Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Location: Training room
Valery: Appearance
Tag: Iris Arani Iris Arani
It was almost just as hard for Valery to find her own words in this situation. She understood the feeling of relying on the support of others — it has been the sole reason that she made it through her own life several times. But she also couldn't help but feel like she failed her Padawan if she's not able to be that support pillar.
"I know." Valery said from the heart.
"A lesson I once learned the hard way is that life is very much not about ourselves. There are times where we are miserable, and it'll feel as if nothing can change it. But we can still change the way others feel. If we can't make ourselves smile, maybe we can at least help someone else have a better day. It's a hard life, but one others desperately need sometimes."
She let out a sigh and looked at Iris.
"I don't blame you for needing your friend the way you do. But I want to help you make sure that when you find Domxite again, they can smile knowing that it is truly you who found them again."



Iris was again quiet, listening to Valery Noble Valery Noble . Thinking to herself. Not for too long though. Her master was just.. Right. There was no fault that Iris could find in what Valery was saying. When she found Domxite again, she wanted to be the one who found them.

".. Okay."

Location: Training room
Valery: Appearance
Tag: Iris Arani Iris Arani
She wasn't entirely sure if what she was saying was helping, but at least Iris wasn't going against what she was saying. Valery knew that deep down, the young Padawan understood what she said, but misery often made it difficult to really... care about the truth in a lesson or someone's words.
"Iris..." Valery said as she tried to smile and shift the conversation a bit.
"If you feel like it, why don't we head back and you show me some of what you've been painting recently? With all our training and assignments, we don't often just sit and talk. Can be about anything but I understand if you'd like some time to yourself as well."

Location: Training room
Valery: Appearance
Tag: Iris Arani Iris Arani
Valery offered a gentle smile in return and gestured for the door, "Alright, lead the way back to your room and let's take it easy for a while. Show me what you've painted, maybe chat about what you and your friends have been up to outside of training." she said with genuine interest.
Perhaps she should have done something like this sooner. Ever since she lost some of her Padawans, she unintentionally tried to avoid getting too close and personal, despite how much she cared about her Padawans. A defense mechanism to avoid more pain. But it was time to change that.
"When we're done, I'll cook us something special for dinner."


Dinner, talking. Yeah, that sounded better. Iris was already smiling again as she lead the way back to hers and Briana's apartment. The home that they'd just decided to stay in, even after Valery Noble Valery Noble no longer needed to be in hiding. Quietly, though. Iris was never much of a talker as it was. Back in the appartment, that hadn't changed. Instead she went to her own room to get her sketch pad and offer it to her master.

It was new, one Lief Lief had given her. And his was the first picture in the book. More were just random pieces of art. Buildings, people in a park. People walking down the street. Charcoal sketches in quite good detail.

"It's mostly been drawing, I guess."

Location: Training room
Valery: Appearance
Tag: Iris Arani Iris Arani
She seemed a tad surprised that Iris was still living in this apartment, but if she had made this her little place together with Briana, she couldn't really blame them for staying. It had what they needed, and the two had given it their personal touch at this point. Valery then waited for Iris to return and looked over the sketchpad.
"Hm." she chuckled. "I actually brought Padawan Dune here into the New Jedi Order not too long ago. He's a good person." Valery said as she remembered her trip to Empress Teta. She then looked up at Iris with a slight smirk and looked through the other pieces of art.
"Bit different from the murals..." she teased a little. "...but they all look fantastic. You capture emotion especially well, which isn't too strange considering the colors you see."


"Oh, you know him?" She tilted her head, glancing to Valery Noble Valery Noble for a moment. Had Eli said that before? .. She couldn't remember. Huh. Ah well. Though she tilted her head again at the teasing. Of course her art was different. These had no color. Were of people. But she smiled.

"I'm glad you like them."

Location: Training room
Valery: Appearance
Tag: Iris Arani Iris Arani
"That's right, I picked him up at his family's home," Valery said with a soft smile. "It's how I learned a bit more about Empress Teta as well, and now I live there with my family."
She then looked over her Padawan's art again and nodded, "They're beautiful. I should get you to make a drawing or painting of Kahlil, Vera and I sometime — like a family picture." she smirked and offered back the sketchpad.
"Outside of art, how have things been between you and your friends? Made any new ones? It's getting hard to keep up with all these new Padawans popping up for training."


