Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dominion Bad Company | Dominion of Cathar & Ordo | NIO


Ordo - Old Mandalorian Space // Hearts of Iron // Objective Two - Death Watch vs New Imperials vs Friends?
Objective: Beskar Train Heist.
Equipment: See Signature Link.
Location: Near the Front of the Train.


There was no hesitation this time. He had been through hundreds of these drops, with very few ending in abject failure. While the circumstances that he was dropping into were different every time - the action of stepping off the deck and plummeting towards the surface was the same. He gave himself over, fully, to the gentle embrace of gravity. It pulled at him, drawing him ever-closer like some forlorn lover seeking their partner’s warmth. The wind, however, was not as gentle. It howled and raged as the Rally Master fell towards the surface, seeking to tear him apart, but lacked the power to do so. The wretched breeze buffeted him, seeking to no longer tear him apart - but to buffet him and throw him off course. Rynn smiled, then. His training kicked in and caused the armoured figure to twist his form mid-flight. He leaned into the buffeting gale and redirected his trajectory.

The surface was coming up quick, and so was the Train - the latter of which was the intended destination. It wouldn’t be long now, the Rally Master thought, as his eyes watched his marker plunge towards the surface. The false firelight of his HUD bathed his patrician features, showcasing the angle of his descent and his plummeting altitude. Several recommendations flared to life as the automated systems within the Suit demanded his attention. He needed to deploy his Grav-chute if he was to land safely. He needed to spread himself out, rather than adopt a spear-like figure, to slow his descent. Yet, despite all of these warnings - Rynn paid them little heed. His adrenals were spiking, and his heart thundered within his ears. Nothing else mattered.

It wasn’t long after that the Train began to race before his very eyes. Everything, so far, was going according to plan. The Death Watch had heard tales of Mandalorian Remnants scattered throughout the Sector, many of which were loyal to the crumbling Sith Empire’s regime. They were traitors to their bloodlines, Rynn stated. These Soulless cretins were unworthy of their mercy and of the laws that bound their Covenant together. However, what made things all the more interesting was that such tales had reached the New Imperial Order as well. They knew all too well how strong and durable Beskar was; thus, it took little to connect the dots to explain their presence. They wanted this Iron as much as the Death Watch - and everyone else who encountered the material.

So, as one car after another passed - Rynn wasn’t surprised when he started seeing Warrior’s, armoured in ivory and obsidian, filing into the MagLev. Instead, the Rally Master smiled. With a slight adjustment to his flight path, the Mandalorian could intercept their Rearguard with little issue. As the warning klaxons sounded within his helmet, notifying him that he was off-course, the young Vizsla dismissed them with a series of encoded blinks. They were nothing more than distractions. They would foul up his landing and likely cost him his life. He needed to be aware of his surroundings if this was to work. With his vision cleared from visual obstructions, the Rally Master refocused on his newfound destination.

There was a small landing pad near the front of the Train. It was meant to collect and transfer any passengers - should they wish to depart after the MagLev had already left the station. Additionally, it was also one of the many landing sites that populated the magnetically-bound vehicle. Which allowed both the New Imperial Order and the Death Watch to proverbially mount this mechanical steed in their own respective fashions. While the other Crusaders elected to take the Train from the middle and the rear - Rynn decided to cause havoc and attack the vehicle from the head. That led him to encounter several figures in ivory-hewn armour, armed with various weaponry and each guarding a particular vector. A figure stood between them all, and this one seemed more ornate in comparison to the others.
Evidently, that was their commander - some Knightly figure drawn from the pages of legend.

The Mandalorian altered his trajectory and twisted his body to compensate. He knew that he would only have one chance at this. With almost practiced ease, Rynn’s body turned itself into a weapon. The ornate, ivory-clad figure turned at the last second - as their powers alerted them to the danger… but it was too late. With as much kinetic force as his plummeting descent could muster, Rynn rocketed his armoured knee into the armoured figure’s chest. The impact cracked the Knight’s breastplate and threw them from the racing platform within the span of a heartbeat. His jetpack fired in the nanoseconds after impact, arresting his momentum - so that he didn’t follow in that Knightly-figure’s wake.

While stunned by the Mandalorian’s sudden arrival, the others that populated the platform turned their gaze upon the crimson figure in their midst. They didn’t demand that he surrender or that he drop his weapons. No, these were trained combatants - likely veterans of many campaigns - who now stood before a hostile figure. Collectively, their fingers drifted towards their triggers.

Rynn’s smile widened, as his mind recognized the threat these Soldiers posed and the violence that was about to transpire. This was just another day in the Fighting Corps...


Saaveina Saaveina | Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze
"It's Djonas," the Knight corrected, before twisting about to mount the bike. The nickname was birthed from an era of his life that was now perceived as a mistake. Friendships, memories, relics of a time he had no interest in ever revisiting. Dagon's being here was little more than a professional courtesy. There was no rekindling of old friendships, he was a new man. The mistakes of the past were left there. The events of the Redoubt had been a surprise, nothing more. The relief at his continued living, the anger resurfaced of a mission years ago faded in the wake of operation failure. Now, he realized, it was best to forget about it all, and just do the job.

No baggage.

