Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Baby, It's Cold Outside. [Rebels vs Sith] [Csilla] [mostly finished]


This is what happens when you tap the glass
The crew of the Farmer's Express never went to work today, well not officially at least. Right about now they were being kept in a remote arc of the covenant style warehouse tied to a few chairs with handcuffs set to a timer that would eventually unlock in a good twenty four hours or so. Was it a little mean? Probably. Was it fun to handcuff an entire crew of merchants to chairs? Yes, yes it was. But if the crew of the Farmer's Express was buried deeper than last nights leftover in Popo's chins then one might ask where the ship was? And that of course would be a very good question.


Location: Csilla
Time: 0730
Weather: Blizzard

"Two minutes till drop. Everyone gear up and get ready for insertion." Oddball said from the cockpit of the unarmed freighter.

The Rebel Alliance had taken this lovely vessel while it was on a refueling stop on Coruscant, and it was one a one way trip straight to newly acquired One Sith planet Csilla. Needless to say it was a job that was going to be fun.

Getting up from his seat the ship went into autopilot as he began to slip on his armor and various weapons he had on him. This was his first time back in the field since the loss on Geonosis and since the rebel alliance had withdrew from the outer rim they found themselves working for the republic to bring the pain to sith in anyway they could. That was something he was definitely cool with. But enough about that, it was just about time for everyone to get to going. The Farmer's Express had a delivery of Food Stuff to make at the capital and it wasn't about to be late. However the Rebels that had taken the place of the crew had somewhere else to be.

Making his way to the cargo hold of the ship the crew of about two rebel squads all dressed in winter survival gear was assembled for what was going to be a very trying mission, which was of course to be explained to everyone. Now that they were here.

"So the job is simple, FE is headed towards Sith City, Alpha and Bravo will drop at rally point Kilo and take the sled to the objective, once there we do our thing and get out." Oddball said to his men in a stern voice.

"Thirty seconds." a voice rang out on their comms.

"Let's go." Turning towards the doors the cargo bay ramp began to open as the ship lowered as close as it could to the ground. Grabbing onto a speeder bike oddball mounted it along with another trooper and revved the engine.

"Ten seconds" The voice called out again.

With his winter survival gear on Oddball could feel the blistering winds even from inside the ship, the cold stinging wind and frigid cold. This was going to suck, but flying through the blizzard would give them the necessary cover to get to their target. The Farmer's Express would make it on time to the capital so there would be no alarm, but he knew deep down today was going to go horribly wrong.

the voice continued to count down.

"Rebels never die boys and girls, we just regroup in hell."

Ride!" and with that the sound of engines revving and pushing out the hanger rang out silent in the loud blizzard as two squads of rebels exploded out of the ship's cargo and into the frigid blizzard.

Sannika Brynn

Let me tell you about a Rebellion...
Sannika had never participated in ground warfare before--certainly no squad raids--and she was not entirely confident in her capabilities here. Her role would be vital down the line, but, for now, she was in foreign territory with cold weather gear, an AR-47 that she had just learned how to properly handle a few weeks ago, a generous supply of ammunition, and the speeder bike she was actually going to enjoy using. Maybe.

The air was bitter, even in her heavy snow-camouflaged armor and jacket, and the short twi'lek Rogue was already running at the nose. The freighter hijacking had been thrilling enough for her. But she was now committed to this strike. She was very afraid, but she would soldier on with the rest of her Rebel 'scum' buddies and fight for freedom. They had a resurgence of faith in each other and in their cause with the assist they were giving and receiving from the Republic now--Sannika's home nation, besides--and a fresh, invigorated spirit of a sort of youth and victory was permeating throughout the Alliance once more.

"Ride," they said. And ride she did--like the wind; like the Rogue pilot she was in her bird. It was no race, but the green one felt exhilarated even in the stinging, frigid gusts. Her muffed lekku trailed behind her head like a majestic banner, and she grinned wide behind her mask at the thought of how brave she was.