"A few, actually." Iris took back the sketch pad, smiling faintly. Just for a moment. Then, as if she suddenly remembered something, she rushed off to the bedroom. Several moments later she emerged with a rainbow plaid sweater. The one Juno Sabat Juno Sabat made for her. "Juno made this for me. .. I think she felt guilty about what happened to me. But she's who saved me? .. I'm not sure what I should do but I feel like I should talk to her."

Location: Training room
Valery: Appearance
Tag: Iris Arani Iris Arani
When Iris suddenly rushed off without explaining why, Valery blinked and looked in the direction she ran off to with a slight look of surprise. Did they forget something? But when the young Padawan returned with the colorful sweater in her hands, Valery began to smile and reached for the bottom to get a feel for the fabric that was used.
"That's very kind of her — it looks really good. Fitting too, with all the vibrant colors." she smirked a bit and let go off the sweater.
"I also think you should talk to her next time you see her. Your friends care about you and were really worried after what happened. So it may help put their minds at ease, and it should be fun as well."

Location: Training room
Valery: Appearance
Tag: Iris Arani Iris Arani
"You don't have to talk much to show that you care," Valery said with a warm smile, seeing Iris hug the sweater to her chest. It was good to see that she had a group of friends who cared about her as well.
"People care about honesty, and how genuine the things you do say are. A simple thank you, a smile, a gesture of gratitude — they can all be more than enough if they're sincere. If someone means a lot to you or if someone has been very important to you, they will value those little things a lot."


Iris nodded slowly, still looking down towards the floor. Still smiling. This was nice. .. She was hungry. Setting the sweater down on the counter the Padawan moved past Valery Noble Valery Noble towards the kitchen. There had to be.. Yeah. There it was. She pulled out a box of pizza, setting it on the counter with a faint grin.

"I'm hungry."

Location: Training room
Valery: Appearance
Tag: Iris Arani Iris Arani
"How long has that pizza been there?"
Valery smirked as she followed Iris to the kitchen, and looked at the box she put on the counter. For a moment, she wondered if Iris and Briana were using the small number of credits they were given to order out a lot, but it didn't really matter.
"I'm okay with heating it up but if you want something better... I could prepare some homemade pizza instead. Just us two, some pizza and maybe we can watch a show you like or just relax and chat."


"A couple days." Probably. Regardless, she was already fishing out a couple pieces to set on the counter for the wonderous microwave to reheat. Yeah, she was still amazed about that. "I wanna use the leftovers first. Don't want it to go bad."

Location: Training room
Valery: Appearance
Tag: Iris Arani Iris Arani
A couple of days?
She was about to protest against eating it, but Iris seemed fairly happy. The idea of finishing leftovers wasn't too bad either, although keeping things too long probably wasn't the best. But after a moment, she let out a soft sigh and nodded.
"Alright, fine. Put it in the microwave and let's plop down on the couch." Valery said with a smirk before she moved over and made herself comfortable. She hoped it wouldn't be odd to Iris to see her Master in a less official setting, but it was probably for the best they got used to it.
"You know, I think this is something I should have done a long time ago. Just... relax and chat, not even necessarily about Jedi training or business."


Pizza reheated and a couple plates presented, Iris flopped down on the couch beside Valery Noble Valery Noble , smiling faintly. Honestly, she was fine with sitting in silence. Always had been, no matter how awkward it might seem to other people. She ate away at her slice, leaned back against the couch, sighing. This was nice.

"You know, I think this is something I should have done a long time ago. Just... relax and chat, not even necessarily about Jedi training or business."

"Mmhmm! I think Bri would really like it too."

Location: Training room
Valery: Appearance
Tag: Iris Arani Iris Arani
Seeing Iris relaxed and comfortable brought a smile to Valery's lips. What happened in the training room had worried her, but this helped calm the nerves quite a bit.
"Oh I'm sure she would." Valery chuckled and grabbed a slice of pizza herself. But as she began to eat, she did feel a need to break the silence a little bit, even though she knew Iris was perfectly fine with it. With Briana, it would be easy enough to talk about silly things like clothing or boys, but what about Iris? They already talked about art...
Finishing a slice, she turned to Iris again and smiled. "What do you and Briana talk about when you're both here? You're not gonna tell me that she's fine being quiet, right?" she smirked, clearly joking around a bit.


"Boys, sometimes. Usually boys. Figuring out relationship stuff. Sometimes we drink." Surprisingly very teenage things given Iris's usual aloof nature. She cuddled into her corner of the couch, pulling her knees to her chest so she could rest her chin atop them.

"A lot of times though we just sit together without talking. It's nice."

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