In the dying light and the following darkness, the Mandalorians would be at their highest alert. Critical eyes looked out to the world ahead of him before he revved the engines, and sped off. The Force held no secrets for him to glean from its mystical network of energy, and even as he sped up, he could see the latent paths reshaping and taking new forms.

Blinking, the metaphysical tapestry vanished and he eased back on the throttle as the rock formation drew closer. Leg swinging up and off the bike, Djonas blankly eyed the horizon. Watching Saaveina Saaveina draw out the macrobinoculars, a brow slowly arched up. "You see any ships... Speeders?" The brief detailed that this had been the last known location before the route went dry. The mining settlement was the closest of the remaining Mandalorian populations that held any semblance to Sal Moxla's Clan.

Stealth? Infiltrate? Djonas gave a quick glance down to himself and then the pair of Dagon and Saaveina. The three of them were all tall and physically built. The idea was not a bad one, just one that wasn't typically chosen for those of their ilk. But a blitz down the main road into the settlement was likely not the better option, no matter what he thought of his martial skills.

"Ditch the speeders. We'll cross the distance on foot. Saaveina," the Knight nodded. "Take point." Tugging his saber from its belt loop, his digits wound loosely around the hilt. "Dagon, keep an eye on our flanks."


Saaveina Saaveina | Djonas Val Djonas Val
Mixed feelings were all Dagon received from Saaveina's fanged smirk and all he returned in his sheepish smile back. What got to him the most, though, was the fact she seemed to be the friendlier of the two Knights; Djon's past life as a light-hearted Jedi seemed to have been long abandoned, drowned under the oceans of time. When this was all done and over, Dagon wanted to talk with his former brother-in-arms. No, needed to talk with him. The question was who needed it more.

"I'd sure hope not - Mando alarms usually are trip mines." he scoffed at the codru-ji, then answered Djon's inquiry, "Tsk, can't see no starships, nor speeders but I doubt they haven't got any. Still-- I doubt more that they'd retreat. Mandos never do." except when they had finished the job, like their raid on Tython had proved.

Dagon cocked his head at Saaveina as she gave her input and formed a plan he was more inclined to follow, although Djonas' wasn't too bad given their mutual enemy presently. He made sure to voice after Djon had already given the command to move on foot and set their roles.

But not after he'd thrown a whisper of a quip at Saaveina's earlier remark, "Didn't even need to wait for the shooting to start, huh? Put you straight on point, right in the meat grinder." then with a voice for both to hear as they crept towards the settlement, "Their helmets got a whole ship's load of scanners, you know that right? If we want to have a better shot at it--" he jerked his head at Saaveina with a chit-eating, lopsided smirk, "-- someone needs to play distraction."

Moldau Keith

The force is strong with the Empire!

Opposition: Open.

The relentless pursuit of technological advancement for the expansion of the empire is in full swing. The train is about to arrive, loaded with the infamous Mandalorian iron.


Mauldo Keith has just arrived on the scene with the other Imperial Knights and the rest of the troops. With staring eyes, he saw this scene from his childhood again. This man cut in half, impaled by an X-Wing. His heart was still beating. He had his head thrown back. His open throat was like a second mouth frozen in a mute, dark red howl. He was lying on his knees, one arm hanging between his legs. Around them the sky was red, like the scene of a terrible tragedy where blood calls for blood. It was everywhere, on the ground, on the face, on the metal, as if the environment itself was becoming fatally injured. And her reflection seemed to sink into the scarlet twilight of the pool that engulfed their feet.

Mauldo Keith was the sole survivor of the attack by rebel forces. Fortunately, the stains of pieces of iron found on his back were not fatal.

Thinking like crazy, his hair hung around his forehead and some strands had stuck to the blood that was staining his chest. Thinking of his former master, he gripped the Lord Executor 's gifted lightsaber with immense force.
Why is it so fragile? Why does his weapon seem so small and useless to him? As small and useless as he was that day.
How many times will he dream this scene? This explosive flash brought by force in his sleep. This flaming metal noise. The cries of a man in agony. The crying of this child in front of the still fresh and lint corpse.
How many more times will he have to see himself crying in front of this bleeding man?

The brimstone wind in his hair… The air is hot. His heart is pounding and rage is creeping into him little by little. Silently, closing his eyes, he thinks: “Master. Once again, for you, I fight. I wouldn't let anyone destroy your memory in me. "


His grip tightens and his dark gaze dominates the horizon. Posted upstream, the goal is simple: Stop the train. The material will have to be recovered. No mercy will be given to anyone who opposes the New Empire. In the distance the enemy ships appear. The battle is about to begin. In an instant, everything can change.

He walks toward the battlefield and into the scent of sand and the approaching death. The fight is near. He concentrates and lets the anger build up. All his muscles tighten. “They will have to pay for this!
All to the last! "

The unstable warrior is ready for battle. It's time to make the empire triumph!
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Carlyle curtly and politely listened to the declarations, clarifications and decisions from his other warlords with some care. Particularly enjoying Onansi's nod to the Ossus expedition. But when Tavlar spoke, he rose somewhat. He had ultimate command, and it became with this shift on body language whom Rausgeber truly listened to. The Sovereign Imperator made a salient point. And even began to dig into something Carlyle had been sort of wanting to draw on. Thyrsus' and Ketaris' contributions to the broader military. Particularly that of the navy Navy, What a lovely little wedge to push them on. But Carlyle felt a larger point had to be made. Or at least an alternative point of view to present forward. "If I may," He entered, after the Sovereign Imperator had put forward his own thoughts, "Present an alternative perspective."