Oh. She should not have thought about that. Reminded of the submachine gun strapped to her back, Brynn reacquainted herself with the battlefield butterflies. They were fighting against the odds as always. But this would be different. Very different for her.

[member="Oddball"], [member="Juwiela Melec"], [member="Blane Nightfall"], [member="Thane Drexel"], [member="Lok Jorunn"]
Fight for the rebellion, annoy the sith. What else could a soldier ask for? The young Blane certanly couldn't, it was the perfect place, perfect time and the weather was undoubtedly a good test for his abillities. He was rather silent for the most part of the journey having his AR-47 at his back and the speeder prepared, he was e equiped with a winter survival gear and several grenades, of course his blaster was there too as per usual. He knew many of the squad members though Sannika would be a new sight for him, probably because he is rarely fighting aboard any ship. As soon as Oddball gave the order, Blane got out of the ship like an arrow riding alongside the others in the terrible blizzard.

The mission was supposed to be easy, but as Blane already learned, life is not always easy, and the easy path is not always the best, in any case, he was completely prepared for whatever was to come, his AR-47 would make it hard for any force user to deflect every single bullet and in his experienced hands it should be able to buy some time, after all they won't need that much time... right?

[member="Oddball"] [member="Juwiela Melec"] [member="Thane Drexel"] [member="Lok Jorunn"] [member="Sannika Brynn"]


This is what happens when you tap the glass
[member="Sannika Brynn"] [member="Blane Nightfall"]

Oddball's speeder hit the ground with a hard "womp" of impact followed by the skidding of ice against the front of his bike. The wind bite hard against his helmet and he could feel the pressure pushing up against it not only from the forward movement of the bike but the blistering howling crosswinds. Looking at his HUD he coughed loudly in shock of the temperature they were riding through.

Weather: Blizzard
Temperature: -16°
Distance to target: 3 kilometers south
Estimated time of arrival: 5 minutes [factoring in blizzard]
Critical element exposure: 15 Minutes before loss of basic movement.

With that information in mind Oddball focused in and revved on his bike's engine. The speeder flew forward with him and his partner mounted firmly on it. They had to get to their objective and rather quickly before they all turned into rebel icicles, most organics just weren't built to survive conditions such as these. Pushing through through white blanket of snow and frost Oddball and his team were making strong headway to the sled, so he had to brief everyone on what was going to happen.

"In three mikes we're going to reach the sled. Once we are there we shoot the rest of the way up to the objective and have a little a fun." Giving his little short brief on short range closed communications Oddball and the other rebels kept pushing through the blizzard.

But he wasn't riding solo today thankfully, a few key members of the rebellion were there to make sure this mission went well. From what was on his HUD Nightfall and a Rouge were accompanying them. This was good, it meant that they stood a better chance at actually pulling this off.

"Nightfall, pull up on my four, get ready to ditch these rust buckets." Here's to bad decisions.

Sannika Brynn

Let me tell you about a Rebellion...
So far, so good.

Not that it felt good at all. Sannika was probably the smallest one on the raiding party and thus had the least mass to insulate her insides. Thankfully, she had this special armor on, but as their HUDs all indicated, this was a nasty storm and there was a very minimal window of time for them to achieve their destination or end up as snowmen. Still, they all rode ahead dauntlessly like the Rebels they were, and Rogue Three was not about to let these other guys see the pilot chicken out. She was running with the pack. She would be part of the pack. To the very end.

Her bike continued spraying ice particles all about as it plunged through the wicked blizzard, and some from her allies' speed machines slashed at her mask when she maneuvered into a 'wingman' slot as she was accustomed to doing in her warbird. Words were kept to a minimum, but Sannika felt it prudent to chime in over the short-range comms and inform the leader of her shift in position. "Oddball, I'm falling to your five o'clock, behind Nightfall." That was all she would say. Her breath needed be spared for breathing.

The twi'lek's breast heaved up and down and her nose began to practically stream mucus as her body waged war on the cold. It was going to be a fight just to make it to the anticipated battleground...

