- Planet Name: Hoylin
- Demonym: Hoylin
- Region: Mid Rim
- System Name: Hoylin System
- System Features: Sun - Hoylin
Planets - Hoylin, Two unnamed planets
Moons: Hoylin - 2 , Planet 2 - 1, Planet 3 - none
Spacial Anomaly: Hoylin's sky distorts with unusual color patterns every so often. Hypothesized to be due to the odd rotational pattern of the moons and their effect on gravity.
Hoylin: Rotational period of about 26 galactic standard hours, second furthest in star system. Orbital period of 360 days (Hoylin time).
- Coordinates: X-39
- Major Imports: Meiloorun Fruit, Medicine, Most industrial products, Technology
- Major Exports: Tourism, Artisan Crafts
- Unexploited Resources: Fod'an Xaxi'a (Hoylin Steel)
- Gravity: Standard
- Climate: Temperate.
- Primary Terrain: Grasslands, Mountains, Beaches, Oceans, a picture vacation world. The Southern Hemisphere is noticeably "greyer" in comparison, as though sick in the land itself and in recovery.
- Atmosphere: Type I
- Capital City: New Hylotl
- Planetary Features: The majority of the Northern and Southern Hemisphere's population centers are a wide mixture, most often weighted in the rural and suburban category but with wide stretches of wilds. Even urban centers are built to have the feel of suburbia, or even rural life. In the North this is about all there is to say, however in the South the state of affairs is worse. There are a number of ruins, of both cities and villages, and even the cities in which people still live have sections that are dilapidated or laying in ruin. While they do hold the same rural and suburban feel of northern cities, they almost resemble a skeleton of a city in which the new city is built.
- Major Locations:
Elbright City
New Hylotl
- Native Species: Humans
- Immigrated Species: Various
- Population: Moderate
- Demographics: The majority of the Hoylin people are humans, though as a gorgeous planet it is popular for retirement of most species that breathe a type one atmosphere. In the Southern hemisphere, due to the Nothing's former taint, the people who have been able to revert are pale, as though having never seen the light of day, twitchy, and easily frightened.
- Primary Languages: Basic
- Culture: The people are open and free, often inviting others into friendly social situations. They value their freedom, and work as best they can to make sure all feel happy and welcome together on the planet. They center their lives around spiritual growth and family ties, with their communities acting as extended family for that very purpose. They live simple and clean lives, often valuing arts such as sculptures and paintings alongside acting for plays and music. The most common sport, Football, is played by almost anyone who can stand. Their spirituality is, often nebulous, however they oftentimes believe that the shifting sky allows for divination of the future. They universally have great respect for both the Order of the Sacred Lotus and the Confederacy for helping tend to the Nothing that corrupted them for so long.
- Government: Elected Monarchy, Local Elders
- Affiliation: Confederacy of Independent Systems
- Wealth: Medium, As a touristic center, many people of all sorts of species come to experience the great number of beautiful sights and once in a lifetime experiences. They also purchase a great number of artisan and hand made crafts, however the lack of any major industrial metropolises or major factories means much of these profits goes to importing a great deal of modern product. Additionally, the population has a near unhealthy love of Meiloorrun Fruit.
- Stability: High The people of Hoylin are peaceful, law abiding citizens for the most part, on par with other worlds such as Naboo, Commenor, or any number of tourist hot spots and trade worlds. Outsiders are welcomed happily, as Tourism is the primary source of income for most sections of the planet, and the people are quick to invite others to friendly gatherings. The smaller villages tend to be lead by the local elders, with larger "cities" often having a local council comprised of the most respected Elders. In the Southern Hemisphere however, due to the rapid collapse of society during the Nothing, these are more communal than elder based, as the Elders were the first to go, resembling localized councils of what few respectable members remained. To ensure unity across the planet, Holyin elects a representative to act as a reigning Queen or King, and given wider power to ensure the planet as a whole prospers.
