Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Bad News, Quite Sad, Partial LOA

Note: This LOA counts for all of my active characters, which include: Ven'Rain Sekairo, Lady Medax, Ire'Rain Sekairo, Svarin Noimare, Vivienne Zambrano, and Azrael Asura. Characters that I was going to try to get active again will (obviously) be put on hold as well.

Tags for those that are writing with me/should see this: [member="Darth Ferus"], [member="Corvus Raaf"], [member="Orphen"], [member="Reverance"], [member="Razor Shot"], [member="Anja Aj'Rou"], [member="Enoch Zambrano"], [member="Darth Vornskr"], I guess [member="Vrag"], and probably other people who I still love but just can't think of at the moment.

To the actual news:
Usually when someone makes an LOA announcement about someone dying, it's a family member or a close friend. People tend to understand those. They offer their prayers, they send their condolences, and they say 'take your time'. I don't know if everyone will understand this LOA though. Yeah, one of my family members is dying, but they're not one of the human ones, so...

My dog is sick. We're talking 'sick to the point that all we can do is make sure that she's comfortable when it happens' sick. She wasn't feeling to great the past few days, and this morning it got worse. Dad took her to the vet around 11 AM. I didn't hear anything more about it until it was time for them to come home. "The rest of the family is coming home," my brother told me. That was probably the first sign that things were serious. Mom had gone to work, so for her to come home, well, it meant that things weren't good.

Turns out what we thought was our dog's 'love handle' was actually a swollen spleen. Her spleen is, roughly, four or five times the size it should be. To top that she's been having off and on internal bleeding for awhile now. None of us had any idea. If we had taken her to the vet for her shots like we should have... they might have found it earlier. But vet trips are expensive, according to my father, and she's already old. Nearly 13 in human years. Just a bit younger than me, really.

Apparently it's cancer.

For those that don't know, cancer practically runs in my family. Yeah, that doesn't mean much in this case, seeing as she's not blood related (or even the same species as us). But it's... it's the thought/feeling, I guess, that hurts. I've already lost two family members to cancer, and I've watched four more battle with it. In other words: If Cancer was a human, I'd be trying to kill them instead of posting this.

The main reason that this makes me so sad, however, is not because of what's killing her. It's just, understandably, that she's dying. We've had her since she was a puppy. Almost 13 years now. I grew up alongside her. She's been part of the family for as long as I can remember. I still remember a bit from when we got her (I was 3ish, so I don't remember that much). In fact, some of my earliest memories are about her.

We drove out into what felt like the middle of nowhere to get it. There were lots of trees, and I think the breeder lady had a ponytail. Probably not. Little Miss Chocolate was being bullied by the other puppies. Probably because she had the cutest little pink nose (unlike the rest of the brown/black dogs). So we adopted her. And she came home with us, and we made her part of the family.

Sometimes the cats acted like 'her parents', even though they're about the same age. They always got along though. Well, almost always. The kitties like to bug her sometimes. They mean well, of course, but she doesn't really like it. Not that she really ever let them know. At most she'd just make a little 'huff' noise or growl. But she almost never growled at them. When they got older we said that they were siblings.

I still remember playing with her. We had this old playset in the backyard that had a slide. She liked to go down it, though eventually we had to stop letting her do it, because she got old and her bones didn't agree with the movement. Instead we just let her chase a ball down the hallway a couple times a day. Usually she just wanted to nap though. Of course, whenever grandpa came over, she'd start acting like a puppy again.

Grandpa was her favorite.

I wasn't her favorite. Not that she didn't like me, it's just that I'm not good at petting dogs. So I didn't pet her much, though I did try to hug her a lot, which she didn't exactly appreciate. Dad and my brother took care of feeding her, so she didn't have much to thank me for. One time I tried taking her on a walk. She's not small, though, and back then I was small. Obviously it didn't go well.

But she likes me well enough, I guess. Regardless of her feelings about me, whether good or bad, I know that I definitely love her. Because I know that they say that dogs are man's best friend, but even if they don't say it, dogs are women's best friends too.

TL;DR: My dog is dying.
How this will affect me: I'm going to be posting (slowly) in the Invasions. Once those are over, I'll be leaving for a bit. Somewhere between a few days and a week. It's less that I have more things to do now, and more that I'm just gonna be sad. Gonna drink a lot of apple juice* and probably cry.
*Apple juice is my equivalent of alcohol. Yes, that doesn't seem like it makes sense. Yes, there is a legit reason for this comparison. No, I won't tell you. Probably.
[member="Darth Vornskr"]
I already bought some apple juice. It's not much, only half a gallon, but, well, I only bought it a few hours ago and it's almost gone.
[member="Ven'Rain Sekairo"] So sorry to hear this - pets are more than just pets; they're family.

Best wishes to you and your family to get through this, and to your doggy also to be at peace soon in this difficult time.

Nima Tann

Master of Her Own Destiny
[member="Ven'Rain Sekairo"]

I am so sorry to hear that. I have a 4 year old Golden Retriever myself, and she is part of the family, the best part of it. Don't know what I would do if something happened to her.

You have all the hugs from me, sad to let them go. :(

Skylar Ichor

[member="Ven'Rain Sekairo"]

My grandma had a dog named ZsuZsa (shu-sha) and we all loved her, but then she got cancer. Zsuzsa was 15 when she died. I felt the pain you're probably fealing right now, but I never got to say goodbye. Know that your dog is happy that it had such a loving and wonderful home.. Crap I'm crying..
You don't know me. But I so understand. I had my cat Fuzz for 13 years. He was my baby. When he got sick and passed it was awful I lost my best pal that day. And a member of my family.

I'm so sorry for what yours going through. Thoughts and prayers are with you
I come from a family that has always treated pets as additional members, even the ones that my mom thought were creepy and/or weird. So I know losing them is not an easy experience. I am sorry that you have to witness cancer again, I personally have never had a family member with it, so I do not know what that is like; but I can only imagine that it's not an easy thing to go through.

I think I speak for more than just myself here when I say you're always a very kind, thoughtful, and supportive member of this community. Take things easy and remember that we're here when you have the time and will to roleplay again.
[member="Ven'Rain Sekairo"]
Take your time. I have the exact same story. And its in progress as well. My fathers dog that 15 is getting more and more sick. Sadly I remember getting her, petting, feeding, loving her a bit to fluidly. When she passes, I admittedly will most likely bawl like a child.

Hope everything feels a bit better soon enough. If you ever want a random nobody to rant to feel free to pm!

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