[member="Blane Nightfall"], [member="Oddball"]
Ground warfare was something Juwiela was not adjusted to, and with fair reason. Any time spent on the battlefield was decidedly not on the battlefield, but rather in the air above it, providing support or otherwise engaging the enemy. Piloting was something that came second nature to her, and she could tell you the ins and outs of a starfighter and its components within minutes. That was beyond easy. This, however, was entirely alien to her. It didn't help that there was currently a blizzard raging, but nothing could be done about it now. She was committed, and that was that. There would be no changing her mind now, even if she had wanted to.

Just as the others she was clad in her own winter gear, though the HUD of her helmet was unlit and useless. Not because the technology was malfunctioning, but because she couldn't exactly see the readouts. A handful of tinkering later and she had modified it just as she had her ship, any readings being communicated through her own system of beeps and chirps that she had developed, thus making any technology she utilized useless to anyone who wasn't, well, her. It was one way to ensure that no one else was able to find use in her possessions, at least.

"Oddball, at your seven." The speeder bike she rode was equally foreign, but at the very least it made some component of the mission at least moderately familiar. The weight of the submachine gun on her back was less so, but something told her she would become accustomed to it in time. The weapon would be her life in this scenario, undoubtedly, and she would likely become just as well-acquainted with its inner workings as she was with her personal ship. But for now it was still a foreign object, albeit one she had learned to shoot and handle in the weeks previous. And now she was going to utilize it in a firefight. Here went nothing.

[member="Sannika Brynn"], [member="Oddball"], [member="Blane Nightfall"]
Blane said nothing at first and followed Oddball's orders, it didn't look like Blane was very affected by the blizzard although in truth, his hands were feeling like frozen ice cubes. "I guess we won't be served a hot meal if we stay a little longer right?" Typical attitude when he's about to do something important, "It's always better with a joke." Is what he always thinks, maybe is true, or maybe not, nevertheless this should be a great day. In a more serious manner Blane spoke to the others "This blizzard may be a perfect cover for the arrival, if we are fast, this could end immediately without too much bloodshed." He then remained silent continuing to ride his speeder.


This is what happens when you tap the glass
[member="Sannika Brynn"] [member="Blane Nightfall"] [member="Juwiela Melec"]

"Confirmed Rouges one and three, stay on target." Oddball said with another powerful rev of his engine causing the bike to push forward faster.

You had to keep pushing the bike, you had to keep it hot and moving or else parts would freeze and you'd be stuck in a winter wonderland of death. Once Blane fell into position Oddball smiled a bit and let out a humorous little scoff at Blane's joke, anything to help ease the tension was always helpful.

"I don't think we'll be having a hot meal today, but first rounds on me when we get back." If we get back, that was always a thought that loomed on the back of his head. The uncertainty of this being their last day in this life.

"Bloodshed is what makes it fun though. The good Dark Lord has promised these folks a free college education and a guarantee that they won't see combat, let's go call him out on his bantha crap." And with that it came into sight.

A blue blinking light that shined a good hundred meters in the distance, that was what they were freezing their asses off to get to. Oddball looked up at his HUD and checked the time to see if they were still early.

Time: 0737
Changeover: 0745
Critical element exposure: 10 minutes
Recommended course of action: Seek shelter

"Perfect, right on time." Oddball said as his bike came to a screeching stop around the little blue light.

"We have seven minutes to clear, change, and infiltrate! Stay warm and keep moving your bodies while I do my thing!" He addressed the team as he jumped off his bike and stood next to the light.

Getting on his hands and knees Oddball began to clear snow with his forearm until he found what he was looking for, the service panel to the tube system that connected Csilla together.

"Ello love, fancy seeing you here." Oddball said in his thick Fett clone accent.

Grabbing the near frozen locking mechanism he began to twist hard straining with the cold metal and giving off an occasional grunt.

"Come on baby don't be a tease I just want a peek." He said with a grunt after.

There was a snap and the frozen door flung out putting oddball on his rear. A smile splashed across his face and he was in.

"Good girl." Oddball said with a chuckle and leaned forward to get to work.