"While you are correct, that the Silver Jedi are in no proper position to face both Sith and Bryna'duhl, I would consider an eventuality with no action undertaken against them, an opportunity lost." Carlyle opined to the assembled leadership group, "Right now, the Silver Jedi are at an uneasy peace with us. Their strength sapped, garrisoning borders against relentless hordes of mutual enemies." The Admiral Regent mused, "I would say now would be a prime moment to seize territories as they strain against these enemies. The repucussions would be limited. Offense is not a typical Jedi's nature." He paused, remembering the Galactic Alliance. Past and present. "Well not these ones. War has not hardened them. They aren't like us. They are not fighters. They are feckless defenders of moral contradictions."

"My proposal would be to seize the Silver Jedi dominions on the Daragon Trail and the Hydian Way," Carlyle announced, "Despite the rampant conflict, it's still one of the Galaxy's major trade arteries." He paused, "And," He gave a nod to Onansi, "And the interdiction of worlds along such routes is something I've performed before." A small smirk pursed his lips, "All I am suggesting is some small, conservative holdings taken. Not some sweeping grand offensive. Gains that will see us take control of a key trade route, which we may tax to fund the Grand Viziers economics program," Carlyle offered, eyeing the King out the corner of his eye, a concession to get the man on board, "And simultaneously," And this was the pitch to Tavlar, "Starve the Sith Empire of commerce on these routes."

"It would initially take sometime, but with the proper investments in naval infrastructure, we could see both trade arteries tarriffed too and from. Intercept goods from Sith space, and receive quite the boon." He paused, "But of course, if the decision of this assembly is to allow the Silver Jedi to die a slow death at the hands of the Bryna'duhl, I understand. And even would take this opportunity to jump in on the Sovereign Imperators notion regarding reinforcing both your worlds." Carlyle paused, "I would like to request the construction of naval facilities, on both. If you would. If they are to become a hardened frontier, I'd ask the navy take key part in that."
Imperial Arbiter of the Outer Rim




Tags: Irveric Tavlar Irveric Tavlar | Enlil Enlil | Caarlyle Rausgeber Caarlyle Rausgeber | Willan Tal Willan Tal | Onansi of Thyrsus Onansi of Thyrsus
The Silver Jedi were a state bound for destruction. The Bryn'adul, the Sith, its own failures... Everything was sided against the Silver Jedi. Already the Bryn'adul had taken action and seized most of its territory. Against such quick action, their frail military and their weak-minded Jedi were no match. Julius had seen a third of the Silver Jedi Concord fall to the strikes of the genocidal extra-galactic and his mind was already made.

As the Tarkinists and Felists argued about fortifying the boundaries or attacking the Silver Jedi, the diplomat had another solution. He disagreed with the idea of destroying the Silver Jedi, as it would only destroy whatever fighting spirit they could have. The military assets diverted by such operation were sorely needed against the Sith.

The Galactic Alliance was another problem. These staunch defenders of the Silver were to be taken into consideration. Could the New Imperial Order upset one of its only ally? It was a bold and dangerous move.
"I think there is another solution. You are all talking of defensive fortifications of our frontier worlds, or total war against the Silver Jedi. But we do not need worlds such as Commenor, Kashyyyk or Manaan. There are other, more important worlds that need to be defended. Serocco, Obroa-skai, Eshan, Taris, Wayland. These worlds have a strategic interest. Who cares about a farm world, or an ocean world? Those have no interest.

We need to wage a limited, preventive war. Destruction of the Silver should not be wished: they serve as a buffer state as long as it exists. But some of the Silver's worlds have importance, and I do not trust the Concord enough to give them the responsibility of defending these worlds. What I propose is an invasion of the territory comprised between Eshan, Bogden, Myrkr, Wayland and Ordo."

A third solution was always important. Though some would think it was the exact same proposal as Rausgeber, Julius thought of a comprehensive agreement between the Silver Jedi and the Imperials. If the Jedi weren't able to defend these worlds, then the Imperials would take the task of defending them.
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Master of the Hyperspace Seas

Objective 2
Tae'l Vizsla Tae'l Vizsla | Kolson Vrask Kolson Vrask | Rynn Vizsla Rynn Vizsla | Moldau Keith Moldau Keith

The light freighter his crew had recently acquired would suit this job perfectly.

Pyrrah stood by the viewport, watching as the ship began to close in on the train. If their intel was right, then in a couple of minutes they would be in possession of some valuable Beskar.

He couldn’t care less about this whole feud the Mandalorians had all. What he did care about was the strong properties of Beskar, and how it could be used as armor for him and his crew.

Round a corner with the freighter, he watched as small flashes were appearing on the train. From the looks of it, they weren’t the first ones here. Blast it.

“Line up our ship with the rear car. Once you have a clear angle, we will hop out and disconnect the car. Wait to catch us and the car with the grapples.”

