Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Aya Vs. Azalyn Falconer

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The hangar bay of an ImpStar Deuce (Imperial-II class Star Destroyer) is vast, and grey, devoid of the activity that would normally be found on a warship.

The hangar is roughly 100 meters deep, 50 meters across and 50 meters high with solid metal decking. There are 4 cargo crates sitting on a tug platform off to the left side of the room if the combatants are facing the aperture to space.

There are 2 TIE/LN parked in the back of the hangar, one on each side, and 2 more hanging from the ceiling in their storage mounts.

There is a hanging gangway over the hangar floor that allows pilots access to the stored TIE/LN from the glass ATC station located on the very back wall of the hangar.

The room is well lit, there is no wind and no personnel. The force field is active and fighters are in no danger of being sucked out into space.

The fighters will enter from opposite sides. The fight will go on until either one or both fighters is dead or incapacitated, a fighter surrenders either verbally or by leaving the bay, or time runs out.

May the Force be with you.

[member="AyaOOC"] [member="Aya D'Ordinii"]
[member="Azalyn Falconer"]
After the previous round, Azalyn was feeling pretty confident, but that wasn't much of a change from her usual demeanour. She'd armed herself with twin katanas and a blaster, and was entering the hangar bay calmly, with an imposing stride.
[member="Aya D'Ordinii"]
*Aya calmly wanders into the hanger of the seemingly deserted ISD, finishing off the last of the green she had gotten at the festival. It wasn't the first time she had been on one. The bridge in particular had brought back ancient memories from when the class was still the forefront of military technology. Just as she had expected, there were a few ships left in the hanger. Unfortunately they were the hyperdrive lacking TIE fighters. Every escape pod she had passed had already been jettisoned. If need be she could always jury rig the massive ship enough to make a hyperspace jump. but that would take weeks by herself.*

*Aya noticed the first other person she had seen on the ship enter from the other side of the hanger. Quickly dialing up her vision magnification, she took stock of the other. Female, Dark clothing, a blaster & a pair of overly fancy swords. She also looked ready to start a fight. Oh well. Shrugging out of the all concealing white cloak with gold thread she favors as over-wear, Aya hangs it up on a pilot suit rack next to the TIE fighters. Raising her left arm, she focuses on the ancient, fading, green strip of cloth tied around her bare bicep.*

Ni su'cuyi, gar kyr'adyc, ni partayli, gar darasuum. Eliel.

*Beyond the armband, she wore only a matching pair of bracers & pauldrons, made of the nearly mythic metal Beskar. That & what once had been a body suit but had been cut down to the point of minimal modesty. Almost like something you would see on a professional long distance runner. The only weapon being openly carried was a Rusty Products Executive Protection Carbine (, Though it was possible that other small weapons could be concealed as pull out pieces of her armour.*

*Keeping the weapon ready she starts out across the bay, calling out to the other woman.*

Su'cuy. Gar vode?
Know your enemy. That was the first lesson Azalyn was taught when she was trained - or rather Raven. She was Raven now, the all-powerful black market celebrity. Raven had made a point of knowing her enemy, and this one wasn't Force-sensitive. She'd beaten Force-wielders several times before and would make light work of this one - except in a duel, the main essence of it is making yourself hard work, as hard as you can. Oh well. Raven drew her swords calmly, slowly, trying to intimidate the woman opposite her, and then as suddenly as if a switch was flicked, she sprinted towards the woman and began swinging her swords. As they spun they flashed a bright silver, for they were best-quality durasteel, and her opponent would be to caught up in dodging the dancing blades to launch an attack.

[member="Aya D'Ordinii"]
*As the other woman began to charge, Aya had plenty of time to react. For one reason, she was still a ways away. For the second reason, there wasn't a non-jetii alive that could match her in either raw speed or reaction time. The benefit of not being a meat-sack. Not that she would let anyone that learned that fact live to talk about it. Only the dead keep secrets. Before the other woman had time to cross half the distance, Aya's rifle pulled up the last few inches needed to get into a firing position. But where to put the first shot? Aya was already running her perceptional clock at about 75% efficiency. Meaning that the other woman seemed to be moving through a thick syrup. A body shot would just escalate the conflict more. No, a nice kneecap shot would do for an opening. Lining up the shot, she led her target just barely, letting the other woman move into the bullet so to speak, before squeezing the trigger softly. The rifle seemed to take a few moments to Aya's speed up thought speed before it shuddered & spat out a trio of bullets. The timing was such that the bullets would pass right through where the woman's left knee would be just as that foot hit the ground. In order to dodge it she would need insane reflexes & would have to make a rather awkward step that would kill most of her forward momentum. Or she could try to duck into a roll either forward or off to either side. It didn't matter to Aya, her plan was to keep about thirty metres between them & just keep taking shots.*