This was service junction twenty four three B, aka their ticket inside. Looking at the inside of the panel there were two tubes side by side, one that lead to the central military transport hub, and the other that lead to Air Outpost Delta Seven. To and from, that was perfect.

"Blane! I'm gonna hit the E stop on both tubes! I'll take the right and you take the left, grab the ion bomb off my bike and plant it inside the left tube after you clear it. Set it for ten minutes. Oddball said as he got to work.

Tinkering with wires Oddball set the cameras on both tubes on a continues loop of Sith troopers standing in them being transported to and from the military hub. Which gave them about a twenty minute window to get this done. So with that out of the way it was go time.

Slamming the emergency stop on tubes a few seconds passed and both tubes going to and from the outpost stopped at the service junction. Oddball set the service hatch on the tubes to open and he quickly got up to head to the Right tube. The underground sled's hatch's opened up from above dropping some snow on a Sith Trooper's head. But that wasn't all that was dropped.

"Surprise bitches!" Dropping a stun grenade down the hatch the Sith troopers looked at it in shock and surprise for a moment before falling to the ground unconscious from the grenades concussive force.

"Bravo and alpha get inside and change over uniforms! Blane clear and set!" Oddball stood up grabbing the SMG on his back to cover the teams that would be heading into the tube.

Sannika Brynn

Let me tell you about a Rebellion...
She and Juwiela skiffed along the permafrost behind their infantry leaders at opposite points of their 'flying V' of sorts. Just like old times.

Momentarily, [member="Oddball"] commanded for the raiding party to come to a halt near a flashing marker, apparently designating an emergency access partition of the tube train system that carried Csilla's inhabitants to-and-fro underneath the icy exterior of this world. Smart people. Then again, who would want to live here, anyway?

The bikes were now stalled, and they would be inoperable within minutes in this weather. Sannika patted her vehicle in almost a loving way, kind of dismayed at the realization that it would be left here to become frosted scrap in the middle of nowhere. "Thanks, buddy," she said with one last pat of its frame. Then she dismounted and collected the pair of cardinam canisters that had been stuffed into her bike's munitions pouch and juggled them around to keep her arms busy, body warm, and concentration on things other than how freaking cold it was.

The emergency access was soon blown wide open and the tube system shut down, the soldiers contained inside knocked out by Oddball's grenades. That signaled it was time to get out of this freezer and into the liveable underground. The twi'lek hopped in the tube car with no lack in enthusiasm.

She began to strip after touching down and laying her weapons in the car, and the cold wind entering through the emergency hatch bit at her bare abdomen once she was down to her shorts and bra. Kind of embarrassed and very chilly, the tukian quickly attempted to put on one of the unconscious enemy female's flightsuits in preparation for their infiltration. That was when she realized just how abnormally short she was. "I... think I might have a problem here, guys..." she muttered, body beginning to quiver. "And I really wasn't planning on fighting in my underwear."

[member="Juwiela Melec"], [member="Blane Nightfall"]
"So I carry the gift then." He said while beginning to open the entrance to the left tube, as soon is was opened, Blane took the bomb and jumped inside the tube, unfortunately few eyes were watching him. Not much time has passed untill one of the surprised soldiers came forward pointing his rifle at Blane. A bad move could be said, sometimes is a virtue to be fast. Blane grabbed the soldier's rifle pushing it aside decorating the floor with several bullets while the young lieutenant hit the soldier in the stomach with his leg and turned hima round quickly aparently using him as a human wall then suddenly using the soldier's rifle against the others.

Once the room was clear, Blane left the body of the soldier on the floor, to be shoot by your own is not a good way to die... "The benefactor sends his regards." The lieutenant said right before taking the bomb from the floor and contacting Oddball "Area clear, though few of them have a red unifrom if you know what I mean... But there are still enough intact." At this point Blane was waiting for further orders while paying attention to the surrounding just in case.
He then begun setting the bomb as fast as he could, it wasn't as hard as he first thought, after that, Blane moved to Oddball's location.

