Yes, sir I was born with a smuggler father, smiling as she hadn't even told [member="Regor Laxvan"] all her story, even those some she couldn't tell fully of yet. You see my father would pick up shipments of thyssel bark it can kill a person if not boiled right. On some planets they still enjoy the effects it has, along with some of the woods of the forest of Haruun Kal. My mother was picking up supplies over a few times, as the story goes my father was keeping eye on her as to why a Zeltron would be on a world like Haruun Kal, until that was found out she was a healer, born and raise, you see my grandmother was a high rank jedi healer until broke way, put herself in solitude for reason unknown even today. As time went on I was born, there where they always different with my training, mother wanted me to stay to take her place as the healer of the tribe and father wanted me to be by his side, for more reason then one. After the last of my mother came into play, I went with my father, i kind of like the freedom it gave me to roam the galaxy, and hear I am. smiling at him once more them all looking at [member="Regor Laxvan"] with a playful wink. what about you two, how you met.