This is what happens when you tap the glass
The crew of the Farmer's Express never went to work today, well not officially at least. Right about now they were being kept in a remote arc of the covenant style warehouse tied to a few chairs with handcuffs set to a timer that would eventually unlock in a good twenty four hours or so. Was it a little mean? Probably. Was it fun to handcuff an entire crew of merchants to chairs? Yes, yes it was. But if the crew of the Farmer's Express was buried deeper than last nights leftover in Popo's chins then one might ask where the ship was? And that of course would be a very good question.
Location: Csilla
Time: 0730
Weather: Blizzard
"Two minutes till drop. Everyone gear up and get ready for insertion." Oddball said from the cockpit of the unarmed freighter.
The Rebel Alliance had taken this lovely vessel while it was on a refueling stop on Coruscant, and it was one a one way trip straight to newly acquired One Sith planet Csilla. Needless to say it was a job that was going to be fun.
Getting up from his seat the ship went into autopilot as he began to slip on his armor and various weapons he had on him. This was his first time back in the field since the loss on Geonosis and since the rebel alliance had withdrew from the outer rim they found themselves working for the republic to bring the pain to sith in anyway they could. That was something he was definitely cool with. But enough about that, it was just about time for everyone to get to going. The Farmer's Express had a delivery of Food Stuff to make at the capital and it wasn't about to be late. However the Rebels that had taken the place of the crew had somewhere else to be.
Making his way to the cargo hold of the ship the crew of about two rebel squads all dressed in winter survival gear was assembled for what was going to be a very trying mission, which was of course to be explained to everyone. Now that they were here.
"So the job is simple, FE is headed towards Sith City, Alpha and Bravo will drop at rally point Kilo and take the sled to the objective, once there we do our thing and get out." Oddball said to his men in a stern voice.
"Thirty seconds." a voice rang out on their comms.
"Let's go." Turning towards the doors the cargo bay ramp began to open as the ship lowered as close as it could to the ground. Grabbing onto a speeder bike oddball mounted it along with another trooper and revved the engine.
"Ten seconds" The voice called out again.
With his winter survival gear on Oddball could feel the blistering winds even from inside the ship, the cold stinging wind and frigid cold. This was going to suck, but flying through the blizzard would give them the necessary cover to get to their target. The Farmer's Express would make it on time to the capital so there would be no alarm, but he knew deep down today was going to go horribly wrong.
Two! the voice continued to count down.
"Rebels never die boys and girls, we just regroup in hell."
Ride!" and with that the sound of engines revving and pushing out the hanger rang out silent in the loud blizzard as two squads of rebels exploded out of the ship's cargo and into the frigid blizzard.
Location: Csilla
Time: 0730
Weather: Blizzard
"Two minutes till drop. Everyone gear up and get ready for insertion." Oddball said from the cockpit of the unarmed freighter.
The Rebel Alliance had taken this lovely vessel while it was on a refueling stop on Coruscant, and it was one a one way trip straight to newly acquired One Sith planet Csilla. Needless to say it was a job that was going to be fun.
Getting up from his seat the ship went into autopilot as he began to slip on his armor and various weapons he had on him. This was his first time back in the field since the loss on Geonosis and since the rebel alliance had withdrew from the outer rim they found themselves working for the republic to bring the pain to sith in anyway they could. That was something he was definitely cool with. But enough about that, it was just about time for everyone to get to going. The Farmer's Express had a delivery of Food Stuff to make at the capital and it wasn't about to be late. However the Rebels that had taken the place of the crew had somewhere else to be.
Making his way to the cargo hold of the ship the crew of about two rebel squads all dressed in winter survival gear was assembled for what was going to be a very trying mission, which was of course to be explained to everyone. Now that they were here.
"So the job is simple, FE is headed towards Sith City, Alpha and Bravo will drop at rally point Kilo and take the sled to the objective, once there we do our thing and get out." Oddball said to his men in a stern voice.
"Thirty seconds." a voice rang out on their comms.
"Let's go." Turning towards the doors the cargo bay ramp began to open as the ship lowered as close as it could to the ground. Grabbing onto a speeder bike oddball mounted it along with another trooper and revved the engine.
"Ten seconds" The voice called out again.
With his winter survival gear on Oddball could feel the blistering winds even from inside the ship, the cold stinging wind and frigid cold. This was going to suck, but flying through the blizzard would give them the necessary cover to get to their target. The Farmer's Express would make it on time to the capital so there would be no alarm, but he knew deep down today was going to go horribly wrong.
Two! the voice continued to count down.
"Rebels never die boys and girls, we just regroup in hell."
Ride!" and with that the sound of engines revving and pushing out the hanger rang out silent in the loud blizzard as two squads of rebels exploded out of the ship's cargo and into the frigid blizzard.