The pilot nodded as his gaze on the train seemed to focus in. He left the pilot to it while he prepared his gear. Lightsaber, blaster pistol, grenades, plasma cutter, and a few more goodies. They were set.

As the freighter flew over the top of the last car, the rear access hatch slowly began to open. Cool airbrushed into the cabin, chilling him slightly. Once he had a clear shot to the car, he shot the grapple on his wrist. It stuck on the first try. Looking out, he jumped and swung for the car.

The Captain landed with a thud. Could’ve have been more graceful, but that wasn’t that matter none. All that matter was that him and his four crew on the car got it disconnected, and got the Beskar.


B A R R I T H _ T A R K I N
N E W _ I M P E R I A L _ O R D E R
I M P E R I A L _ K N I G H T
C A T H A R‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎|‎‎‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎C O D E _ S I E G E B R E A K E R

Red lights washed over the figure of the Imperial Knight who stood by the front of the gunship, his legs spread wide as he kept his balance despite the turbulent voyage from the atmosphere to surface, en route to besiege the military complex established on Cathar as a point of contention in seizing control over the planet. The singular blue eye seemed to stare into the visors of all the stormtroopers packed into the transport, assigned to his command as a surgical strike force to penetrate the complex's security and lower their defenses.
Of course, the transport had been outfitted with its own personal shield disruptor so they would not collide like insects on glasteel. The intention was to pierce through the shields and strike at the skybase, then work their way to the command center of the complex. Between maintaining the siege from outside and having to deal with a smaller, surgical force, the defenders would have to divvy up their numbers to repel the New Imperial Order. That being said, their operation was teetering very closely on the edge of suicidal, but that was what Tarkin specialized in - and here he still stood.
Barrith crossed his arms over his chest as the intercom activated announcing their approach to the military complex. " Alright troopers, you know the mission. We have been tasked with taking the inside of that complex by storm and causing as much chaos to those still foolish enough to stay and put up a fight. These Mandalorians will sooner see us dead than surrender the complex to us. No remorse, no mercy. Remember your training, and stay close. I'll be taking point. Once we seize the command center we will work our way to other vital sections of the base, but for now our priority is getting those shields and guns offline. "
Barrith lowered his arms from his chest as the transport began to perform evasive maneuvers to avoid incoming fire. His eye closed as he began to channel the Force through his body, projecting a protective bubble around it to minimize the damage they'd take while coming in. The transport rocked roughly as the protective bubble took a blow, the bay doors opening up as they bypassed the external shield, letting loose a barrage of rockets towards the hangars that were built into the skybase as a means to slow or stop the departure of hostile fighters into the airspace. The easy part of the operation had been achieved - now came the difficult part.



Another Snake


G R E E N _ K N I G H T
STARRING | Mogra'teksa Mogra'teksa

Plenty of blood to spill, even better with the presence of the Sith here on Ordo. There were other elements here that the Imperials sought to eliminate those being Mandalorians and mercenaries, but he gave more importance to those pledged themselves to the Sith Code. The goals of the Iron Sun always aligned with his, though for the Mirialan Imperial Knight he was selfish and did whatever was convenient for him and his interests. Very strange and unusual when compared to his peers belonging to the Imperial Knights, especially with his practice of the Dark Side.

"We're here to purge and vanquish, there will be no survivors," he spoke with instructions to his apprentice, a Twi'lek he captured not too long ago. "Hesitate and you will die, these individuals are not as merciful as I am. Understand?"

A test for Mogs, see what were her capabilities and how well tuned they were.

"Do whatever helps you, I'll be here though I will not carry all your burdens."


Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze | Djonas Val Djonas Val
// BYOO //
"Didn't even need to wait for the shooting to start, huh? Put you straight on point, right in the meat grinder."

His murmured words were enough to make her snicker and she nodded hastily, agreeing with him in silence. It was true, there was no denying it, but it wasn't something unexpected, given her role within the Imperial Knights. She was a good shield.

Gentle steps carried her back down to the ground and she rolled her shoulders back, tightening and loosening the muscles of her back in the same second, grunting softly in affirmative reply to circle back to the "suggestion" Djonas had made. He wasn't the type to make "suggestions". Luckily, Saaveina wasn't the type to argue... today.
"That was the idea, better to absorb the inevitable slugs than shred yourself to bits." Her posture straightened in the stride that arranged her in the formation, and rather than collect a saber staff from the hidden slings at the small of her back, she retrieved the frame for her compact shield; the same from the Redoubt. Its service had been extended.

"If you're so keen on getting attention Dagon, perhaps you would be a remarkable distraction." She proposed with a snort, twisting her head back to look at the Jedi, "Otherwise, stay close and trust the process, hm?" As she spoke those two keywords, "the process", she patted the blaster holstered on the outside of her right thigh- the silent, nasty little stun blaster she toted for more covert operations. "We move quickly and quietly, disabling those in our path. Keep your heads down and stay behind me."

From there, without doing much waiting, the Knight was off, holding herself low to the ground with her shield frame forward- ready to deploy in an instant- and her stun blaster held close to her chest. The lengthening shadows of the rising night would serve well to keep them masked from the naked eye, and as much as Saav hated the thought of relying on the complacency of others in order to be successful in her mission, there was little choice.