[member="Juwiela Melec"] [member="Sannika Brynn"] [member="Oddball"]
No time was given to consider how frigidly cold it was outside before everyone was shuffled into the tube system for this or that purpose. It was she and Sannika's job to switch over into the flightsuits of the enemy, with there being no time for modesty. There were times when being physically sightless came was useful, and it was now, when Juwiela wasn't able to see the eyes on her, or see any of those about her in a traditional manner either. Despite being unable to see where the unconscious soldiers were, she only fumbled with the uniform of one of the female pilots for a moment before finally managing to slip it on and zip it up. While it didn't fit perfectly, it would work well enough.

Tugging on the material for a moment, she stretched briefly to test the fit. It was then she looked to Sannika, frowning slightly. Her brow knitted together in thought, and she sighed quietly. That made things a bit more complicated than they had been previously, but they would have to make it work. "Tuck and tie the fabric where you can. We don't have many other options, unless you want to switch with me and see if this one fits better. Just let me know." There were also times when physical sight would have been beneficial, such as when clothing came into play. Normally it didn't matter quite so much how their flightsuits fit. Unless, of course, they were attempting to pass themselves off as Sith pilots.

"Now I know why I joined the Alliance as a pilot. Our flightsuits are more comfortable." Anything to diffuse the tension, right? Recovering her weapons once more, she slung her AR-95 across her back and holstered her slugthrower pistol at her side. The only thing moderately comforting about wearing the flightsuit was the fact that it was moderately familiar. She was a pilot, after all, and it was the little things at this point. "Let's at least get a few good starfighters out of this. Don't get me wrong, being on the ground is nice and all, but I think Sanna and I can agree that flying's a bit more interesting." That, and she had a feeling the Sith had something worth stealing. Even if they didn't, well, she was a Rebel. She would make do.

"Let's go raise hell."

[member="Blane Nightfall"], [member="Sannika Brynn"], [member="Oddball"]


This is what happens when you tap the glass
[member="Sannika Brynn"] [member="Blane Nightfall"] [member="Juwiela Melec"]

Everyone was where they needed to be, this was good. Moving back over to the control panel Oddball pulled the E stop back sent the left Tube towards the central military hub with a gift from us to them. Lifting up his middle finger Oddball pointed it at the underground train that was headed to the hub.

"From the rebellion with love mother fucker." Putting his hand down the looked over to see his two squads and pilots had made it inside the right train.

Grabbing his rifle he closed the service panel then jumped down into the train system. Looking at the half naked twe'lik Oddball rolled his eyes and sighed. As much as he loved looking at the fun sized lass they had a job to do and she needed to get dressed right the hell now.

"Just put it on, listen to your commander and tuck it. We have a schedule to make and we're not losing it because of a wardrobe malfunction." looking up Oddball closed the hatch above them closing off the hash winter storm.

"Three minutes to Dress sir, we need to move." One of Oddball's technical sergeants said sternly.

"Changeover everyone." He said to his team.

After a few minutes of awkward stares and arousal Oddball and everyone was changed over into the Sith trooper gear. Now they just needed to get rid of the former owners who were still knocked out.

Moving to the control panel Oddball started up the train and they started moving towards the outpost. As for the survivors, once they got up to full speed which could roughly be compared to a bullet train on coruscant, it was time let God sort it out.

Opening the back door Oddball began to toss out each member of the Sith troopers some becoming street pizza and others landing on the third rail for some electro shock therapy. Either way it was something that had to be done, never take risks on compromising the mission. Civilians was one thing but Oddball didn't feel the least bit bad about ending some Sith lackeys.

"Well that takes care of that." Oddball said with a chuckle despite just killing a good twelve people. Dreadguard for the win.

"Thirty seconds." The tech sergeant said behind his Sith trooper helmet.

"Plan is simple, pilots go grab some fighters. Infantry move through to the armory, clear out the armor, guns, and IFF tags. Pilots you are the distraction, once you guys have those ships start raising hell, we'll grab a shuttle and bounce In time for the last call." Giving the plan Oddball smiled beneath his helmet as the tram slowly came to a stop and the doors opened to show a small Sith air outpost.

