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Baby, It's Stormin' Outside | The Sovereignty

may your holidays be as bright as your spirit is light
Eadu, Senatory Hall, 2:00 pm

Life Day.

Nilia raised an eyebrow as she spotted the massive, drooping tree that had been erected in the middle of the Senatory Hall, expecting to just pass through quietly on the way to her destination, instead being greeted by a massive arbor wonder. While, yes, there already were trees present in the hall, those were small aspens that been a diplomatic gift and served a purpose of displaying unity. No tree was quite like this.

It's trunk was easily the size of the Senator, the long needled branches occupying a fair amount of space in the immediate area. If she had to guess, it was some species of pine - But it was massive. Someone had taken the time to delicately cover it in lights and garland as well, and she could spy a few sneaky employees beginning to hang similar decor from the balconies, preparing to jazz up the Sovereignty's capital. For better or for worse, it seems the holidays had finally made their way to Eadu. There was no telling what festive hijinx were in store, but if this was any indicator of how it'd start...

"How did someone possibly find a tree this big in such a short time?" Nilia wondered aloud, circling around the trunk with a perplexed expression. And how did they get it in the building without causing a noticeable fuss? Life Day miracle, perhaps.

Little did she know what else was brewing.

Feel free to hop in doing whatever pertaining to Life Day in our crib. While we might be still growling, we can throw down like the rest of them major factions!
Factory Judge
Taking a hold of the vest, I slid my arms through the right holes and adjusted the shoulders to fit and not bunch up the shirt that I wore underneath. Buttoning it across my chest. Making sure the lapels that kept the long sleeves of my shirt buttoned up. The blue seemed to almost shimmer in the room's light as the lapel itself was in the shape of a rose. The symbol of the House of Arwyn. While right now I had no real duties to take care of, I thought I might as well dress up in my new suit. One that I could wear in more formal situations. Making sure they were tight, I reached up behind my head and slicked my hair back and began to put it into a man-bun. Tied up, sat down on the chair to put on my shoes. Tying them in a neat fashion before spraying some scents upon me.

I made sure everything was more formal as I walked out of my room and made my way down the hall of the quarters towards that of the Senatory Hall. While I was normally only allowed to enter when I was in the presence of my Princess, I went alone right now. Yes, she may be there at a later moment, but I was alone for the most part. Which I was fine with. Sometimes the princess and I needed our time alone. You can only stand to look at one persons face for so long.

Walking into the room, I watched as many were putting up the various decorations for some kind of "Life Day" that most of the galaxy celebrated. I was unsure what the reason it was for, but I was more than welcoming for a simple party than a mission to keep up with Roella. Looking over to the tree, I saw one of the Senators who seemed to be on her lonesome. Walking over, I grabbed her attention by walking to face her. Bowing my head lowly for her stature within the Sovereignty and then introduced myself.

"Shaun, Subservient of Princess Roella Arwyn. I see that you are alone. Mind if I were to ask you about Life Day?"

Since she seemed more versed within the galaxy, I might as well find some kind of way to make conversation. As well, I wanted to know the various leaders within this faction so that should I be required of them on my adventures with Roella, I knew who they were.

[member="Roella Arwyn"], [member="Nilia Saavilin"],


Always necessary for a businessman seeking to climb the ladder of power. Positive image was key to swaying people's opinions or more rightly - molding them. Shaping them from obstacles to support. In contrast to the tyrannical worldview House Graush possessed.

With hands clasped behind his back and his signature smile on his face, Kalo roamed the senatory hall observing the large wroshyr tree he had personally donated to the Sovereignty for Life Day. He had made sure guests received a digital piece of text on their datapads if they desired to learn about Life Day. The businessman was well aware of the fact some worlds in this backwater region of the galaxy may not know anything about the holiday.

As he circled the tree, he couldn't help but notice the lonely figure of Senator Nilia Saavilin. Kalo did not know her personally but he had made his research. An important piece in his plan. The time arrived to personally introduce himself to the lady.

Before Kalo could start a conversation with the awestruck senator, a young blonde man of which the entrepreneur knew nothing took his chance. His question could not set him up better to intercept an answer.

"The celebration of life, the remembrance of the dead and the honoring of family and friends." Kalo answered glancing at the two before nodding at the large wroshyr tree in the middle of the hall. "The wroshyr tree you see here is native to the planet of Kashyyyk where Life Day's origins emerged from. A holy day for their native population of Wookies. They can reach kilometers in height. As a matter of fact, the Wookies' civilization foundation rests on the thick and strong branches of these trees."