He closed his eyes as Tavlar mentioned garrisons for the Stormtrooper Corps on Ketaris. It was a reasonable point of contention, with the world on the verge of Sith space. While he'd tried to prevent incursion by militarism into Ketaran society, he knew that an attack on the world from the outside would be devastating with the limited defenses that they had in place. When he looked back at Tavlar, his expression remained cool, calm, collected.

"I can assent to garrison the old Imperial Fortresses that are isolated, away from the cities themselves. There should be limited to no discourse with the civilian population on a regular basis, and no increase in Militant headhunting for new recruits. I have been very explicit about militarization and it's harmful effects on the socioeconomic state of Ketaris, and I cannot tolerate reintegration at this time. Not while the populace is still so volatile."

He had carefully crafted an infrastructure that would not survive the Tarkinist movement. It had to be limited and staved off at every turn. "Likewise, a greater Naval presence on the fringes of Sith space would not be a terrible idea, but I will concede only to a fleet beacon in the system. Naval assets will not be allowed in Ketaran airspace."

Enlil knew better than to trust Rausgeber's "kindness." There was nothing about the man that did not act in a way that would have little benefit to himself and his goals. Placing a fleet in the vicinity of Ketaris was a power play as much as it was a practical decision. "On the condition that we implement the Empire's planetary defense systems in tandem. The people must be protected against threats from orbit and beyond, of course."

Shields and orbital defense platforms would only stem the tide a bit, but reassurances that Ketaris would not be subjected to Base Delta Zero protocols by the Admiral-Regent- or anyone else- made the concessions slightly more palatable.

"And I move that legislature be implemented on Prefsbelt IV that would improve conditions and pay for the workforce," the King said without skipping a beat. Quid pro quo- if Rausgeber wanted to play politics with the Grand Vizier, he would have to make concessions of his own. "We must strive to ensure that the people of our great nation all find themselves in conditions that make them amenable to our rule, after all."

His gaze then fell to Haskler, the Imperial Diplomat. "I find myself tending to agree with much of what was said, though I would venture that the Silver sphere is laughable in theory and in practice. Jedi have no business ruling worlds. I would be inclined to make an offer that they cannot in good conscience refuse- in exchange for their cessation of rule over the aforementioned worlds, we could lend them the might of the Imperial Warmachine to beat back and pacify the Bryn'adûl. I do believe that would also satisfy the desire to wage war on another foreign front?"



At this hour, the walkways of Coruscant was much quieter now, and that was forever the way the HRD found it most optimal. The quiet walkways and flashing neon lights had their quaint charm, as Commissioner Harrsk might've put it when seemingly devoid of pedestrians. The overhead neon advertisements and lighting cast shadows of promise across the backdrop of the walkway and the adjacent skyscrapers, but those same blinding lights also bore witness to the darkest of things—the sort of nightmares that evade even the brightest spotlight's glow. The models programming had gifted Agent Yubari, and many other products with machine-like precision and archival knowledge of each hit carried out under the direction of the higher-ups. Thirty-two times, she had walked these same neon-lit walkways in the dead of night and thirty-two times, she had taken a soul. Yubari had disposed of their bodies in areas where law enforcement would find it, serving a grim message to affiliates about stepping out against COMPNOR. On other occasions, the replicant had been clinically thorough and made them disappear into the dark night. Although nly two weeks prior, she had seen via holonet that Coruscanti police had found the remains of a Mirialan man in a speeder scrap heap site, Yubari having thrown the corpse into a compactor and removed most traces of the mans existence. Like with nearly every single case, law enforcement chalked it down to mob turf wars or simply turned a blind eye when evidence proved too strong to be by the hands of COMPNOR. It would not be wise or logical to cross swords with your own allies after all.

The HRD looked at her watch to estimate when the target would arrive. She didn't require a wristwatch, she had built-in capabilities to do so without and thus didn't require to check the same way real humans did. But many in the agency found the lack of 'emotion' creepy in her models when not in active service. Among other Compnor agents, Eris project HRDs copied the normal functions of the humans they imitated, even when it served no real purpose beyond upholding a fake sense of normalcy. Agent Yubari spent many a mess hall break eating among other operatives, even though she had no taste receptors and derived no enjoyment from it. She could merely imitate but never truly understand or feel what people felt.

....<voice id= ''456''-preset_coruscantiFemale.''>
....<dialogue id= ''1'' curiosity= ''inquire vacancy.''>
....<Modulating settings.''>
....<initiating dialogue.''>

"Hello? i'd like to book a table at the red dawn nightclub please?"


Storm Recon UCP | BKM-62x Battle Rifle | DSP-61x Hybrid Pistol | Grenades
Tae'l Vizsla Tae'l Vizsla | DEATH WATCH CRUSADE | Pyrrah Tae Pyrrah Tae




The split second the grappling line lurched for his weapon hand, his trained instinct was to lift his non dominant hand from the opposing grip of the pistol and hold it over the static slide of the blaster, pressing his left shoulder toward the projectile line before shifting his weight forward and down to throw the line from his wrist. Before he knew it, she was up and gone from the monorail car. The pistol landed in his holster and his rifle back into his hands all with one smooth, practiced motion, the swap between main weapon and sidearm a well trained action of the Storm Commando.