Stepping out Oddball had a look of confidence in his posture. Approaching the off going squads they were right on time for the changeover at 0745.

"You guys rest up, we got this. Careful on the ride back though, there's a few bumps on the tracks." Oddball said as the few squads of men began to swap out of the train.

Operation break in, steal a bunch of crap, and then run away was a go.
[member="Oddball"] [member="Juwiela Melec"] [member="Blane Nightfall"] [member="Sannika Brynn"]

Always late to the party when alcohol is involved, Thane sat in a lone dropship making its way to the ground. His head pounded and his stomach gave a defiant gurgle as it attempted to purge the liquid inside, but the Iron Gullet of the Benefactor proved too strong and all that escaped was a foul belch that was trapped in Thane's cowl.

Dressed to the nines in cold weather gear, yet still fancying his trench coat over the top, his weapons were strapped to his waist. A pair of blasters and a scattershot lay in wait to be plucked for combat. The benefactor had spent many a nights lately with his favorite bottle after the Faction lost standing in the galaxy. He had fought so hard to get his group to where they were only to have some jealous, whiny business Siths come take their toys. Now was the time to deliver some payback. It would be fun to cause mischief again like when he was a rookie pilot.

The dropship came in a dumped him about five clicks off the target with a speeder bike and a few more supplies for the fight ahead.

"This is Benefactor, on station. En route to rondesvou."

Sannika Brynn

Let me tell you about a Rebellion...
"Okay... Got it..." Sannika replied, slightly frustrated with the process of getting re-dressed. She felt like she was in a clown suit even after tautening the pilot apparel around her waist, sleeves and pantlegs ludicrously baggy and droopy. She rubbed her hand down her lekku in thought as she gazed down at herself and sighed. "I look silly." That was stating the obvious.

After the arduous procedure of more-or-less fitting her stolen flightsuit to her size, the twi'lek picked her AR-47 back up and slung it around her shoulders in combat-ready arrangement, then tucked and strapped the rest of her munitions into the various pockets and straps of the uniform.

Then she glanced up and saw what [member="Oddball"] and his squad did. "Don't--" she began, then left it to silence and turned away from the grim scene. She was a pilot. Maybe she had killed people, but she had never actually seen it if she did. Everything felt brighter in the air. A kill was a kill, and a bomb dropped meant nothing from her untouchable perch kilometers up in the sky. But now she was here as a soldier, and she was finally getting a glimpse of how cruel war was.

It weighed on her heart deep down. Everyone knew her for the sporty, lighthearted flygirl she was normally. But now she was seeing war through the eyes of the brave men of the Marines--and the civilians. They were purposely launching people onto the tracks to die. It was practically murder. Sannika understood it. And yet it made no sense.

Why did people have to die?

The miniature Rogue Squadron flyer raised her rifle in the air to signal her readiness. "Let's do this..." she said in team spirit. But she was not sure if she was truly ready at all.

The gun in her hand was made for death.

[member="Blane Nightfall"], [member="Juwiela Melec"], [member="Oddball"], [member="Yusan Fenn"], [member="Thane Drexel"]
Well time for action, As anyone could guess, Blane wasn't the pilot type, so he went outside the tram with Oddball and the others, he would surely move to the armory and of course take what he can. Now there didn't seem to be any sign of a sith yet but there could always be someone or something ready to stop the rebel plans and for this, Blane was preapred, one would wodner if this is because of his attitude that could have hid something or becaise of his overcaution, whatever may be, it served him well untill now just like his favorite AR-47 did.
Well everything seemed in order, mission working fine, at least untill now.

[member="Sannika Brynn"] [member="Thane"] derexel [member="Yusan Fenn"] [member="Oddball"] [member="Juwiela Melec"]
ʜᴄ sᴠɴᴛ ᴅʀᴀᴄᴏɴᴇs
Trystis Ray glanced over sideways at a nervous worker. She briefly made eye contact with him, but then quickly looked back down at her terminal, typing with a newfound fervor and a muffled "sorry". He had sat for a good long while on the shuttle ride over, and a while longer on the train ride to the control center. In here, the acolyte didn't want to sit, so he simply paced. Like a caged Manka cat. And he wondered.