"Quite fitting for a nation aiming to build a civilization in this part of the galaxy, don't you think?" He once more turned to the two before respectfully nodding with a smile. "Ah, where are my manners? Kalo Draxler of Draxler Group."

[member="Jayce Amoren"] | [member="Nilia Saavilin"]

Eadu, Senatory Hall, 2:03 pm

Nilia hardly had time to acknowledge the first new face, before another had stepped in with the unmistakable presence of a man in control. She had been mentally preparing a weak explanation of Life Day for the Arwyn's servant -- Admittedly, she wasn't exactly familiar with the holiday either, her family didn't celebrate it. But 'Shaun' didn't know that, so she'd play it to her advantage -- before the third member of their small circle had entered with charisma that made her hairs stand on end.

So that was the source of the mysterious tree. For a few heartbeats, Nilia's eyes flicked from the younger to the older, briefly looking them both over as she was clearly processing what she'd been told by Kalo. Finally, she smiled and inclined her head slightly at both men, seemingly more out of necessity than willingness before speaking, "Thank you for the explanation, and the tree of course. It does seem very appropriate... I'm Senator Nilia Saavilin, though I feel as though that's painfully obvious. A pleasure to meet you both." After a pause, she looked up at the tree again and now her expression and body language looked of one of genuine pleasure instead of the previous uncertain courtesy, "The idea of us celebrating a galactic holiday is exciting, especially as a new government. Shows the right image, I think."

[member="Kalo Draxler"] [member="Jayce Amoren"]
Factory Judge
Almost as soon as I had spoken to the woman, an older gentleman walked up. His voice and stature were clearly along the lines of being in control. He had a hold of the situation by the balls, and was yanking in whatever direction he wanted. A man like that clearly had a conniving mind, and shouldn't be completely trusted. However, this was just at a first glance. I kept a small smile as a front of the meeting between the three of us. Nodding my head to his answer of my question. Followed quickly by his name, as well as the introduction of Nilia.

"As a new faction, showing the spirit of giving is a good way to start I guess. However, I fear that I know much of people here. So I have nothing to give."

Looking over to the two of them, I did notice that Kalo seemed to be different. He felt different. Almost like I knew he was something else. I rubbed the bridge of my nose with my fingers before looking up and blinking a bit. Facing Nilia and speaking to her specifically.

"I hope you do not mind my asking. A lady such as yourself shouldn't be left alone."

As much as I had grown up in a Queendom where men were treated lesser, I did treat women and men with the same respect I wanted to be treated with. I attempted to, but sometimes it was difficult with the case of Roella.

"As a subservient of Roella, You know why I am here. So what are the reasons you two have joined the Sovereignty?"

[member="Nilia Saavilin"], [member="Kalo Draxler"], [member="Roella Arwyn"],

It truly is painfully obvious.

The stature, the posture, the air around her.

"That it does, Senator." Kalo agreed with the lady as he turned to gaze at the wroshyr tree once more. "Cultural meeting points certainly help the connection between different people of the galaxy. Life day is one such point."

In all honesty, Draxler couldn't care less about the holiday nor the tradition behind it. House Graush were not really a family to celebrate such days.

Some people are too different to connect.

As the younger man - Shaun, if Kalo had overheard his name correct - asked a more personal question, the businessman simply gestured at Senator Saavilin.

"I will let Lady Saavilin speak her mind first." A chivalrous act on the surface but beneath it, Kalo much preferred to hear what the Senator would say first.

He blessed his luck at Shaun's rather direct question. Perhaps he saw it as an innocent question, perhaps not but the cards dealt on the table were looking in his favor at this moment.

[member="Shaun Irons"] | [member="Nilia Saavilin"]
Eadu, Senatory Hall, 2:05 pm

"If I must, though I'm afraid it's not that interesting. Born and raised on Eadu," Nilia's voice was lighter than before as she looked back down to the two, her expression one of brief nostalgia; the grin that formed quickly passed as she continued speaking, "When a new government with honest and true ideals rises on your homeworld, it makes one inclined to join. To be honest, I hadn't even come to know of the former Imperialist origins of the Sovereignty until I had already earned my seat in the Senate. I suppose you could say I simply threw support to the cause I believed in the most." She spoke with the voice of a tempered idealist, but none of the tone implying she was simply here to fight over the spoils of a doomed nation. She just believed.

"And you?" Her gaze turned politely to the pragmatic businessman, the curiosity evident on her face even if she attempted to mask it under her diplomatic neutrality.