Peeping his lifeform scanner, she was out and off.

This cargo was getting heat. Mandalorians, Imperials, pirates. Far from anything of the ideal. The clank and clatter of the rear car making contact with the pirate's boarding hook and in response, Grunge thought quickly. He threw up the back door again, lobbing a detpack onto the metal link attaching the two cars together, shutting the door again before willing the remote detonation through the integrated heads up display in order to sever it from the rest of the monorail train.

All that time, Vizsla ascended and rained hellfire again unto his area, firing a missile through back and into his car, returning to the forefront of his attention with a vengeance. The shockwave of the explosion was mostly contained by the layers of composite armor and ballistic gel but regardless, he was thrown from his feet. In blind defiance, he jolted a smoke grenade into the middle of the room to offer some form of blind concealment as he swapped his helmet scopes to thermal to cut through the interference as he clamored behind cover once again. No killer could go without seeing the proof of their mark, he expected she would return and then-

He'd execute.
While the war with the Sith was considered to be existential, Onansi could not find it in him to build the fire necessary to stoke the flames of hatred needed to crusade their worlds. Not before, and not after Thyrsus' admittance beneath the Iron Sun. But the prospect of of an offensive into Silver Space? The words alone uttered by the Imperator were enough to trigger a raising of a brow, and a sentiment of elation to course through him as he straightened in his seat.

The Sith had not slighted him, or those he cared for. But those that bore the title of Jedi had. Pillaging the worlds of their neighbors was undoubtedly an alluring subject.

Nodding in the moments following Tavlar's suggestion, "A Legion is satisfactory," Onansi said. In his minds eye, he was already re-imagining the once Echani spire reconstituted to serve as the home for at least part of this new garrisoning host. "And to note, I echo the words of the Grand Vizier as stipulation. The legion may be housed upon Thyrsus and train there, but its numbers will not be pulled from the population. The culture of the Sun Guard will be retained above all else."

It was then that his gaze landed on the Admiral Regent. Onansi couldn't expect an outsider to know of the intricacies of Thyrsus infrastructure. Besides, the man was an opportunist. "I'm sure accommodations can be made to expand those that already exist under thyrsian oversight, naturally."

Between Haskler and Enlil, the Thyrsian Warlord's flittered back and forth whilst they spoke. Some similarities in their suggestions, though an amused smile rose to his lips at Enlil's utterance of the words.

While earlier the words he spoke bore an implication of taking the fight to the Bryn'adul before their roving horde of monstrous creatures found their way to Thyrsus, the duo of Vizier and Diplomat built upon that sentiment, to barter their services to the New Order. In which, he imagined an Eshan rebuilt, and in service to Thyrsus.

"An exceptional idea," Onansi declared. "It should also sate the concerns of the refugees that have been flooding in from that area of the galaxy who have lost faith in the Jedi's protection."



Enlil Enlil | Onansi of Thyrsus Onansi of Thyrsus | Willan Tal Willan Tal | DECEASED Erskine Barran DECEASED Erskine Barran | Caarlyle Rausgeber Caarlyle Rausgeber

The blessing and the curse of this Empire, the polarizing approaches from which each governate decided to perceive this situation. With two Stormtrooper legions primed to be deployed to the front on the Galactic South with facing toward Silver space, he was adueqately satisfied in that regard, being that both wuld accompany a small naval task force. The aim of this was not to fight a war with the Silver Jedi on its own, but to carry out and maintain a quick response action into their space, should the need arise. Such was the mission objective of the Stormtrooper Corps, to be anywhere in the surrounding space in rapid time.

"Territory in exchange for assistance in a conflict which is mutually beneficial to us is certainly a viable aim and a no loss solution. Our newly commissioned units can lead the charge in this scenario, uplifting them to the level of veterancy of those who have been serving in the Third Imperial Civil War." Irveric suggests, an aside more than anything.

"Capturing the SIlver territory along the Hydian Way would greatly influence economic growth, certainly in the surrounding frontier territories which are currently behind Imperial development standards and force the Silver Jedi unto New Imperial taxed routes and as an auxiliary benefit, control smuggling into Sith space, allowing us to better arm insurgent groups or subvert their populace." COMPNOR had begun operations relating to this on Ithor, something that was due to be carried out in force soon enough.

"No doubt then, how might we seek to approach this aim? Should we begin through diplomatic channels...or begin an illegal occupation of our territorial claim?" He asked the rest.





Key Speakers:
Irveric Tavlar Irveric Tavlar Willan Tal Willan Tal Halketh Halketh Enlil Enlil Caarlyle Rausgeber Caarlyle Rausgeber Onansi of Thyrsus Onansi of Thyrsus
Dorin Nalju Dorin Nalju Julius Haskler Julius Haskler


Walking past the courtyard where Coyle's father had pitched the tall medical-tent to save Vostok Grauv's life, Erskine could almost see the holes in the ground where the tent-pegs had been hammered in as his flashbacks returned to throb behind his eyeballs with raging prejudice, almost like the memories within the flashbacks were punishing Barran for having the sheer audacity to repress them. A painfully aggressive series of moments and images scratching away at the front of his skull with the makings of a short-lived migraine, but the Lord-Commander of Blue-Heart Brigade continued on, looking out to the dusty remnants of the aid-station that was built on that fateful day, gazing on with a sadness and curiosity that he knew would be discouraged vehemently by COMPNOR; with both Grauv's and Karelin's files being heavily redacted by their employers, Barran would never be able to learn what became of the men who still inspired the hearts of the men serving with Blue-Heart Brigade.
That battle was truly cursed, man. Took everything to claw it back, let alone survive it!

