laser, it'll find some resistance but with a solid strike or two it can cut the armorweave itself without too much difficulty.
Given her newfound role in the CIS army, that of a General, Ser Aya Clarke found it best to have a custom designed uniform created for her more general purpose use. Her armor, while her preferred defensive tool, would be insufficient in providing an image she could use in most contexts, and the military uniforms of the modern era were less, comfortable for her tastes. The design chosen, one of an older sensibility, would easily find a home among her people in Aelozath, provided a respectable image, and was far easier to remove than a dress would be, if it came time to quickly don her armor as possible.
However, knowing it possible that the newfound General would be in a position of danger where donning her armor would be impossible, precautions were made to prevent her from being defenseless. The cloth used was made of an armorweave instead, at least as far as the pants, coat, and vest were concerned. With these three constructed of a phrik armorweave, instead of the standard durasteel weave, sufficient protection across the board could be ensured so as to prevent untimely demises and risk ensuring the wrath of anyone attached to her. Furthermore, the plates were made of phrik as well, providing actually useful defense against a lightsaber wielding opponent, which the General would likely find herself pitted against in close quarters given her distaste for blaster weaponry.
To provide her with necessary functions for emergencies and general use, the underside of the left forearm was given a hidden holo-pad communicator for emergency functions. This device would allow the projection of holo-communication, or stored information such as schematics in a connected datapad. The right forearm, this time between the leather and phrik plate, was designed with a slot to hide a hidden dagger. There is just enough room to hide a single dagger for personal protection, made so it would be difficult to see without looking at it from the General's perspective.
The end result of this work was a lightweight uniform sufficiently protective to be used where full plate armor would be inappropriate, or inaccessible, while maintaining proper presence. Being essentially cloth or leather like, it would not impede movement greatly, yet the lack of much in the form of plates would reduce overall protectiveness substantially. A well made uniform for a proper lady.