[member="Azalyn Falconer"]
Raven saw the woman pulling the trigger and immediately stepped to the left, letting the bullet sink into the ground. She slid one katana back into her belt and drew her blaster, then aimed right at the other woman's gun. Her slight side angle meant that if the shot hit its target it would render the gun useless. As the energy blast shot across the hangar bay, she kept advancing forwards, swinging the remaining katana in a defensive shield across her body to keep shots out.
[member="Aya D'Ordinii"]
*The other woman had sharp eyes for certain to spot her firing in time to step aside like that. The woman made the mistake of trying to change out her weapons in combat though, a risky maneuver in the best of times due to the time needed & the distraction it would cause. Trying it while standing out in the open & already under fire was tantamount to suicide. Before the other woman's blade was even halfway into the sheathe Aya fired the grenade launcher at the other woman, aiming at her face. The first round in the launcher was a flashbang, technically with the intention of defusing or fleeing from a fight before it got too rough. Unfortunately neither of those would happen. The last four rounds in the launcher alternating HE & Thermal Detonator order repeated twice.*

*The flashbang would explode after traveling 20 of the 30 meters between the two women, Filling the air with a thunder of sound & nova of light. Anyone with their eyes or ears open during that moment would be blind & deaf for several seconds at least & a few minutes at most. Queuing up her targeting systems as the cylinder was still flying across the space, she loaded a trio of attacks to launch the moment the grenade explodes, taking advantage of the confusion to hopefully sneak in a hit. The first three round burst would target the woman's left shoulder, the next would be aimed at her navel, then her right shoulder. Any attack the woman might launch would be likely thrown off by the flashbang's burst. Aya's attacks meanwhile would benefit from the fact that she didn't need to keep her eyes open after loading in the angles. A quick mute & blink of her visual & auditory systems would be more than enough to keep the flashbang from effecting her.*

[member="Azalyn Falconer"]
Azalyn was certainly impressed with the woman's quick reflexes, but she knew that she was faster. To dodge the first shot all she had to do was duck her head, and she ducked onto her knees once the other sword was strapped to her back again. She took advantage of the lower found to swing her sword into the woman's ankles. If she jumped to dodge the blade, one kick would bring her down and she'd have the power. If she moved backwards, it would simply be a question of making her back up to the other end of the room. If she moved to either side, the swing of the sword would still catch her and of course if she didn't move at all, she'd lost her ankles. As she swung, with the other hand she smacked the blaster into the woman's hip, which had the effect of either making her back up or causing her a distracting amount of pain.

[member="Aya D'Ordinii"]
*Aya was somewhat confused. This woman had somehow completely ignored a flashbang grenade exploding in front of her face, dodged a full body spread of bullets, & crossed thirty meters of open deck in the less than a quarter of a second that Aya had flickered her vision. Very well, if the woman could pull that kind of physical speed, Aya would have to drop the 'I'm a regular mortal' act.*

*Aya pushes her clock speed all the way to its maximum setting. Everything slowed down to nearly a standstill. Now Aya had plenty of time to act. Turning off her pain sensors, she pushes her leg into the blade, catching it higher than the intended ankle target. The simple steel bit into her false flesh, but not deeply. The synthetic muscle bundles were far to strong to fail to an unpowered blade. Even a vibrosword would have trouble cutting her muscles & would completely fail to cut or break the reinforced bone. To the other woman it would feel like trying to chop into a concrete pillar with a iron bar, with about the same effect. In the same motion, Aya swung the barrel of the half metre rifle down at the head of the woman, moving so fast she would blur to even high grade cameras. At this setting she was easily as fast as a jedi master using Force Speed. She primed the blaster mounted in her skull behind her left eye, but didn't fire it yet. It would be a powerful surprise for later.*