'If ever we get on COMPNOR's good side, remind me of this courtyard. Faces are missing from the picture, and this was the last place they were ever seen - no names here, never know who could be listening. But still, you know exactly who I'm referring to; the last Blue-Heart to see their faces died on Ziost, remember? Sith killed off all the men who could confirm he ever lived in the first place, but the Third Imperial War may yet have hidden deaths on both sides, so beware of what you say when you're out in public.... We're not PMCs any more, Gowrie. This advice, as you know all too well, is one of those lectures of Shugg's that we daren't forget if we want to see our homeworld again. Understood?'

Two nobles, discussing the advice of a commoner-subordinate on the same planet where the commoner found his hidden inner-savage, and in that moment, they both missed their friend more than they had in months; a gut-wrenching moment that neither Erskine nor Aron were expecting, but the memories of dark days would always have their weird and wild way with the warriors of Galidraan 3, even if Shugg ended up shining brighter than most for his part in the Second Battle of Bastion. 'Never gets easier, does it?', Gowrie eventually encouraged himself enough to ask, though almost wishing he hadn't as soon as the words had been said. The grief was still lashing at the Tuath's soul, and as far as Barran knew, the pain was definitely more intense for the commoner's student than it was for his slow-endeared commander, so the Woad decided it would be best to be considerate with the wording in his answer.

'It does, but you need to make this all mean something if you wish for your heart and soul to mend properly. If we fail, Shugg will have died in vain. No second-guesses, no false-steps, no stupidity - we give his death meaning by surviving, and living to fight another day. Shugg wanted us to return home as triumphant liberators someday, an' ah'm no one for letting dreams die, no if ah can help it. He'd also laugh at us for moping like this, let us not forget this detail either.'

Last edited:

Carlyle felt some buoyancy when his plan was affirmed by Haskler. Good. It seemed he was not the only voice of sanity aboard the Moff council. How refreshing. However his adoration was cut short by the crude intrusion of the Grand Vizier. First by refusing a defensive presence, one made in good faith. And then of course to double back and try and imply something untoward about the conduct of Prefsbelt IV. As if he didn't pay his employees? What did he look like? A Hutt? Some sort of skeeving pirate or callous bureaucrat? Carlyle did not allow crude emotion to betray his mood or the festering dark thoughts.

While I appreciate both of your affirmation of such a proposal," He gave a small, polite nod to both, "I don't believe an inquiry into the conditions on Prefsbelt IV and adjacent facilities beneath my purview is necessary." Rausgeber's expression and voice gave away nothing. "Need I remind you, that while Ketaris flounders under economic... Wastage." A small smile crept on his lips, "Prefsbelt IV exceeds its economic and manufacturing goals quarter after quarter. While making, may I remind you, about three percent of this Empire's industry, provides sixteen percent of its weapons production." Rausgeber paused, "So if anything, perhaps I should be the one to advise as to workplace relations Grand Vizier. Not the other way around."

Carlyle's attentions turned to the proposals tabled. He gauged a reaction from the Sovereign Imperator and paused. He would need to choose his words lightly. "
Diplomacy in the long run does nothing for us." The Admiral Regent proclaimed to the audience of the chamber, "Why would the Silver Jedi cede territory to us? Let alone their last and only major economic lifeline, besides from that of taxation?" Carlyle paused, giving a raised eyebrow to Enlil, "If we were to approach the Concord with our territorial requests, we do nothing but betray our intentions to an adversary who will never give it up." His gaze now rest upon the Sovereign Imperator. It was time for the pitch.

"Milord, you give me two weeks of strategic planning and reconnaissance in conjunction with COMPNOR, I assure you, we can have an in depth battleplan drafted to occupy the targeted sectors." Carlyle announced to the chamber, "
Another week, and I will have forces prepared and mobilised, before we jump. Once we have taken these hyperspace lanes, we bypass the need for territorial consultations." Carlyle mused to the group, "We will starve out their local garrisons by attrition, or they will surrender once they realise our superiority in orbit." Rausgeber continued, "Our only concern would be the initial pushback by their navy. But beyond that, they are weak." Carlyle hideously grinned to the assembly.

"With their economy shattered. And incapable of drawing forces from their overstretched frontline, we should be in a comfortable position. COMPNOR can begin reeducation. Dissidents removed to Prefsbelt, and our Grand Vizier can both have his coin, and his treaties." He then paused, and gave a smirk to Enlil, raising a finger, "It will be then, and only then, your Majesty should we negotiate further concessions. When they are on their back, and it is shattered beneath the heel of our boot."

"Trust in the strength of our forces my liege, and we will deliver."