First, he wondered what these people did to merit his master sending him of all people for a security inspection - mere acolytes usually got such mundane tasks, but having one breathing down your neck usually meant something was wrong.. On the bright side, fixing it would be easy. Make an example and the rest would be sure to fall in line.

"Tell me." he said, in a voice like a trickle of icy water down her back. "What was that?"

"What was what? Um, sir."

"That camera appears to have skipped." He motioned for her to rewind briefly, showing how the troopers changed their standing positions. Have you been keeping your security equipment properly maintained?"

"Of course - I mean, we have the service records on file..."

Beneath his visor, the Echani began to grin. "Then tell me why it would malfunction?"

The dots began to connect in her mind. "A breach? That's impossible... this facility is one of the most secure in the sector!" Maybe, the Sith thought, but it gives me an excuse to squeeze you.

"Well, Captain, you just contradicted me. We'll call that strike one. Do I need to tell you what happens if you get a strike two?" She swallowed. He could feel the fear radiating from her. It tasted sweet in his mouth. It tasted like opportunity.

"I'll put up I.D. checkpoints. And, um, raise the alert level to yellow." The fact that the alert level wasn't already yellow was a bad sign to begin with, given that it was the standard for operating procedures. She issued the commands over the intercom. Trystis continued pacing, secure in the knowledge that it was probably nothing more than a false alarm...

[member="Sannika Brynn"], [member="Oddball"], [member="Juwiela Melec"]
"Alright, we have to be fast. Ignore any questions and act like you know where you're going. It's just like the hangars back home, Sanna." Juwiela offered a smile to the young pilot, the one she had grown the closest to her and her constant wingmate in most every combat scenario. Outwardly she acted as if nothing about what had transpired previously bothered her, but inwardly was another story. While she did understand that life had to be taken in order to further the mission of the Rebellion, and had no doubt killed others in the past, directly or otherwise, she had never witnessed it. Much like Rogue Three, she lived in her own impenetrable fortress in the skies. Nothing could touch her there.

Here, however, was a different story. Right now she was vulnerable, something she was acutely aware of and didn't enjoy in the least. This was an almost entirely alien situation to her, but regardless of her sentiments she took her rifle in hand. Whether she liked it or not, the weapon would no doubt have to be utilized before either of them reached their goal of reaching the hangar. Sure, she could talk big game and act like she knew what she was doing, but she wasn't always as self-assured as she seemed. Rogue Leader she may have been, but she was Commander of the Starfighter Corps and nothing else. This most certainly wasn't in her job description.

Still, she walked with confidence once she entered the building, acting as if she had always been a Sith pilot instead of one that flew against them at almost every opportunity. If they ran into any hiccups the jig was most certainly up, but for now they were as safe as they could be in the middle of enemy territory with nothing but a few guns and grenades between them and the soldiers that surrounded them at every turn. She would only relax once she was in a ship and outside of the hangar, up in the air where she belonged. Until then, she was on edge. Whether it was PTSD or just common sense, she was jumpy.

Slowly she scanned her surroundings, able to see through any walls thanks to her Force Sight that compensated for her lack of physical eyes. A dark presence manifested itself, and though distant it caused a cold stone to sink in the pit of her stomach. Feth. Tapping on her leg seemingly idly, she drummed out a pattern with her fingers that Sannika would hopefully recognize. After a brief time spent as a prisoner of war, she had at least attempted to teach a few members of the Alliance her own unique version of Morse code. It was that she utilized now, communicating only one word: Sith.