[member="Kalo Draxler"] [member="Shaun Irons"]
Factory Judge
The man who was with us seemed to want more control of the situation. I had seen this before with the other various politics of the royal families upon Talravin. A place where only women could be in such places. Thus, it was new to me to see a man in this position, but understood that the rest of the galaxy did not conform to the same ideals as Talravin did. I knew much about the man already just because he was in politics. He shouldn't be trusted further than you could throw your only child, nor can you leave the man alone.

He let Nilia speak about why she was here first. How she was a senator with the faction when it barely started. It was a place to grow and thus earn a name for themselves in a new place would be much easier than fighting with a well started, and corrupted faction. Likely the same for this other man, but I doubted he would say the same. I didn't trust him at all. However, Nilia seemed sincere about her actions, and her aura was easy and soft. I don't think I had to worry about her being around Roella.

"You are of Daxler group. A business venture? or is it a mercenary group?"

An easy question simply stated by his own introduction just a few moments ago. Was this man a simple con, or was he something more?

[member="Nilia Saavilin"], [member="Kalo Draxler"],
Varik Ice
Equipment: Lightsaber
Location: Senatory Hall
Varik stared out the window from his quarters at the Storm raging, the rain hitting hard against the Senatory Hall and everything around it. He stared to the distance, where work was beginning on the complex that would act as his palace, and as he insisted, somewhere for others to learn. He refused to have a building such as that just for him. It wouldn't be right - what would he need with all that space, anyway? He glanced to other buildings near to the Hall, seeing the lights and hearign the quiet, muffled music from afar.

That's right, it was Life Day. He still didn't really understand what it all meant - his people loved it, and they even had some going to Kashyyyk to celebrate it. He'd put through that many on service, even those in the military would have time off for it. It didn't matter to him what it was, or what it was truly about. It meant something to his people, and that was enough. He figured it had something to do with family, but he preferred not to think about that, it just brought his mind back to home.

Leaving his quarters to walk out onto the balcony, Ice stared down at the rest of the Senatory Hall. He glanced to the festive decorations that many of the employees had put up, preparing for the celebrations they had to come. It did really seem like it meant a lot. As he looked down towards the large wroshyr tree below, he recognized the three standing at the base of it, and as his eyes began scanning more of the hall, a sense of pride suddenly hit him. It was pride in himself, that he'd managed to find himself here, leading a people he admired more than he'd expected.

[member="Shaun Irons"] | [member="Nilia Saavilin"] | [member="Kalo Draxler"]
Walking along the upper ledge, I had only been wearing a set of robes on me. Dark and made of shadowsilks. This faction dubbed the Sovereignty. A group of people who seemed to have the idea to protect their own, and to create a safe place. While I did hear of the Commenor Systems Alliance who was attempting to do the same thing, but they were garnering too much attention. With my status as an exile, I didn't want to be found by the Mandalorian Empire who seemed to be headed towards them.

With this in mind, I stayed here.

Currently, it was life day. I had no reason to give anyone anything. However, I did want to meet with the man who was known as Varik Ice. Had not gathered much information on him, but it was worth it for the moment. Simply wearing black robes, was rather open otherwise. Exposed to the sight of others. Feeling through the force, I found who I was looking for quite easily. Being stronger than what I once was, I found it quite easy to be in the realm where everyone seemed much weaker. To be fair, not weaker, just less amplified and honed.

Despite this, I easily walked up towards the man. Stopping to lean on the railing that he was looking down. Finding three individuals who were down below, I could feel the force sensitivity of them. Raw and untamed. However, I let it slide for now.

"Thank you for your accommodations Ice. Been quite a while since I have been able to sleep on a real bed."

Interacting: [member="Varik Ice"],
Others: [member="Shaun Irons"], [member="Nilia Saavilin"], [member="Kalo Draxler"],

It was clear as day that the questions would turn eventually to face him. Yet, he felt a bit surprised at the two persons eagerness to know more about him. On the outside, Kalo remained calm, collected and the smile still finding home on his face.

"I am the majority equity holder of Draxler Group and its CEO,yes. Our operations include infrastructure development and the production of droids." Kalo did not specify the type of droids, nor did he find it necessary unless specifically asked about them. "To answer your question, madam - as a business, I would not deceive you, the formation of a new nation in the underdeveloped Wild Space is a great opportunity for expansion." Draxler's orbs gazed at hers as he continued his lie. "As a person, - I would never be more proud if my efforts and my lending hand help in the development of modern civilization and the improvement of people's lives."

Before another set of questions could've been hurled his way, Kalo added quickly to the Senator. Eyes still completely embracing her. "Yet, Lady Saavilin, that I cannot do alone."