[member="Azalyn Falconer"]
Whatever genetic enhancements or cybernetic implants this woman had, they felt like cheating. Well, Raven knew how to cheat too. All armour had a weak link, she knew that - it would be somewhere and she needed to keep the woman distracted while she figured it out. She slid on her knees across the floor to avoid the rifle and stood up. Quickly, before the woman could turn around, she slashed at her back with her sword and fired a few times at the back of her head. The thing distinguishing her from regular humans would most likely prevent all superficial wounds until she found a way around it, but if she could get her opponent to lose her balance and perhaps even fall over, then Raven would have the upper hand.
[member="Aya D'Ordinii"]
*Aya checked her blow, she wasn't sure how the dark clothed figure had managed to duck under a strike aimed downward without sliding into her own legs, the momentum of the move was just all wrong, but Aya was past caring what force magics the person was using. She would still win this fight.*

*The woman tried to duck around behind her, but for one thing, no mortal was that much faster than her. For another all she had to do was pivot to counter the other woman's attempt at circling. The sword was easy enough to counter, she simply swiped her right arm in a tight defensive arc, using the natural resistances of carbon filaments that made her far stronger & faster than any living thing to stop the blade, which did little more than break the skin.*

*her counterattack however started when the woman tried to shoot her in the head. Bending her knees she ducked easily under the shots, flicking the rifle to full auto at the same time. She pumped the entire remaining 188 rounds in the clip into a wide arch centered on the woman. Aya didn't care what kind of magic the other woman was using, there wasn't a continuous cubic foot of air within four paces of where her target was standing. At that range & at nearly a thousand meters per second even a Master of the Force deep in Force Speed wouldn't be able to do anything that would save their skin.*

[member="Azalyn Falconer"]
Time seemed to slow as the shots sailed through the air. She saw from the woman's posture that she saw no way for Raven to survive, and she was right...almost. You didn't get rid of Raven that easily.

Raven turned to the side, making the target smaller, and slashed her sword through the air in a continuous pattern. Most of the rounds fell harmlessly to the ground and the ones in danger of meeting their target were knocked out of the air with a swing of her blade before they could hit her. She leapt forward as they exploded with a bang behind her, and sent a powerful kick straight to the woman's jaw. Now that she had used up the last of her ammunition, the woman had given up her best weapon and Raven planned to take full advantage of the situation.

[member="Aya D'Ordinii"]
*Enough was enough. Now the woman had put her sword in the path of the bullets & instead of breaking like a steel sword should have, the rounds where blocked. Aya didn't even bother dodging the kick. An unpowered mortal would bruise the cloned skin she hid in, but would had no effect on the silicates & polymers that made up her bones or the carbon bundles of her muscles. It had as much effect as someone kicking a statue. Meaning it was likely to hurt the kicker & the statue wouldn't care or notice.*

*Aya took a moment to call up the data plans for this class of Star Destroyer. Leveling the Carbine one handed at the correct section of bulkhead, Aya emptied two of the remaining four grenades into the one point in the metal wall & a third into another point ten meters to the left. There was a secondary explosion from behind the wall, bright & thundering, but too weak to threaten anyone in the hanger. However, the thing that had just exploded wasn't a random piece of machinery. It was a very specific piece of machinery. The atmospheric shielding over the mouth of the hanger failed. The blast door that should have activated to stop the leak was disabled from the third grenade.*

*Sirens began to wail as secondary blast doors began to seal off the soon to be a vacuum hanger bay. It would be uncomfortable, & she would have to replace most of her skin on her next repair cycle, but the lack of air would not affect her beyond that. The woman could stay & die from lack of air. Or she could flee the hanger & forfeit the fight. Aya was curious to see which she would choose.*

[member="Azalyn Falconer"]
By now the fight had gone from a duel to a question of dodging explosive after explosive and Raven was getting bored of it. She would have to rid the woman of anything else that could be blown up, but first she had to find a way out of her latest round of explosives without appearing to flee from the fight. The only way to escape alive without forfeiting the duel was if the woman - clone, droid, whatever she was - came with her. Since she obviously wouldn't be affected by this, she'd have to be brought by force.

Thinking on her feet, Raven guessed she had about a minute to leave. Even by her standards, that wasn't very long, but it could be done. Taking one large step to close the distance, she wrapped one arm around her neck and flipped her body over her shoulder. With the other arm she took hold of the woman's legs with a powerful grip so she couldn't escape - at least not before Raven herself had done so - and she sprinted outside just in time.

Once there was enough distance between the two women and the exploded hangar, Raven dropped the woman at her feet, then stood on her neck. The move wasn't supposed to kill her, because she knew it wouldn't, but it would prevent her from getting up before she had time to figure out how to beat her.