// Marcad Marcad \\

Months had passed since she had been dragged into the belly of that strange ship on Nyriaan and she was no more eager about working beneath the Iron Sun now than she was then. Her capture had been unplanned, but all the same, she had been plunged through the teeth of the system quickly and spat back out on the other side beneath the hawkish gaze of the Man of Iron. He was as cold as the mirialan was. It didn't seem like anyone she had encountered thus far was even remotely welcoming, let alone human. What made them so different from the Sith? She didn't understand, nor did she care to waste the effort in thinking about it too hard.

In the dark about what it was they were doing here by his orchestration- as per usual- the lethan sat by the window of the dropship, resting her chin upon her hands, gazing beyond the cold glass to the sun setting on the rim of the world beneath. He spoke at her, rather than to her, as he was wont to do, and she tuned him out as she tended to do. He treated her as if she were a child most days, talking down and phrasing things as though she had no world experience when in actuality, she had been a mercenary of semi-renown before all of this started.

"We're here to purge and vanquish, there will be no survivors," he spoke with instructions to his apprentice, a Twi'lek he captured not too long ago. "Hesitate and you will die, these individuals are not as merciful as I am. Understand? Do whatever helps you, I'll be here though I will not carry all your burdens."

"You act like I haven't hunted down targets before," She stated, nostrils flaring in annoyance, "it won't be my first time in the crosshairs." The apprentice stood up, shoving herself closer to him and parting her lips to speak further, flexing out a finger to jam in his face, but she paused, curling that hand into a fist instead and allowing it to fall right back to her side. He was trying to rile her up, wasn't he? And she was playing right into his hands with allowing him to get to her. "Whatever, you say Master." she moved by, carrying the dancing aura of anger with her, and pulled her cloak off the hook by the bay door to swing up onto her shoulders. "Are you going to give me my sabers this time, or do I have to beat the brains out of things with my fists again?"

A glimpse over her shoulder fixed her gaze on him once more and her expression fell neutral. "Better yet, just give me my blasters."

The cords of her jaw flexed taut beneath her burgundy hide.



Saaveina Saaveina Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze
Ignorant to the fact that he was the butt of the joke to the jesting of the pair, he made no effort to retain a thing they said. Moving low across the dunes, his mind was focused solely on the mission. Gaze flickering back and forth across the line of structures in the hopes of catching sight of any movement. The instant they were seen, the alarms would go up, and the pretense for stealth would be gone. It'd need to be a rush to scour the entire settlement for Moxla before he managed to get away. The idea of him not being there was possible.

But they were forced to operate on the basis that he was.

And so he would.

"Don't give him any ideas," the Knight said drily. "Silence from here on out," he directed a moment later.

The trio closed in on the cluster of buildings, in the dark, from their vantage points, the Mandalorians would have advantage. Dagon's words confirmed as much.

Hold. The thought pushed from his mind to the both of theirs.

His eyelids shut, and for that singular moment he looked. And when he was content with observing nothing through the Force, he rose from behind the crouching duo. Push to the offices, his hand tightened around the hilt of his saber. And in that moment he rose up from behind the pair, and accelerated across the sands without warning. By the time the Force departed from his limbs, he was already pressing his back to the wall of the building running parallel to the offices.

Dagon, get to a vantage point. I want line of sight on a path to the mine.

From his angle of approach the roof had seemed clear. And the man was acrobatic. Good reflexes, flexible. Typically perfect for the sort of thing that required climbing up to rooftops. He may have not locked the man, er, Jedi that much anymore, but he was of the mind it was best to not handicap the mission.

To Saav, he nodded towards the first floor window. It was dark on the inside, but the lack of movement suggested it was free of hostiles.



V E N O M _ S N A K E

To no surprise the town was built for residential and military purposes, seeing that whatever Mandalorian installation supports multipurposed roles to live in while maintaining infrastructure meant for warfare. Given that the Mandalorians often were a nomadic people, they had the capabilities to raise settlements for as much time as they occupied it. A small pack like this had the potential to cause destruction twice its size. Maybe even more. Some have said that one Mandalorian is worth ten soldiers whether it be Imperial or otherwise.

A myth at best.

Everything he did had to be done under the most discretion possible which meant limited use of his blasters, as if that would be enough to render these warriors under the thickness of their armored plates. Whether it was beskar or some other metal inferior to that specific metal, Mandalorian armor was priceless to the warrior with its value being notorious on the black market. Legendary for enduring the likes of Sith and Jedi; however, everything had a weakness and so did their armor.

The black coat of paint on his armor did well to hide optically from the Mandalorians and the features of his armor did their best to veil Djorn from sensors.


One of many guard towers around the perimeter of the town, observing the terrain like a hawk for any signs of hostile intrusion. Nearing the tower and carefully climbed the ladders to find a Mandalorian unsuspected of him. Thinking he was safe and beyond harm from where he stood. The silent thrust of Djorn's knife went through the nape of the warrior's neck, his body struggling and acting out as the last thing to do before death. A clean kill with the body left, though anyone that changed shifts with them would alert the entire clan of Mandalorians. Everything had to be done silently and quickly. Sabotage the settlement before the rest of the Vipers finished the job.

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