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Approved Tech Bacta-Works Stun Sniper

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  • Intent: A standard Sniping Blaster

  • Manufacturer: Bacta Works of Epica
  • Affiliation: Bacta-Works of Epica
  • Market Status: Open-Market
  • Model: N/A
  • Modularity: Can be mounted in various turrets.
  • Production: Mass-Produced
  • Material: Standard blaster components
  • Classification: Sniping Stun Blaster
  • Size: Extreme
  • Weight: Extreme
  • Ammunition Type: Fusion Generator
  • Ammunition Capacity: Extreme
  • Effective Range: Extreme
  • Rate of Fire: Very Low
  • Damage Output: High
  • Recoil: None
  • Non Lethal Sniping Blaster with Twenty Kilometer Range and no recoil
  • Extreme Accuracy
  • Extreme Durability and Ease of Repair
  • Customizable Scope
  • Built Vader Tough: Engineered so well it is extremely difficult to damage and destroy, able to operate in nearly any weather, able fire even after immersion in sand, mud, snow, and water for long periods, going for insanely long periods without degradation in the field and lasting potentially centuries when stored
  • Range. It's Fusion Generator combined with heavy duty versions of the parts used in a DC-15A grant it an astounding twenty kilometer range
  • Ammo Master: It's Fusion Generator serves as an ammo pool so vast the user is unlikely to run out in their life time or the next few after that.
  • Mercy: Completely non lethal, with victims able to recover fully even from a point blank head shot to the eye. It fires an unusually focused and extremely accurate stun bolt capable of defeating extremely heavy personal armor and shields
  • Feather: Zero recoil due to both natural weight and heavy compensators
  • Slow Travel: The bolt travels at three Fourths the speed of an average bolt, allowing a better chance to dodge
  • Size: Don't try to use this in doors unless you are aiming out a window, preferably seated. In fact the best way to fire is fully prone or seated, with a tripod to smooth out aiming.
  • Meltdown: If it's fusion generator suffers damage it could suffer a meltdown, which would force the user to discard it and require special Equipment to clean up
  • Weight: It's weight makes it impractical as anything but an emplacement weapon
  • Personnel only: Impractical for doing anything but knock some out
  • Fire Rate: Very Low Fire Rate

A sniping blaster specifically made to deal with opponents non lethally, It's extreme range and the fact you aren't likely to run out of ammo means it's in high demand for Bounty Hunters and Police Units. Bacta Works employees assemble these by hand, lacking dedicated blaster production facilities and using only second hand Molecular Furnaces, and making enough to outfit a unit can take a while, so the company charges extra to balance it out.
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