- Freedom & Oppression: Hoylin greatly values freedom and independence, only recently having even opted to elect an official overarching ruler for the planet as a whole. There is a general fear of the new ruler being a dictator, especially in the North, however they try to remain relaxed and open to everyone. The South are more willing to have a ruler to follow, as though not trusting themselves, despite being just as compassionate and open as the North. As of yet however, the planet as a whole is libertarian.
- Military: Holyin is a peaceful world, without a desire for war and conflict. They possess a small navy capable of handling trade disputes and protecting the planet from standard fare piracy, but lack much else in terms of military naval capability. The ground forces fare better, with much the same in terms of official military but supplemented by the occasional local militia. Despite this, the people are far closer to demilitarized than not, as both the navy and military are essentially glorified police forces.
- Technology: Galactic Standard
A world of least concern in the Mid Rim, Hoylin managed to escape the ravages of the galaxy for the most part since its discovery. There was little strategic importance to the world, so empires of Sith, the Republic, the Rebel Alliance, none had much interest in conquering the world. More or less, they simply followed their neighbors in alignment, avoiding conflict best they could lest war be brought to the spiritual, family loving people of Hoylin. Thus, most of history is sterile and lackluster, up until the years of the Gulag Plague. This horrible affliction was devastating to Hoylin, who valued their family so greatly, that the loss of so much life was almost too much to bear. To be followed later by the Netherworld incident, where many elders and loved ones again were taken, the people wept and mourned. These treasured bonds become ever more important in the wake of these events, and inspired the people to remain independent as possible to avoid losing more than they had already been forced to give.
In fact, they would rarely if ever extend a hand outwards for aught else than welcoming one to visit the tourist delights. It wouldn't be a Darkside affliction on the world that they would turn to the larger stage of the Galaxy for help, unable to address the problem on their own. The Order of the Sacred Lotus were first to respond, sending doctors and healers to contain and respond to the darkside affliction that had come to the city of Hylotl. The people worked tirelessly in the panicking city, as people were twisted into dark reflections of themselves, monsters that craved flesh, human or otherwise. The Order tried their best, but were unable to contain it within the city, and the corruption would steadily spread across the entire southern hemisphere.
Some time later in the North, a small battle would take place within the space above, as a group of Jedi met with members of a group called the Freeholders to gather information regarding a conspiracy. This conspiracy, the Jon-Tow Conspiracy, came to a violent head as a fleet came to disrupt this meeting. The Jedi worked to evacuate who they could, as the meeting ground ship crashed planetside, and confronted the fleet above. The fighting came to a conclusion as they boarded the fleet's flagship, to find the bridge completely empty. The Battle of Hoylin as it was, came to an end, entirely localized within a mountainous region of the planet.
Tragedies would take time still to be corrected, when the Confederacy approached Hoylin to welcome her into their fold. It was then that Elbright City was offered to the Confederacy as a center to hold their many workshops, for personal growth, and when the Confederacy would set out to cleanse the Nothing that plagued the planet itself. The Confederacy, having taken the Order of the Sacred Lotus in alongside its many factions, took every step they had available to address the darkside sickness. The Order would eventually find the very epicenter, and with a cleansing light would cast the Nothing away, radiating out from that central point. Where there was darkness, so too must there be light. Where despair, hope. And where great Darkness rested, so too would great Light come to correct the balance. That was the very thought and feeling that seeped out, relieving the planet of her ailment, and for those still able to be saved the Confederacy spent no wasted time relocating who they could to safety, and arraigning their rehabilitation.
To give their new viceroy a sense of authority, the planet agreed to form an elective monarchy, and construct a capital from which to conduct their business with the rest of the Confederacy. It was at this point that who would first become Hoylin's Viceroy, @Aya Clarke, came to the planet to personally direct and organize construction. Much of that official's personal wealth was spent helping the planet, resulting in her election to Queen, and thus, Viceroy of the planet itself. With construction finished, the Viceroy established, and the Nothing cleansed, the planet joined the greater stage of the galaxy, ever keeping an eye for a resurgence of the darkside Nothing that had divided the planet like a fault line.