[member="Aya D'Ordinii"]
OOC: Right that is enough. I'm calling for a judge to resolve this. I could continue this fight. I could allow the grab only to shot you at point blank range with her blaster. I could continue the fight with her remaining grenade, or her knives, or her lightsabre. Absent all of that, she could dismantle your character with her bare hands. But it is clear that no matter what attack I use you will dismiss it as failing, regardless of the physical abilities required for the dodge or the laws of physics you would need to ignore. Since that is the case, I see no point for continuing the fight.

For the record, Aya is a late production version of a hybrid YVH battle droid & an HRD. The design leans much closer to the YVH side. You attacked a tank with a knife, I suggested you stay at range which would give you a fighting chance. You also could have used environmental attacks (such as I did later in the fight). The explosion of a TIE fighter or its mounted weapons would have been extremely effective, for example.

[member="Azalyn Falconer"] [member="Sinistra"]


The Second Seal, broken.
[SIZE=14.6667px]I’m your friendly neighborhood Sith Lord, and I’m going to do my best to pass fair and unbiased judgement on this duel. If you feel the decision is unfair or you don’t understand some of my points, feel free to send me a PM.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]With that out of the way, let me spare you the wait. [member="Aya D'Ordinii"] [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]wins this duel[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px], because [member="Azalyn Falconer"] broke the basic tenets of dueling sportsmanship and cooperative roleplay in general.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Straight from the 2nd Tournament rules:[/SIZE]
Eralam said:
[SIZE=14.6667px]Remember your dueling etiquette.[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px] For those who haven't dueled before, there will be a more in depth guide later, and of course you're always welcome to ask questions. In fact, I encourage questions. If a duel is too close to call, the decision can come down to who fights the cleaner duel on a technical level. It's rare, but it happens.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]I cannot stress this enough. Azalyn, you’ve received a warning for this kind of behavior in your first round already – from me, no less – but this duel has many repeat offenses, some of them far worse.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]I won’t generalize, though; neither of you can learn anything from sweeping statements. So without further ado, here’s the detailed analysis of the fight. It’s [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]remarks[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px] and observations written down as I went through the duel, along with [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]recommendations[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px] for improvement on various fronts.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.6667px]Azalyn; 2 durasteel katanas, blaster | Armor undisclosed[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Aya; RCFC carbine, undisclosed weapons | Beskar bracers & pauldrons. Undisclosed body build / chassis build[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]→ [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]A lack of detail or reference on this front may prove problematic in other duels, and already kind of did here.[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px] [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]Generally, it’s good form to list what equipment and/or gear one has on their person at the start of the fight[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px] (consider a spoiler for this, perhaps). This helps clear up any potential conflicts and prevents the duelists from trying to [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]deus ex machina[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px] their way out of a sticky situation with something they conveniently failed to mention in the beginning.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]It’s not enforceable, but it’s something to consider.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]FORMATTING[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px] (purely optional)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Aya; different colors ([/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]violet-gray[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px] contrast is low and makes for poor legibility)[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.6667px]1)[/SIZE][/URL][SIZE=14.6667px] [/SIZE]
Raven had made a point of knowing her enemy, and this one wasn't Force-sensitive.
[SIZE=14.6667px]→ How does Azalyn know this? [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]If she is a Force User, she [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]has[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px] to have the tag.[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px] [[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]rules link[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]][/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]2)[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px] She ignores the other two bullets, ‘just stops’ mid-charge. Also time taken to sheathe a katana, pull out a blaster, and fire[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]→ [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]this is a very long action to perform during combat. It invites post cuts. [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]Try to limit your actions to a couple, and have them be short.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]3)[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px] She ignores flashbang and has somehow crossed a 30 m gap between herself and Aya. She also ignores the rest of the attacks (4 grenades in total)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]→ The distance jump in itself is problematic, but the unexplained dodge is even more so. [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]The least you can do when avoiding an opponent’s attack is to clarify how and why the dodge was possible and how your character pulled it off.[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px] Anything else is dismissive of their effort.[/SIZE]
she smacked the blaster into the woman's hip
[SIZE=14.6667px]→ [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]You called a hit here.That’s one of few hard rules of RP; [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]do not do it[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px].[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]4)[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px] Knee slide? Azalyn has no forward momentum because she ducked down and swung her sword. There’s no direction given; presumably between Aya’s legs, but there would be no space for this. Furthermore, the downward strike of Aya’s weapon had a very short distance to travel, as opposed to Azalyn’s still-start knee slide.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]→ [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]Look into body movement, watch a couple of videos of close-quarters combat. It will give you a reference point for what bodies can and cannot do, and help you write such situations with greater accuracy.[/SIZE]