His proposition, although sounding vague and aimless, would be obvious to a politician.
[member="Shaun Irons"] | [member="Nilia Saavilin"]​
Eadu, Senatory Hall, 2:07 pm

A soft cold feeling ran down Nilia's lower back at Kalo's final words. The facade of the neutral politician allowed her to mask quite well her true emotions, unwilling to admit how those boring eyes made her feel. After a moment of pause she affixed a masking and polite smile to her face as she nodded slightly, an decline of the chin, and eventually found the will to reply, "That's very admirable of you, and I hope we're able to help each other in the future as the Sovereignty grows." She had meant for that to sound more like the Senate as a whole aiding a willing corporation, yet somehow it came out more as two individuals, in stations of power, aiding one another.

She cursed silently, still stuck looking back at him after her potentially misleading statement. Eventually. she pulled herself free of the murky gaze and looked back up to the tree and the decorations being put up, "I suppose the workload will slow down with Life Day approaching. I will need to task my assistant with educating me on this holiday so we can properly celebrate when the time comes."

[member="Kalo Draxler"] [member="Shaun Irons"]
Varik Ice
Equipment: Lightsaber
Location: Senatory Hall
Varik continued to watch below, watching the group converse some more. He heard the voice to his left, but didn't respond immediately, continuing to look downwards. He was very still, his eyes darting to the large tree again before he finally turned to face the robed man. Ice's own blue eyes did their best to meet Carrick's, while his posture remained straight and stiff. "It's no trouble. Everyone deserves a bed, at the very least."

Varik could very easily feel the force from this man, and he wondered now and again if he himself felt odd and misplaced in the force - if there was an odd, underlying presence some could detect below his own, thanks to what had happened to him. He just hoped the old master kept buried far, far down. He didn't need that causing problems, not with this responsibility he had now.

"What brings you to our space?" He could have gone to ask before, but he hadn't seen much point in prying if he didn't think it was necessary. He wouldn't pretend it didn't pique his interest, however - whoever Carrick had been before, most people didn't head into Wild Space by choice.

[member="Zephyr Carrick"] | [member="Nilia Saavilin"] | [member="Kalo Draxler"] | [member="Shaun Irons"]
There are few reasons why some could trust me. Tattoos marked my face, and some, now hidden on my arm, were brands of a traitor to the Mandalorian resolnare. Their codes of conduct if you will. My calling to Ra's aid had not been answered by me, or my family. Thus we were branded as traitors. While my parents were old enough to be considered as retired, I nor my two siblings had not been so fortunate. I left all of my previous life behind. Leaving only a few momentos of myself with isley. However, I chose to come back, to reforge my life. Hoping to make something new.

This would take time, and resources I did not have. Nor did I have a place to start from. Why not start new in a place where hardly anyone knew you? The question voiced by a quick allowance of my thankful retorts came to my ears. That is the question isn't it?

"A new start."

The details didn't matter at the moment. This life day was useful for me. Many would come just for the celebration, but some like myself would stay. Hoping to grow alongside a populace of those who sought much. Yet expected nothing in return. Ever hopeful of the growing tide.

"I seek a place where actions are the determining factor, and common sense be used when consequences are given."

The mans blue eyes had felt pain and suffering before. His own signature was dark, but not as dark as some I have seen. This was a man who desired respect, rather than power. A man who could be trusted, but should still be watched for the changing winds.

"You may understand that. Some need a place to stay when others would shut out merely for their status."

[member="Varik Ice"],
Varik Ice
Equipment: Lightsaber
Location: Senatory Hall
Varik listened carefully to what Carrick had to say - there were good answers there. At least, he believed so. There were a few guesses where a man like this may have come from; he didn't educate himself on every single individual in the galaxy, he had too much to do, but he didn't seem like your regular sentient deciding to move careers. Definitely a fighter of some sort, and his abilities in the force were obvious as well. Speculation wouldn't take him anywhere, though.

"I do understand that." He'd seen it many times across the galaxy, in some of the most powerful states there were. The First Order, The Sith Empire; even the Mandalorians, who should have been nothing of the sort. At least, from everything else he had heard. Perhaps it was just a sign of the changing times, was all. Force users, aliens, or being a non-force user; all things that could net you being less, being inferior.

"And what can you bring the Sovereignty, then? What actions can you take for us?" The Sovereignty had become everything to him in a short span of time, and if someone wanted to live under it, they would contribute to it. He felt this man had quite a few talents he could contribute, after all.

[member="Zephyr Carrick"]

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