[member="Trystis Ray"], [member="Blane Nightfall"], [member="Sannika Brynn"], [member="Thane Drexel"], [member="Yusan Fenn"], [member="Oddball"]


This is what happens when you tap the glass
[member="Yusan Fenn"] [member="Thane Drexel"] [member="Sannika Brynn"] [member="Blane Nightfall"] [member="Trystis Ray"] [member="Juwiela Melec"]

Oddball wasn't quite in his zone, normally he'd be more comfortable with being on the front lines shooting up a few enemy soldiers. However that being said, this spy stuff was pretty fun. It was the first time he threw someone off a train so that was a thing. But it was time to keep the mind focused on the mission. He, Blane, and a squad of Sith disguised rebel infantry headed towards the armory of the outpost to begin the process of cleaning house.

"This is going to be quick Blane, you take these two men and cover Parker, Jacobs, and I while we grab the stuff on the hover crates. We go off of Rouge Leader's signal." Oddball said under his breath to Blane.

Approaching the armory down a long hallways, two Sith troopers stood guard outside of a large metal door. From a good distance of fifteen meters Oddball cursed silently to himself after seeing the massive door that was keeping them from the armory, as well as the biometric scanners attached to the locking mechanism.

"Well crap." Oddball said to himself as he approached the door.

On a closed and encrypted comm channel Oddball hailed the two pilots to inform them of the situation at hand and the steps he would need to take in order for them to be successful.

"Leader and three, this is Oddball. We have a biometric door, I'm gonna have to waste the guy in front of me to open it. I need you to be airborne like yesterday. Hurry up while I handle the guards." Oddball said in a hushed voice as he approached the guards at the door.

"Play it cool Blane, no shots until she gives the signal." He said once again hushed.

"Good morning brothers, we're here to do make sure everything is in tip top shape. How goes it round here?" Oddball asked the Sith troopers in a very commanding yet near casual tone.

"I don't remember hearing anything about a inspection." The Sith trooper said in response.

"Well it's a surprise inspection corporal, wouldn't want you gents tidying up before we get here." Oddball said keeping his same tone.

"With all due respect sir I think we would of at least been informed of an arrival of a captain to inspect us. But I guess that's why I'm a corporal and you're a captain." The Sith trooper said with a small sigh at the end.

"Exactly son, now since this is an inspection of not only the facility but the men, what is your first general order?" Oddball was just trying to kill time now before he killed this guy. War was war after all.
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The Sith trooper searched his thoughts. He honestly wasn't that bright, but he was smart enough to remember what he was supposed to do. Incompetence leads to bad things in the Sith military. What was it again...

A feminine voice echoed from the intercom: "Attention to all security personnel. Per orders, threat level is to be raised to yellow. I repeat, threat level is raised to yellow - please follow all security protocols."

His face lit up under his helmet, and he nodded towards the "Captain", the disguised [member="Oddball"]. "Sorry - someone higher up crossed one of those Dark Lord types, now we got a Sith breathing down our necks." Maybe that was why this person was walking up to him. "So the first general order for yellow - aside from guard duty, I mean - is..." He opened up his small, black handbook. "Oh! I.D. inspections, shouldn't take long. Just give me your personnel code so I can give you the all-clear, sir." A simple matter for him, one that wouldn't take long at all. He had a good feeling about this day.


Elsewhere, in the primary tower, Trystis pressed his hand against the window. The glass was cold - but he didn't mind the cold. Extreme environs were like grindstones against which the blade of the Dark Side could be sharpened. All was going as his lord would have willed. A false alarm, a bit of intimidation, and soon this place would be airtight, impregnable.

So why do I still feel this sense of unease? There was a current of emotion in the Force - anticipation, as though something was about to boil over. The potential for things to, at any time, fall into chaos. And all of this sprang from an unknown source. This troubled him. Then he felt it - scrutiny. A feeling of being watched, permeating his being.

The pieces began to fall into place. He felt a presence, a light presence. It flickered into view like an igniting flame. Whatever it was, it would be aware of this. A mutual sense of realization - the ripples of discovery. "Captain - prepare to mobilize a pacification squad - multiple ones, if you're feeling cautious." She was. "I have to go investigate something."

[member="Juwiela Melec"], [member="Blane Nightfall"], [member="Sannika Brynn"], [member="Thane Drexel"], [member="Yusan Fenn"]

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