she slashed at her back with her sword and fired a few times at the back of her head.
[SIZE=14.6667px]→ [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]You’re calling another hit.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]5)[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px] Azalyn blocks high-speed bullets at point-blank with a spinning sword.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]→ [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]This is a no go[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px].[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px] Anything short of beskar or phrik would shatter, or at the very least bend irreparably from that kind of battering at that kind of range. A thin durasteel katana would explode into a million pieces and pepper both Azalyn and Aya with shrapnel, resulting in excessive amounts of pain. Even with insane Jedi reflexes, spinning a sword fast enough to catch [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]all[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px] of the bullets is pretty much impossible; Azalyn is by all accounts a mere human.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]→ [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]If you cannot think of a feasible way to counter an opponent’s attack, consider taking a hit.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]6)[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px] [/SIZE]
she wrapped one arm around her neck and flipped her body over her shoulder. With the other arm she took hold of the woman's legs with a powerful grip so she couldn't escape - at least not before Raven herself had done so - and she sprinted outside just in time. Once there was enough distance between the two women and the exploded hangar, Raven dropped the woman at her feet, then stood on her neck.
[SIZE=14.6667px]→ [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]This is the most substantial hit calling to date here, and it is absolutely unacceptable.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]→ Azalyn also knows out of nowhere that Aya is a.) out of ammo and b.) a clone/droid. [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]Metagaming is strongly discouraged.[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px] [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]Give substantial backing to any such realizations and revelations through written-out RP[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px], and consider that this duel has happened over the span of a minute, and maybe some change. Most people will be too busy fighting to make in-depth analysis. [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]Seek out a lull in combat next time or have Azalyn retreat into cover, where she may have time to think about such things.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]1)[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px] Right off the bat Aya gives precise description for the attacks, and the reasoning for the sped-up perception time. Good going so far.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]2)[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px] Aya makes note of the tempo break while Azalyn switches weapons.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]→ [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]Post-cut.[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px] Shoots a total of 5 grenades at the opponent.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]→ [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]Subjective[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]: A bit overkill I think, especially for the third post of the duel. (Consider [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]this[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px], especially the [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]Lethality of the Attack[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px] section).[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]Attack description is still very precise and on point, Aya defines distance between combatants.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]3)[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px] [/SIZE]
Aya was somewhat confused. This woman had somehow completely ignored a flashbang grenade exploding in front of her face, dodged a full body spread of bullets [...]
[SIZE=14.6667px]→ [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]Understandable frustration – we’ve all done it – but cut the narrative snark.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]→ A bit of a stretch here with likening her speed to that of a Jedi Master using the Force; HRDs were never that fast. Unlisted gear/body capabilities is problematic (as elaborated under EQUIPMENT).[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]4)[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px] [/SIZE]
using the natural resistances of carbon filaments that made her far stronger & faster than any living thing to stop the blade, which did little more than break the skin.
[SIZE=14.6667px]→ [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]Aya is starting to downplay the hits[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px], which ties into the body capabilities issue. Taking a full-on durasteel sword strike to the forearm will cause issues greater than ‘breaking the skin’. Swords cut well.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]→ [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]Bordering on hit calling with[/SIZE]
She pumped the entire remaining 188 rounds in the clip into a wide arch centered on the woman.
Ammunition Capacity: 50 round detachable box magazine for slugs, 5 round internal magazine for microgrenades/light darts
[SIZE=14.6667px]→ Not enough ammo to fire 188 rounds. Same goes for [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]5)[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px] and grenades.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]Have Aya retreat to range and reload her weapon next time.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.6667px]Azalyn; Reread the Roleplaying rules of Chaos and the dueling etiquette. If you have any questions, you can contact one of the GBA judges to clarify things for you. [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]In brief, be realistic about the [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]human NFU abilities[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px] of your character and [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]do not call hits[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px].[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Aya; [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]Cut down on the narrative commentary of your opponent’s posts and back up the abilities of the HRD body with development.[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px] Otherwise, good going.[/SIZE]
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